Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh Bren! You can make the changes you need to, don't let go of hope! As much as you love veggies I think that you would be able to get back down in weight quickly, just make them a big part of every meal and add a little bit of healthy protein (fish, chicken, even pork). Watch the sodium very carefully, that will help with water retention. Fruit too as a part of each meal, choosing the darker colored ones like blueberries, strawberries, black berries and raspberries. They have a bag of frozen berries with blueberries, blackberries and raspberries in it. You could put some out to thaw and add that to a salad. I like to add it to a smoothie. You can do this! You've done it before and if your set your mind and your shopping list to it you can succeed! I know you can!

    Here's a post from my Pastor from way back in April. I'm putting his FB posts on my computer. He hasn't been able to add to his blog since March so I've been taking the posts from FB and reading over them. This one seemed like a good one for all of us!
    We cannot always determine what happens to us, but as Christians we can choose how we will respond to what happens to us.

    This is because Christians are new creations, bought by Christ's sacrifice, born of God, indwelt by God's Spirit, taught by God's word, led by God's Spirit, conformed to the image of God's Son, partaker of Divine nature, delivered from the works of the flesh and producing the fruit of the Spirit (including self-control).

    Not every conflict we face is a direct attack on us by Satan.
    Sometimes it is because of a general attack of Satan, but we are personally "caught" in the crossfire (such as, victim of war, disease, plague).
    Sometimes "bad things happen to 'good' people" for our good and/or God's glory.
    Sometimes God allows us to face troubles in order to perfect us, or correct us or to protect us.
    Sometimes we are victims of our own decisions.

    We are sometimes caught, "off guard," but God is never surprised or unprepared.
    Not everything that happens to a Christian is good, but God works all things for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

    In His sovereignty God gives man the power of the will, and through His grace God enables man to agree with, and accept the will of God.
    We cannot will reality into existence, but we can will to do God's will, by His power that works within us.
    Php 2:13-15 13 For it is God which works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
    14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
    15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

    Have a very blessed weekend y'all. You are loved and prayed for!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you Kim, for your vote of confidence! I have yet to get into my current produce pile but plan to today. I've added veggies to my meals the past few days, using my vast supply of frozen ones. I'm aiming to do simple meals as that's all I can handle and all that's really needed. I am so very thankful for what I have. I am blessed.

    That post brings to mind my venture home from Alabama, August 2, 1996. I wasn't even 40 miles down the road when I heard a flapping, banging racket from my 1978 Oldsmobile and rebuked the enemy off my car and out of my long trip. A few minutes later, I had a blow out of a back tire. God allowed that...at that time...as if I'd been on the interstate, doing 75....I know what could have happened!

    A man stopped to see if I needed help...I asked if he'd loosen the lug nuts for me as they were too tight, while I dug in my trunk for my spare, under my worldly possessions. He got them loosened and went on his way....after telling me of a place up the road to get another tire.
    I got the tire changed, made my way to the place he mentioned, got two new tires and wishes for good luck in my journey.

    Outside Monroe, LA....I ran into a major storm, sheets of rain, winds strong enough to blow small cars about, couldn't see 20 feet in front of you...18 wheelers pulling off the road...no point in rebuking the enemy there....so determined at the next exit, to find a room for the night....and did, not far in at all.

    Knowing God had me in His care in that wild journey, trusting Him in whatever trials I might face...helped me respond with a calm and quiet spirit...and praise Him each step of the way! HE has not changed in all these years. The trials I face now are different but His love, care, protection and provision remain the same...always!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, with those new tires you were also protected on those rainy streets! Such a comfort to know God always knows what we need when we need it, and sometimes has to take us through rough areas to get us where we need to be. Love your picture and verses! Amen and Amen! We also have to remember that God allows some things to happen so that He can bring about our good and His glory - just like that flat tire. Praise the Lord He was watching over you and you got to be my friend!

    Going to the NP this afternoon. I'll see what she has to say. I have no idea what this appointment will look like. I think that this is going to be my welcome to Medicare visit. Should be interesting. A friend of mine has Lyme's Disease from years ago and was having a lot of pain. The doctor she saw suggested trying to go gluten free and to drink certified mold-free coffee! Eek! I didn't know my coffee had mold in it. I'm allergic to every mold but one and I don't think it's the kind in coffee! LOL! I'm going to look for some of that which might also help with all of these allergy issues I have! Her pain levels have gone way down, less pain than she's had in years!

    Love you, sisters
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you. Absolutely! That was much cause for praise, in His divine protection for my long journey! Oh yes! He crossed our paths in life and I am so blessed.

    Oh my. I had no idea either about mold in coffee....gee oh me...That's great that her pain levels have reduced. Wow! Relief is always great news.
    I Hope you might find help for your allergies too. Hope the appointment went well. I was supposed to do a well care check several years back but didn't go. It was when I was still having regular issues with my feet and walking was such torture....I never rescheduled of course! It was more of a Q&A session....on mental health and current issues. Those "current issues" have rather expanded in the past few years.

    I managed to get trash out and the dishwasher dealt with today and that was about all I could squeeze out of me. I keep thinking I might try to tackle some laundry but my rational side says 6d1m9po4t6lk.jpg

    Well, it's tea and TV time....I put my remaining ice from lunch in the freezer for the rest of my tea tonight. Have a good evening and sweet, refreshing rest tonight. Prayers for us all in this new week. Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Heeheehee. I have several memes that I get a kick out of:
    The third one won't download, but it's one of those little yellow dudes and he says something about having done a push up today - well, actually I just fell down and had to get myself back up - that's counts doesn't it? I love the little old lady one - I feel like that sometimes!

    Y'all have a great day. Love you

    Missy, how is your son doing???
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I love the old lady ones...as I am one....I like the walker ones too, where the baby is passing the old lady/man on theirs....xbyo0b59geir.png
    Cheap entertainment, huh?

    I am sorely disappointed....this cellulitis thing is clinging on like a caterpillar to a weed stalk and making next to no progress. Still has heat, is red, widely spread and while not blistered up at the moment, the itching is intense, skin peels in cycles and when I scratch, it gets irritated and wants to really get crazy again. That 7 days of antibiotic wasn't much help at all. I need to send another note to my PCP....and most likely go see her.

    I am about to be caught out on the bug thing! LOL....We all got a notice of our interior inspection starting Tuesday, the 3rd...the in depth one they used to do annually and bed bugs is mentioned as one of 11 things they will be checking for. I suppose my monthly stressors are gonna keep me on my toes...like it or not?
    Oh well. I've been snagging hundreds daily on scotch tape. The little devils RUN from me! I ordered a UV light thing just this morning that's supposed to kill them....I'll print that info out. My laundry service found one on my bag in June and takes precautions to avoid getting any in their van. I asked if they needed to stop doing my laundry and she said no. They just double bag in plastic and use caution and I'm on a permanent bed bug list.
    All this means I'll need to knuckle down with my 5-10 minute chores and tidy things up. I have my list ready. I did get laundry ready for pick up today and will tend to the essentials. Once I have things orderly, I'll attempt to keep them that way while all this is going on....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh boy! I hope they aren't going to penalize you! Praying that they will be merciful - you are their special Brenda! Going to the doctor for that cellulitis is probably better than having to suffer with it!

    Having some pain today and will, again, have to take it easy. My hands, right hip and back and left knee - yeah! I'm alive! God is good! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you! Prayers are so appreciated. Knowing how I was 17 years bug free in this apartment until new neighbors brought roaches in and now over 1.5 years with the bed bugs...well....it's a bit of a bummer! Yes....mercy is needed and so is relief! God is good and He's aware of it all.

    Prayers for you today as well....for comfort, relief from pain and strength for each new day. Prayers for us all in the days ahead.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Alrighty then....I sent a note to my PCP yesterday and the NP called me today. I have an appointment for Wednesday 9 AM....Hope to get this issue dealt with. Praying for strength to get there with a minimum of stress.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Will be praying for that as well! I will be getting a pneumonia vaccination sometime next week, I just have to get the card out of my purse to see when it is. I still haven't heard about the bone density test or the mammogram yet. I had a bone density test about 15 years or so ago and I had osteopenia which is the very beginning of osteo-arthritis. She said that this test will just show the strength of my bones and how at risk I am of a broken bone if I fall! Falling isn't out of the question, so I make sure I'm facing something soft when there is a possibility I might fall - like when I am putting on my pants. I'm not sure if my right leg will hold me up so I face the bed, or Wade holds onto me!

    Wow, I am sleepy today. I got 7 hours of sleep but am still about to fall on my face! I didn't get as much study in this morning as I like to, just couldn't focus or keep stuff in my head!

    Love y'all very much.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Bren: sorry to hear about the bed bugs - I understand they are hard to get rid of but I was told once it is properly treated you should be ok

    Cellulitus - I have it on both legs - doctor said I got it because of the diabetes. At any rate, other them the skin looking read with some scabs am ok. They get very itcy due to dry skin. Hubby and I cleaned up one small piece 3 days ago that was so terribly itchy - got off all the dry skin - then dribbled lots of water over it to make sure it was clean, wrapped it up for the night - it leaked a lot - so have been dripping the cold water over it to keep it clean and keeping it wraped at night - is starting to form a scab which is good. Am thankful I don't have breakouts but with washing the legs daily with a good cleanser and then pouring water off to make sure no germs are left I have been able to stay clean - doctor is happy with the care I am taking of it.

    Density test - I had one a couple of months ago as it had been a few years. There is a med the doctor wanted me to start taking to help slow down the bone loss but due to my kidneys I can't take it - so am just very careful when moving around so that I don't fall.

    Got the house all vacuumed this morning with the help from my husband. He is now out watching our s on play ball as he is here for a tournement. two days ago all my cermanic pigs (about 250) he helped with taking them out of the china cabinet, washing them down, cleaning the shelves and puttting them back. He dislikes it when I say it is time to do that chore (about very 5 weeks) otherwise they don't look to good. But they sparkle nice when cleaned up.

    Have gone over my food intake to see why I am having trouble with losing. To much bread is one of the main factors. So as of September 1 I am going to eliminate bread from my food intake - the aim is to go all of September without bread as the flour is causing a lot of problem. Also 3 weeks ago my potassium was so high I needed 2 days of special meds to get it back to normal. Was told to avoid all root vegetables. I have always eaten potatoes - so for 2 weeks now I haven't had any - so that should help as well.

    I have looked over the fruit and decided for the month of September I am going to be eating granny smith apples, strawberrie and blueberries - having a cereal bowl every morning of these with an egg for breakfast. For lunch am think it is will be anothe bowl of fruit along with the following vegetables: green pepper (others ok also), celery, cabbage chopped up fine and/ iceburg lettuce and over that I will have either a small amount of chicken of tuna. Dinner will be much like lunch. I have mentioned to my hubby that I might be a bit edge the first 5 - 6 days but then will be ok. My aim is to eat like this for the month of September, getting rid of the flour and sugar intake which will help me sleep better, will allow me to drop some weight - I really need to get up and move more pain or no pain so that will be added to my list for September.

    Scripture that we have started to read every morning when we get up - using it as a prayer to get right with the Lord for the day

    Psalm 139:1-6
    O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you knit altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledg is too wonderfor for me; it is high; I cannot attain it

    Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thought. And see if there by any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    hello Marilyn! Your plan sounds solid for September. Kudos!

    Thanks....being a senior with mobility issues, it's been a real struggle with the bugs. Like Kim said, I too pray for mercy from my manager....and I also pray they have all been content to stay in my domain and not have taken up residence at my neighbors. I wouldn't wish them on anyone else! Getting them from brand new pillow cases highly offended me! I may have to pay for removal service and if so...I am willing, without a fuss tho it will be costly.

    I'm in a 4th cycle with my elbow...at the peeling, itching phase...Makes me want to use a scrubber on it. I use a wash cloth with cold water then when dry, smear some Vaseline on it. I can del with the elbow better than I could my legs, I'm, quite sure. I struggle to care for my legs and feet...which are looking puffy these days.

    I'll have this check in with my PCP's office, my cardiologist in October and plan to see my Endo Doc in November and will be set until next Spring I hope. I did up a list of recent/current issues for my Dr. so I don't forget a worthy mention. That 7 weeks missing my chart work was a bit hairy and I so rarely get depressed that I didn't realize for real...that I was! I'm a lot better now...getting back on track it seems.

    Kim, I think it's been about 6 years since I got my pneumonia shot and a flu shot. I've been so blessed to stay well in that regard and I'm sure being isolated helps. I never got Covid, praise God... and it's been about 8 years since I had the flu. I remember one year when I had a bad case...lost my voice and missed a couple days of work. The most time I ever missed was when I was in the hospital. That was a blessing.

    I got my fridge sorted again yesterday, finally cleaned my counter tops and laid new lining. The last I put on, tho I loved the pattern, it tended to curl up...this new liner stays flat and has a gripping type thing going on. Now to deal with the cluttery things I moved off each counter!37g1z3fzirag.jpg26sw754lls74.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What a neat kitchen! Looks good! I hope and pray I never get cellulitis. It seems like something from diabetes so right now I should be safe. I love those two verses, Marilyn. I once had that entire Psalm memorized, but I often think about and pray those verses. I love the verse that talks about Jesus enclosing me behind and before - surrounding my life with His presence - taking away the past and going before me into the future! If I look back, He is there, and when I move forward, He is there! What a huge blessing!

    I got my new thumb brace. I like it, it's not as hot as the one I already have. Sometimes both hands hurt and I need two. I have a glove on my left hand right now and the brace moved from my left onto my right this morning. I just get so hot when I have them on. This overheating is more than likely from my headache meds (as well as the urinary hesitance and the constipation). Ugh, but I like not having headaches every day, so praise the Lord He is with me in this. I hope that eventually these things will right themselves.

    Marilyn, your plan sounds good. The bowl of fruit would fill me up! I have been eating fresh cherries the last few day - oh yummers.

    Love y'all. Have a blessed Lord's Day.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks! No pic of all my clutter in the sink and on the stove! LOL....
    I will put things away tomorrow. I did a wee bit of vacuuming today, got the trash out, dealt with the dishwasher...cooked the rest of my chicken livers , some potato, onion and yellow squash for lunch...had a nice nap. Long gone are the days of cleaning and shopping sprees....it's now done in bits and pieces and shopping online. But....it gets done if I stay plugged in.

    I'm hoping my inspection gets done on Tuesday. She's starting at 9 AM on 101...and I'm 107 so she should get me on Tuesday. She said in the notice it could take all month to cover the whole complex but she has a method for it. I know there will be bug treatment ahead and I'm not looking forward to that at all....guess I can google what that entails?

    Oh I pray so as well, Kim. Yes, diabetes is a complication....and it takes just a small break in the skin or irritation to blow up and spread like my poor elbow and the back patch. That's pretty much healed but does get scaly and super dry at times. the elbow is slowly healing, praise God but this was a wild ride! Remember Missy's hubby being in the hospital with his case recently. That terrifies me! I'm like my Mama....don't want to go back to the hospital for any reason....just pray I can avoid it! I'm so thankful the angina thing hasn't occurred again since that really bad night several weeks back. That was scary!

    Have a good evening all...be blessed and I pray we all rest well and wake up refreshed and energized for our new day ahead. Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Praying it keeps healing.

    Started to feel poorly over the weekend so I need to see my NP or one of the doctors at the Dr's office before I can get my pneumonia vaccination. I hope it's not pneumonia again! Jesus knows and He has a purpose - my job is to glorify and honor Him in the midst of it! I'd appreciate your prayers.

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you, dear friend! Prayers for you in your current need. May God comfort, heal, strengthen and restore you in the days ahead. Rest as much as you can and be gentle with yourself...Love you!4qfg5fhbfoah.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I talked to the Dr's office this morning and see the doctor at 2 this afternoon. It's the doctor I talked to on the phone so she'll have a head's up on what's wrong. Hopefully it's just allergies on overdrive. If I'm still and don't talk I don't have to take those deep breaths! Yes, impossible, I know! Well, resting isn't a problem, but talking... I pray out loud and I respond to TV shows out loud and when I do something good in a game I respond out loud, and if Wade is with me watching something I make comments all the time. We like to sit on the back porch and chat too. Oh my, that made me think about our black snake. Wade has seen him every day for about two weeks now. He stays close to this stump in the backyard so he thinks he/she has a hole in there. It's kind of cute - sometimes we can't see him in the grass but then this little black head pops up, looks around and then disappears again and later pops up somewhere else - so funny. It hasn't seemed to bother the chickens which are his neighbors - glad for that! Just eat those little nasties that live underground or run around in the woods! I wonder if they eat fire ants!!!

    Hope y'all have a beautiful day. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Prayers for you as you have your appointment today. Hope it's allergies and you get some quick help...
    Me too, on the talking out loud and I'm here by myself! Speech is just necessary sometimes! I talk to myself, God and the TV....a lot, when I am up and about.

    Ewwww....snakes of any kind are not welcome in my space. Neither are spiders. I mentioned the poor little grass snake I seriously abused that had the audacity to slither across my bedroom floor. He was a baby too.

    I am hoping Mary gets to my apartment today...as I will be out for my appointment in the morning. It means I have to stay awake and alert and get no nap until it's done. That's hard on me! LOL..

    I managed in my short bursts of energy, to get things tidy this morning. Now to keep things tidy until after my inspection is done and bed bug treatment commences. I'm not looking forward to that but it will have to be done. I just pray they have all stayed here with me and not gone to any of my neighbors.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Had my appointment with the NP and she called my Dr. in to consult. Wanted to drop me in the hospital for a couple of days on IV antibiotic....but I whined around and she let me have my way...BUT...I had to do lab work (done) and I see the NP again Friday at 10 for a check to see it it's improving. Goa another 7 days of antibiotic to play with. Then Friday the 9th, I have to go see my PCP for update. She wants me to get an MRI/CT scan done to see if the infection is just in the tissue or reached my bone.

    My BP was horrid! 213/90....yikes!