Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 81 Member
    I've lost 8 pounds.
    thought I would stop by to say hello
    love and prayers
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello Missy and congrats on the 8 pounds you lost. I think I found it. Hope all is going well in your spot with all you have to care for and manage.

    Marilyn...good to see you again! You have managed well considering your needs as well.

    I've had a good day here in spite of the pain, numbness and weakness. I did get my nap after lunch and rested well.

    I had a new thing for lunch and dinner yesterday. Both were good. I had the tuna pouch with beans and pasta (a minute amount) over salad mix....and the pasta salad bowl which definitely needed more veggies. I will add some broccoli and shredded carrots to the next one. I do love my veggies.5nsmwzvgdf8q.jpeg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Praying for you, Marilyn. I know that you don't need stress and am happy that you are praying through! It's amazing that the Creator of the universe hears our prayers and answers out of an abundance of love for us. I haven't tried the restoralax, but I do have Miralax which has the same ingredient as the Restoralax. I found no relief when I used it alone. I found no relief using the Dulcolax chews alone. The pills cause sever cramps and pain but the chews are milder and don't cause any pain or cramps at all. I used the full dosage throughout one day and the next day and a normal movement but then had constipation again. I used the Miralax in the AM and two Dulcolax chews in the afternoon about 9 days ago and haven't needed anything else for those 9 days, although it caused me to have BMs every time I went to the bathroom! It wasn't diarrhea, so I was okay with it, better than being clogged up. I just need to figure out a pattern of usage that is going to make things normal. I put the MiraLax in my coffee in the morning, about half the dosage.

    Bren, woohoo on the very good glucose reading. Oh boy, you sure can take a nap or two for me. I get 8 hours of sleep and want to just go back to bed! I'm taking something to help my adrenal gland which produces the cortisol that works out waking and sleeping times. Hopefully I will be able to get my times turned around again. I'm so glad you heard from your son. I've been wondering how he's doing! I'm sorry it took this to get his life in Jesus' hands, but praise the Lord he is working out his salvation with fear and trembling (Bible verse) and seeking the Lord now.

    Doing better, less pain and walking isn't as painful as it was. My back isn't happy, but then, it almost never is. I'm going to go get my TENS unit and sit for a bit. Love y'all.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    LOL...I will do a nice, restorative nap for you my friend! Glad to help!

    I got a nasty shock yesterday when Optimum pulled an extra $41 from my account...my so called promotion period ended and that's the result. I don't even have internet with them due to wiring issues at my complex and I pat $68 a month to Vexus Fiber for that...and now $190 to Optimum for a "bundle" which I keep because it has my land line on it and I can't HEAR on my cell phone tho it's as loud as it will go....Oh well...I had myself a rant, contacted them and the online tech basically dumped it back on me saying I should be calling or logging in to keep up with stats, charges, end of promotions etc. and then left the conversation...and did an online hang up on me.

    I did look at a streaming option but am technically challenged and that wouldn't help with the phone situation. I called Vexus and they don't do cable...just the streaming and no phone service....so there's that....so I need to alter my budget to account for the additional charges. In January, my rent will go up too so Bren-Duh needs to stay out of Wal-Mart for a good while...

    Thank you! I was so blessed to read his positive and uplifting words...and know as he said...that he is at peace with himself, God and his fellow inmates....now if he could just get hearing aids so he could attend some of the classes he's currently kept from due to his hearing. Like his Mama....It's been 4 months since his last hearing test and the acknowledgement they were needed.

    I'm going to have my coffee and do up today's plan and seek God's direction, correction, strength and instruction for the things I need to get done in here.
    I love you all and you're in my prayers daily! Be blessed abundantly!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Do you need everything in your bundle? Cable and phone sound like that's it, but that's a lot of money to be paying for those two things. Oh, is Internet in there too. That price then sounds like what I was paying when we had internet and cable through Spectrum on ours. Our internet alone is $80 a month, we got rid of the cable and only use the cell phones, although the way that they listen in through that there are times when I wouldn't mind just having a land line - but they listen in to those as well. When we had satellite TV through Direct, after the promotion the price went up nearly every month. After about three months we said, "No, more." We got rid of the cable to save money. We use a Roku to get all of the free TV stuff, there isn't any charge to use that, just to buy the device.

    I hope you have a really good day and are able to enjoy a Bible Study or prayer meeting this evening. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    It's a "bundle" to "save money' but with them not actually supplying the internet due to faulty wiring...that's $72 plus fees a month for nada. I can't have just the phone and cable as that doesn't qualify...and "unbundled"....cable alone is $152 plus fees...and I'd lose my land line that I need due to hearing issues. I can't hear/understand on the cell.... That's the whole point of my angst and aggravation! Oh well....God is aware of my issues.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Do they have a bundle deal for just the land line and the cable? The other bundle is over now, so they should allow you to switch to something else. It may just be too much trouble to mess with and not save that much! I'm starting to have trouble with my hearing, although it's not too bad right now. If Wade is in the other room I can hear he's saying something but I can't understand what he is saying. I think part of it is how low his voice is and he also speaks quietly, so it's just a rumble to me. I don't seem to have as much trouble hearing a female voice - unless it's the same tone as my tinnitus - I couldn't hear baby birds chirping or the beep on our digital thermometer - same tone as the ringing in my ears! LOL! I would like to have a hearing test to see what kind of hearing trouble I have. I think it has more to do with ambient noise than anything.

    Doing better today, praise the Lord! Everything hurt yesterday, even my shoulders! Just my lower back is hurting right now, pretty normal! I'm so grateful to the Lord that it didn't last long.

    Wade went to the dentist yesterday and the eye doctor today - he asked if I wanted to go, but even in the air conditioned offices or stores I over heat. I walk around sweating while everyone else looks comfortable. I have a good seat at Church. We have three A/C units in there and I found the convergence of all three, plus a fan blowing on my back! Ahhhh! Sometimes I use a hand fan for a bit after I've walked over in the heat, but I didn't even need to do that last night! We had a really good service. It was about keeping a positive, joyful attitude in whatever we are going through. Don't lose heart, don't lose courage!

    Love y'all. Praying for you!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I "hear" you! I had the same issues...at Mom's and at work. Can't hear thru walls....and face to face, men with beards were hard to understand...couldn't see their lips. Many of them would be looking down or mumbling and that increased my difficulty. And then the "misunderstanding"....like the tenant telling me it was Cinco De Mayo day and I heard "secret admirer" and responded...."well they have a day for everything now, don't they?"....I had more than one tenant yell at me in frustration and one woman suggested I should be fired if I couldn't hear. Screaming at me didn't improve my understanding of them.

    No, I can't bundle without the internet and they won't do just the phone and cable. And doing just the cable at $152 plus fees and losing the land line I need...won't help and would only save the $41 increase. It's nuts! Oh well....it is what it is and I've asked God for peace about it so I will be OK.

    I keep my AC on 73 and of late have felt chilled even when it's 105 outside! LOL Yesterday I actually set it to 75 and that was quite comfy. I use a fan by the bed every night/nap and have a small one here at my desk....but with the vent above my door, don't need it often or for long. I'm glad you have your sweet spot at Church! That's a comfort for sure.

    Well...my elbow, that was almost healed, blew up again. It got super itchy and with my irritation of it and added stress...had it fully engaged again. I started the antibiotics yesterday. I only got a weeks worth and will need to see my PCP for more if needed. I wish this would heal and never return but apparently that's not how it works and I need to accept it!

    I'm ready for my tea and TV time...I hope you all have a peaceful and blessed ending to another day we were gifted. Love and prayers for us all.faxhylk81ccw.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh no! So sorry about the flair up. Praying your weeks worth will do the job!

    It's kind of "funny", two other people in the Church have hearing issues as well, so several of us are always saying - "what?" or looking to someone else to tell us what we didn't hear! LOL! I try to pick out words I do hear and cobble them together to make sense so I can respond with some sort of logical answer!
    I really need to get on my Magnesium Threonate powder again, that helped a lot with my memory. I'm forgetting too many things. I take some capsules, but they don't seem to work as well as the powder does.
    Wade keeps the house around 80-84 and he is comfortable, me, I'm sweating. Kind of opposite to how it had always been. We have to keep it higher because of how old our H/Vac is, we don't want it to go out! It's already been worked on twice since we've been here. The A/C in the bedroom is lovely!
    Well, not much else going on with me. Love y'all very much!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Happy Saturday, my lovelies! Hope you are having a restful day.

    I talked to my NP's office yesterday (after sending a note), and she wants to see me a little bit earlier than in September. I asked about having my hormones checked because of being overheated as well as the constipation problem (a side effect of my headache med). We'll do the blood work the week before and then I'll see her the last week in August. I hope we can figure this out. She told me to go ahead and keep taking the MiraLax so I am going to try and do that without the DulcoLax chews and see if it works. It may take a couple of days for it to kick in. It took a full dose of MiraLax and four chews in one day for it to work, but then it kept working for about 8 days so I quit taking anything, and now we are back to my new normal. Sigh! The Lord is helping through this and helping me not to get disheartened or frustrated.

    Well, I'm going to sit down with my fan blowing on me. In my office I still get sweaty in the face even with the fan blowing on my side! Keeping y'all in my thoughts and prayers.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I had the hot flashes for years before things finally simmered down and it's miserable for sure. So is the constipation issue. Prayers for you in any and all discomfort. God is aware of all of that and has us always in His care. I can't imagine not being able to run to him with all my troubles!

    My main thing right now is the cellulitis...spreading far and wide...bigger now than the width of my spread out hand...on my elbow. I'll listen to the message tomorrow....but am pretty sure she wants me to come in and that's why I got one week of antibiotic instead of the two. I have 3 days left and am praying it will heal up....I'll see how it fares by Wednesday....and the pain of course...is a daily thing.

    I only managed to deal with the dishwasher and go down to check mail for the first time all week. Mail was my Mama's favorite time other than wrestling. Me...I'll let things lay in the box since I rarely get much...and I know when to expect my bills in. Had 2 today.

    I make my list each morning but it's rare to make much progress on it. No need to fret tho...so I won't. I'll do what I can and hope for more!

    I hope you're resting well and have a blessed Sunday at your spot. Love you all!dcibidciyibv.png

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    You know what I'm going to say about that appointment! It came, started to go away, came back with a vengeance. Praying it does heal before them, but she may want to see if there's a reason for it to keep appearing. You have to do what you are comfortable with though! It had hot flashes just in my face - hmmm, I get mostly hot just in my face now. It's not like a hot flash though. If I don't have air blowing on me I'm too hot and my face starts sweating. I was sitting in Church one Sunday and felt something crawling down my face - I put my hand up and it was sweat! I'd never had that happen before. I brought my hand fan after that and then found my sweet spot! I try to keep my hair off of my face as much as I can. It looks not so pretty to wear the little clips but not as goofy as the head band looks! I notice that I am drinking more liquids as well! That may or may not be a good thing. My lymphedema may not like it but my body overall does!

    Be still and know that He is God! He's got whatever it is and we just have to wait and see what good thing He has in store for us!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member

    Oh yes I do, my friend and while I DO agree....getting me there hits a snag...as in all the things required in order to show up!
    Well...I listened to my messages but couldn't understand them....so called the offices. I had one from my cardiologist office and she doesn't know who called or why and it's too far out to confirm my October appt.
    PCP: was just confirming the scrip that had been called in for me. I did tell the girl I'd make an appt. if needed after I finish the antibiotic. I have 4 left. The heat of it is not as bad today, actually way down... but boy howdy is it widespread....Ack! It looks scary.

    I hear you on goofy headbands. I have some that are too wide and they looked real cute in the pictures...of course those girls aren't in their 70's with 70 hairs on their heads so there's that to consider. Oh well....not the first money I've wasted....and it won't be the last I'm sure.

    I was awake from midnight until 8 AM...got a short nap, up at 11:15....and will maybe get another short time down for rest/reading. I finished The Grapes of Wrath last night. A sad, sorrowful story of that time in our history. I hated the curse words in it....as in any books. So unnecessary to the telling of any story.

    It's really hot here...107 and expected 109 tomorrow. I am so very thankful for the comforts of my AC. I went down earlier to mail my bills ...barefooted of course and the sidewalk was at burn stage by the time I hobbled back! My heart and prayers go out to all who have to work in any kind of weather and those homeless and without the basic comforts of life. I'm glad there are places to help them...and wish there were more.

    I'm going down with my Kindle for a bit...hope all is well at your spot, at Missy and Marilyn's....and Our Connie's....May God bless and heal, comfort and strengthen us all...as we may need. I love you all and thank God for you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Connie is doing well. She and Bill moved into a new single floor house and things are much easier for her. She is also close to her mom. She's busy with all the moving in stuff and getting the house like she wants it stuff!

    Do you have a library card? You can get free books through the library as well as from sites like Libby and Hoopla. I use Hoopla all the time, mostly for audio books, but if there isn't one then an e-book. I have listened to a bunch of missionary biographies from authors Geoff and Janet Benge. They are more like listening to a story than a biography. I may have to start going through them again since I can't really find any more to listen to. I have BECOMING ELIZABETH ELIOT on hold at the library. I've read Through Gates of Splendor which is their missionary bio.

    Going to get blood work tomorrow (and breakfast out :)). Yesterday I had my knee brace on and my wrist brace on my left hand. If I could have gotten my hip brace to stay put I would have had that one on as well. That right leg didn't want to hold me up while I was putting on my shoes, so I leaned against my bedside table! That SI joint and hip aren't doing well. I think I have the constipation figured out and hope I'm not hurting myself by doing the Dulcolax chews as well as the MiraLax, but it's the only way to get relief! I do the MiraLax in the AM, 1 chew after lunch and 1 chew before bed. Lord willing that will help. Still too hot too. Mostly I'm a slug lately. I get up to do something and just overheat again, so I am staying in front of a fan.

    Praying for y'all!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Have been reading all the posts but just not able to post - but thought it was time to say hi

    Am doing well - kidney number has gone up to 10 (60 is normal) so glad that I am double digits but it usually goes up for 2 months then drops down again. This is the end of year 2 of being sick with all the kidney problems. So far no diaylsis and am praying that I can stay of it as long as possible due to how it would change my life - it has changed a lot as it is.

    Having to revamp up my food again - needing to take care re to much potassium which can cause a heartattack, no salt re kidneys and also working on staying no sugar no flour. Feel so much better when I eat like I should. Big thing is I don't eat any processed foods anymore -some do sneek in but basically I work on eating things that don't have a label.

    Went to my TOPS meeting today. Have lost 4 pounds in two weeks - am now at 229.8 - so happy to be in this 10 pound numbers - need to lose another 2 pounds and I will be able to say I have lost 10 pounds - so working well to get that off.

    I also have constipation problems but have that all worked out now and have it undercontrol. When I know I have to have a med that can cause trouble I up my intake of restorlax. I can take it every day without it causing problem which is helpful.

    Have a good day/evening ladies - eat healthy, get in a little movement and take lots of time for prayer and all should be ok

  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 81 Member
    Please pray for my son Ryan. please please pray
    thank you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm sorry I didn't see this yesterday! Praying for Ryan!

    Marilyn, I was so happy to see you are at 10! You have a ways to go, but I remember that two years ago you were sure you were going to have to go on dialysis - and two years have now gone by and that number is getting better! It's better than it was two years ago! And your weight loss - woohoo. Keep up the good work! Praise the Lord.

    Had blood work done today. I should be able to see the results tomorrow afternoon on the lab site. Just five months ago everything looked really good and even my cholesterol was much improved. I've been taking a supplement to help bring down my glucose since it was 95 or so. They lowered the high normal from 120 to 100 and I'm too close to that so want to bring that back into the 80's that I'm used to. Eating less sweets but still getting those carbs.

    Love you ladies and hope you have a blessed evening in fellowship with other believers (if possible).
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Kim, I no longer have a Library card. Since I got my first Kindle, years back, I didn't use it and it's been about 7 years or more since I was able to hike about in there. I could probably renew online. I looked up the books you mentioned at Amazon...pricey!

    My elbow is healing after the week of antibiotics but is still quite inflamed...red and spread...but not so heated or swollen. The skin is smooth again and the blistering has eased. I'm praying it will finish healing and I can avoid this particular problem for a long time.

    I went to catch up my charts for my Doctors this morning and it has been 7 weeks since I recorded anything! Oh my! I knew I was zoned out of late but 7 weeks! Rather than make up numbers....I will just start new charts Sunday and admit life got away from me for a bit.

    We had 109 yesterday 110 today here....and I am glad to be tucked in where it's cool and comfy. I can imagine our power grid, grinding away, to manage the load.

    Marilyn...always glad to see you...continued prayers for us all...and for your son Ryan, Missy. So glad to hear of Connie's update, Kim. I pray for a smooth transition and sweet rest for her. That's a big undertaking and not for the timid and weak!

    It's Tea and TV time....I am so sick of all the political upheaval and stupidity....God save us from such ill winds and wind bags.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    It is just to easy for life to get away from us. I am keeping a sporadic journal of what is happening with my health. I put something in every few days. With the library card you can borrow books on-line and have them sent to your Kindle. My library has a two week loan time, but sometimes you have to wait awhile before the book is available. I also have Hoopla through my library and I get books from there immediately. Connie's library lets her borrow quite a few more than mine does. She can borrow up to 9 books a month, me just five. I like to get the audio books from Hoopla, I tend to forget to go there when I have just the e-book. I also have Kindle Unlimited which is a subscription site through Amazon and all the books on KU are free and you can keep them as long as you want, but you only get 10 or so borrows at a time. If you can find the subscription during a sale time it's quite a good deal - but I try to see how many books I would read and will it pay to get the subscription rather than having to buy the books. Connie uses that and other services and ends up definitely saving money overall. She reads around 40-50 books a month so the subscription definitely saves her money. I read 10-20 a month, about half of those are KU, so that does save me money as well. My library doesn't care many of the new books, although Hoopla does, so I don't go to my library site as often. Other libraries have a much bigger selection of Christian fiction. I paid, through a deal, $127.97 for a full year, otherwise it's $11.99 a month.

    We had very nice cool weather yesterday. I never felt overheated - so nice. I even sat outside two different times and watched the chickens.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks for the Library tip...I add books from Amazon and have paid for some, if it's something I really like. The WW11 era and some series.... I still have the Med Air Series that I bought several years back by Braxton DeGarmo....no foul language and relevant to world issues of today, sad to say.

    I am doing a fresh start on all my charts and pulling myself back into the here and now....not sure where I got so far off track...just know that I did!

    I did my kitchen inventory list for September -November....and a simple meal plan...just meal ideas basically, using what I have in there. Depending on my energy levels from day to day. I'm at my highest weight ever...and gained 13 pounds in the 3 months I've been dawdling. My activity and sleep patterns have been greatly disturbed during this time, more so than before so I will have to apply some effort to come out from all of that. Prayers are always welcome and appreciated!t33a9befws13.png