Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh boy, loud claps of thunder usually have me jumping out of my seat! Literally! LOL! I don't mind the thunder, it's when I see the lightening and hear the thunder at almost the same time that I really don't like it!

    My back brace usually rode up when I sat down, my behind pushing it up. When I would stand up I would have to pull it back into place. I should probably wear it or get my TENS unit out and put it on my right SI joint since it is really bothering me. Wade is wanting to make a run to Sam's Club (about 1.5 hours away), but I don't think I will go this time, just can't take all of that walking. My thumb brace is back on - I woke up going, "OUCH!" I had someone bent it too far or the wrong way during the night and this morning couldn't bend it very far without it hurting, so we'll rest it some more.

    Well, I am really hungry. Breakfast started at 6:30 this morning. I drank my protein drink then with headache meds, then I had a bowl of oatmeal about 8:30, not very good (a cheap packet kind). Now I am ready for my smoothie (with the mashed up fruit, but I eat all of it, none of it goes to waste like in a juicer). I had some left over from yesterday so I am just going to drink that and have a bag of my veggie chips. The new ones aren't very good, but they have quite a bit less sodium.

    Well, I will talk to y'all tomorrow. Love ya. Have a blessed day serving Jesus.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    I was in agony and very near tears after my grocery run. My knee was so stiff and painful (more swelling) I could barely get in the car and drive! Then once I got my cart inside, my back was raging. The brace didn't help in the least. SI joint...is that where the hip bone connects to the thigh bone? I have a lot of pain there too!
    I ordered the next size up on the brace as with the swelling today, it was much too tight on my thigh and rather painful so it didn't stay on long.

    I have so much I want to get done and it's just beyond me at the moment. No matter what...God has me in His hands and care...I hope to be able to get some things done tomorrow.

    I've been having breakfast more often of late...not exactly breakfast food but it will do and it's anywhere between 5 an 9 AM...Some days I am very hungry, early on as well.

    Dinner will need to be easy and fast...since I am not up to doing much in there right now. Last night I had a HB patty/fries and celery with pimento cheese. If I had a banana...I'd have a banana and milk. LOL

    Love you my friend....have a good evening.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear, you may need to go back to having them deliver it to you! Yes, "The sacroiliac joints are the joints where the lower part of the spine (sacrum, just above the tailbone) connects to the pelvis. There are two sacroiliac joints, one on each side, with ligaments in each joint that hold the bones together." So they are not actually joined to the hips at all - hmmm! I can't even touch the area where these are without having quite a bit of pain. The brace that I got for that won't stay down there at all! I bought the ribbon to tie around the brace and them loop in around my legs to try and keep it down, but it didn't work. I guess you just have to be a very skinny person for it to work! It did help me for the time I could get it to work. What I told mom when she needed, but didn't want to, to wear a back brace was that the brace would do the work of holding her back in a healthy position so she wouldn't have to make that effort. That is basically what it does. It also keeps the area warm so healing juices can work. I probably need to wear mine just to keep me sitting up straight rather than slouched over! LOL!

    Yesterday my weight was back down to 234.4. I didn't weigh this morning though. I was up at 6:30 and just didn't want to make the effort.

    Almost lunch time, will talk to y'all later. Hope you are able to enjoy worshipping our Savior tonight. Love you

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    Hey...I was at 234 today. I've been a little "salty" I suppose and that contributed to the fluid load. I am seriously considering cancelling my cardiologist appt. for Tuesday. I couldn't believe how painful it was yesterday to get in my car and drive! I knew my knee was swollen and stiff but that was more difficult than I'd imagined. Yep...I will consider the delivery option until this has healed...I will also have my laundry done again by the service. It is so worth it to me...saves agony and further injury at the moment. I'll probably schedule my pick up for next Wednesday.

    Today was another Push day. I had one last week as well. I managed, in God's strength...to get 5 chores done and made another pot of soup. Hooya!
    This one is pork (riblets) and veggies with beef broth (unsalted) frozen soup veggies, potatoes and tomatoes. It's delicious. I have one little rib eye steak and 4 HB patties and that's all the beef I have. I buy ground pork often as it's cheaper. The riblets were on sale this week...I roasted some yesterday for 2 meals and thought I'd do an easy soup with the rest and it turned out great.

    I need to get into my produce tomorrow before I have to toss it again! I have 2 nectarines that need to ripen, a baby watermelon, cabbage, coleslaw and broccoli.
    I was so shocked at your cost for broccoli! Oh my goodness! I normally get the bag of florets $2.86...this time I hot 2 heads at $1.16 each and that will be as much as the large bag of florets that's almost $6.00.
    I need to do up a couple of bento trays with broccoli, celery, baby carrots, peppers and the like. I like to do up a plate with veggies, tuna or deli meat and a little cup of Ranch. Quite yummy. I like fast and easy...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Wow, Queen Elizabeth has died. I sure hope she knew Jesus!

    I got almost 3,000 steps today shopping. Gained back all the calories I lost walking with my breakfast and then my dinner (shared one meal between the two). I had the cheesecake pancakes from Cracker Barrell, half of my eggs and then about three slices of bacon. Yummers, but sure was a lot! Wheat and dairy both in that one - I'll pay for that tomorrow! Have a headache tonight, a bit different than the one that woke me up at 5:45 this morning.

    Well, I hope you had a great day today. I hope that Marilyn is alright. I hate not hearing from someone for several days. You are in my prayers sweet friend!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I just kind of caught up on the thread.

    Bren: Allopurinol is for uric acid reduction (usually due to gout). My husband took it, but he had side affects from it (repeated gout attacks). The doctor wanted him to try it for 3 months because the bad effects should go away, but they didn't for Bill. As soon as he went back off of it, the gout stopped. The doctor wanted it to reduce uric acid (which according to blood tests worked) but it triggered the attacks, which is a rare side effect. He wanted him to try a MUCH more expensive drug (which we bought one month of) but when I read the side effects, I wanted to wait for him to start until his cardiologist appointment a couple of weeks later. The cardiologist said "NO!". So, I wasted $100 (after insurance) - glad we only got one month!

    Marilyn - Great going on the weight loss and the increase of kidney function.

    Kim - I loved the picture of the anchor. I am amazed that when there is something that the Lord wants you to remember, that he keeps reminding us! I can't even tell you how many times that the anchor has come up in the last couple of weeks.

    We had a good trip. We were going to go to the gospel music festival at Silver Dollar City for two days. One day with just his wheelchair (and staying at the entry level) and one day with renting an electric wheelchair and going through the park. The first day, we really didn't have groups that we cared about through the whole park, so were happy to see two groups (4 concerts) and go to a hymn sing. It had a lot more up and down inclines than I realized and I was exhausted from getting Bill around (in a few places, I had to have him get up and walk because I couldn't push him). The next day we were both tired, so we took a long a beautiful drive through areas of Table Rock Lake. It was much more relaxing and we didn't miss that day at the park at all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    Thanks Connie! I did look it up. I don't remember what the little 4 pill scrip was but it was expensive and I never got a refill. That's awful! Having the meds cause attacks. My poor daddy had gout something fierce and would go to work on crutches in those terrible times.

    That sounds like a great trip...even with the hardships. My only travels are to appointments and the store for grocery pick ups.

    I cancelled my appointment for Tuesday because of the driving issue/knee pain. I had to deal with Optimum on Thursday...what a tangled mess that was. My service had been disconnected, while I was left thinking it was to be auto billed when I signed up the end of July...no invoice, no e-mail, no warning...just whack...no phone, cable, internet.
    After paying on the phone and waiting 6 hours, I had to call back, got a different rep, couldn't find my payment, said check with your bank...ACK...all this on my cell phone that I can't hear on and with the hearing aid, it was horrendous! Sounded like dogs barking in the background with everyone talking at once to other customers. I was on the phone for an hour and ready to sic a cat on them.

    Oh well....thanking Jesus for all the help, finally got reconnected, set up the auto-pay and my online account so I can make contact when needed...and check to make sure payments are made on time. They dropped the ball...I paid the penalty but it is what it is.

    Kim...did you end up going to Wal-Mart with hubby? That's a long time shopping! I have memories of such things. LOL

    Where is our Marilyn? Prayers for us all in this new day. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend...I have another order to pick up this morning. Cleaning supplies plus. I am going to try half orders...to cut
    down on the stress and strain and intense pain Of Tuesday's haul. That was really an awful experience.l1vmq8xof4h0.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Connie, some of my favorite hymns are about God being the anchor of our soul! Our church, when we first lived here in the early 80's we called Anchor Church. We were in an old shoe store and had it set up for Church and for our free Christian School. After we left the Presbyterian Church bought up the land and expanded their building - so where Wade and I got married isn't even there anymore! It had these huge windows out front and we would paint different scenes on the front for the different seasons. They painted them for our wedding, so beautiful!

    Bren, I'm sorry you had to cancel that appointment. I hope you were able to get another one in the not too distant future!

    I didn't end up going to Wal-mart after we had been to Sam's, just too much walking. My thigh is still weak. Ugh, I can't figure that one out. We are getting some lovely rain though and it has cooled down outside quite a bit.

    Went to a singing last night at a local Church. No big names, but three groups sang. The first one was actually the best. It was sad not to see young people there. One of the singers in the last group to sing was 81! The other two in their late 60's or early 70's. They did well. The second group was three ladies, all in their 60's and 70's. All of them were pretty good, the first though could have been professional, they blended so well and all of their voices were strong. They were The Nelsons (although I don't think any of them had the last name of Nelson! LOL)!

    Well, I'll let y'all go. I'm going to get me some lunch. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    Oh that brought memories to mind...of the singings, Decoration Days, the Church dinners...all in Alabama. I know what you mean about not seeing young folks there...times have changed and not for the better in too many cases.

    I got my new brace, envelopes and labels tonight. He left them at my door so I snagged the box. It's hard for me to bend and lift them but at least it wasn't really heavy. This brace is the same as my first... just 1 size up but feels good...doesn't choke my thigh so much.
    I will reschedule my appointment when I can walk and drive easier...and pray it's soon. The last two nights have been really bad with the pain. I have to mostly stay on my right side and it makes my leg numb after awhile. Really uncomfortable.

    I've scheduled laundry service for pick up on Wednesday. That's one splurge that has been a real blessing for me. I'm so glad it's available.

    I'll need to contact Optimum again. Since having them here in July, setting up new equipment, no incoming calls are coming thru except scammer calls. Sharon gets the message the number is not in service and I can't use my cell to call my home number...which means the pharmacy and my Doctors can't reach me either. I don't hear the cell when it rings......and for some reason I can't access my voice mail on it now. My PCP had called and I'll have to call her back to find out why.

    Oh well...I am done whining for the day. I am exhausted! Love you....nighty night!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Happy Tuesday, y'all.

    Well, I did go to Wal-mart yesterday. Ended up getting nearly 3,000 steps again. Woohoo.

    Hope you ladies are doing well. We miss you Marilyn!

    Getting ready to have my smoothie for lunch.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    It's a partly cloudy Wednesday here on the coast! Sometimes when we are driving along I can't believe I get to live here as we pass different bodies of water, or go over the bridge and see the ocean - way cool!

    I'm at 236 right now, am working on bringing that back down. I found these Aussie Bites at Sam's, filled with lots of good stuff and super foods. They are only about two or three bites big (depending on your bite you could take it all in at once!). Really good and an easy snack. Wade got me some bison burgers too, which I need to remember are there. More protein, less fat.

    Hope you ladies have an awesome Wednesday. Marilyn, I'll continue to keep you in my prayers and hope that you are alright.

    Love ya
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    Woohoo on the steps! It probably takes me 4 days to rack up 3000.

    I had laundry picked up this morning and if/when this knee heals enough I can hike to the laundry room...I'll do my own next time. In the meantime, I am thankful the service is available, tho costly.
    I also got a delivery order from HEB. I admit there's a good bit of processed/easy fix stuff in this order. I will make peace with myself this round and not spend an inordinate amount of time in the "shed". LOL
    I confess: I found and got some Hostess pumpkin spice cupcakes and they are SO good! I also got bananas...

    Your bites and bison burgers sounds good too. I've only had bison a couple of times and it's been about 15 years or more since the last time.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    edited September 2022
    Owww....I almost fell this evening, I had my cane in one hand, reached down to straighten my runner rug and stumbled badly. Praise God I didn't fall all the way down or I might still be there. It hurt me for sure. Twisted the knee and back...and irritated my shoulder. Boo Hoo

    In the what passes as news...MY city is planning their first pride festival and parade....disgusting....there is nothing in sexual deviants lifestyle to be proud of in my opinion. Loving the sinners/hating the sin is a tough command....especially when it's touted as normal, preferred and shoved in our faces daily.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Oh Bren - We are praying for you.

    As for loving the sinners/hating the sin....that is something that I have had to deal with for many years. I worked in an industry that is was pretty much the norm, so I had to learn to ignore.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So glad that you didn't go all the way down, Bren. Take it easy for a couple of days!

    So right about the "pride" thing. They glory in their sin and want believers in Christ to glory with them - sorry, God says differently. They need Jesus very badly!

    Going to go out and eat with our Pastor and his wife (very good friends) for our anniversary tonight - 38 years! Steak! Yummers.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    edited September 2022
    Happy Anniversary!

    Wow! That's wonderful! Enjoy dinner and time with your friends...Blessings to you both!

    I am...taking it easy, resting as needed. It's helped and God is good to this old girl. I was so thankful I didn't fall all the way. I didn't realize how unstable I was. I did have a rough night but am feeling better this afternoon.

    I got my laundry back, put in an order for a bulb change in the kitchen. Hope he does that today to brighten things up in there. I'm glad I got my delivery order yesterday and the dishwasher run and bed stripped before my tumble!

    I felt bad for my inner response and outward expression when I saw that news blurb as if that's something to shout from the roof tops. Abilene's first ever gay pride event with a drag show, parade etc. It sickens my soul! In these horrid times when the world is insane and far from God and that's cause for much celebration? The devil is having a hey day but we know how this story ends.....Praise God!

    I have a rib eye in the fridge for dinner in the air fryer with a couple of gold taters and a salad. I've been hoarding it in the freezer for months and while cleaning the freezer, took it down. May as well have it before it freezer burn!

    Thank you for prayers in my behalf. God hears and answers! Love you lots!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    I have been missing in action - have been very ill - just got out of the hospital last Friday. My body crashed - kidney function went down to 6 - was not aware of where I was for 36 hours. Doctors said I was in really bad shape - body was full of infection. They have sent me home with lots of home care staff to help me out - needing to literally learn to walk again and gain back strength. Will be having blood work done weekly for months to monitor my kidney function

    I will try to check in as often as possible but could be days between just due to my lack of energy.

    Thinking of all of you wonderful ladies
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    Oh Marilyn! I am so very sorry to hear this...we all are...and with your continued absence felt it had to be something dire as you were the most diligent at posting and staying caught up. My heart and prayers go out to you dear sister. I am so thankful you got the care you needed and continue to need in the time ahead. Don't fret at all about regular input...just pop in when you can. Know you are in our Thoughts and prayers each day. Love you...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear! I am so sorry, Marilyn. Praise the Lord He was with you and you are making your way through this. We missed you but totally understand that you will be here in bits and pieces. You were in our prayers and will continue to be!

    I can't believe I've missed so many days. I'm doing just fine, just got called away from the computer before I could get to this on my list of stuff. I get on in the morning for 2-3 hours working on Bible Study stuff and blog editing, and then again in the afternoon for an hour or two, sometimes longer. I try to take one hour in the morning to do my personal computing, but sometimes Wade pulls me away! Sorry for missing.

    Had a really nice time for our anniversary. I had the fillet mignon (yummers) and the mashed potatoes and honey roasted Brussel sprouts! So good. I couldn't eat all the sprouts but did eat five or so. I didn't want them to haunt me later! Wade got the ribs, we ended up making three meals out of his portion - he looked like Fred Flintstone. A 1/2 rack was huge!

    I have some broccoli salad in the fridge and will do that with some of the chicken and veggies that we made yesterday - or I might go for the port roast. Hmmm! Wade had that for lunch and it looked and smelled really good.

    Well, I'll let you ladies go. Be good, do what your doctors tell you to do, and trust in Jesus! He will never leave you nor forsake you!
