Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, do you have a heating pad? If not, a warm wet bath towel also works well. Maybe it will help to ease the tense muscles that cause that kind of pain. If that doesn't help, I would definitely call your doctor and let her know what is going on, neck pain can be a sign of heart trouble! I'm praying for you sister.

    I've been having some trouble with a mild sore throat and fatigue. Hope it's just lots of sinus drainage and not something that's going around!

    Didn't eat very well this weekend. Please pray for my pastor, he's back in the hospital. They are trying to figure out what is causing things in his body to go amiss. He will go several days feeling good, and getting around - then something goes wrong. I am at 235.4 this morning. My numbers for today:
    cals: 1009
    carbs: 83 (salad)
    protein: 49
    sat fat: 13
    sodium: +5; potassium: -357 of 1000 - which isn't right because my potassium powder has 1000mg, so I must have forgotten to add it into my food list! LOL!, so I would actually be +357, but I will add about 1/3 less of a scoop and it should be on track!

    Love you ladies. Praying for God to touch you in your heart and in your body!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Well, ate a bit more than I had posted. Wade went up to the hospital and was gone for several hours so I did some boredom and missing him eating! Awww!

    Here are my numbers for today:
    cals: 999
    carbs: 83
    protein: 43
    sat fat: 13
    sodium and potassium a wee bit over.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I do, have a heating pad, still in the box. I'll dig it out. Last night was my worst yet. I didn't get to sleep until after 5 AM...from exhaustion I'm sure....as I couldn't get comfy enough at all, to drop off. I pray that once this heals, I never have this issue again.

    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear your pastor is back in the hospital. Praying for a full recovery and they figure out what's going on and how to help him. My hear sorrows at the news.

    We are having many closures here, due to the winter storm but this isn't as bad as the one the end of December with icy conditions and 11 degrees! Makes me so thankful to not have to deal with the danger of icy conditions, trying to get to a job. Had no respect or concern, just bosses mad at me for having the audacity to let my car get iced over to the point I couldn't get in it. God carried me that last year for sure! And has...all the way...and continues today.

    I got my meds packs reloaded. I couldn't get my Amlodopine refilled without seeing the Dr. which is silly in my opinion....and I will just do without until March....when I see my PCP and endo Doc again.

    I need to do something for lunch. I have two pork chops in there that I need to cook. Take care of yourselves today...stay safe and cozy. That's my plan here. It's a good thing I don't mind being homebound!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That is so true, Marilyn! Several years ago I found a picture of a bunch of old ladies on a bus - Bren and I picked out which two were us! So cute. Reminds me of Mom and her senior's group going on an outing!

    Bren, I can't believe you are in for another winter storm. Our temps are dropping today from 57 down to around 42 - I can deal with that! I hope that the heating pad helps with the pain in your neck. You are in my prayers.

    My pastor is doing better. They think they figured out what caused this last bout of trouble and he seems to be improving and may come home today or tomorrow! Thanks be to God! Nothing is a surprise to the Lord and He always has a plan and a purpose in whatever he allows - for His glory and for our good!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That was several years ago and look at us now! I've seen pictures of some of my school friends on FB and would think...oh my...they didn't age well! LOL...while I see my Mama in my own mirror.

    Thanks Kim! I actually forgot to get it out! The heating pad. I should have written it down? I am much better this morning, praise God. I got a good night's rest, much needed and the pain is decreased quite a bit. It's still there, and I woke with a bit of a headache but it's much improved and I am so thankful.

    That's true....nothing escapes the Lord's attention or catches Him off guard. So glad he's improving and will come home again soon.

    Yes...it's day 3 of shut downs here and by Sunday, it's supposed to hit 70. Oh yay! I look at the weather a lot more these days, and choose sunny, warmer days to get groceries, make appointments etc.

    Today's stats:
    160/78 70

    I need to tackle the kitchen, sort laundry and put sheets on the bed today. With my neck pain since Saturday, I'd only got her stripped so have been sleeping on the mattress cover with my favorite blanket.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I think I am in that phase as well, Marilyn!

    Woohoo on that low blood sugar, Bren. How are you doing with sodium? That BP is a bit high. So proud of you for all of the changes you've made that are helping to keep your numbers where they belong!

    I have my bloodwork done tomorrow morning then see the NP the next Friday for a physical. I don't think I've ever had her do one before, so we will see how extensive it is. I've been eating alright, but still having those extra snacks. Holding steady at 234.4 though. I'm going to wear very light clothes tomorrow (no matter how cold it is) to see if my weight there is anywhere near my scale. I've been taking off the two pounds that was the difference between my scale and her scale as well as a pound or two for whatever I am wearing. I don't take off for clothes in the summer, they are much lighter weight, but I know that jeans are around two pounds and sweat clothes the same, so I take off for that.

    I hope you ladies have an awesome day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited February 2023
    My BP has been high for a long time, Kim and yep, the sodium is still an issue. You'd think my labs would reflect that but they don't. Yes! I am so excited about the sugar numbers as I was so high for so long...over 250 most days of the week and way too many over 300 readings. I am actually eating better, tho I can still overload and get crazed.

    My neck is almost healed and now the knee is out! Oh my. I did rest fairly well but did a lot of praying, crying out to God....and dreading each time I had to get up. I dug out the knee brace at 2:15 AM and wore it for a couple of hours and have it back on now. It does help but I am hobbled a bit and have things I need to do. However....most of them will wait for the weekend! I need to clear off my walker so I can use it! I am becoming a clutter-bug like my Mama! Oh...let's see how high we can stack this!

    With the inflammation, my weight is up today but the BP is better at 138/79 58 and FBS is 94. Hooya! 3 days straight under 100. God is awesome!

    This was my dinner Wednesday night. A quick and easy one pot meal with a pinch of pasta and mini wontons...and meatballs. I love easy....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


    This is a picture of our rescue dogs November 2021 when we got them. The white one is Toby and is so well behaved, a real gentlemen. The other is Bella and she thinks she is a diva. We have just recently had them both bathes and hair cuts so they look somewhat better - I will look for that picture so you can see the difference. By the way the man in the picture IS NOT MY HUSBAND but the foster parent

    I am doing so much better the last few days - back on track. Pulled out a book (program) that I purchased - Christian based - it is called First Place 4 Health. I got the book 16 years ago and did the program for 12 weeks back then - don't know why I stopped - at any rate I have just finished reading chapter 1 = and the 3 days of reading so far has really helped. Has gotten me back deeper into the Bible seeing how God loves me, He is in control, He is interested in my health, He will give me the wisdom and strength to take care of my body. It also has reminded me again that since I have accepted Christ as my personal Savior and that my body is a gift from Him and belongs to Him, then I need to take care of it. And because of this I am back on track and feeling so much better

    Here are my stats for today

    Weight 238.8
    Blood pressure 128/65 pulse 62
    Blood sugar 5.1 (that is Canadian number - US number would be 91.8) and that is without any meds for it

    February 1 - 7 goal is not to have any bread as that is a trigger food for me. So far so good - 2 days no bread and today will be 3 days. Feels good not to have that flour in my body. This program goes for 12 weeks but they suggest to give it 1 year so that would be doing the program 4 times in the year - and that is what I am going to do - but I am taking it one day at a time, starting each day 1st with the Lord in prayer and reading some from the Scriptures, then reading a little from the First Place 4 Health book which gives encouragement and helpful suggestions.

    Yesterday I had my blood work for February and next Wednesday I see my regular Doctor to discuss about the muscle spasms I am having (will get the blood results from him) and then next Thursday I have to go to the hospital to the kidney clinic to see the kidney doctor to go over the blood results as they check it every month and every 2 months I see them to get reevaluated. This is always a bit of stress time waiting for the results as they are tracking the kidney number - just don't want it to go down any lower otherwise they will be putting my on diaylsis and I want to not have to go that route for as long as possible - so it means making sure I get in enough water daily and no salt and not red meat. At any rate I am feeling better but the blood work will tell whether I am doing as well as I thought.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, so happy that you are finding answers and I know that you have the stick-to-itiveness to be successful. Woohoo on no bread, keep up the good work! The numbers look very good.

    Bren, that lower BP number is right in there, just that upper number (blood going into the heart taking a bit more pressure than the blood going out). (systolic and diastolic, but I can't remember which is which). I occasionally have a mushy feeling in my heart. The doctor said that when I skip a beat, the blood comes in, no signal to empty it, more blood comes in, then it takes a hard push to get it all out. By the time I reach for my pulse, everything is beating just fine again. It happens a couple of times every month or two, so not really a big deal.

    We went out to eat breakfast after my fasting bloodwork - yummers. I'll be eating the leftovers for dinner. I got half of a Virginia pig (at least it looked that big) with my scrambled eggs and home fries. We did some shopping too and I am worn out. I put on my warmer clothes and put on my TENS unit to calm down that SI joint. Ugh!

    Love you ladies!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Marilyn, I had one of those, many years ago...First Place for Health! I think I gave it away...I'll take a look! Glad you are feeling better and staying on course. admire the discipline! Lovely dogs! I have a real fondness for chihuahuas and the like but am as most know....a total cat person.

    It's really cold and windy out there this morning. I went down to check mail...had none. That's wee walk 2. I need to get the trash out, clean the kitchen, sort my laundry , make the bed and do the floors. My knee had me hobbled yesterday so my chore list got no activity marked off.

    Your morning sounds adventurous, Kim. Breakfast out after labs, shopping. I sent messages to 3 of my 4 care team doctors, to schedule appointments using the portal. That was fun, convenient and easier than the phone tag thing with my hearing issues. I now have my endocrinologist, nephrologist and the PCP set up...waiting for a response from my cardiologist office and will have to call the eye Dr. to set that appointment. I have labs again in March.

    I had a sugar drop last night to 75, so had a NF yogurt. Yummy. Brought it up to 163 by 11 PM. It's 137 this morning so broke my streak. Bummer. It was a fun run!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yeah, Bren! Lord willing you will feel well enough to make those appointments - they are all so crucial!

    Oh, Marilyn, I forgot to mention the dogs! Soooo cute! We watch dog videos through YouTube now and again and Wade is breaking down - he wants another dog. We hesitate because at our age it's hard for us to get around (especially me right now with all my arthritis), and puppies are just way to active. Our neighbor (pastor's wife) teased about sharing a dog - they'd get it part of the time and us the other part and then we could build a fenced in bridge over the driveway so that he could come and go between us whenever he wanted to! heehee. Having a dog would also mean fencing in part of the yard like we had to do for Jake - more work for Wade! Friends of ours have three dogs, so we do get to get a doggie-fix every now and again! LOL! They also have goats, chickens, ducks, a donkey, rabbits - the kids love their animals!

    Stay warm! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Even sin is a choice! Yep, God said that He will provide the way of escape from temptation and God cannot lie, so we can choose not to sin! Wow, what a glorious thought! God is greater than satan. Too many are preaching today that we have to sin in word, thought, and deed (that's from way back in my Luthern background when I was a child, and still goes on today, even stronger); and don't worry about it, you'll still go to heaven because you are saved whether you like it or not, and you are damned whether you like it or not - God decided before the foundation of the world and you don't have a choice! WHAT!!!??? That isn't in the Bible, but an incredible amount of "preachers" are spouting that heresy today! Beware who you read and listen to. I believe that my God is far greater than anything satan can come up with and He has the power to deliver me from all that belongs to satan - sin especially! He doesn't set me free to continue living in a cage of sin, He sets me free to burst out of that cave and walk in freedom! God is awesome!

    I hope that you ladies have an awesome and victorious day. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Php 3:13  Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
    Yep, you are right Marilyn. You can't change it but we sure can learn from it!

    Okay, Miss Bren, where are you sweetie-greens!? I hope you are doing alright.

    Wow, my allergies have been wonkers the last three or four days. I eat and then start sneezing and coughing. I have no idea what new thing I have become allergic to! I did add some greens powder to my smoothie today, there could be something in that my body didn't like. Who knows. Boy-howdy, I am getting tired of finding things I am allergic to, how is a gal to keep up with it all!? I have a list in my head - it may be big enough now that I am going to have to write it down! LOL!

    Oh my, my watch said that it was 49 degrees outside, but when I stepped outside it was so beautiful. I sat on the porch and rocked for a bit. Once the sun was behind the magnolia, it then got chilly. It was just so lovely to set and watch the traffic go by! LOL!

    Love you ladies. Oh, please keep a little girl in our church in your prayers. She is going to have surgery to have some cancer removed (very rare in a child her age) this Monday and Tuesday. She is awesome and fully trusting the Lord for whatever happens. We don't expect anything bad, but any time one has to go under for surgery there are risks. Thanks, I appreciate it.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited February 2023
    Will hold up the little girl in prayers
