Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    OOO, yummy! No rolls or stuffing for me! That sweet potato casserole looks yummy! I think I'd rather have my broccoli salad than the beans! I'm so glad you chimed in. I've been praying for you and hoping you were doing alright! My pain is less today. I pulled a muscle in my right lower back and that was rather painful. I wore my back brace yesterday and that seemed to help. I can't remember if I told you this, but I read more about the SI joint, and it turns out that the numbness in my leg when I stand for an extended period of time comes from that! None of the doctors I've seen had any idea of why my leg was going numb, and most didn't even try to figure it out. Sigh! It seems that the pain on the upper inside of my thigh is also from that since it can also cause groin pain. I was having trouble with that when my right hip had so much pain these past two days. I also had quite a bit of trouble with my feet and calves cramping - a Tbsp. of mustard stops it pretty quickly. I need to find stronger potassium! Well, that's my update on my health for now! LOL!

    Still have more apples - ugh. I'm quite tired of apples. I'm dehydrating some that we froze to keep them fresh for going into the dehydrator and they are being stubborn about drying out!

    Well, I need to get going, have a friend coming over to check out one of Mom's sewing machines! Love y'all.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    My PCP first mentioned sciatic nerve and scoliosis like 6 years ago or so . It takes little to irritate back, hips, knees and feet....I'm doing better foot-wise on the alopurinol she put me on early in the year. I went from monthly episodes to maybe quarterly and they aren't as bad and don't last as long. Now if I just had something for the awful back pain...I would be less whiny. That week with both feet out and being bedridden was pretty scary!

    I thought about broccoli too in place of the GB casserole! I love green beans too tho. I love stuffing and usually only get what little is in a frozen meal. I'd got a box of stovetop way back yonder but it was so salty I threw all but one serving away. I do have a can of sweet taters, green beans and a Hormel Complete turkey and dressing dinner in there for my Thanksgiving meal.

    It was so cold and windy when I went to pick up my order! It was 45/feels like38....and we have a freeze warning for tonight.

    Praying for all in the path of Nichole....just seeing the coast battered and houses falling into the surf breaks my heart. I don't know how folks stay or rebuild when these storms come every year. I'd be one unable to evacuate most likely and there are so many like me. Unstable and not able....to pack up and go.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Short update: As I had previously mentioned I was in the hospital due to kidney failure. Had blood work done on Tuesday, then saw the kidney doctor on Tuesday - they didn't have the current blood work back yet but from 2 weeks ago the number went down from 20 to 18 (should be 60+). One of the nurses called me on Thursday at about 4 pm to say they got the blood work back - said the hemoglobin (red blood cells) have not improved but we need to give it a bit more time. Then she said - are you sitting down - I answered yes - and then she said that the kidney number has dropped again - it is now 15 - and that is not good at all -signs are pointing that it is not going to recover and that I will need dialysis which scares me. I get more blood work done on Monday afternoon and by the end of the week will need to go back to the kidney doctor for a follow up on the options - it is really scarry as they have politely told me that it is not looking good. Dialysis would mean 3 days a week at the hospital for 4 hours each time for the rest of my life - and originally the one doctor said that with this injury to my kidneys that out of 100 people with the same injury 85 of them pass away within 3 - 5 years - scarry thinking my time is possibly closer than I thought. Lord willing He will heal me and allow me to be with my husband and daughter for longer than that but just taking it one day at a time.

    Doing well with weight loss - am down to 233 now which is so good - about 15 pounds off in the last 2 1/2 months.


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Marilyn...I am so very sorry to hear this news. Praying for God's comfort, healing and strength in the days ahead. The weight loss is amazing and you've worked so hard for that. May God go before you each day and each step of the way in this new path you face. Hugs...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I try to make sure, when I wake up in the morning, to tell Jesus "Good Morning" and to thank Him for the new day and ask Him to help me live for Him in it! I want to start my day with Him on my mind!

    Marilyn, I'm so sorry about the results of your kidney tests! Never forget that none of this is a surprise to the Lord and that on the day you were conceived He saw the day you would pass from this earth - hopefully into His home in glory! He also knows all about your husband and daughter's needs and will be there for them! One day at a time - who knows, we may all be raptured away before your kidneys stop functioning! You are in my prayers - both of you ladies are! I'm doing a dance of joy in my heart for your success in losing weight. You've worked so hard and been so faithful to the changes you've made! Awesome job!

    I'm doing well. Praise His name. Arthritis pain and allergies are my nemeses right now, but nothing like y'all are facing.
    We finally cooled down here. It has been in the 70s and 80s with the occasional cool day in there. Not sure if this will hold, but it's nice to have a cool one after all the hot ones! I don't believe in global warming or climate change like the Woke crowd does - I believe it's been happening since the dawn of time and it's just the normal cycle of change. It could also be the changes that are going to happen just before Jesus comes back with stronger weather anomalies, earthquakes, volcanoes blowing their tops, tsunamis, etc... I kind of like that last one - I'm ready for Jesus to take us home!

    Love y'all very much. :)

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good Afternoon my Beautiful Lovelies! I hope that you are doing well today.

    We've cooled down, just in the 50's today. It's about 67 in the house and I'm COLD :# (that's me and my chattering teeth! LOL)

    Please keep my pastor in your prayers, he's in the hospital with some serious stuff. Thanks so much.

    Love y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I am sorry that I'm have been MIA. Life just takes twists and turns.

    Marilyn, I will be praying for you on your journey! I know hown scary this is for you and your family. We just have to relax in the knowledge that God is not surprised and He knows the hair on our head ... and our kidney functions.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thanks for dropping by, Connie! I get to see you on the other team, but it's nice to see you over here too!

    How are you doing, Marilyn? Bren?

    I'm doing well. No headache this morning and the aches and pains are mild today - praise the Lord!
    I've been keeping busy with editing blog posts and also putting together a booklet of our Pastor's poems and stories for his grandchildren this Christmas. Awesome stuff! I wish I had stuff like that from my grandparents or parents, although I do have a couple of paintings from my mom. She started doing that later in her life and did a wedding painting for us, and a plaque we keep by our front door that says, Gregory's Est. 1984 and has a Pennsylvania-type picture on it. Very pretty! I do have a clock that my grandfather made for our wedding. It has our names on it instead of numbers. It hasn't worked for a long time, but it's beautiful anyway. I wish I had thought to ask more questions about their lives. What I do know I've learned from Ancestry!

    Well, I'm hungry. Breakfast was at 6:30 so it's been more than four hours, time to put something in my tummy! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Dealing with a headache right now - from the meds for my kidney - waiting to here from my GP to see what I can do to help ease them and the nausea.

    Just returned from having a lot of blood work done - again - and should be hearing from the kidney doctor by the end of the week as they said when they get these results they would need to talk to me about the next step which is dialysis - just want to feel better - been sick every day since Sept 9 so it is getting to me.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Hello all...here at 1 AM....again. I need a hard reset to my sleep schedule. Yesterday I was awake from 11:30 PM until 6:30 AM...

    I do that too, Kim....say good morning to Jesus. I thank Him for my rest and the gift of a new day and His presence with me in it. I thank Him for my home and the blessings that fill it. He is my provider in all I need.

    My knee went wonky again and I'm thinking the cold snap had an effect. I've had my heat on briefly 4 times already. It's 39 here and like you I am really chilled at 68 inside. Me no likey!

    Hey Connie! Glad to see you here......we do know about those twists, turns and knock downs on occasion. God is aware of each one.

    Marilyn....Continued prayers for your treatment and relief for the nausea and sickness you've been having for so long..
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    You continue to be in my prayers, Marilyn. You too sweetie-greens! So sorry about the headache and nausea, Marilyn. Praise the Lord, I mostly just get the headache and not nausea. Praying your doctor has a solution very soon.

    I ordered some compression sleeves that should fit. I need to do my massages and wear the socks every day, as well as take care of my skin! I don't do a full massage twice a day but at least six days a week I do a partial massage at least once a day! Sigh. I do not wear the compression every day as I should. I actually need to wear compression on my arms as well, but I think most of that is from the lipedema; reading about it today they say compression is good for that as well! I guess I need a compression body suit since it has affected every area of my body now! I did have some arm compression sleeves, but they caused pain, so I am going to have to figure out something else. I have wrapped them and that works better than a sleeve, but it's hard to do one-handed and having to do it every day...

    You ladies take good care of yourselves and I will do the same here. Rest in knowing that our Father knows about it and He has a purpose and a plan! Rest in Him! Love you. 3luarrg47y1o.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hope y'all are doing well today. We've had another cold day - well, in the 50's. I can't believe you are so cold in Texas, Bren. I remember when we lived there we used to get ice more than snow during the winter - is it the same now? We lived in Alvarado! NC may get snow, but it doesn't last for long. When I first moved in with Mom (on the west side of the state near the mountains) we had an ice storm that took out the power for a week! We had a few others while we lived there, and a few snowy days, but nothing much really. We didn't have any snow or ice here at the coast last year.

    Wade is putting up the Christmas lights! We are getting them up earlier and earlier every year. I personally like to wait until after Thanksgiving, but even I am watching Christmas movies and my Christmas town screen saver music videos now! There is one little town that I like to watch, a coastal town with a lighthouse and a little kid that runs through the town without any adult nearby that seems to claim him - he's so funny! They have several Christmas ones and then a Fall and Summer one as well. So pretty! I just like that it has action and not just a static picture.

    Well, not much else going on with me. Hope you are both feeling better. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    We had another front come in last night and the temp is 37 here at 4 AM...I had a series of naps, went ahead and got up to get my shower and do a few chores before I toddle off to get lab work. I always pray for a close spot as it's a hike from the lot to the lab. Then I have my appointments for Monday and Wednesday. I also pray they don't hurt me doing labs. She did last time and the bruising took 2 months to heal.

    My complex put up lights yesterday. I saw them when I went out at 10:30 for my mail. Love it! All along the railing upstairs...4hia3bfem8nj.jpg

    I wish I had some of your discipline, Kim. I won't even put lotion on my super dry skin I did just set the bottle on my desk as a reminder tho. Once a week would be better than none, you know. If I had to wrap up and strap down, I'd be whining an awful lot and never be in compliance.

    My knee was bad enough last night that I considered postponing my appointments again but I prayed for the strength and will to just do it and be done for the year...meaning it will be about Spring before I have to do all this again. Hooya! I'd like some coffee but haven't decided to have it...I need to just do my water and hydrate as much as possible...

    Have a blessed day at your spots and be gentle with yourselves. Love and prayers...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    OOO, Wade put up the lights on the fence yesterday. We string them all along the front, our yard and our pastor's yard - we have the same fencing! I'm glad y'all had your lights up, makes me feel like it might not be too early! LOL!

    Gonna make ham potato bake for dinner tonight. Ham, potatoes, a white gravy with cheese in it, and then some cheese baked on top. I'm not following the directions this time, that didn't go so well, but I'll do each step separately.

    Oh, I made some blender rice bread today. You put all the ingredients in the blender, turn it on until the batter is around 105 degrees (from the heat of the blender motor) and then let rise until near the top (which mine didn't make it that far so the inside is a bit gummy, but yummy). Spritz top with water and put a pan of water in the bottom of the over so the top doesn't crust too quickly. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes or until inside temp is 205 degrees and voila, bread. It's very good and very easy so I'll be making me some of this some more! Oh, and no gluten! Yeah!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Way cool! I know "we" won't be the only ones with them up early and consider the cheer they bring in some gloomy days. That's awesome...doing the Pastor's fencing as well. Is he home? Praying for healing and strength for him in the days ahead.

    Got labs done. Prayers answered for a close spot...got in quick (was there at 7), was well hydrated, (glad I remembered that) and the guy didn't hurt me! He was quick and easy. I was so thankful.
    It was SO cold tho and somebody wore no jacket. I was shivering and shaking and so very uncomfortable waiting for the heat to kick in. It was 32 when I left. We have freezing precip in the forecast for tonight and come Monday, when I have to be out again, it's supposed to get up to 50 with sunshine.

    My A1C is down to 7.6, from 8.2....my lowest so far. Triglycerides are still high at 363 but I am so glad they are nowhere the over 800 I've had in the past. My TSH is improved with the increase in meds...the micro/ab-whatever is not listed tho it was on the request. I did my part!

    Our year is zipping by quickly. I haven't done a lot with mine but am so very thankful for each day of it. God is so good, loving and merciful and is with us in every moment....and there is cause to praise Him each day we have.