Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 81 Member
    Kim, Actually I keep her and get up every hour to 2hrs *sometimes...but mostly every hour. My daughter had some health complications, so I have been the one taking care of sweet baby. I don't mind it at all. It is a little hard on me, I must admit....but I keep on going...push through the pain lol. I did come home last night..I needed to catch up on rest and clean up my home lol.
    I went with my daughter to take my grandbaby to see my mom and sister *this is my daughters doing LOL...I seriously didn't want to go because of how they treat me...and sure enough my mother was so very rude to me..and my sister didn't even speak to me...though she would make smarty pants comments when I would be talking bout something ...ugh.
    I have no idea why my daughter wanted to go...because when she invited them to her home they both declined.
    I wanted to get a pic of my mom holding the baby, and she said if u take a pic I will NOT hold her...and then went on to scream at me....
    but then my sister got there and she took all kinds of pics for her. & I got one too lol
    I don't care if I am in my 50's favoritism still hurts....they can call me childish i dont care....they are just hateful, and hurtful people!!!
    praying for ya'll hope all is well

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Missy, it doesn't matter if you are 70 and your Mama 93....one expects and deserves better from a parent. There is something wrong with her heart and spirit to be so truly hateful towards you...Of course you know all that....you live with it....and shouldn't have to. The wounds will never heal with continued poking, prodding and tearing. My heart hurts for you....and like the time my Mama hurt me and I cried all the way home (45 miles)...God showed me that HE loved me more than 7 earthly Mamas. (Even more!)...and He loves you beyond comprehension as well! You are a blessing to your daughter and granddaughter and that is a gift of love.

    I am so thankful the pain of my elbow cellulitis eased up last night and I got some good rest. I should hear from my PCP Monday or so...it would be great if she just gave me a scrip for the antibiotics but it's been awhile since I saw her last so I don't "expect" it. It's not as hot this morning but looks pretty awful. My heart goes out to those who suffer so much more than I have to date with this issue...like Missy's hubby. It's rough....for sure.

    I rejoiced to see the parking lot has been repaired when I took the first load of trash out at 4:00 AM. They still have it closed off at the drive, perhaps until the concrete sets properly...but I can get back to my space so I am very happy. I still have one more load to take out but it's just the boxes from my Wal-Mart order and the old bath mat that was actually new before repairs were done and it was wrecked. Oh well...this makes about 7 new mats in the almost 23 years I've been in this apartment. I always feel better when that big chore is done! The other biggie was done yesterday afternoon...unloading/reloading the dishwasher. Today, I need to spend some time in the kitchen, restoring things to order....so I can cook again.

    Wishing you all a blessed weekend and praying for comfort, healing, and sweet rest as needed. May God hold us close and strengthen us. Love you!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Heeheehee! Me too! We don't have clutter, well, except beside my chair and my bed, but we do have dust! Right now my back won't let me do that kind of chore because of having to bend to reach places - wah! I like those dusting wand things, but they just don't pick up as good as the little Swiffer pads do.

    Wade's birthday is today, he's as old as me until the 31st! We made him a pineapple upside down cake (which grew about 1.5 inches above the pan - eek) The melted brown sugar slipped over the edge of the pan and caused quite a bit of smoke though. It tasted good! We'll have pizza this afternoon.

    Not much going on with me. Battening down the hatches for the storm that is going to come through on Wednesday. Doesn't look like it will be super bad, so we are staying put, just making sure there isn't anything outside that can blow away.

    Oh, it's so awesome. We have a young deer that is sleeping among the trees in our side yard and our neighbor's yard. Each night for the past week he's been out there. We also see him wandering in our yard and the other neighbor's yard during the day. I don't know for sure if it's a he, we can't get that close, but I call him My Boy.

    Love y'all. Have a great weekend. Prayers being said, Bren!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Happy Birthday to Mr. Wade! The cake and pizza both sound great. Yours is next! I joke about having rib eyes on lay away for my Birthday....in December!

    I spied a pack of ground pork in the fridge that I considered making meatloaf with but think I'll pop it in the freezer for now....I'm just not up to par with cooking at the moment. I have things I can microwave or do a quick mix up with like last night's tuna and boiled eggs with an avocado and crackers. I have a lot of tuna packets in there. I did cook for breakfast...sausage, egg and potato tacos on LC tortillas. That was enough for today.

    Oh...that's sweet! A deer in the yard! They are so lovely. Does he have an eye on your garden?

    Thanks for prayers, my friend! Always welcome, needed and appreciated! God hears them and answers!
    I'm off to have a tea and watch a bit of TV...none of that nasty Olympics stuff. This year's is a great waste of money and air time and really disgusting at the flagrant, sinful natures being given top billing. The enemy is making a stand at every opportunity but his days are numbered.

    Enjoy your day!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm with you on the Olympics. I don't even like to see the pictures that pop-up on YouTube or on the News - ick!

    Back to no treats until the weekend and trying to eat less calories. Lately, with my being overheated, I haven't wanted to even eat anything hot. Wade grilled some chicken so I've been having that cold with some applesauce. A fried egg sandwich with cheese sounded good, but not all of that bread. I'm having chicken and cantaloupe for lunch, which is now!

    Ha! The little guy is disappointed if that was his plan - our garden is fenced! We've had a black snake a couple of days. I keep encouraging it to go for the mice that may be roaming about out there, but I think he has his eye on chicken eggs! I have heard the chickens raising a ruckus though, so maybe he is finding other things to fill his tummy! I'm okay with snakes as long as they aren't poisonous. Wade found that miniature Carolina Cobra thingy in the front yard. We got him into a container and called Animal Control because they are rare, but they didn't respond so he went wherever poisonous snakes go when they expire!

    Love y'all.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good morning, my beautiful lovelies! I hope you are doing alright. We are awaiting Debby and praying that we don't flood out. We have flood insurance - praise the Lord for that, so if the water gets that high we can fix it, but our prayer is that we stay nice and dry! Our neighbor's yards will flood, they do on far less rain, but praying they also do not suffer in their homes. Their houses are built up higher than ours, but their land is lower. God knows exactly what is going to happen and we will watch over us! I'd appreciate your prayers. Lord willing we won't lose power and I'll be able to let you know how things are going! Love you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Prayers for all of you in the path of this storm and all that come after it. Prayers for protection, provision, and peace in the midst of it all. There are so any who can't escape the dangers...due to health or means. Prayers for all of them...and for those who come in and offer help and services after the storms. Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    My heart goes out to those who are in the areas that receive the greater impact. We aren't going to get as many inches as they first predicted - praise the Lord! We are having heavy rains off and on but no winds yet. It looks like it is going to go inland and we, on the coast of NC, will get the outer bands which we are seeing now. The problem is, it's a slow mover and the rain will go on for a couple of days! I so appreciate your prayers. When our water goes up, the road floods and there's no way out! No fear, just trust!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Absolutely! Pray and trust Jesus in any storm...We're expecting a bit of rain but we're not close to anything major...being in the middle of the state.

    I had a bit of a "storm" last night...the worst angina spell so far and it was quite scary. I prayed...and trusted....as I don't want to go home just yet! I need to be ready....but want to tend to some things before then! It eased off at last and I was able to get to sleep tho my night was spotty and was a series of short naps...not a good rest.

    My elbow looks a good bit better and I praise God for that as well! He is so merciful! I've been cleaning it with an antiseptic cleanser 2-3 times a day and using either Vaseline or my antibiotic ointment on it. It had spread really wide...and blistered up badly but is healing. I haven't heard from my PCP yet which is fine. She most likely would make me come in and all I need is the antibiotic she gave me last time.

    I got my fridge sorted/cleaned again this morning and the dishwasher dealt with...and one load of trash to the car. I had a salad with tuna for breakfast. LOL...I have new produce in my order so need to use what I have first.

    I'm going to lay down and read a bit while I wait for my delivery...and once I get it tucked away...I will get a nice, longer nap...much needed.
    Be blessed, Sister....same for Marilyn and Missy....who have stormy things going on in their areas as well...Love you all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Well, I tried to post before, but we had a 2 second power outage which takes out my internet and I couldn't get it to download. You know me, I'll never remember what I had on there! LOL!

    Bren, I hate that you had that angina attack. I know you hate to, but you might have to call for help if it happens again! Or at least call your doctor and let him know it's happening! Jesus has known from before your mama even knew you existed the day and the how of when you will go into eternity - but we still have to take care of ourselves because you can advance the day by doing something stupid (like walking into an oncoming bus) - oh, He knows that will happen, but it's not what He originally had planned! He had a time for Hezekiah to die, but Hezekiah prayed sincerely and God extended his life 15 years. Hezekiah had to make that choice - yes, God knew what he would choose, but he still had to choose. God may foreknow, but He doesn't predestine it to happen! What He did predestine was that we are to walk in holiness before Him, walk as Jesus walked when we come to now Jesus. In this crazy world we live in it's hard to find biblical truth anymore! Anyway, I need you to take care of yourself.

    We didn't get the BAD weather that they had predicted, Debby went farther inland. We've had some wind and rain, and it looks like rain for several days, but more on and off for us. The wind is gusty and then calm, back and forth. Praise the Lord, He is so very good! Prayers for those in the storms path.

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you, my friend. I will ....tho I don't wanna....let my Dr. know. I have an appointment for October 8th and if I need to, I will send another message to his nurse. I do not want to go in the hospital for another heart cath etc. so there's that to consider. My BP has been high for a long time now and I haven't got the sodium thing under control but can work on that, the stress levels, my sleep habits/patterns and activity.

    My back has been really bad, the pain extreme... so yesterday, I'd do two smallish tasks when I'd get up from the computer or my recliner and that helped a lot. I'll do the same today. I want to get things as tidy as possible. I feel better when things are orderly. Knowing my 5-7 minute limits still allows for things to get done.

    That's a good report on the storm situation. I remember the time Missy's home flooded....there is so much destruction in such a short time and it comes every year.
    We had some tenants in the Houston area for hurricane Harvey that lost so much. There was one guy who looked so much like my brother. Blair Hainey...He was such a nice fellow. Had moved from Abilene to Houston just the year before. We had lots of folks moving inland and gave free storage for 3 months to those in need.

    I'm going to apply some effort to a recovery plan. 1500 calories, 45 minutes activity and my 5X15X3 moves. I can do those sitting if need be. I'll do my meal plan each day and attempt to stay on track. I know what to do....just need to get up and DO it!

    Love and prayers for us all....dqjk66lvo34n.png

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What a beautiful picture! I'm pulling for you, sister! Your meals haven't sounded bad so I'm not sure where you are having a problem, but for sure get the salty stuff out. Have you ever tried a TENS unit on your back? It works great for me when it's running, blocking the pain. You may need to ask your doctor if you can use something like that. It only affects the muscles and nerve endings in the area where you have placed the pads (never on the spine or head!), so I can't imagine it being a problem. You could just wear it when you want to get something done. They have them fairly inexpensive lately too. I'm just not sure you could see the tiny buttons! The one I have I pretty much know what the buttons do and don't need to look at them, but learning or re-learning I did. Mine is https://amazon.com/gp/product/B071YTVGYB, but there are cheaper ones that are good - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZ19MS3 I've had both of these.

    I'm glad you said something about doing some exercising. I keep my 1lb weights at my desk and while I'm reading stuff I do some arm exercises - triceps, biceps, and shoulders. I can't hold any heavier a weight because it hurts my hands. Thanks!

    Don't push yourself in getting things done or working out, build up your strength. Love you, sister/friend!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Morning ladies - have been reading your posts but have not been able to respond.

    Anyway I am doing well. Vertigo is now a thing of the past which I am so grateful for. My last blood work done on July30 showed my kidney function at 10 (glad to be in the 2 digit number) but that changes with every blood test. Test also showed my potassium level was far to high so had to have some special meds for 2 days - tasted gritty but got it down. Now today I need to get blood test redone to makes sure the postassium levels are back to normal. They were at a level that would cause a magor heart attack. So this past week have not had any potatoes or root vegetables or oranges or bananas which are a few the foods that contain lots of potassium.

    Bren you mentioned 1500 recovery plan. I know you are of short statue like I am and not as active as others (so much like me) Have you considered looking at 1200 plan - just a thought as that is what I use as a guide line. I also have a plan that is fairly easy to follow. Consists of no sugar, no flour and now no no salt. Meal are broken down as follows

    Breakfast: I protein, 1 fruit, 1 carb
    Lunch: 1 protein, 1 fruit, vegetables
    Dinner 1 portein, and vegetables

    So what I do when I am following it daily is I write down the above and beside it write in what I will eat.
    It also says to make sure you get in your water = trying for 8 glasses

    I understand you ladies have not been watching the Olympics. I was so discouraged with their opening ceremony but must say I have watched some of the events. They have worked so hard on their sport - I really enjoyed the swimming and the gymnastics and the running events. But glad it is just about over

    I have been struggling with 5 pounds - lose it and then regain it. Kidney doctor said I need to get that under control as it is affecting my kidneys. So I am going to be working on the program I mentioned above as I know I can lose 5 pounds a month doing it and also keep it off. But one thing I have done is looked over my weight charts for the last 7 - 8 years. In 7 years I have lost 54 pounds and in 8 year it totals 76 pounds so am making progress but still have so much more to lose - so need to start doing it and not falling to temptation by eating something that my body should now not have. I believe I can do it and I am sure you can do.

    Be blessed ladies - put Christ first in your life each day and things will go well for you as Scripture tells us.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Amen, Marilyn! Wow, you have accomplished a lot! As we get older it gets harder because our metabolisms have slowed, but you have consistently moved downward! Awesome! I am still floating between the same to pounds - but for me not to gain while having lipedema is actually a win. It is constantly adding to that fat layer. I eat less fat, especially saturated fat to not give it much to add! I think that the lipedema weight is about 40-50 lbs, so that meals there is at least another 40-50 lbs I can lose - just have to figure out how to make that happen. When I was on a diet back in my 40's, I did the 1200 cals a day, worked out for 45 minutes five days a week, and took Bios-life (from my nutritionist at that time). It took me a year to lose 20 lbs. She was flummoxed. I should have been losing weight like crazy, but my body doesn't like it so it hangs on to it! I did get down to 205 about 8 years ago, but within two weeks put back 20 of those pounds and have been steadily gaining since then up to this 240 where I am hovering. Sometimes I eat what I want to, but I just don't want to get any higher. If I want to lose weight I have to eat no more than 1000 cals a day, and that just isn't healthy. I can't work out enough to lose that may calories! I am so happy for your success!

    Love y'all. And I agree. Keep our eyes and our faith on Jesus!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I thought that was a lovely picture as well...Thank you!
    Nope...no TENS unit.....I'm a weenie and I know I'd struggle with seeing any tiny buttons! My Dr. thinks I have a pinched nerve now, causing the arm and legs numbness. I normally need two recovery days after a day of increased activity. Bummer! The increased pain has been a real bully.

    I got a call from the pharmacy and she had called in a scrip for the antibiotic. Hooya! Looking back on my caller ID I see where they had called but not hearing....I didn't know....until now. There's a message I'm sure. This round of cellulitis has healed a lot so I will save the antibiotics for the next strike.

    Marilyn, That's great that the vertigo has resolved itself. I pray you stay stable. I know from my horrendous years with Meniere's how debilitating that is and I am so very thankful it's a rare occurrence for me now. My fall last year had me dizzy for 3 months and that was more than enough...the time prior was with my second heart attack, back in 2017.

    Yes....I have....considered the 1200 calorie limit. It's been a long time since I adhered to it...but 1500 will get me back on track to do so. I have so much in my food stash right now that I need to use....and that's a goal as well. Use what I have and be thankful for God's provision....and move towards healthier choices as I do. I normally skip breakfast, have a heavy lunch and a lighter dinner...but am working on doing 3 meals, no snacks, no sugar...after a run in with ice cream and snack cakes...cut down on processed things, carbs and sodium as I filter thru the loaded kitchen. Perhaps by November....I can start with a clean slate?

    I got up this morning to a clogged toilet! Ack! I didn't turn the light on for my trips last night so didn't know it wasn't flushing properly. I am just so thankful it didn't overflow. That would have been nasty business. I have a new plunger on order and think I'll call maintenance to unclog it for me as I've not has any success as of yet.

    Enjoy your day, take good care of yourselves and may you find much joy in this new day. Love and prayers....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Doing three meals a day will help your metabolism. I eat five small meals. I have my protein drink and Aussie-bite for breakfast around 7 AM, I do lunch around 11, often a tortilla sandwich and my veggie chips or some fresh fruit; dinner is whatever we have on hand, chicken and fruit, or chicken and applesauce - something like that. I then have a bowl of Cheerios Oat Crunch for an evening snack around 6:30 - my tummy will grumble if I don't and then Wade looks at me and tells me to get something to eat! Oh, I also do a small snack in the afternoon, sometimes a bag of veggie chips if I didn't have them for lunch, or more fruit (which is incredibly refreshing when it's so hot out). Occasionally I remember my cranberry juice smoothie! I really need to get back on those. I'm getting ready to do my arm exercises. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I've yet to do 3 meals regularly...it's currently the plan tho. Unless I have breakfast at 6 AM....my normal is lunch at 11:00 and dinner at 6:00-ish. So if I do breakfast, I skip lunch and so on. My napping pattern due to poor night sleep plays a part in all that as well. I am willing to work on it!

    I haven't had another angina issue since the bad one a few nights ago, praise God. I've lost some of the fluid gain....and that's good...now to deal with the high BP and pain thing.

    Yay....my new plunger did the trick with only 2 uses. My old one (23 years old) had no effect) My new toilet is one of the low flow types and is high enough I don't need my riser thing....another blessing. Other than that and putting away my WM order (small...thank God!)...today has been a rest day.

    I'm off to do some dinner...and watch a bit of TV. Have a good evening, Ladies!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, think about getting something into your body every four hours. That's a 7 hour gap and your metabolism is slowing down for at least three of those hours. Save some fruit for a 2:00 or 3:00 snack to give your metabolism a burst! Just a thought!

    Hurting a lot pretty much all over. Last night my knee started hurting. With the brace on it is doing better. I have my TENS unit on for my back and hip. My tummy is hurting too. I need to do more of my Dulcolax chews. I did MiraLax and a couple of those chews about 8 days ago and haven't had any need for more until today! Despite all of this, God is with me and I just need to bring Him glory and honor despite what I am going through. Please keep me in your prayers, you are in mine! Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm napping during some of those hours so I won't fret too much. My FBS was 88 this morning and that was awesome. I've been off track all of June and July...so it's past time to get on track and stay the course.

    I got a most welcome letter from my son. I told him I want a quarterly report and he did good....my response was my report! LOL...I ordered him a couple more books from Amazon. He really likes Sandra Brown and boy howdy, does she have a lot! He can only get 2 at a time....tho they let him have the third one last time. I wasn't going to push the envelope so just got the two for this round.

    I managed to get the dishwasher dealt with and trash out...both are big chores and I'm always so thankful to mark them off my list. I have an order coming from Wal-Mart and as soon as I put things away, I'll go down for a nap. I've been up since 3 AM so I'll be ready for one.

    Be gentle and easy with yourself today....Love you lots!
    You remain in my prayers my friend. Need me to take a couple of naps for you? I can do that.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Restfinder I read where you use Dulox.
    Have you considered restor-a-law = you can take it daily to help keep things moving. My doctor said to do it daily otherwise I would get this better stop the med and then be bunged up again - I just drink it every night before bed and it doesn't have any bad taste - and it isnt harsh.

    Trash - I don't know how we do it but the cans from both bathrooms and then the kitchen can - we empty them daily. We have a large garbage can (2 of them actually) one for garbage and one for recycyling. Hubby puts them into the large can outside and every 2nd day takes them to the bins at the other end of the park. Sometime he walks it (takes him 6 minutes other times he will put the large can into the back of the car and drive it over. Twice he forget he had some in the back of the car and it was a hot day -wont do that again as the car 'stunk' for the longest days.

    Didn't sleep well 2 nights ago - got maybe 2 hours in - but did better last night. We are having some stressing times right now but things are getting better - rather than stressing we are praying more and really turning it all over to the Lord. We are relying on the power of the Holy Spirit -so many believers have been saved but don't 'activate' the Holy Spirit in their life. Just heard a good sermon on this so we are doing more study on it and letting the Holy Spirit lead and control our life.