Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I'm glad I like my coffee black...tho once in a blue moon, I add a packet of Splenda type stuff and some creamer. I have some salted caramel creamer (real stuff) in there now. I love it in my oatmeal too...another blue moon occurrence.

    I cooked round 2 of that hefty pork roast I got on sale after Christmas. The piece with the bone. I have a container full for BB-Q sandwiches as before and another with the 3 small gold taters for a hash of sorts.
    My HEB order is finally being pulled and prepped after I cancelled 4 times due to pain and the lack of desire to push myself to go pick it up. I have a lot of fresh veggies/salad goods on the list and a couple cans of the mackerel I love and haven't had in over a year. It, like everything else has sure jumped in price. I ordered one with the jalapenos and one Mediterranean with olives and sun dried tomatoes. Makes for a really nice lunch or light dinner with my veggies and cucumber salad. I've been missing my veggies.
    I need to find some containers with lids in my closet, to do up some salads and bento trays with. I am a plastics hoarder...yes I am.

    Today's stats:
    152/79 71
    90 woohoo! I am so happy and my Dr. will be so pleased when I see him again in March. I have about $600 worth of Levemir in the fridge tho. Wish I could donate some to someone in need....but not sure it's "allowed"....

    Have a blessed weekend all...I plan to here at my spot and hey...Wednesday is supposed to be 79! Oh My! I will plan some outside time for some Vitamin D!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh wow. I can remember when we were happy to have you get below 200! Praise the Lord, I'm so happy for you! Keep up the good work.

    Warm here today too, but cold in the house - sigh. Wade is working on getting the deck put up at the front of the house. That will be so nice in the evenings or early mornings. We are going to make one of the back decks (there are three decks on this house now) a screened in porch, but they both need lots of work to make them safer.

    My numbers were off yesterday, I had popcorn in the evening that I hadn't planned on.

    Here are my numbers for today:
    cals: 1012 (fish oil took me over, I'd forgotten to track that: 20 cals and 2 fats)
    carbs: 68
    protein: 72
    sat fat: 14
    -646 sodium
    +348 potassium

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh, me too...and it was for years at high 200 and close to/over 300 on occasions! I am so very thankful!

    I am up at 2 AM...with my To Do list ready, will make coffee, feed cats, check yesterday's mail and move on. The sleep thing is just one of many to "work on" and as I have nowhere to be and no pressing matters....I will work while I can and rest when I need to.

    I got my HEB order picked up and tucked away and oh my....that was so very painful! My back just screamed so much, it's a wonder neighbors didn't hear. That is such a hard task. If I'd do it right, and keep orders at say 35 items, $75....ONE load in my trusty little cart...I could manage much better. I'll try to keep that in mind...next time. I still have my water and TP to bring in. I do need to see if there are ways to build strength and reduce pain in my back. I'm just so thankful that it recovers quickly with rest.

    I had a heavy lunch yesterday so skipped dinner. Today's stats...
    148/79 65
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hee, cute, Marilyn!

    Bren, have you ever tried a TENS unit to help with the back pain? I used mine quite a bit. They aren't very expensive at Amazon. The one I recently got has quite a few different kinds of pulses that it will send through your back, you just have to find the one that you can stand and also will reach your pain. It basically gives your nerves somewhere else to look rather than at your pain. It also releases endorphins that help to ease the pain. I used to do mine all day, but they now kick off after one hour. So when my pain starts to come back I do it for another hour. Here's the link to the one I have now: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B071YTVGYB I don't use the shoes, the bottom of my feet are too sensitive for the little pokey things, and I haven't used the pad either. They may have this with just the unit, but I didn't see it when I was looking through the different ones. I've been using the same pads since I got it and it comes with three sets. I also only use one port and mostly use it on my right SI joint. You could use just one port and put one pad on the right side of your back and one on the left side - never over your spine! It works best if you put one pad on one side of the joint or pain and another on the other side, surrounding your pain, that's why I just do the one side since that is where all my pain is. You could use both ports and have four pads on your back at a time! Just a thought! A back brace may also help, just so you keep your lower back straight when you bend, it does some of the work so your back won't have to. A bother, I know, but if it helps!

    I don't know what I am going to have for dinner, but I figured my breakfast, lunch and snack and have 364 calories left for dinner! All of my numbers are within range right now, so I have room for that too! No weight change after my weekend of eating whatever I felt like, so that is a Praise the Lord for His goodness!

    Love you gals.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thanks Kim....but uhm....no on the TENS thing. I am a freak about electrical impulses (say, shocking myself with a light switch?) and with my left shoulder still out, I can't reach to place anything on my back still. It will be 2 years in February since my fall on the ice/injury. The right one took a full 3 years to heal. (same injury)
    I got a back brace and hate it. It's too bulky and won't stay in place. I used it once and it didn't help at all. Maybe pain patches? Got any tips for those. I do believe I could get those in place. I just dug out my pain roll on...maybe I should use that? My pain is worse on the right side but does go all the way across when it's cranked up.

    We are supposed to have 82 today and tomorrow....hooya...then the cold front comes in and will drop it to 57 for Thursday but hey, that's still great...with no ice and bitter cold! I need to go out and play in the sun when I can.

    Have a blessed day at your spots....I am up again for the 3rd day at 3 AM...but that's OK. I need to get things in order including myself...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Mom used the patches, both from her doctor and OTC. I used the patches once, when I went to bed, but they bunched up and didn't work. Mom liked them! They have the big squares down to little circles, you just have to find the ones that work best for you. I'd try to find something that you could put one on each side. I can't wear them because the meds they use in them bother my tummy, but you don't have that problem. Salonpas is what she used, cheaper than others, and they worked: https://smile.amazon.com/Salonpas-Pain-Relieving-Patches-Count/dp/B01AB4U6PI She also liked Biofreeze, that was one her chiropractor recommended to her.

    Well, Wade is home with groceries, so here are my numbers;
    Cals: 1065
    carbs: 141
    sat fat: 12
    protein: 96

    high on potassium; low on sodium

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Thought I would check in as today was my weigh in day.

    I am now at 235 which is up 0.2 from last week - but that is ok - now to keep on plan for the next week in order to lose some weight but more important to help keep my kidneys from failing more.

    Had blood work done yesterday - my kidney function (should be 60 was at 16. This puts me a Stage 4 of kidney failure - Stage 5 is diaylsis - so need to really take heed and do what I can to slow this progress down some. I get the next batch of blood drawn in 4 weeks so am hoping that all numbers will be a bit better then they were this time

    Bren you mentioned your back pain - boy do I feel for you. I have a condition in my back that I was born with and it hurts terribly when I don't take care. Over the years I used pain patches, the different creams but nothing really worked. I also have a prescription for a med that helps relax the muscles which does help. But due to kidney failure I am not to take that any more as they are now telling me that those all help destroy the kidneys. So please be careful with what you do use - talk to your doctor and ask the doc if these meds you are using could affect your kidney and if so then ask him to find you an alternative as honestly you don't want to get where I am at - it is not nice. There is so much natural things we can do that the docs forget to suggest before meds but do make sure you discuss it first with the doc. My sister is having trouble with her doctor - she was in the hospital same time as I was for a cancer operation and they put in a cathetor which was normal procedure but from that she went septic - and not she is really sick - and her doctor says he doesn't know anything about being septic yet she was able to find all the symptons and she has them all - he is now looking into it as it is serious - she read up about a lady that went septic and was not given proper care for it an she ended up losing one hand and one foot because of it. Why am I mentioning this - sometimes doctors don't have the answer or are not up todate on some issues and we have to fight for what we need. Praying for you - please remember to ask your doctor and let them know what you would like to be checked for as many don't do this they just rely on giving out meds.

    Anyway I am getting of my preaching - just speak up for yourself asking for natural remedies rather than just prescriptions as meds affect all parts of your body.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Marilyn, I do know you suffer greatly...and Kim has as well with back pain. My Doctors are limited in what they can give me, due to the diabetes... so I only take arthritis strength Tylenol and the Tylenol 3 with codeine but can't get that any more. No great loss as it did nothing for the pain. I used the Stop Pain roll on yesterday.

    I do my chores in 5-10 minute increments as that's all I can stand, but the pain eases when I sit down. I managed to get my bed changed yesterday and the dishwasher unloaded/reloaded. I'll run it today, once filled. I need to get trash out and vacuum, and use the Swiffer in the kitchen.

    I woke up before 3...stayed down until 3:45....'ll snag some coffee and get my list ready. Thanks for the tips and concern my friends! Be blessed!

    A favorite breakfast...sautéed kale and poached eggs. If I had kale...I'd make some.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Bren, you should see my face when I looked at that picture - :s heeheehee! I have a friend who uses green beans a lot in whatever she is making for her breakfast so she can get a veggie in there too. I had an aunt-in-law who wouldn't eat anything green (not just veggies). She passed this year too, she was two years older than Mom! Another matriarch also died last year and was in her upper 80s or early 90s! She was married to Mom's older brother. Three in one year, what a sad year! All of the matriarchs are gone now. Wade is the oldest one in his immediate family since his older brother passed away several years ago. I think most everyone is in their 60s, of the oldest in his family. My mom is 85, her parents died when they were in their upper 80's. Please, Lord, come back before I get that old! LOL!

    I agree, Marilyn, natural is best. I use several natural supplements but still have to take some prescription meds for my lymphedema and my heart and as long as it stays cheap, for my stomach. I haven't found anything natural that will help with those.

    Here are my numbers for today, if I stay on plan!

    Cals: 936
    carbs: 129 (split pea soup)
    sat fat: 14
    protein: 88
    +109 sodium; +464 potassium

    I did a small workout yesterday, bicep and tricep curls; and the ones you do for the upper back; I did some squats and other standing leg exercises. It was maybe a 10 minute workout - but it was something. I will do that again today!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I DID imagine your face, Kim....and know I can say...ALL the kale is mine! LOL For you non-veggie lovers....I just know you are missing a bounty of yummy stuff! I have kale on my new shopping list.

    I've been awake since 12:30 again. It's now 4:45....ACK! I tried in vain, to get back to sleep. I'll get a nap later, after chores are done and the bug man comes for his monthly tour.

    I had a late bap yesterday and woke up at 7:00...thinking it was 7 AM....I got up, did my morning ritual, got dressed, rather bumfuzzled, as I didn't feel very rested. Turned the computer on, saw 7:04 PM....I thought...PM...is that right? Oh well....worse things could happen.

    Hope your day is a good one....It's supposed to be "chiller" here today at 57....then climb again tomorrow. I am SO thankful for every sunny and mild day we get and am so thankful we're not in California this week. Love and prayers~
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm glad I am where I am too - we will be getting up to around 70 today. It was a bit chilly this morning with the slight breeze - no snow, no floods - God is good!

    Had blood drawn this morning for cholesterol check. Hope the Red Yeast Rice is working.

    Here are my numbers for today:
    cals: 1042
    carbs: 87
    protein: 81
    sat fat: 13
    a little over on sodium and a little under on potassium. I could use a full scoop of my potassium supplement in my smoothie to bring that up.

    Have an awesome day, ladies.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member

    I'm not tracking today. Yesterday my tracking didn't turn out. Today will basically be what I had written down today. Hubby made a smoked Boston Butt yesterday, but it wasn't ready by the time my body said - EAT!!! I did get some of it though which changed my numbers completely. I had some pea soup and later the pork. Sooooo good! Oh dear, now that I'm talking about it I may have to do it for lunch and have my smoothie for dinner! LOL!

    I've been looking up stuff about lymphedema and lipedema. From the pictures I think I'm in the second stage of lipedema, not a lot of hanging places on me. I need to be more consistent with wrapping my legs though, and doing the messages. The article I read about it said that you should keep your legs wrapped 22 of 24 hours - I haven't done that since my therepist wrapped them and I kept it on until she would change the wrappings a week later. I need to start at my foot as well so that the fluid doesn't go back into my foot. This lady even wrapped the toes. She used these rubber pieces at the front of the leg as well, I guess to keep the wrappings from hurting the leg and to protect it. I've never done my whole let, but I really need to do the whole leg as well as both of my arms. I was looking up what my doctor diagnosed and there have only been 200 known cases of Milroy's disease, but the other genetic one Meige or Miege has only 2000 known cases - so what I have is pretty rare. I know that even as a little kid I had weight problems, so I'm thinking that it is the kind that starts when you are born and not the one that kicks in at puberty, which would be the Milroy's. I have no idea, my doctor didn't specialize in it, but I'm happy he figured out I had lymphedema! No other doctor I saw ever said anything about it! Crazy!

    I hope y'all have an awesome day today, feeling better and drawing closer to the Lord. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited January 2023
    I think it's good , knowing our obstacles and issues so we can be specific...in prayer and actions, to do what we can for improvement. This girl, at my place....is still not in compliance. It IS on my list of things to do.

    I got almost 6 hours of sleep last night. Down at 9, up at 3 with about 5 wake ups. Most nights I wake up every hour to use the restroom.
    I got my Wal-Mart order yesterday. I only brought in the cold stuff as I was pretty whipped. I'll get the rest this morning when I go check mail and feed my cats about 5 AM. I shouldn't need anything else the rest of this month.

    I placed an order at Amazon for my test strips, pen needles, another rug set for my bathroom and salad containers. If I do my salads up, like I did when working, ready to grab and go...perhaps I won't waste so much produce? One can hope. I did up 3 Bento Boxes on Thursday...first time in a long time. I love the mackerel...especially with the jalapenos....haven't had it in over a year. SO...here's to planning and carry thru....blessings all...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Those look awesome, Bren! Good girl!

    I had some smoked pork, green beans and mashed potatoes for dinner last night. It was a trash day though, I had two treats I wouldn't normally have. I'll weight tomorrow to see the damage. Back on track today.

    Cals: 1016
    Carbs: 70
    Protein: 71
    sat fat: 10 sodium and potassium both in.

    Marilyn, years ago I heard something about Thomas Edison, which he was trying to make the light bulb. He was on his 201st try and someone asked how he felt about failing so much. He said he didn't fail, he just now knew 200 ways it won't work! Now, there is looking on the positive side!

    Have a great day, ladies! Love you