Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you sweet ladies! You made my heart smile for sure!

    Marilyn, I am SO glad the remote works and you got some rest! That's wonderful. Yes....He is with us every step of the way, no matter where we find ourselves. That was my biggest scare to date and as Missy said....being so low you can't think...adds extra stress to an already terrifying experience. God was certainly looking after me and continues to do so. I need to have a meet up with my endo doc soon. It's been almost a year now and with the 3 months of not keeping my charts up, I've lost my way a bit.

    Oh Missy! I am so very sorry to hear of these issues you deal with...I can't imagine...so glad your son knew what to get for you! The lowest I ever hit prior to this was 56, years back and now I get shaky at 70 but can still make my way into the kitchen for my juice, an applesauce or a yogurt. I'm sorry too that your hubby isn't being the supporter, encourager and helper he's meant to be. You have a heavy load to bear.

    I slept most of the day....I was really wiped out. I took my Tresiba this morning but no Fiasp today. My glucose got down to 98 and I had that snack pack from the hospital with 5 saltines for dinner. I should do up some of those for myself as it's controlled portions and quite satisfying. This one had an egg, cheese, grapes and turkey breast. I just checked my sugar again and it's 101 so that's great.
    I didn't get much water in, what with sleeping all day so I'll do better tomorrow.

    I love you all and am so thankful to know you hold me up in prayer and friendship. I am blessed!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited September 14

    I am so thankful! I rested well in spite of being down almost all day yesterday...FBS was 73 so I had one of those juice cups the nurse sent home with me...weight is finally back in the 230's after a long time over 242-249....at 238.4 and BP was 130/71..59....hooya! I feel much better this morning tho still weak but plan to get some light shores done, have an order coming from Wal-Mart and I will do some prep work for the bug man's inspection come Tuesday. I'll pack a light bag in case I have to go to a Motel when treatment is done. Praying for full deliverance from the infestation...I'll transfer some money from savings to cover the cost and hope it's lower than I "expect"! Mary said perhaps around $1100.

    Have a blessed weekend at your spots on the map. I will do the same here at mine. Love and prayers for us all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Wow, my girls have been busy, not always in a good way! You are all in my prayers as are your families!

    Marilyn, woohoo! Good sleep makes so much difference. I'm praising the Lord you were able to get that remote. Every good gift is from the Father. I'm with you on trusting, leaning on, turning to God when we rejoice and when we need Him.

    Bren, oh my. I don't want you in this world one second longer than you are supposed to be here, but I am praising the Lord that He let you stay. I pray you get you blood sugar under control. That is scary! Thank the Lord He was right there with you!

    Missy, I'm so sorry you are struggling so much with your hubby. It is frustrating when they won't help themselves and that makes thing harder for you. Thank the Lord you get a reprieve from the difficult when you get to snuggle with your granddaughter! Praying for all of you!

    I'm not doing well. I am still having trouble breathing but now I am having trouble with a dry cough and heavy fatigue. I just want to sleep all the time. I hardly had the energy to make my coffee this morning. Wade is doing better although he does have rough moments.

    Rain, rain, and more rain for us, but praise the Lord we aren't flooding! We have wet patches in our yard, and the yard that normally floods across the road from us is just patchy wetness this morning too. God is good.

    Love y'all. So glad to hear from each of you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Good morning precious Sisters....

    Thank you Kim! I am praising Him as well for keeping me here! I was so mentally off it took awhile to be able to pray properly but I know God understood my spirit's cry!

    Praying for you an Wade today and other church members who are down and in need of healing and strength. Praying you turn the corner this week and see some major recovery. These things knock us sideways!
    My cough came back after the hospital run Thursday night...but is improving again so I am OK. I just need to gain some strength....and clarity. Borrowing that word from a devotional this morning. I have been fuzzy minded and feeling somewhat lost for 3 months....I hope to see improvement there before long. I looked at the Prevagen and gee whiz....the extra strength is $104 for 60....at Wal-Mart. I'll find other ways to deal with the memory glitches I reckon. I think the stress of these past months has me mind boggled a bit is all....

    I'm going to have some coffee and get my day started...Love you all and you remain in my prayers.m79jpfjwbujn.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, I use this: https://amazon.com/dp/B015APQTUY
    It's got Magnesium Threonate in it and it's able to reach the brain where other magnesium's aren't able to break the barrier. I can tell you, when I take it I rarely lose a word or have to wonder what I'm doing in a room. I haven't taken in for a little while because I haven't been making smoothies, but I think I'm going to put it in my water bottle and just take it on it's own because there is a huge difference when I take it and when I don't. A lot cheaper than the one you mentioned.

    I got a little choked up last night when I was giving praise to God for letting you stay with me a little longer! I am so very grateful. I would never want Him to prolong your homegoing for me, but am so grateful that He did. It's so amazing that you didn't go into a coma! Wow, you are a miracle!

    I love you all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Awww....you make my heart swell and my eyes leak! I have been praising God for His mercy and for saving me again....the time the truck wheel came sailing thru 3 walls at the office and bounced up onto my desk, crashing thru to the front wall...where I'd been sitting 5 minutes prior was another prime time escape from death He provided! I am so thankful!

    Other than the pain and feeling weak...I'm doing so much better. Yesterday was finally more normal with meals and insulin and my FBS this morning is 111.

    I'm going to have something to eat and watch a bit of TV and will get a nap after....I've been looking at motels/hotels in the area....so very many of them!....as I will most likely have to leave home for 1-3 days after treatment for the BB's....ack! I try to get one with the fridge, microwave and coffee pot for convenience....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, definitely!
    Oh I'm so happy your sugar was normal today! woohoo! And you are feeling better - big breath out!

    Are you able to sit outside at all? It might help your mood if you got out of the apartment to just sit and watch the cats and the birds and the people, not trying to walk anywhere, just enjoying where you are living. I had a friend in Hickory, she lived across the street from us, and he doctor told her to get out every day and take a walk and that would help to alleviate the depression she was feeling. And I think it's true, we just need to be in God's creation and enjoying what He's made, it brings such peace.

    Here is a Facebook post from just a day or two ago. We talk now and again about the Roman Catholic Church and the different beliefs that they have that aren't biblical - well, this Pope has gone way out of the biblical this time:

    Christ-following, Bible-believing people have been telling folks for a long time that Romanism is not Christian. It should be clear enough now for anyone who has even a modicum of Bible understanding that the papa of Rome is a false prophet.

    [KCG: I copied his words from the the words above his picture on the post: From Catholic Sat: Pope Francis to children in Sinagpore: “All religions are paths to reach God. They are – to make a comparison – like different languages, different dialects, to get there. But God is God for everyone. If you start to fight saying “my religion is more important than yours, mine is true and yours isn't', where will that lead us? There is only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christians; they are different ways to God.”

    The papa says there are many ways to God, but God's word says,
    Jn 3:17-21 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, be-cause he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
    19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
    20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
    21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
    Jn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
    Jn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    Faith in the atoning death and physical resurrection of Jesus (and in no other) is essential for salvation from sin and entrance to heaven.

    The papa is a false witness.
    We should not hate those who follow the papa or any other false teacher, but we should love them enough to tell them the truth. Remember, Christ loved all of us enough to die for us. We must not deny Him. We must proclaim His as the only Savior.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh yes! Wish I had started last week when temps were lower...we are having another week of hot days now but we have the courtyard, just3-4 apartments down and that would be perfect. Thanks for the tip/reminder! I could take my tea and Kindle down there....

    I'll need to leave my apartment for the bug man's inspection today....and most likely for 2-3 days after treatment. I pray he can deal with things as they are....since I am not able to declutter, bag up, and all the hard labor usually required prior to treatment....

    Thank you! I am so very thankful to be feeling better and getting order restored...The past couple of weeks had me shaken and rattled for sure! God is SO awesome and merciful and I am so blessed!

    I got the heebie jeebies reading reviews on some of the hotels in my price range....anything from nefarious activity to bed bugs, wet floors, no AC to stained furniture etc. Ack! The one I settled on has a lot more positive reviews, free breakfast, a recliner in the room...hooya!....and shhhh....is close to Chicken Express!....LOL...I'll do my reservation once I know when I have to skip out of here. It will be the first time in about 5 months since I had fast food, with good reason...

    Oh Yes! That is so very, very true....sounds all Oprah-ish, who said "there are many paths to God and the only prayer you ever need to say is Thank You....Huh?....to whom and for what? Folks like this lead the multitudes on a slippery slope and into the hands of the enemy. Papa isn't the only one up to such things. Thank God for the ones who know the truth and aren't afraid to speak it!

    It's 1:15....and I have my short list ready for the day...but will need more nappy time before the bug man comes....Be blessed and have a lovely day at your spots....take good care of yourselves. I'll do the same here!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    PS: Well...I just googled it and I may not have to leave home except for about 4 hours after treatment....and the time it takes for inspection....so maybe just one day away? That would be great, actually, especially financially. Also...would require only 1-2 meals away from home. I know when I was in the hospital for 3 days and came home, the little freaks had a welcome home party for me. LOL...Ack!

    Praying for relief of anxiety/stress and for God's hand of mercy in this endeavor...and for complete eradication of the invasion!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited September 17
    I'm happy that it will finally be taken care of and you don't have to deal with it anymore. I guess you will have to inspect whatever comes to the house carefully before opening. For me it's these pesky gnats, although there aren't hundreds of those. I hate when they ping off of my face - eek!

    We had A LOT of rain, thunder and lightening last night. A couple of the neighbors have quite a bit of standing water in their yards; we have some puddles, but nothing like them. We got a flash flood phone warning about 3 AM. Praise the Lord there was no damage done!

    Having pain on that right side last night and this morning. I've got my TENS unit on and that is helping.

    Love y'all.

    I was reading some FB posts from yesterday and today that our pastor made, and I came across 2 Cor 4:3-18, but a section of that really struck me this time as I was reading it. I'm sure it's been there before, but with my brain it's all new to me! LOL! Myself and three others wrote a song using this passage called EARTHEN VESSELS, so it's very familiar to me - but vrs 6-10 really spoke to my heart this afternoon.
    2 Cor 4:6-10 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
    7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
    8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
    9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
    10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

    We are those earthen vessels, our bodies, our spirits, our souls. And in them He has placed His light, and the knowledge of the glory of God, and we are to carry Jesus' salvation which came to us through His death, and His life which came through His resurrection. What an amazing thought. My own body carries these thing, as well as the Spirit of God! What a responsibility to not shame the name we carry as Christians (little Christs [in how we act and speak] as they were derogatorily called in Antioch). Vrs 8 is very suitable for these days when our bodies are slowly failing us and the world around us is evil and hating us - yet we don't respond as the wicked ones do, we are not perplexed, we are not in despair because we know that God has a plan and whatever purpose He has for me and whatever I must go through, it will turn out for my good! Ah, what a great God we have. Thank You, Jesus for giving me such a wonderful time with You!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited September 17
    The inspection went well...and he will go over everything with Mary, lay out a plan of treatment, verify costs and I will have time to prepare and make plans for vacating while it's being done. He said they will try their best to save all my furniture but is concerned about my recliner...and may not be able to save it but they will surely try. He was a very nice young man. They will come back for 3 more treatments, two weeks apart that will take about an hour each so I will only be out for that time. Initial treatment will take about 6 hours....For the 1 hour days, I can go to the courtyard!

    Gnats...I hate them too! They want to fly in your eyes and up your nose just to be irritating!

    I was so exhausted that I felt ill...so was very glad to get to take a nice nap. I feel better now. I had a nice breakfast this morning...sausage , 2 poached eggs and a bagel, toasted with garlic herb butter. Yummy. I could have made do well, with half a bagel and one sausage patty instead of 2. I'll keep that in mind next time.

    That does sound like a wonderful time with the Lord! What joy springs in the spirit!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Praise the Lord, a plan! I'm so glad that the original fear of being asked to leave didn't come to fruition! God is good!

    I need to make a call to the Imaging center and see if they have a cancellation to get my CT scan earlier. My breathing is still off, but not terribly so. During the storm the other night it was worse than most other times, but I'm still having to take in those deep breaths and sometimes I can't finish them, or catch them. My chest is still sore as well. The Dr did an EKG and it was perfectly normal so the likelihood of this being a heart issue is unlikely - phew!

    Love you gals!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh Yes! I too, am praising God and rejoicing! God is SO good!

    I am so glad to hear this isn't a heart thing...and praying with you that you get the CT scan done and some clear direction....and full healing very soon!

    I have been having some nausea most days since my run in Thursday night so am practicing the smaller meal approach to help and believe it will.
    My FBS has been LOW for me since then as well! The highest in 5 days being 111, one at 73 and 3 in the 90's. I am blessed! I've had way less insulin these past days as well. So....I am seeing the results as a blessing indeed! Curbing the appetite, losing weight at last, less need for insulin and my A1C will come down as needed. I'll plan to see my endo guy in November or December and play catch up with him. I have my cardiologist appt. Oct. 8th, PCP follow up November 5th...so want to fit him in as well.

    After yesterday's stressful/long day....I slept away today. Well...10-2 anyway...but I didn't get up until 8 which is late for me. Only had a couple sips of coffee. The rest was good and solid and I am thankful for it.

    Have a good afternoon at your spots...we are staying below 100 here and that's great! Love and prayers for us all in the time ahead. c0r7rcdn7nvo.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Great verse. Great news about the lower blood sugar, but makes me a bit nervous after the scare! LOL! I shared with Connie and the gals on my other team about your scare and asked that they pray for you. I didn't go into a lot of detail, just let them know about the 911 helpers and that you'd ended up in the hospital with very low blood sugar, but are doing much better now.

    Sometimes the breathing issue gets a wee bit scary. I feel like I'm just not getting enough air. I just keep trying to breathe normally and ignore it because I know if I take a deep breath it won't catch and I will just have to keep trying. Last night it worked out that as I just kept a normal rhythm of breathing it finally normalized - praise the Lord. I think all of these deep breaths are what is causing the ache in my chest. Trying to use my tummy for the deep breaths causes pain in my tummy which is worse than the pain in my chest! Ugh! Praise the Lord it isn't too bad. Thank you for your prayers. You are in mine! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    It made me nervous as well because it was running low without the aid of my insulin! I wasn't eating much because of the nausea and I did get sick the following morning after being force fed the sugar the night before... I did get juice for home and a pack of the candy slices....will keep some in a snack bag by my bed. I'm leveling off now it seems and that's a good thing.

    Breathing issues scare me...as did the angina issues for several weeks. I had a small episode a couple nights ago.

    You stay in my prayers, my friend and I am so thankful for yours in my behalf! May we all be comforted, strengthened and healed in the days ahead. Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    We definitely need each other, both prayers and friendships.

    Here is a new post that is so relevant for today:
    I am sorry, it appears that I may have accidentally deleted an earlier post. Here is the repost.
    (I use "legal - illegal" concerning human authority and "lawful - unlawful" in reference to Divine authority).

    Not everything legal is moral.
    Not everything illegal is immoral.

    Not everything legal is lawful.
    Not everything illegal is unlawful.

    When the legal opposes the lawful it is lawful to be illegal.
    When the legal forbids obedience to the lawful it is essential to be illegal.

    Acts 5:29 KJV Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
    Make no mistake, a choice must be made.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I was whipped yesterday with pain and fatigue...another day down all day....had lunch at 2 PM....dinner at 9...now up at 2 AM but feel a wee bit more perky. Needless to say, I accomplished nothing yesterday at all.

    Have you ever used a spirometer? My performance is quite pitiful on mine. But then I don't use it like I might need to. I thought of you when I did use it yesterday....my lung capacity is low and that adds to my issues of fatigue and lack of good physical function.

    Continued prayers for all of us. God has all the details.eozxzwvbii8t.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I've only used it in the hospital, like after my gall bladder surgery. I've thought about getting one of those oximeters that go on your finger, but my oxygen is usually in the mid to upper 90's which is normal, so I am hesitant. I'm very curious to see what the CT scan will say. You do what is best for you, sister, if that's getting sleep off and on, then curl up and snuggle down!

    Doing alright now, having the occasional need to deep breath, but most of the time it's catching. My biggest issue right now is this stupid gnat that loves to fly past my face and I can't catch him. I had his itty bitty brother in my coffee this morning. I plucked him out and kept on drinking it. How icky could a tiny gnat be?

    Wow, nothing else comes to mind so I'll just wish you a very happy weekend, and a blessed and joyful Lord's Day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I like that thought and am in full agreement. "Curl up and snuggle down"....I do enjoy good rest and while I'd prefer to get it at night, it's just not happening right now so I will get what I can, when I can.

    Do you have an appointment yet for the CT? I hope it will be soon and you know where you stand and what's going on.

    LOL...I had a bug in my coffee cup one morning and didn't see it until I'd had a half cup already so dipped him out and finished it. I haven't had coffee for 2-3 days now so am looking forward to it this morning. I had an influx of mealy bug things once and they were every bit as irritating as gnats! I guess if I were to "like" any bug...it would be a lady bug...non intrusive!

    I have a few chores to attend to and will attempt to catch my charts up again while I have the numbers at hand. I need to get things tidied up again in case the bug man makes an appearance this week. I'm waiting for info from Mary...so I can plan my exit for a couple of days.

    Today's stats are fairly decent....234.4 (down 12 pounds in 2 weeks) Fluid weight but I don't care! FBS 146...BP is 130/74 58.

    Have a blessed day at your spots....be strengthened, restored and refreshed going forward...Love you!ghldaop9zv4x.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh wow, good numbers, Bren! I've lost two pounds and am so far not yo-yoing with it. I'm happy to lose anything. I'm at 238. My CT scan is set for Oct 2nd. I've been calling to see if I can get in earlier, but am just going to wait for the 2nd. So far they haven't had any cancellations. I have to fast for 6 hours before my appointment, so they won't have one that I can just pop into on the same day, and it's just two weeks away now. Hopefully nothing bad will happen in that time. Still having breathing issues, and fatigue. I slept for two hours yesterday afternoon, and then went to sleep just before 11 last night and finally got up at 8:30 and I want to go back to bed! Boohoo! I woke with a very bad headache but it's already in the background, praise the Lord!

    Let me tell you about lady bugs! I got bit by one once! I didn't think they would do that but for a couple of years we were inundated with them inside and outside. I went to pick one up and it bit me! They are cute and pretty, but they will fight back!

    Our black snake has disappeared since that storm went through. There were two of them out there just before the storm, but now there are none. I hope they went into the woods and are eating the rodents there! If they tried for the chicken eggs, well, the neighbor probably took care of them! Oh, it is so funny to watch them go for the bugs after the lawn mower goes by - buffet time! We have these itty bitty frogs, about the size of a dime or a nickel, they are pretty cute. The numbers have been down this year, they weren't so pleasant when there were a lot of them on the screens and decks. Ick - but now they are cute because there aren't so many of them. Well, enough of that.

    Be wise, hold fast to God! Love y'all.