Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yes, it does! So glad you are feeling better. What beautiful mugs. I got rid of most of my mugs, but kept a couple of my Christmas mugs and a few of the ones we got when we went to San Diego for our 25th wedding anniversary. Wow, that was 13 years ago!

    Our Carbon Steel pan came - loads of fun seasoning it! We had to sautee salt and potato peels in it twice to get that good non-stick seasoning on it. Wade did an egg in it and it did pretty good, just a wee bit of sticking on one edge, but once he got that up it just slid right out of the pan!

    We did some more apples yesterday. They are starting to go soft. There aren't a lot of them left, so we should be alright. We made apple pie filling, so when he wants to make something, the apples are ready to go - well, he needs to add cornstarch and butter to the mix, but the sugars, spices, and apples are all in the bag!

    We have the tree up and some decorations are done. I still need to switch out the "flag" that I have over the front door windows. Right now I have a lighthouse up there, but at Christmas, I put up my Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus one. The light shines through the window right where the star is at! Finding some of Mom's things was a bit hard, but it's nice to see them out and about the house.

    Y'all have a great evening. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    If I did that I'd end up flat on my back! LOL! I will do the dance in my head, safer that way!

    Not much new going on so I will just wish y'all a very happy day! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member

    This last bit of 2022 zipped right to our doors! Hoping the new month is blessed and productive and we find joy in each new day. Love you all!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Wow, I am so jealous of people being able to decorate for Christmas. I didn't even think of that before we started this awful journey of tear-out, foundation repair, and then remodel of the apartment in our basement. Right now my brother-in-law has my Christmas decor blocked in with stuff that he is having to move from his apartment for this whole mess. Right now we have a "rest" week and the rest of the tear-out and remodel starts on Monday. It is supposed to last into the middle of the month. By then, I'm just not sure that it will be worth the trouble for a tree. I may just get out some of the smaller stuff and go with it. Right now, I have the Christmas Card holder that I use and keep upstairs and one pillow. Really decorated well, huh?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh Connie! What a tough situation going on at your place! I don't envy anyone ever having to do such things! Hope the end of that hard work is in sight soon.

    Decorating...you saw mine? Stove burner covers and Corelle mugs/saucers (not shown)...LOL I am OK with that tho. I remember when my Mom finally had to stop putting her big tree up....she just couldn't handle the work of it and got a little 2 foot one and set it on a TV tray. I've only had one tree in all my adult life and got in so much trouble for "wasting his money"...hubby one...the maniac. Hubby number 1 hated the "commercialism" of it all and refused to participate. His thing became doing tamales to share and giving the kids money to buy their own gifts. He tried with wife number 3....to donate to worthy causes instead of buying gifts and got shot down. What memories are unearthed once sparked!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I saw at Lowe's today that they have those little pine trees in a pot! Or maybe a pretty poinsettia in the front window! I saw, for the first time, Christmas Cactuses - they had little ones. Mom loved her Christmas Cactuses so I thought the ladies in the Church might like one. You hardly have to pay them any mind and they give you beautiful red blooms. Mom had two and I gave the big one to her best friend, but mine, the little one is going like gangbusters! The little ones were only $3.98 each.

    I hope they get done with your stuff on time, Connie and you can have a rest before Christmas day. Your little family is in my prayers.

    Went to town today. Boy, my back is getting bad. I had quite a bit of pain in my right thigh after standing and walking through Lowes and Walmart. I didn't even try to go into Food Lion, or our favorite thrift store, Loaves and Fishes. I made some rice bread when we got home but it doesn't look like it turned out good. Hopefully it will taste alright. I just need to get the ingredients right. I can't get it out of the pan though - terrible memories of past bread-making experiences! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That was hubby # 2 with the Tamale thing plus. Number one had no desire to ever gift anyone wit anything but his foul mouth and abusive nature....

    The boss's wife used to get poinsettias for all the offices and Sharon would decorate a wee bit. Your cactus's sound lovely!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I like those, Marilyn! Now to implement that second one! LOL!

    Bren, I like the cactus and the succulents I have, I don't have to worry about them dying if I forget them for a little while. We have a couple of plants left from the display that her Church sent to her funeral. Wow, they are hardy because I keep forgetting about them and they keep living. A bird had made a nest out of the moss that was in it and laid an egg in there. No bird, no egg when I cleaned it out, so I guess things worked out! We'll see if it survives on the porch this winter.

    We found an app for our TV that will filter out the bad language from TV shows or movies, but you do have to have a subscription streaming service and you can only watch the ones that your service carries. We have Amazon Prime so we are able to watch shows they support. They also have shows through Freevee and YouTube. I always liked the show Scorpion, four geniuses helping out the government with problems that they can't solve. It's based on a real person. There are a few others that I would like to watch again, but I don't have the service that they are based with, so... It's a lot cheaper than cable and I don't have to listen to bad language. You can do the free app and sit through ads or you can pay $6/mo. and have no ads! Until we see if it's worth it we are going with the free. I actually like the ads, gives you a break to go use the bathroom - oh yeah, I forget, you can pause them! LOL!

    I've been cold today, then I went outside and was surprised at how warm it was! My watch says it was 72 for a high today. Wouldn't know it sitting in my office! I'm ready to start my little heater! Pitiful!

    Well, you ladies have a great weekend. Love you

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hello, my beautiful lovelies! I hope you had a very good weekend. We did. Praise the Lord our pastor was up to giving the sermon yesterday. So exciting and such a blessing.

    Here's the first of my Christmas pictures!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Joyce Meyer had a saying..."when you slide into the ditch, don't set up housekeeping"...another one I liked was "you're so busy trying to take authority over the devil and you don't even have authority over a sink full of dirty dishes".

    That's lovely Kim! First implies there will be more! Bring them on! That's wonderful that Pastor was able to bring a message Sunday. Praying for new strength and joy each day.

    I did a lot of decluttering, have trash loaded on my cart to take out, got my laundry in the pick up bags and my pick up scheduled for tomorrow. I am praying that in the new year, I will be able to do it myself. I need this back in better condition! I was working on the mess in my clothes closet and got my "keeper" items down from four baskets to one. I've started a tub for the Buy Nothing group and will post when it's full. I've given away 4 tubs and lots of bags of things....before my body went south back in May? I consider it a blessing to be able to get some sorting and cleaning done again!

    I got a Christmas card from our Barbi. It's my first. I so rarely do snail mail anymore except for her and my son. Speaking of: I'd ordered him some shoes/socks...guessing the size since the list he'd sent was in the clutter. I found it...and I'd ordered 7.5 and he needed 8.5....oops! I can't do a return so am hoping his cell mate can use the 7.5's and I reordered for him...as his Christmas gift.

    I got my notice from SS about the increase for 2023. What a blessing! Now if insulin prices will be regulated, I'll tool along right well. I got my Tresiba but the cost was almost 3 times what was expected. I think maybe because the 200 ML pen was ordered instead of the 100?

    I'm going to get the trash out and get some coffee. I waited a bit after feeding my cats so I don't disturb them. Have a blessed day all... Take good care of yourselves! I'll do that here as well.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member

    Beware of Joyce Meyer, she isn't biblically sound or anywhere close to being biblical! Just a head's up! Same goes for James McArthur, Beth Moore, and, unfortunately, many others. They believe that God is the author of sin since He is sovereign and nothing can exist apart from Him making it exist. God created everything good and perfect! We don't even have a choice in our salvation - you are either saved or damned by God's choice; and never mind being free from sin - nope, you gotta do it every day! Sadly, too many people are falling for these lies of the devil! But I do agree - if you fall into a pit - get out, repent, and keep moving forward for Jesus!

    Let's see if I can get my computer to let me put up another picture: Nope, I have to get Wade to open the boxes that are storing the pictures! Ugh! I think I need to just get rid of whatever that is! LOL! We'll try again tomorrow.

    Lunch time! Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Today was my weigh in date at TOPS = down 2.6 weighing in at 235.6 - so am on the move again. Three more weigh ins for December - wonder what I can achieve - would be nice to lose the 5.6 pounds in that time frame but will take any number that is lower.


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Woohoo, Marilyn. You are doing awesome!

    I'm hanging out between 236 and 237. I need to get my snacking under control - the problem is, I get up at 6:30, have my protein shake. By 10:30 I'm ready for lunch. By 2:30-3 I'm ready for dinner, then I should just need a snack around 5:30, but if I don't eat something around 7 my tummy is just growling all night - sigh. But I actually have three snacks throughout the day, so I know I can at least take away one of them. I don't want to gain over the holidays, so I need to adjust NOW!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Howdy Doody!

    Kim, I hear you! I haven't watched or listened to Joyce in about 15 years or more. I know the world is full of charlatans and those that could lead astray those in need of salvation. I would fear more, those with the prosperity message...Joel Olsteen, Creflo Dollar type.... I attended a mega church in Dallas under one of those (Robert Tilton)....but not for long! We have to be vigilant and alert....for sure!

    I cannot believe I will be 70 in 6 days! Wasn't I just 45 recently? Only God knows the number of days we get but I am so very thankful for each one of them. I look more like my Mama all the time!

    My after dinner glucose was 93...Wow! That's wonderful! I'll see where it stands in the morning. It would be awesome to finally get regulated and see my numbers in a normal, healthy range after so long in the red zone.
    Nighty night all....hope you rest well and have a wonderful day tomorrow as we head towards another weekend...