Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    They changed electric companies a couple years back but even before that my highest bill in my 28 years here was around $115....in the heat of summer with my old H/AC unit.

    Maintenance is putting my new toilet in today and yippee...I get new flooring as well! Makes me feel plumb special. Once they get this done, the only thing left will be painting the new ceiling. I know my rent will go up with all this work but it will be OK....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    OOO, can I touch you??? heehee! I've always known you are special, it just took your complex 20 years or so to figure it out! So happy you are getting some new stuff in the bath. You could just fill up the tub and soak away the day! I can't get down into the tub and would never get back out of it without serious help, so baths are no longer something I can do - I think that you are probably in that camp as well - well, maybe an all day shower with your shower chair!

    Doing alright today. I'm getting ready to eat some lunch - not sure what it will be yet, but probably a tortilla sandwich and my veggie chips. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    LOL! You are so right. If I got down , I'd need to call 911 to get out! I did say I'd need to play in there a lot and enjoy my new amenities! The maintenance fellow told me they are told to take good care of Ms. Bradshaw! That's sweet! He even got my trash out for me yesterday as my car is way down o the lot until our drive is finished and it can come home and I have to drive my trash around to the dumpster. Next month will mark 28 years here! Wow....

    I'm in the process of cleaning the tub. I bleached it for half a day, have sprayed it now with tub and tile cleaner and will do more tomorrow. Squirting is exhausting! I have a new tub mat on order....the current one needs a power wash which is beyond my abilities so a new one is in order. I'll get my rugs down tomorrow too. I'm doing my putter tasks...5 minutes at a time.

    I had a salad for lunch for the first time in too long. That was nice. Dinner....uhm....nachos.

    I'm going down with my Kindle and hope for a good night's rest for us all. Love and prayers...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good going with the five minute tasks. I try to go a little longer than that, but most of the time five to ten minutes is all I can take. My right side has been hurting quite a bit the last few days. I sent a note to the NP but she hasn't responded and I don't know if she will - it was just a "for your information" type note. I just checked my e-mail and didn't see anything from her! I hope that I can get my MRI soon so I know what I am living with. I know where the pain is, I just want to be sure it's arthritis!

    Staying as cool as I can; I hope y'all are as well. We are having our fellowship meal tonight before Bible Study, always love those times! Salad is on our menu for tonight. We all bring our own meals.

    Love you guys (that's the northern in me); love y'all (the southern). :)
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited July 25
    Same here...5-10. When my back caves and legs go numb...I have to quit quickly! Some days are better than others. When I have a good, active day, it often takes two days for recovery. That's OK tho...I can rest as needed....and am so thankful I can!

    I got my new bathtub mat so can finish cleaning the tub and getting that set in and my chair back in there. The new toilet is higher than the old and is a big help so I can retire my 4 inch riser seat for now.

    I do hope you can get the MRI very soon. Knowing what we're dealing with is a good thing...and some things can be eased with care and attention. Hoping this is one of those things.

    I need to tend to the dishwasher...unloading/reloading...and seeing what else I can possibly get out of me.

    I saw this lovely meal on a site and would like it for dinner. WG toast with avocado, cheese and a poached egg....Yummy!go5scmear0nh.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Ewww, green stuff! ;) The cheese and fried egg look good though. When I was in my early teens I got on a fried egg sandwich binge. I don't think I've had one since! But, I do like them. I need to get my chaffle maker out so I can have those instead of wheat tortillas - wonder how peanut butter on an egg and cheese chaffle would be??? Wade likes to put a fried egg on his peanut butter and jelly!

    I just thought, I need to charge up my TENS unit and get that on, it should help with the pain! Thanks!

    We've had lots of rain last night and this morning. I hope the gardens liked it! We have a bunch of tomatoes and canteloupe (given to us by a friend). We don't eat tomatoes but give them away. We'll give away the canteloupes too, but keep a couple for ourselves. There are at least twelve on the vines.

    I hope our Missy and Marilyn are doing alright. Missy is busy with that grandbaby of hers. Keeping y'all in my prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Happy Saturday, everyone! I hope you are doing alright. Have a restful and blessed day. Love you3q7c231161r4.jpg
    This is my favorite lighthouse!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    That's beautiful! Way too high for me to be but then ships wouldn't see my 5 foot high light I suppose.

    Did you see the news about 3 of the Nelons being killed in a plane crash with 4 others. Private plane on way to do a show with the Gaithers. So very sad. There is much sadness going on in this world...yet it's been foretold and is expected.....and God is fully aware of it all.

    I've had 2 more days down...I hope I'm caught up for a bit. The stress of all the plumbing work and having the bathroom redone, the car lot still unusable...I've been tense and unstable.

    I gained weight this last 2 weeks, so need to get my head out of the sand and get to work...like it or not. All last week, I had no scale access but felt more dumpy....and it showed up! If only it came off as quickly as it piles on.

    I need to get an appointment set with my cardiologist for September. Against my will but he insists. Hoping you all have a good night's rest and a blessed Sunday ahead...Love and prayers....
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    PS...Oh yes! Wal-Mart has the Rainier cherries on sale for $2.47 a pound! Hooya....I ordered 2 bags. The only sub was my Fiesta cheese...bo 8 oz. available so I OK's the 16 oz. since I use a lot of it anyway...
    Lunch will be a Bento plate with chicken salad, boiled egg, peppers, broccoli, carrots and Ranch...and some lovely cherries.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    PS 2: This was lunch...quite light and lovely. I had some veggies left so refilled for round two while I was "feeling it"...LOL...We know I am run down by 5 PM and less likely to do well at dinner.z7ld5t2ldnbe.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Wow, that is a beautiful plate!

    When we went to the Outer Banks a few years ago, Wade went up three of the four lighthouses - me, I took pictures from the bottom. Maybe if we stood next to each other with high powered flashlights they would see it!!! Oh, this reminds me of a hymn - LET THE LOWER LIGHTS BE BURNING. This comes from the lights of a jetty in Lake Erie. There are light on both sides of the jetty so that ships don't run into it going into the harbor - we are to be the lower lights that burn for Jesus! We'll be jetty lights!

    We are eating the first cantaloupe out of our garden - oh so good and sweet. It's hard telling when they are dong, but this one was the right color and the stem had started to break. I think that we needed to get to it a day or two earlier because it had a crack in it, and some bugs had eaten through part of the peel, but not into the meat of the fruit! Praise the Lord, so happy! Cold fruit is so refreshing. I'm so happy your cherries were on sale - yeehaw! That's even a better price than the sweet cherries we get at $2.99 a pound!

    I had a bad headache this morning and it lasted awhile. The first one in months - praise the Lord. It's in the background right now! Love y'all.
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 81 Member
    Thought I would drop in to say hello
    I have been busy! I'm enjoying my sweet little girl. She is so tiny. They initially said she weighed 7lb at birth, but was changed to 6lbs and some change...then she lost even more....but last visit she gained to 7.4 pounds... She is pumping her breastmilk.... which is liquid gold to baby!
    There is nothing like growing your own veggies and fruit. I bet that cantaloupe was delicious!
    I know mine were when I grew them...and my watermelon! I have delicious green beans, peppers, zucchini, okra, and tomatoes. I have some beets this year too!
    love and prayers
    talk again soon
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks Kim! You know I love me some veggies. Love that too...Let the LOWER lights be burning! We can do that!

    I do envy those of you with gardens and the lovely things you get from them! I know too, the work involved from the ones I took part in long ago. It's been many years since I had a really good tomato and they were from United grocery store...field tomatoes.

    So good to see you Missy! I know you are a busy girl at your spot and enjoying it all. That's a nice regain of her weight. Sounds like she is flourishing! God be praised! I can "see" your garden goods!...and Kim's cantaloupe!

    I'm still having some angina episodes but they are passing fairly quickly with prayer and rest. I sent a note to my cardiologist to request an appointment...but only because I have 2 weeks of my statin left and did not get the 90 days my script called for and my insurance paid for so can't just say give me more! I have plenty of the metoprolol and clopodogril so know it was a pharmacy error on the atorvastatin. Oops. Otherwise I'd be OK until mid September before I had to slip in to see him.

    Speaking of: have you heard from your NP yet, Kim? I so enjoy using the patient portal for such things rather than calling which is a stressor with my hearing issues....for the past 3 months, I've had rather major stressors that had me flopping about...May...my brother's passing and the great fatigue of the memorial, June, that horrid dental episode and July...the major plumbing upheaval! LOL...However....I am still praising God for my updated bathroom...and am praying they finish the lot so I can park my car back in her home slot. Now with upcoming appointments....perhaps I can do just one stress inducing thing per month to finish the year?tnfd6l4gcte5.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Missy, so glad baby is doing well! Praise the Lord she gained that weight back. Mom's milk is so important to the baby, especially those first days when she gets her immunity from Mom. I bet you are enjoying taking care of a little one again - and you don't have to be the one to get up for the middle of the night feedings! Hmmm, if you are helping at the house, maybe you do - oh my! You have lots of goodies in your garden. When we grew okra the past two years, the four or five plants we had just kept producing over and over. We ended up with a freezer full. It's very good for weight loss and you can't even taste it if you put it in a smoothie. The smoothie is a bit "slippery" though. :D The cantaloupe was sooo sweet! Both of the ones we picked had some bug damage, but it was fine when we cut it away. Just a small part of the fruit was effected on this one. I eat mine sprinkled with salt (a Northern thing?). The watermelons we got last year were small, single person size.

    I've got my arm and leg compression on and am hot! But, it's good for me so I will adjust.

    Bren, it's good you go see him, especially if your are having angina. I know it's hard with your hearing, but it's better than having another heart attack! I didn't hear back from her. I told her what I planned to do to help the problems, so I suspect that she is just going to wait to hear if what I am doing is going to work. She knows I do research into the stuff that I have, so I know some things about it - she once even told me that I had something, the fibromyalgia I believe, and said that I could do the research on it - which I actually prefer because I could never remember everything she would tell me about it! LOL! What I would really like is to find a lymphedema/lipedema specialist, but I would have to go a couple of hours away to find one. And if it's anything like the first time I saw a therapist, I went twice a week for awhile and then once a week, and that's just too far to go. So, I do research! Wearing the compression is important. Some sites say, drink water, others say restrict it - I drink when I'm thirsty! Some say exercise with weights is fine, others say, don't use weights! I use one pound weights, otherwise I don't feel like I am accomplishing much. Walking is good, everyone agrees on that, it keeps the blood pumping and fluids moving, so we will do that in the house. Phew.

    I hope y'all have a great day, stay cool and spend time with Jesus! He's waiting just for you!

    Bren, with
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Here is my update

    We still have wildfires all around us - but we have had a week of cooler weather (in the 80s) but really no rain. They are telling us that this coming week till about Aug 12 we will be back in the high 90's and low 100's = so many people have been evacuated.

    Today I went to my TOPS meeting (miss the last 2 weeks) and discovered I still lost. So I am back down to 233.8 - and have started up a new journal starting today. It includes my weight for each week in Aug and then when you turn the page starts my journal of food and walking. My goal is to lose 3 - 5 pounds by end of August and I know I can do it. I have played around far to long with the lose five gain 4 lose 3 gain 3. So my goal for the rest of this year (5 months) is to lose 33.8 pounds. This makes 6 1/2 pounds a month - I would be happy with 5 pounds a month but in order to this goal of losing 33.8 pounds I need to lose 6.5 pounds each month. Others have done it and I know I can - just need to daily remember that my body needs only healthy food not all the add 'junk' that I have been eating. I know it could become difficult but it is only as difficult as I make it. So my food is changing and am going to start walking on the treadmill each day of August for at least 5 minutes.

    Going to the dentist in a week to have a tooth repaired - have 2 of them to be worked on - then in September will have them do the cleaning. Have a good dentist and now our government has made a dental plan for all seniors so there will be no cost.

    Have a good evening, eat healthy don't let the food that affects your weight negetively enter the house and drink all your water and we will all make good progress

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    That's a good report Marilyn....except for the fires. Such devastation in mere minutes.

    I need to get out and pick up my insulin this morning. They were out for 2 weeks and finally got some in. I have plenty of the Tresiba but am on my last box of Fiasp. I'll park on the street when I get back to make it easier to get to my car...while the lot is out of order. I'll take a load of trash with me....tho that will be quite the hike.

    I played in the shower this morning and that was so very painful. Just getting in and out was a bit torturous......then the tub doesn't drain properly and was half full when I gave it up. Just not comfy at all. So my attempt was only a 1.5 on a scale of 1-5. Oh well...I'd probably do better not using that stool and just doing a quick 5-7 minutes one standing. I'll try that next.

    My weight is ridiculous... I've been way off track the past two weeks and boy howdy did it show up in a hurry...I will work on that too. Be blessed today, Ladies....Love you all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, so good to see you again! Good job on getting the weight back down again. I know that you can accomplish your goals! I don't know that 6.5 lbs a month is a safe weight loss though. You would have to get rid of 19,500 calories each month to be able to lose that. Now, you can do that in exercise and in taking away food. I'd try to work it out and see what it will take for you to reach that goal. I do admire your tenacity and hope that you can accomplish this.

    Bren, Phew girl, lots to get done! I struggled just doing my half of changing the sheets on my bed this morning. My back got a weird pain in it, it wasn't bad, it just felt like I wanted to pass out. It doesn't like being half bent over! All the way is okay, just not half! LOL! I hate for Wade to do stuff like this, it should be my job - but when you can't do it, you can't do it! And he is so awesome and patient and kind with me. God gave me a good guy! Great prayer!

    I ordered a supplement to help my adrenal gland which is where Cortisol is made, which is the hormone that regulates your sleep. Mine is going backwards again (tired during the day, awake at night). Some of the supplements I've tried for some of these things hasn't worked so we move on. The Dulse for helping my Thyroid which I hoped would help my overheating hasn't worked - no more of that. I won't know if the GlucoScript works until I have a blood test and see where my glucose is. They used to say that 120 was the line for pre-diabetes, but now if it's 100 you are out of the normal range. Mine was in the mid-90's last time. Normally it's in the 80's. I want to nip that in the bud!

    I hope y'all have a good day. Rest, Bren, you've done a lot! Love you gals
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh I hear you! Being unable to do what used to come so easy. My Inner Maid took a hike 10 years ago....tho until I retired, I was still pushing thru and making do most days. These days, my efforts don't match my plans in the least.

    Today has been a hide in bed day for sure. I was in so much pain! I am thankful that I can lay down with ease and am relieved until I have to get up for some reason.

    I have an appointment with my cardiologist's NP for October 8. It will be cooler then. I do need to get appointments for my PCP and Endo guy as well. I haven't seen anyone since October of last year. I'm OK with that...but it's not being on top of things with my self care, I suppose?

    I will be out of my statin in 13 days so hoping that doesn't have any adverse effects. Many don't take them so I should be OK. I should be able to get refills in September, what with having my appointment in the books for October. I need to get lab work done but normally do that before I see the endo guy...so perhaps he can get on the roster next?

    I'm going to have some tea, watch some TV and do something simple for dinner. Have a good evening at your spots. Love and prayers for us all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Is your statin for your heart? I take mine to lower my cholesterol, which does affect the heart. I've been off and on of the statins for years. I keep trying to lower it naturally, but that never works, then it gets high and I have to go on the statins to lower it. Mine lowered down to mid normal range after just three months. My triglycerides are still high, but they are down. Lowering carbs, sugar, and taking fish oil will help that, but I love me some carbs!!! I also love meat. I have friends who've talked about the Carnivore Diet where meat is the main thing on the menu. I need to do that with some of my meals, just have meat (thinking back, I've actually done that). You have issues I don't have so I'm not suggesting that for you (or anyone without a doctor's approval), but doing it with at least one meal a day and seeing how I feel shouldn't be a problem for me. Thank you for helping think that through! ;) I'm glad you are moving in the direction of seeing your doctors!

    I hope you have a good day and are able to get around better, all of my gals! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I've been on them for years, since my first heart attack in 2014 or so...for cholesterol which has been normal and a bit below for a few years now. My tris are still high, due to the diabetes and disobedience in any healthy eating plan for extended periods. They are better in the 300's than years back at the 7-900's...whew! I am due refills on 9/5...so will be out for almost a full month. I won't fret over it....anymore than I've already done.

    I've done that on occasion...just had protein. It's been awhile and I don't do it much due to my kidneys. Normally my choices weren't so "clean"...as in a steak or grilled chop...but sausages and the like....which are delicious but hideous for my health. I still look at steaks when I shop online...and consider lay-away. LOL...

    I sent a note to my PCP this morning. I've had another flare up of cellulitis and while it initially improved, the elbow is now blown up and very painful. I keep it irritated, dragging myself into position in my bed...getting in and out. It hadn't been hurting tho until last night. Now, it's swollen, tight, hot, blistery and split. Ack. I asked for another round of the antibiotics I got last time...and most likely will have to go in so need to be prepared for that.

    Our parking lot is still out of order and until I went out the other morning, had not seen what they had dug up down there! Yikes. I will fumble about with the trash tomorrow...since I had no steam for the task that day and climbing over the curb to get to my car is as hard as hiking to the far end....so there's that.

    I was awake almost all night last night so did get a nap after breakfast. I need to knock a couple of chores off my list so pray for the strength and stability to do them. I get stressed and overwhelmed at the pile up!cfrdxoroqwpz.png