Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh yuck! We were blessed, neither of our dogs were naughty like that! Of course, we taught them better! LOL!

    Oh, Bren, where are you sweetie??? You know I am going to have to give you a call if you don't post soon, and you hate using that phone! LOL! I'm praying for you! Have you ever thought about getting one of those medi-alert buttons because you do live alone and don't have anyone who comes to see you regularly? If nothing else, never leave your phone behind, keep it with you all the time, then you can call 911 if something happens.

    Here are my numbers for today:
    weight: 235.4
    calories: 1051
    carbs: 92
    protein: 53
    sat fat: 7
    potassium and sodium within range.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I'm here sweet pea! LOL
    I rested well last night, stayed down until 5:15....more normal than the 3 AM risings. Had a long nap this afternoon as well.

    I'm feeling better...my knees were acting up for a couple of days so I wasn't up to much. Yes! On the phone. The only calls I get now days are the scam/spam/robos and Sharon calls a couple times a month to touch base. She's really struggling and things are harder at the office, with changes and challenges increasing.

    She's 73...older than me with some of the same physical issues...and the bosses have been snarky of late. I told her how thankful I am to have made my exit when I did....and she's hoping to finish the year at least. Her 3 adult kids drain her...plus the 2 grandkids living at her house with their Dad who leaves their care to her and puts nothing in...financially or otherwise...for over 5 years now. I feel for her.....and pray for her.

    Speaking of: When I woke this morning, the song "Somebody's Praying for Me" came to mind. Made me smile...knowing for sure that "Somebody" was! I went to youtube to listen to it. I love the sweet reminders God sends...

    Your numbers look great. Mine....do not LOL....I have had 3 days of binging and that had not happened for a good while. I need an intervention. I am mad at me. It's daytime eating, and not the PM binging I used to do...but I need to stop it right now. I'll get a tow out of this current ditch...and roll on down the road.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    All in all, the numbers are running fairly close. I haven't gone over my calorie goal, but the other numbers vary a bit by day. I am trying to keep things in line, but with everyone's restrictions, it isn't easy.

    Hope everyone is doing well. We got Bill in today for his bloodwork before his yearly check-up next week. I have some questions for the doctor that I am going to need answered about mobility. It is so hard to get Bill in and out of the house with the 13 steps either outside through the front door or from the garage. We really need a stair lift, but don't even know if one would fit in our house, and I don't think it is covered by medicare. We are also going to need a recliner lift chair and bars in the shower.

    I am almost at the point of saying that we aren't going to be able to go to church anymore. I can't say how much that hurts me to even say. I love playing the piano for closing and substituting when needed, and I love hearing the word. I also NEED the fellowship that it provides. The last few Sundays I have been in tears trying to get Bill out of bed, cleaned up, dressed, fed and out the door. By the time I get him in the car I am totally exhausted!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited January 2023
    Connie, my heart hurts for you...for the sorrow and struggle you currently face and the time ahead when you have to release even more into God's keeping. God sees your love and sacrifice and knows the depths of your pain at the thought of giving up Church services. I am praying for His tender care and comfort in the days ahead.

    My last night with my Mom, after getting her to an appointment here in Abilene, and getting her and the wheelchair back in the car to go home, in bitter cold winds...she said " I sure am a lot of trouble aren't I?"....I said "NO Mama...you are not! I am honored to be able to help you and Jesus gives me the strength to do so". She passed away the next evening.
    HE knows, in advance....what each day will bring to us. Love and prayers...for each of us...in each day we are given.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    My heart and prayers go out to you, Connie. Does your Church do on-line services through YouTube or Zoom? At least you could hear the message and enjoy the music even if you aren't able to physically participate. Hugs and prayers! We were incredibly blessed, our Pastor and his wife live next door and our meeting place is in their back yard! So people were able to stop in when we had services. Mom was actually participating the Christmas before she passed, but everything went downhill fast after that. Connie, we had thought about the chairlift to get her in and out of her basement apartment, and it seems like it would have been covered by medicare - but that was several years ago, it may be different now. It just seemed like the Acorn Stair Lift commercial said it was covered - hmmm!

    A teeny off day for me. We went out for breakfast and I ate wisely, although more than I normally eat. I did have a Little Debbie Valentine treat (Wade gave it to me, what was I to do??? ;) So I'll have my protein drink and chips for dinner and then something for a snack. I better hop to it, it's past my dinner time!

    Love y'all. So glad you are alright, Bren.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I have a pot of soup on...a favorite. I love my kale and will eat Kim's as well. I don't mess around with 2 cups! I did add a can of petite diced tomatoes, 2 diced gold potatoes and a bit of bacon...didn't have enough no salt chicken broth so added a box of the NS beef as well. Plus the half a small jar of pasta sauce in the fridge. I have some meatballs that may fall in the pot as well...I'll see how that works out. I saved enough kale to do my egg breakfast....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I will gladly give you mine. Now leave out the kale and I like all the other stuff that is in it! LOL! I found out this morning that the bacon we use, Smithfield, has only 45 calories per slice! Woohoo! I don't have to feel guilty eating a slice that Wade makes for me.

    I changed some of my numbers. I kept going over that 1000 mark so I changed my calories to 1100. I also upped my protein and lowered my cholesterol, so I am going to have to figure out how to make my protein number closer to or higher than my carb number. Hmmm!

    Liked that picture, Marilyn!

    Here are my numbers for today:
    cals: 1036
    carbs: 80
    sat fat: 9
    protein: 52
    in with sodium and potassium.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    LOL! I will gladly take your portion. LOL My soup actually looks like this, I had 5 meatballs so those went in and with the tomatoe-y stuff...it is delicious. I would actually like it a lot without as well as you know I do love my veggies.

    Oh yay! I hear you on the bacon....that's nice to be able to fit in some. You're doing a great job with your numbers. I love my meatballs and use them fairly often but this last bag was mixed pork/beef, larger and 97 calories each! I have tread lightly with them.

    My numbers will improve now that the "fish sticks" are gone! I'll know not to trust those innocent looking things again. I at least, had no fries with them! I've discovered as well that I hate plain, store brand white bread. I'll spend the extra and get my Sara Lee LC bread or the Nature's own, whole wheat LC. My after lunch glucose is 110. Excellent!

    It's lovely and sunny but really windy today. My BR window keeps being blown in and pulled out. Makes it sound like someone is coming in my door.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Afternoon ladies. Love coming to the group to read the messages - you are all doing such a good job. And you are all such great encouragers.

    Hubby went to the doctor today as he needed to renew his meds and the doctor calls him in every 6 -8 months to just check up on him. He is as healthy as can be. Hubby asked the doc what his GFR number (kidney function number) Normal is 60 and his had gone down to 55 but it is now back up to 65 so all is well there. Blood pressure was normal so he is ok which I am thankful for.

    I was at a specialist yesterday as the kidney doctor found something in my blood workup that should that I could have rhuemoid arthritus but after a lot of questions and an exam she said at this time I don't have it - though I do have osteo arthritus. So that is one good thing. With being at stage 4 kidney failure I don't need more medical problems. Have my blood work done monthly for them as they are really keeping a close watch on me. My GFR number for January is 16 so though it is low I am still free from diaylsis which is good.

    I check my blood sugars daily as they need me to do this as I am now off meds for diabetes and am controlling it with food. This morning before breakfast my reading was 4.8 (in the US that would be 86.4 ) so am pleased with that. My A1C I believe is at 5.4 so it is showing I am controlling this problem well

    Needing to really work on the intake of water as I know I haven't been getting enough in. Talked to the doctor about this today and he said that because the kidneys aren't working at full capacity that when I don't get in the required amount of water, that though I eat correctly I will gain weight as my kidney is not getting rid of the toxins like it should. Therefore I am going to get in 72 - 100 oz of water each day along with really watching to make sure I don't get any salt in my food (it is in everything so I am having to make everything from scratch like we did 50 years ago). If you have any recipes that are tasty but without any salt let me know as I am always looking at trying something new. I also am not to have red meat. They have asked me to cut back on the animal protein that I was having and eat more plant based foods (lots of vegetables) to get in the protein. But they said if I can 1st work on not having any red meat is a good step - something in the red meat and/or deli meat that harms the kidneys.

    Not sure what my numbers are (calories ect) as I have not really been tracking them but rather just making sure I ate enough veggs, some starch such as potatoes / rice / noodles, fruit and as for 'fat/oil' I am limited on that also - so am really back to basics with eating. Overall the food bill seems higher than before but it is definitely more healthy - and in the long run it is not really that much higher as I have cut out all snacky foods as I only eat at meal times making sure I fill up on the good stuff while watching hubby eat some of the unhealthy food that I have loved in the past - getting easier to do but it is worth it as overall I am feeling much better.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thanks for your update post Marilyn. You're doing a good job with your program and I need to take some of your pointers to heart...like the red meat, deli meat ones. I don't do a lot of red meat but on occasion do ground beef. I do more of the deli meat and know the sodium is atrocious. 90% of my cooking/meals is based on how quick I can get it done and how much of a mess I'll make. I am encouraged by your information and will see how much I can incorporate into my own plan. Blessings to you and yours...and hey...that's awesome that hubby is so well!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Have you ever tried Brunswick Stew, Marilyn. It would take a bit longer to make without the canned goods, but it has lima beans (you can get the frozen ones instead of canned); stewed tomatoes (you can easily make those from fresh tomatoes); diced potatoes; onion; corn. I imagine you could add other veggies as well or even some beans instead of chicken to add protein. It is a hearty and tasty stew. The corn adds a little sweetness, countering the tomatoes a little bit.

    I got the results back from my cholesterol test and am so happy: everything bad was down. I am still in the intermediate range, but my LDL moved down to the top of the normal range. Overall it was 229 and this time was down to 208; my triglycerides were 210 and this time 172; and my LDL was 145 and it's down to 129. Still have work to do, but that is by the grace of God and using natural means rather than a prescribed statin. It never worked this good in the past so I know God's hand was in it!

    I have an appointment for my regular bloodwork on the 3rd of Feb and then a physical scheduled for the 10th. I think I am doing pretty well. Hopefully, I can be a pound or two down from the last time I saw her a year ago. I am at 234.8. Down from 237.4. I am okay to be losing at this rate since I am struggling to get my food under 1000 calories - I lost well when I was able to do that, but I am just too hungry doing it that way. I still want to snack when I don't have it scheduled and at times have something small to satisfy it, but mostly I ignore that niggle! I bought some Lily white chocolate bars and when I want something sweet I have two small squares of that (it has Stevia and not sugar). That satisfies my sweet tooth without adding much. (THM suggests this brand for their diet).

    I've been doing my compression daily as well. I will do my arms every other day, but something on my legs for the most part of every day. I am hoping that will bring the size back down, making it easier to buy pants that fit better. I ordered some new stretch bandages which I will wear constantly for two or three days, then take them off, wash my leg and put on lotion and then use my neoprene wraps on Wednesday and take them off when I go to Bible Study. I'll give myself Sunday as a free day since we are in worship and fellowship for much of the day. When the weather warms up consistently I'll try to start walking again, but until then my exercise is sporadic.

    Well, that is my life right now - :) Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion about the stew. I have one that I make all the time - I am trying to stay faithful to the McDougall plan which is whole food - no animal products so my stew does not have any form of 'meat' in it. I will look up the recipe and post it as it is very tasty and my meat loving family loves it. As for the McDougall plan my kidney doctor and regular doctor are in favor of it as they tell me that to many people eat to much animal protein where they can get adequate amount from eating enough vegetables. One thing I am now doing is if for breakfast I have 1 hard boiled egg, then I will not have any more animal protein for that day - such as chicken. And when I do have chicken before I was eating 4 oz at each meal and not I only have 2 oz in one day. So that changes are working. But the one thing I do not eat any more is beef - just a line I have drawn. Should I want to make spaghetti with sauce, I either make the sauce just with tomatoes and spices OR I will make it with the tomatoes and chicken hamburger - don't really like the flavor of it but it does work. And honestly the spaghetti with a homemade tomato sauce works well. I do not buy canned sauce anymore due to the salt and sugar level in them.

    A note on salt - the dietition told me that if I need to have a processed produce (meaning something with a label) look for the soduim level and only go for 2% or lower watching to make sure for the correct serving size. For instance mayonnaise is 12% I believe per 1 tablespoon so when I make coleslaw I measure out the coleslaw mixture to 12 oz then I add 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, after mixing it I go back to the kitchen scale and measure out the total coleslaw to 4 oz per plate so that we all get the exact same amount then I know I am not overeating on the mayo. Takes time doing everything this way and cooking from scratch but honestly tastes so much better.

    About water. They want me to have 3 L (which is 100 oz) or 10 - 12 cups. I have a water bottle that holds 24 oz. So when I get up in the morning I fill up my bottle, set my timer on my cell phone for 1 1/2 hours and when it goes off it reminds me that the 24 oz in the bottle should be all finished - if not I sit down and drink it all at that time. Then I fill it up again and reset the timer. It is the only way I know I will get it all in. Did you know that if you don't get in enough water (not tea, coffee or juice but plain water) that you slow your metabolism down and will not lose weight. So if you think you are getting in enough water it was suggest to get a large jug and fill it with water that you will drink for the day (I have a container that will hold 3 L) - I then take that jug and fill up my water bottle that I keep by my chair. When the large jug is empty by the evening I know I am on track. Suggestion the article I read was to take your weight in pounds and divide it in 1/2 and that would give you the amount you need to drink in order to be hydrated. For example if you are 200 pounds divide that in 1/2 and it would give you 100 oz to drink. So I think 3 of us are pretty much close in weight so that could be an aim. But if you have congested heart failure you need to be advised by the doctor on this - otherwise give it a try.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I was told by my doctor who diagnosed me with my lymphedema not to drink more than 36 oz of water a day. I was recently reading an article, it said drink, drink, drink. Dehydration makes the skin dry and brittle which can cause cuts that can get infected. (I've never had the cuts problem, but my skin is dry). I am working on getting more fluids, but will probably only try for 50-60 oz so that I won't tax my lymph system, but I also don't like all of this dry skin. I am using Lubriderm Advanced Therapy on my legs since that was one of the suggested lotions for Lymphatic skin. I put it on before I put my compression garments on. I get nauseous drinking plain water, so I am getting some Stur, a water additive that has fruit juice and stevia. It's 0 everything except vitamin C which is 20%. I also have a carbonated drink, Zevia, which is carbonated water and natural flavors and stevia: it too is 0 calories, 0 sugar, some of the flavors do have some sodium. It usually takes me two or three days to drink one can! I have a 20 oz mug for my coffee, but I don't usually finish it in one day. In another article I read the doctor who wrote it said that you get quite a bit of water from the foods you eat, so it doesn't all have to be in the form of the liquid. I've also heard the 1/2 your body weight, but for some people that may be too much. An article I read through SparkPeople said to measure how much liquid you need by the color of your urine as well as your thirst level. If your urine is clear of very pale and you aren't thirsty you are getting enough liquids. Now, I know that you have issues that I don't have, Marilyn, so you should definitely do what your doctor's recommend! I do the urine and thirst method and try to get a certain amount. If that amount isn't doing the trick, I drink more. I know that my coffee doesn't count! LOL! My smoothie is 1 C water, 1/2 C cranberry juice and 1 oz liquid vitamins and minerals. So I do count that!

    I was surprised to find, when I opened my e-mail, that my library had purchased four of the books I'd recommended. They were from a few years ago so I had already read three of them, but I put three on hold because I either couldn't remember reading it or really liked it and wouldn't mind reading it again! I didn't think they would ever get a book I recommended! LOL!

    You ladies take very good care of yourselves. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Good morning all.

    I think I need more water. I have my Yeti knock off I use all day/night but filled with ice, it holds about 12-14 oz. water and I do refill about 4 times a day so get maybe 48 oz. or a bit more daily.

    Sodium....well...we know I struggle with that one. I don't add salt often but the things I eat have way too much already. Breakfast today was bacon, poached eggs and a gold potato, in chunks and cooked in the AF with the bacon. No added salt but I did have a bit of catsup for my toasty tater. For dinner I plan chicken breast w/reduced sodium ST stuffing/green beans and squash.

    I almost let my chicken breast get totally freezer burned! NOOOOO....I have 2 thawing for dinner and 3 left in the bag to cook maybe in the crock pot. I haven't been inspired to cook much....so it lays in the freezer...crying for attention.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    @bren5535 - good start on getting in that water as it is so important. And watching the sodium level is so important. I was told that when I need to have a process item (something that has a label) to look at the serving size and the amount of sodium. 12% or more is dangerously bad and was to work on keeping that at 5% or less.

    You mentioned ST stuffing - for the first time in over 30 years I used some for Christmas as I usually make my own. I had one mouthful and though I enjoyed the taste all I could really taste was the salt in it - hubby looked at the packaged, smiled and said 'We wont be using that again as it is over 10% sodium per serving.' So do watch the labels

    Am having some medical problems that I am going to have to have the doctors investigate -seems like since my kidneys decided to be a problem that lots of other ailments are surfacing and they are not nice.
