Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Doing well. Ian is gone and we now have lots less water and sunshine! It looked like we might get some rain from the tail of Ian when we watched the weather forecasts, but I'm not sure that is going to happen today, just too pretty out there! Praise the Lord we came through just fine! God is very good.

    Ugh, I am seeing a very cute top in the Zulily ad below! I've had to get rid of quite a few tops because the arms are just too tight now, my lymphedema and lipedema have made them larger! I have to be more proactive with my compression garments! I need to find some that work with both problems. When I wear the compression arm sleeves they choke out my elbows or my wrists, lots of pain. It is very painful to get them on and off because of the lipedema. The compression wraps I have for my legs work really well though and there is no excuse for me not to wear those! I'm going right now to put them on!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    So very thankful you guys are safe, Kim. Continued prayers for protection and provision.
    Marilyn....so good to see you and continued prayers for you as well as you make progress towards recovery. Love y'all....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That looks lovely Marilyn...and easy. A must at my spot.

    I've not felt well this week yet did have 2 productive days and am aiming for another today. My sleep schedule has been wrecked of late and worse than usual. BUT....no foot issues of late and for that, I am so thankful. The knee is better as well so I am ever hopeful of recovery and thankful for each day I get.

    Kim...I am so sorry to hear of the swelling issues and yes...those compression things can be so very painful! Sorry you have to let go of some of those cute tops you like too. So VERY thankful Ian has moseyed on and brought no damage to your doors! Praising God. I honestly don't know how many come back after the devastation of such storms and it's a yearly thing in all the same spots. My heart and prayers go out to those affected, homeless, without power and I praise God for the ministries that step up in these situations to fill some big gaps. Texas has sent crews to help restore power and assist in S&R efforts. With Harvey...we needed help.
    Have a blessed day, Ladies!

    Here's a meme I did up after cooking chicken livers for breakfast the other morning. I needed gravy, Y'all!
    This isn't my picture but mine looked just like it. That popping oil was a hazard tho!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    It probably wouldn't be bad if you use almond or coconut flour and use MCT oil to cook it in! Wade likes chicken livers, but me - not so much. We saw a YouTube video for home made egg rolls, I commented that there is something in them I just don't like - we laughed - we are such opposites in our eating likes and dislikes. Well, pretty much in anything. You should have seen us trying to find an area rug that we both liked! LOL! Mom and I were exactly the same, if I liked it, she didn't! LOL! We have her couch and chair which she said were gold, me, I see green! Wade sees green too! LOL! I know, how do you get green from gold - beats me!

    Wow, we went from summer to Fall in one day! I have the heat going today. We lived in 80 degrees all summer (in the house) so now that the house dropped to 72 I'm cold. I set the heat for 74 which is where Wade had the air conditioning. It's 55 outside - just thinking it makes me shiver! LOL!

    Hope you gals have an awesome day in Jesus. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Those sauces look delicious, Marilyn! Hopefully we will get a bounty of tomatoes next year and be able to make some of them! I planted some collards, cabbage, spinach, and we also have some broccoli to get into the ground. Wade will have to find a spot for some of the cabbage and the broccoli. Not sure how much of it will make it.

    We set out our Fall decoration, some mums, pumpkins and a straw bale. We want to get this gorgeous orange flowered plant and put it in our hanging basket on a hook on our lamp post (which the other decorations are beside). I think that will look really nice. Watering the mums every day, although we were told they should be watered twice a day - gulp! I'll be good to get to them once a day. Doing the planting really took it out of me. I have a headache right now and a backache! Not bad, I can still function, but I'm tired! Wade was busy painting the inside of The Net House (the building our Church meets in). It's taken us a little while to get all of the sheet rock in. We needed some A/C in there for this summer and the A/C guy never got back with us, so we've been doing Zoom meetings, but now that it is cooler, we will be able to be back together again - woohoo!

    Well, I'm going to go and get something for my head. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Good Thursday morning, Ladies....Time sure slips away quickly. I still have to ask myself what day it is on occasion.

    I had a good day yesterday. Got a few chores done and made another pot of kale soup stuff. I had some ground pork/Italian sausage mix left and put that in it but don't like it. The meat is so dry and tasteless. I'll scoop it out when I pack in containers for the freezer.

    My knee went south again on Monday...if you see it, send it home. I'm using the brace again and that does help. I have more to do today and need it fairly functional.

    I can only dream about playing in the dirt, Kim. It is a labor of love and I hope your garden does well. I've had a big part in some rather awesome gardens in my life and the memories are quite lovely.

    I need to renew my license before my birthday. I can do it by mail. I need to check the paperwork to see if I need a copy of my insurance to do that. I renew my auto insurance in November so will do both at the same time.

    I have an order to pick up this morning at HEB and will get my trash out as I leave. So glad to have my car ready to roll before cold weather hits. I only drive an average of once a week...I am OK with that. Any travels I do are only imaginary and most involve stays at Motels. LOL

    Wishing you all a blessed day...Love and prayers....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Love that picture, Marilyn! Reminds me of the Footsteps poem.

    Bren, so sorry about the knee. Maybe my back and your knee are taking a vacation somewhere! LOL!

    I did get my Tramadol today. I started using GoodRx and got a Gold Card which gets me a little bit more off of my meds. The two I got today were a little over $40, down from around $500! The Emgality that I had used for my headaches, even with the card is over $600 for just one month, and it didn't work very well, so we won't be using that one. Praise the Lord that my headaches of late have been very mind and I'm only getting maybe three a week. They are mind and with the Tylenol and caffeine go away pretty quickly. I don't often have to use my migraine med, so that is lasting me a lot longer than it used to. Praise our great and awesome God!

    I go and have a blood test done at the end of the month and then see my PA on the first of Nov. We'll see how the Red Yeast Rice is working on my cholesterol. I'm going to call next week and make sure that that is on the list to be tested. Last time they just did a very basic blood test. If it's better than it was last time, then I won't worry about it for awhile - at least not until I'm 65 and can be on medicare.

    Y'all take care. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited October 2022
    With the knee taking a U-turn for several days and just feeling puny overall...weak and exhausted....I rescheduled my endo appt. for November. I'll see my PCP the 17th and endo the 21st. I need to get my cardiologist fit in as well. Not that I want to. I just don't want to be booted from his care! I'll have lab work done on the 16th of November.

    I'm glad you get a break on your meds! Also very glad the headaches are milder for the most part and fairly controllable. The cost is prohibitive on so many things! Like my insulin that ate up my little retirement bonus so quickly at $750 a month for the first quarter of this year. I pray that doesn't happen again!

    I went out to check mail...didn't have any...and picked up a sappy pecan leaf on my foot. That stuff had covered my car, front to back like sprayed glue. No kitties were milling about so no need to feed.

    My glucose levels have improved a lot of late. I had two lows this week at 83 and 94. Then 126 pre dinner, 113 at bedtime. I like that a lot. If I behave like I need to, I can get that A1C down. I still need an infusion of energy and regular pain relief....it's been awhile since I felt really great! I know I am blessed, regardless. It's just so nice to get up an go, get things done, restore order to my home and take good care of myself! Be blessed in this new day!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, have you checked out GoodRx or the other discount drug sites? The other one I've heard of is Single Care, and I also saw WellRx. I did pay for the Gold card for Good Rx, but they have their basic free one which still saves a bunch. I went from $500 down to around $40 for two meds. My Rizatriptin was $411 before I used the card and I think around $31 when I used the card. You could just go to the site and see if your meds are on there! You can request a card and when you go to the pharmacy, just show it to them! Super easy! I took a picture of my card so it's always with me on my phone.

    Cooler days here and it doesn't appear to be changing any time soon - woohoo. I'm going to try to walk this afternoon.

    I put Grammarly on my computer - phew! I actually don't do too badly and am glad when they pick up a mistake!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Phew, went out to water my mums and found it was pretty warm out there. I guess I need to change out of my sweatshirt!

    I have my leg compression wraps on, my wrist brace on and my thigh wrapped. That might come off because it keeps rolling up at the back. I'll keep it on as long as it doesn't bother me! LOL!

    Hope y'all are doing well. Love ya
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I've looked at GoodRX a couple of times but with my insurance, it was no help at all. I was sadly shocked at the costs the first part of this year and for a 30 day supply, too! Insane.

    My glucose numbers are improving overall. Yesterday's FBS at 138 was a new low and I was so glad to see it. I can still get into trouble quickly when I get careless. Checked it at 1 AM and it's 117. Hooya!

    We're still having some high 80's to low 90's here but I'm comfy, hanging out inside. Still running the AC at 73 and will until we hit the 70's I suppose. I did get my most cozy blanket out of the closet for my bed. It's such a comforting thing.

    My sleep cycles are still an issue and really cuts into my productivity. At least the knee pain has subsided somewhat and that's a blessing. One thing reduced is the trash TV...LOL I can't stay awake to watch it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm sending you a big hug, Marilyn!

    Well, I tried to send you a big bear hug, but for some reason it wouldn't download my picture! Bummer! Well, here's the picture - one polar bear giving another polar bear a big hug! LOL!

    Ended up having two headaches yesterday. Both went away within an hour of taking my medication. Praise the Lord for providing and allowing the meds to work. God is so very good.


    I found another one! Here's your hug! Love both of you. Wish I could have found a three-way hug!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hope you ladies are doing alright. We have this new strain of Covid and the flu going through our county right now - ugh! Staying inside and hoping it stays away from us. I've felt under the weather for a couple of days, but it all seems to be stuff I'm used to having trouble with, so I'm not expecting it to be Covid. I slept wrong and my shoulders are aching today - hate when I do that! LOL! Praise the Lord we've had rain for a couple of days so I haven't had to water my gardens. I have four mums as decorations out front and then some Fall veggies in. They haven't done much yet, they've only been in the ground for about a week, but they haven't collapsed so that is a good sign. Something has tried to eat on a couple of them, one of them being pulled up out of the ground too! I put it back in the ground and hope the critter stays away. We have deer and turkeys that regularly show up in the yard, so it could be either of those - I don't think bears go in the gardens, but they have been seen in our area too! (shiver)

    Stay near to the heart of Jesus! Love you!