Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Oh wow, that was nice, Bren, having that available when the other went out. Spectrum lets us know and usually gets it back on pretty quickly.

    I was thinking about the appointments I have coming up and couldn't remember when my mammogram was supposed to be. I looked in my calendar this morning and it's next Wednesday! Phew! I have a bone density test in Nov, as well as an eye appointment. I hope that they are able to find whatever is causing me to have to take these deep breaths that cause muscle stress on my chest, as well as not being able to catch my breath. I yawn a lot too, and that often doesn't catch. Just tiring. The Lord woke me in time this morning to get an Aussie Bite before I moved into my 6 hour fast! Praise the Lord. I laid there and thought I would just not eat before the test, but I knew my tummy wouldn't like that! Thank you for your prayers.

    I hope everyone is doing alright. You are in my prayers. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    Oh good! Having your Aussie bite, taming the tummy and still having the 6 hour fast time....you did good! Praying you come away with some answers to this current issue soon!

    I have to make myself notes for appointments etc. and am so glad the patient portal thing sends reminders! All my care team are great, about getting my scrips in, setting appointments etc. as needed....I am thankful for them. Doesn't make me want to go in, but I am thankful!

    I had 5 prescriptions to pick up...can't deliver insulin so waited until they were all ready...then got my order at HEB...It's been a good while since I did a pick up order and my tummy was acting up this morning so I was in need of prayer! Thank you! I was so glad to get that done and things tucked away. I sit on my stool some to put my fridge items away as my back screams in pain very quickly. That thing helps a lot! I do have to move it around a lot since my space is so limited in my teeny kitchen but it's a blessing to have it.

    I haven't been scheduled yet for the exterminator but am OK with that...They will take care of it....
    We are having highs in the 90's all week with one day at 89 expected. I check weather for my appointments and don't schedule anything for the winter months at all! I just tuck away in my inner sanctum and praise God that I can!

    I'm off to have some lunch....be blessed!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    I got my notice today and they are coming tomorrow at 8 AM to do the bugs with 3 follow ups, 2 weeks apart....so much for several days advance notice. Oh well....I will check and repack my bag so I can scoot out of here when they come. I'll be back Saturday AM...
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited October 2
    I've got my room reserved, will stay 2 nights...my list is ready for pack up/checking, and will take a food bag so not all meals will be fast food. They have a light breakfast at the Motel, a fridge and microwave in the room and hopefully a coffee pot to play with. My room is ground floor and has a walk in shower...hooya! I told the guy I'd like that with my mobility issues and ground floor was a necessity. I'll tidy up a bit in the morning before the bug man comes.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Praying that all goes well, Bren!

    Had the CT scan yesterday but haven't heard the results. I'm afraid it will say nothing is wrong and I then won't have an answer to why my breathing is not right! The Lord knows either way and He has a plan and a purpose. I just want to respond in a way that will please Him!

    I hope Missy and Marilyn are alright. It's been awhile since we've heard from Marilyn and I know Missy is busy most of the day with that beautiful new baby girl! Y'all are in my prayers. Thank you for yours.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    My heart and prayers are with you dear friend! Glad the CT scan is done...and hope for results soon and perhaps a plan of action, some relief...I wonder if your rounds with COVID have a part and now another round of pneumonia? God does know...and has all the details...and He has us all in His loving care!

    Bug man told me I could come home a couple hours after they were done so I needed just the day and 1 night at the motel. Came home this morning at 5:15 to mass destruction!
    However: It is what it is and while I expected some...just not this much, I will clean up as I can, as God gives me strength. A task at a time, a day at a time...and am praying for total eradication of the beasts that have tormented me for so long!
    I will need help with some heavy things. They got my mattress and box springs in the really nice encasement bags...that thing weighs a ton so am not sure I can scooch it back in place once I clean behind it. Oh well....one thing at a time. I was glad my computer was still plugged up and ready to go.

    I will survey the damages and make my plan of action....and be so very thankful the worst was not as bad as it could have been! God is SO awesome! First...I will make more coffee and give God thanks!

    The motel: I had to pay $40 extra for checking in at 8:30 AM but that was fine. I needed a place to hang out for the day! The walk in shower was great. I'm just really sad to be in such pitiful shape that showers are so very difficult! I know you understand!
    The beds were comfy, but too high for my short legs. BUT....what joy to not have a bug at all...except the cricket in the bathroom.
    I was very thankful they had a little coffee pot/coffee for this morning, no CC on the TV so was glad to get home to mine. I had my Kindle, so read some, napped some, got up at 2 AM...my normal time. I had one meal out....Chicken Express: the fish filets/coleslaw and fries. Was so delicious. I did lust for Burger King all day but didn't have any, Thank God.

    I'm off to have my coffee and put together my pan of action for today....and will get up and do it again tomorrow. Love you all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,551 Member
    Yesterday was a big carb day for me, but the scale still read 237, so around 3 lbs down (- a few ounces).
    I called my doctor's office this morning and my results are in but the doctor hasn't looked at them yet, so I don't know when I'll hear. I've left it in the Lord's hands, but feel like I need to get back with them, since they close at 12 on Friday, and make sure the doctor got the note that I want to know what's going on. I'm having quite a bit of trouble today with my breathing, but praise the Lord, the pain in my leg and hip is doing better. I'm afraid, in one sense, that it won't show anything (which should be a good thing) but then I won't know what's causing the problem still. Sigh. God knows and I need to trust Him and lean on Him. Nothing is impossible with God.

    I'm so sorry you have such a chore ahead of you! Please don't try to do things you know you can't, and rest between tasks! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 871 Member
    edited October 4
    I hear you! I too, like knowing what's going on with me...what contributes to an issue, what I might do to alleviate some troubles. My weight is a major issue right now...has been for awhile, but getting a gander at myself in all those mirrors at the Motel was a wake up call...and a call for repentance! I'm thinking 25 pounds of my gained weight is all smoked sausage! LOL....oh I do like it a lot!

    Thanks, Doll! I am....doing wee bits at a time and asking God to give me the strength and will to "deal with it all"! I'll get help with the bed when needed...I do know things could have been a lot worse!
    There's a huge bag of my bedding and stuffies from the sofa, chair cushion and the like in the living room that will need to be washed. I'll check with my laundry service to see if they will handle it...they've been doing my laundry still, just have me on the permanent bed bug list. I can let them know I'm being treated.
    I'm working on the living room and bedroom first...the kitchen wasn't bad as they didn't have to throw things around in there! I'll need to make my bed before I can get a nap. I should rest better tonight, being home and all.

    The bug guys lost my TV hearing aid! Oh no! It has to be somewhere in the living room, as it was on the TV tray I keep by my recliner, that had been moved quite a bit, so I feel sure it may be under the recliner. God knows where it is! I use the right one in my left ear, to save wear and tear on my left one which is the side I have about 30% hearing on...none on the right. I did order one from Amazon as a fill in, just for the TV time...praying it works as needed. Due to come in the 8th.

    I'm going to get the bed made up so I can rest/read awhile since I got up at 2 AM and am ready for a nap. Be gentle with yourself today! Love and prayers...

    PS: I just laid down and the boys flipped my mattress when they put the encasements on! Hooya! The hole I've slept in is now far from me and it feels like a new mattress! It is awful high tho!