Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited January 2023
    I get the reduced sodium one, but yes, it's still too high in sodium to be used regularly. As are so many other things. I didn't have my planned dinner. I ended up with my lovely egg beaters and a slice of pepper jack cheese. Yummy.

    I got my new set of rugs and love the color. It's called Acorn. I will keep an eye on these, should they ever have to go outside like my set of brown ones did after the recent flooding issues. I have a really pretty chili pepper red set as well. So while one set is in the wash pile...my floor is still covered. I love new things for the kitchen, bath or bedroom...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    You are in my prayers, Marilyn. It doesn't surprise me that other things are starting to struggle because your kidneys clean out the bad and yours aren't doing that very well right now. You are so faithful to eat the right things. Be assured God isn't surprised and knows exactly what is going on in your body and in your life - rest in Him. [A big bear hug!] Oh, I just thought of this, Wade had a coke when we went to get our pizza. I had a taste and yuck - sugar! I don't drink regular sodas but drink the ones sweetened with Stevia. It's an acquired taste and I'm glad I've acquired it! How our tastebuds change!

    I need to use my air fryer more often. Those potatoes with the bacon sounds really good. I don't eat many potatoes, but we have the cartons of potato flakes we make when we want mashed - takes about 10 minutes and most of that is boiling the water! I can't stand long to do real potatoes for making mashed, so those work great. I can wash and just cut a potato into chunks to throw in the air fryer though! Supper sounds good.

    Well, I discovered this weekend that wheat has another side effect for me - headaches. I got a migraine after eating some pizza this weekend. I'll have to find a way to make a healthy pizza without wheat and dairy cheese! LOL!

    Here are my numbers for today:
    970 cals
    69 carbs
    14 sat fat
    53 protein
    potassium and sodium in range.

    I didn't weigh. I have my legs wrapped and I'm covered in sweat pants and sweat shirt, so I have no idea how much all of that weighs to take it away from what the scale says.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I picked up my Wal-Mart order and stopped by Cash Savers (have to walk in there) for ice and salad goods. Yay...found some marked down meat.... I need to sort that fridge, do up some salad bowls now that I have my nice, new containers. If I do up about 4 at a time, I can just grab and gobble since I am less inclined to do much after 5 PM...I joked about having 8 minutes of energy to expend on dinner. My AF does a great job on the bacon and yep, that tater was wonderful too! I have about 4 taters left.

    I will rest a bit and let my back recover...then go play in the kitchen. This was both so good...Chili mac and my dinner...the egg beaters/cheese and rest of my bacon pieces.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Today is my weigh in day = weighed in at 235.8 which shows a loss of 0.4 = am grateful for that as I have gained weight this month - January 1 I weighed in at 235.4 so just about back to where I started at this year - it was getting me down as I was beginning to wonder what was wrong as I had 3 weeks of gains = but it looks like I have turned it around finally - am excited now for this week to see if I can get below my starting weight for January.

    The Lord is so awesome = I know He loves me unconditionally and keeps His arms open always for me to lean in on though I stumble so many times. But when I lean on Him, be still and listen, I hear His instructions - and when I follow the instructions how much better my days go. For instance last night I went to the Lord in frustration re my health and weight not knowing what I was doing wrong with my food and feeling so depressed about it as my health is really not all that good. At any rate I called out to Him asking Him to speak clearly to me as to what I should be looking at with respect to what food to eat and to give me the strength and wisdom to follow His counsel. So today when I got up I didnot want to go to my meeting as I felt I had another weekly gain so I prayed about it, sat quietly to hear what He might say to me and this is what I understood Him to say: Go to your meeting, and go out for brunch with your husband - my plan was to have a poached egg, bowl of fruit, and one slice of toast but usually we share a meal which would consist of 1 scrambled egg with cheese, 2 bacon strips, 1 small pancake and an order of toast - took that to the Lord and I felt Him tell me that that was ok to eat today - just today but that I needed to make sure I got in the necessary water if I was going to it that.

    I am feeling overjoyed as I believe He has pointed me in the right direction and I feel that next week I will once again have a loss moving me closer to my goal for the year

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Sometimes our bodies just get into a rut and we need to jump out for a moment and shake it awake again! Praise the Lord you have found new hope and a direction to move in, Marilyn!

    I was at 234.8 this morning. The three of us are so close in weight. I hope we keep that up as we lose and get closer to our goal weights!

    Bren, that chili mac looks so good. I would have a massive migraine if I ate it (wheat and cheese), but oh my, what comfort food! My husband is helping me today for lunch. We are going to make chicken tenders with coconut flour, milk (this little bit shouldn't bother me) and corn chips crushed up for the coating. We'll sautee them in avocado oil. I'm going to have some mashed potatoes too. Here are my proposed numbers for today.

    cals: 995
    carbs: 88
    protein: 67
    sat fat: 12
    potassium and sodium in range.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    It was really good, Kim and in doing 1 bowl, there's no leftovers to call out to tempt me later. I joked about having 8 minutes of energy to make dinner...hence the bacon and lovely egg beaters. They have become a fast favorite.

    I was down for the count yesterday after a really rough night Tuesday. I didn't get up until 10 AM yesterday. I was up at 7 today and feeling better. I need to see Bob and Brad about this back. I stopped by the other day for the seated exercise one where they use the Booya stick..."just so you can say...BooYa!" Good moves and very helpful.

    Yesterday's meals were lighter. B. Egg beaters/cheese and a banana (no bacon)...L. a can of soup....D. ham and cheese on LC bread/banana

    I need to get some chores done today so will get to it after coffee. I had none yesterday. We got no snow, just rain... and I was glad. It was sunny and bright yesterday and we have 67 expected for Saturday...Hooya (Booya)
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I did my stuffing/chicken breast and green beans today. Fast/easy and yummy.acttzs0v5ioh.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So true, Marilyn! It's also about taking those changes slowly and not dumping everything all at once - that discourages people and makes them want to quit.

    I didn't track today, feeling very tired right now! I got about 8 hours of sleep last night so not sure why I'm feeling so draggy! Eating alright though and should be within my ranges, although probably a bit carb heavy. Carbs are easier to get than proteins. I think at some point soon I'm going to try and make some hummus out of refried beans, or black beans. The refried beans already have oil in them, so it shouldn't take any of that. If I can make it so I like it I can do that and carrot sticks for a snack! Dinner tonight will be my smoothie since I had chicken tenders and veggie chips for lunch!

    Love y'all. pnu0bxssy0l5.jpg
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That's beautiful, Kim. As long as God gives us new days....we can DO this!

    I was up at 1AM until after 3...after neighbor's radio racket got on my nerves. It's sad, really...as I am deaf on the right, have 30% hearing on the left, yet this disturbs me rest 4-5 nights a week. It goes on pretty much all night....maybe they need "white noise" but this is far beyond the norm. Of course, having hearing on one side...I can't tell which apartment it comes from. This has been going on since last summer.

    Strangest thing....in the mail, I got a packet with a condolence card for the loss of my husband, a lovely book, Prayers to Bless your heart and a beautiful wallet card with a favorite verse, Isaiah 41:10. I have that verse on my headstone at my piece of property in the Albany cemetery.
    It's a precious gift, but not really "mine"....as I haven't had a husband since 1989 tho we reconnected and made amends, by the grace of God before he passed away....has it been 4 years...or five now? Time gets away so quickly.
    Anyway....while this was maybe not "meant" for me...I will treasure the gift...and the sentiments expressed.....Perhaps God has orchestrated this....to calm and quiet me?

    My weight had rebounded to 242....ack! Is now 237.4. BP was better at 140/80 70 and FBS is 128 today. I KNOW what I've been up to and I KNOW what needs to happen...to make a major course correction. I will work on that today.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So glad that weight is coming back down, Bren! Wow, how strange to get something like that. Someone must have lost track of time too!

    Feeling tired from migraine med I took this morning. We were going out to eat and do some shopping so wanted to make sure the headache I woke up with would go away. We ate at our favorite local restaurant, The Kountry Kitchen - yummers. I had eggs, bacon and home fries (potato squares). It was very good. I did have coffee and had to use sugar because they don't carry a substitute I can use. I need to bring some of my own!

    Brrr, it was cold this morning. I guess it was around 40 degrees, around 44 when we got home. :( Me no likey being cold! Praise the Lord my coat keeps me warm!

    No tracking today, just not feeling up to it. Am eating alright though.

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member

    I looked for obits and the only Bradshaw was a 93 year old fellow...but not sure if he was assumed mine? It was just really strange. The packet came from JTF...Joseph Thomas Foundation, affiliated with my Buy Nothing group.

    Pain...Owww....I hear you. My knee is out again and I'm thinking it may be weather related with this new cold front that hit. Not so sure about the back pain as it's increased the past week or so. Oh well....Me neither...like being cold! My feet and hands stay cold and I get the cold wind in at my recliner, around the door.

    Just the name of that spot would make me want to dig in and stay through lunch. LOL Sounds good and yep, taking your own sweetener is a good idea.

    My manager stopped by yesterday with a stack of towels and....my missing rug set! LOL She had taken them to wash them and was just now getting them back....the towels aren't mine and I told her since I'd already got a new set of rugs (I really love!) to replace what I thought had blown away....someone else can have that set if they'd like. I only "need" the 2 sets.

    I got my bed stripped yesterday but didn't get sheets replaced. Will do that today. It's been quite awhile since I did that, but it didn't affect my sleep any. I had a night from of the neighbor's radio racket and rested well, in spite of the knee. I so enjoy the quiet times when that radio is off!

    I need a cup of coffee and will get my charts caught up in a few minutes and get my day rolling. Wishing you all a blessed one. Love and prayers for us all in this new day.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Amen! What a nice thing to do. I know the situation was really no one's fault, but it was nice she took responsibility to wash your rug. It would have been nice if she had let you know though! LOL!

    Maybe someone else got tired of the neighbor's radio and complained! Now wouldn't that be nice?

    Well, I'm tired again today and my throat is still a little sore but I did try doing some singing, so that could be the cause. Woke with a headache and took migraine meds, those make me tired!

    I hope you ladies have an awesome weekend. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Am doing ok - scale was down a little this morning which was nice. It is cold outside 34F but feels like 27F so am not going to be going out even though the sun is shinning.

    Need to get my floors washed - don't have carpets which is good but it means literally vaccuming daily for dust bunnies and dog hair - I like my floors but they do take a lot of time to keep them looking good

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh my....I woke from my nap yesterday with a stiff, painful neck and it's about 10X worse this morning. I woke up at 2:30...couldn't get back to sleep so got up at 3:30....went to see what Bob and Brad had to say. I'd done some gentle stretches last night that I can't do now, some trigger point pushes...oww oww..., put some Voltaren on it....need help and God's healing touch.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    @Bren5535 = you mentioned using Voltaren on the trigger points - beware of it as it is dangerous for the kidney function - it is one that the kidney doctor says to stay away from - just letting you know
