Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited December 2022
    Yeah, I'm in! I've been denied access to at least one of my groups each day. The first day they denied me access I went to discussions and found my other team there, but yesterday I tried that and no discussion for my two groups came up, but my other group just came up so I was able to chat with them. I sent you a message but I don't see anywhere on my page where you can find your messages. I found it yesterday, but don't see anything today - I must have been wherever your bath mats went, Bren! That's so funny - someone probably took them since you leave things out for your neighbors at times - someone probably thought they were for them!

    Beautiful day yesterday, warm and sunny. We are rainy and bit more chilly today, but nothing like it has been. We should be in the 50's and 60's for the next few days, then more winter-like temps will come back in. We've never been as cold as last week was though, so, Lord willing, there won't be a repeat of those temps! God saw us through.

    Okay, I found the little envelope! From here you go to FIND MEMBERS which takes you to the Community page - at the top you will see a little envelope, that is where you get and send mail!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I had a restless night, got up at 2 AM, back down at 4...back to sleep about 5:30....up with a headache at 9:00-ish. Took some meds and will rest today mostly. It's a bright, beautiful, sunny day....and while I'd like to be more productive...am OK when I'm not. Yesterday was a good day with 4 tasks done from my list of 7.

    I have some of those days too, Kim. Where I am forced to find myself and my groups! Today was one. I saw briefly the envelope you spoke of...showing I have a message?

    We are expecting a high of 77 tomorrow. That will be wonderful! Someone came in yesterday and got the big industrial fan out of here, while I was napping. Maintenance needs to come for theirs now. I took all the wet towels out yesterday that belong to them for our issues. The leaking has stopped for now and I am hoping the plumbers are finished with this job and we don't have another problem anytime soon. I'll get my bathroom rugs back down in there.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Bren - I haven't had time to be on the page very much, but I just saw you asking about KU. You can usually get it free or 99cents for a limited time and then end it. Read as much as you can during that time. Then, wait two or three months and see if there is another promotion. I know of a lot of people that do it that way. I have had it for years and purchase it 2 years at a time. It is much less expensive that way (I think 40% off). Also, if you live in Texas, I have heard that anyone in the state can get a Houston library card for free and that their assortment of Christian Fiction is very good.

    I hope that you all are doing well. Life is crazy around here, but since the basement is now done, I am hoping that things slow down a bit.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That is a Bren picture for sure, Marilyn! LOL!

    Connie, thanks for that info! Good to know. I have a library card (free for three years here in NC) and I use the Hoopla section of it often. My home library doesn't have a lot in the way of newer Christian books, but lots of older ones. I keep requesting stuff, but alas, they are not like your library which likes to accommodate you!

    Bren, what an odd night. Praise the Lord I slept through to 8:30 this morning, about 9 hours of sleep. Woohoo!

    Okay, here are my goals for this year:
    Long-term- 180 lbs. (Been looking for that for about 20 years now).
    Mid-term - 215 by my birthday in August
    Short-term: high protein/low carb diet (didn't get that today); stay at 1000 or under calories for the day (accomplished that today); walk every day starting with 500 steps and building up to 1500 steps. I want to try and get 2,000 - 3,000 steps a day (and hopefully as I build up my body will be able to handle that much. At around 3,000-3,500 right now I can hardly walk by the end of the day my back is so bad).

    What are your goals?

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Yes...on the picture for me! I still think Willie Nelson needs to do a cat version of To all the girls I've loved before. God knows I've loved a lot in my life.... Cats more than people but that's OK. I don't mix and mingle much.

    Thanks Connie, for that info. I am reading about 3 books a week at the moment and I would enjoy KU I think. I'll look into it.

    I noticed on Sunday, there was a massive water leak at the corner, headed towards the laundry room. The plumbers are back and the hot water is off. Somebody let the dishes pile up in my kitchen but I finally got load one...loaded. I'll run them when the hot water is back on. I remember running a load with hot air the last time the hot water was off....LOL I may be in need of memory games?

    Awesome goals, Kim. Oh honey, I hear you! I gained 35 pounds back in 2014 after starting Actos and I am still dragging that around! I've been playing with the same 3 pounds all these years! I hear you on the back pain too. It knocks the starch from our sails!

    Long Term: Weight: 170 (following your example 'cuz it's easy)
    A1C of 6.5 Lower triglycerides Lower blood pressure Improve kidney numbers to the best of my ability

    Mid term: 200 by July 4th

    Short Term: 1200-1500 Calories: 30 minutes activity daily (add minutes as I am able) Home PT work: back (is awful!) shoulder and knee and...Work on balance, strength and stability and getting my sleep patterns sorted and healthier.

    Start stats:
    156/78 73

    I need to do my meds packs up. I need to get my car to Firestone for an oil change and inspection. My service light is on....and the shop guy said I need to do that even tho I drove less than 400 miles last year. LOL I told y'all I only filled up twice, didn't I? April 23 and November 5. I am a total homebody and quite OK with that. I have to MAKE me go out...for appointments, for groceries and the like.

    My sleep patterns are still wonky...last night, I felt really bad...was awake from about 11:00 until 5 AM again...I did however, make me get up at 9 and not sleep until 11:00 like yesterday. That's on my goals list as well, to work on.

    Prayers for us all in this new year. God is merciful and loving and has us in His care...daily. I love you ladies and am so thankful for each of you.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I don't know what kinds of supplements would be safe for you to take, Bren, but I use and adrenal support supplement which helps my body keep my hormones working like they should. The adrenal gland affects your cortisol which is your sleep hormone. I still have to use a sleep aid which I get through my functional NP's dispensary - It's Alpha-Theta Ultra PM by Biotics Research. Amazon carries their products, but not that one. You may be able to find it at a store that sells homeopathic stuff. They do have the ADHS which is the adrenal help. It's $53.50 but it will last 240 days. I take just one a day. Just some thoughts that might help, but then again with all the things you deal with it might not be the best thing to do! I took just one of the sleep aids last night and was still up at 1 AM. I need two of those for it to make me sleepy enough to fall off to sleep! Hope you can get help with that, getting good sleep really helps with our health.

    Today's numbers: Cals:927; Carbs 92; protein 62; sat fat 10.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Nice reading all the messages from you wonderful ladies - great encouragement from all of you.

    I have a few goals set up for the year
    (a) have a net loss of 40 pounds by the end of the year which I believe is doable - this would get me under 200 pounds
    (b) drink my water (100 oz) every day to help my kidney function
    (c) absolutely no salt which means no processed food at all, and eating all meals at home to make sure I am on track with taking care of the kidneys
    (d) this is the year to get moving - so my aim for January is to walk a total of 30 minutes each day - walking around the house - am going to have to break it down into small stages but the goal is to get in 30 minutes of walking each day this month
    (e) time with the Lord - January I am working through Matthew - doing one chapter a day and going in depth with each chapter.
    (f) each month have 2 different couples over for either just coffee or a meal but having 2 different couples from the church over every month
    (g) all food will be written down in my journal before eating anything for the day - and in the same journal will be 1 thing I am grateful for and I will also list 1 - 2 things special about the day that I am recording


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Great goals Marilyn. Wishing us all a successful, productive and blessed journey in this new year.

    Kim, my sleep issues began back in April of last year when both feet went out at the same time and I was bedridden for a full week from the agony. Sleeping about 18 hours a day got my days/nights mixed up and I still struggle with it. Then my knee went out back in August or so....I had a rather painful year of things. I was so blessed to NOT be working!
    When I am exhausted...I lay down...if I lay down, I fall asleep....then I wake to go to the bathroom, take my PM insulin and the like and boom...I am fully awake and can't go back to sleep....so am up on the computer , watching TV or reading until 4-5 AM. The cycle repeats and it becomes an uncomfortable normal. Me no likey!
    I did like my "work" schedule...up at 5 AM...down at 9...asleep by 10. My Dr. suggested setting up a routine/schedule to help regulate myself and I have the notes ad a chart done up...haven't started actually doing it yet. Baby steps?

    Today....I need to catch up o the dishes someone left in my kitchen now that we have hot water again. I got the first load run yesterday, late afternoon, when it was back on. I do hope we are settled with water issues for a good while. We were down since Christmas Eve.

    It's supposed to be really windy today so I am not inclined to be out and about. I'll aim for Friday? An expected high of 77...Praise God!....and full sunshine! Then next week our next cold front comes in. I don't have appointments scheduled until March so should avoid all wintry travel needs. Hooya!


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Those goals sound really good, Marilyn!

    I schedule my time with the Lord, I found that if I don't do that it becomes too haphazard. I get on the computer at 9 AM and work for about two hours. Most of that is working on the blogs. Right now I am working on getting different studies saved on different documents so when we are ready to do those studies I will have most of what my pastor needs to be done and we can have booklets done for those. After lunch, I get back on the computer and do my Bible study, color-coding several chapters. I'm working on Deuteronomy right now. A long time ago I read a little booklet, My Heart God's Home, about Jesus waiting in the study of my heart for me to come along and spend time with Him. Do I pass by that room and see Him watching walk past? Or do I run to Him when I see Him there? I don't want my time to be haphazard, and it also informs people I know that this is my time with the Lord and they try not to interrupt me! I just found, for me, this works best.

    Wow, my weight was down again this morning to 237.4. My food long-in said that if I keep up how I am eating today I should be down to 227 in 5 weeks. Wouldn't that be awesome? Here are my numbers for today:
    cals: 1004 (four above my set number of 1000)
    carbs: 93 (within range)
    sat fat: 10 (within range)
    protein: 74 (within range)
    potassium: +401 above range. I am cutting out one of my potassium supplements and that should help keep that number on track or close. I actually take three things that have potassium in them so I am going to have to be aware of that.

    I will be going next Thursday to have my bloodwork done. Hopefully I will be able to have my thyroid checked.

    Well, that was weird. My computer just blacked out and then quickly came back on right where I left off - phew!

    Love you ladies. Can't wait to see what awesome things God does in us this coming year.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Nice, Marilyn. Those can only happen when we live for Jesus and so few people are there! What a crazy mixed-up world we live in. This is what happens when you turn your back on God, just as our country has done!

    Went out for breakfast this morning. I had half of mine: a sausage omelet (no cheese) and hash browns. A little over 300 calories. Oh, I forgot to add my Tbsp of sugar and the two small creamers I added to my coffee, so my numbers will be a little bit higher.

    Cals: 999
    Carbs: 74
    sat fat: 16
    protein: 67
    sodium was 449 high; potassium slightly under at 613 (no supplements for that taken today)
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Good Friday morning all!

    I'm up before 3 AM but did rest well while down. My right foot went out yesterday, started in the arch this time so had a really painful, exhausting day.

    I managed to "make me" go to Firestone for my oil change and inspection. I was there about 1.5 hours, which had I not been in such pain, wouldn't have been a big deal as they are always busy. They only have 6 seats for waiting and they would otherwise be fairly comfy with the contour but they are hard to get out of for short folks like me. I got trash out early as well so that was 2 big tasks off the list.

    I grabbed lunch at Burger King....not a good choice. Last year, I had fast food about 7 times...all year....a repeat is in order. Less is better...Most is certainly not worth the cost and the quality has decreased as the prices increased.

    I cancelled my HEB order...again...but may order for delivery, just to get me thru this foot run. I will see. While convenient, it's costly, with fee and tip but I may wait until I "need" something, and can walk/drive again without so much pain. I check the weather before outings and it's supposed to be nice the next few days...sunshine and high 60-low 70's.

    Be blessed in this new day...Love and prayers.

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    I guess that even though life is crazy and I haven't posted as often as possible that I need to put my goal into the team.

    I want to
    watch calories - 900-1100 per day.
    assure that sat fats are within the goal - 13 per day
    assure that cholesterol is within range - except possibly one day a week with eggs
    try to fix meals that fit in to the guy's restrictions without raising my calorie counts (less pasta, etc)
    intermittent fast - eat between 11am and 7pm
    drink more water - less coffee? (Whew, that would be a big one for me!)
    exercise more frequently
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Connie, figuring out how to make my coffee taste good without adding a bunch of calories has been hard for me. I may just decide to drink coffee when I'm really cold and need it to warm me up rather than my two cups a day (one 16oz tumbler). I drink on it all day. You and Bren and Marilyn have such challenges balancing the different needs you have. I just have to keep the foods I can't eat out. I tried the Trim Healthy Mama diet but I had to substitute so much that it just wasn't fun and oftentimes I couldn't substitute.

    Todays numbers:
    weight: 236
    Cals: 1062 (had my leftover breakfast from yesterday)
    Carbs: 67 (good number)
    protein: 69 (I need to bring that up)
    sat fat: too high at 20
    sodium was high and potassium was low.