Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 988 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to December! My how quickly our days pass by.

    Kim, I pray you feel much better very soon. I remember my Care Kit tips back in the SP days! Having a basket handy for the times we fall ill...as it happens that way so often! In my Kit, I'd want Kleenex and tea, lemon and honey, chicken noodle soup with lots of broth...my Kindle, fully charged, a warm fuzzy blanket and a Teddy bear to hug.

    I was up for about 5 hours last night...so slept in until 8:00....too late to feed my cats as I do that before the office opens. Tho they have cameras, know I do it...I don't want to be so blatant about it. I'm hoping they have other sources as well...They seem really healthy ad hearty for my AM offering to be all they get.

    I had an "accident" when I went out yesterday morning (of the tummy type)...had to leave my cue at the store for my pick up, didn't get meds, had to rush back home, praying all the way that I'd make it inside before I blew up. I didn't make it but wasn't publicly humiliated as I could have been....it was awful.

    I called the store to ask if I could pick up today...My order was closed out and charged so I couldn't. They have started the refund for me tho and I am surprised they don't charge a restock fee. I pray that never happens again.....no sign of trouble when I left home. That was the 5th time in my diabetes years and I've had more at home with various meds. Rybelsus was the worst!
    I can't get my Tylenol 4 delivered so still need to pick up meds. I'll try again today, perhaps?

    In the meantime...I will apply some energy to my chores and have a blessed day up in here. I hope the same for all of you...Take good care of yourselves and enjoy this new day.vh24jcwy5deg.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    What a beautiful kitty!

    Oh, Bren, I'm so sorry! I'm also very glad that I haven't experienced anything like that myself. Wow, it's nice of them to give you a refund, especially since you had no choice.

    Not much change. I'm able to catch my breath better, that's about 75% better than it was. I'm coughing a wee bit more and still very tired. I appreciate your prayers more than I can say! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 988 Member

    I hear you sweet friend, on the fatigue. And I am so thankful I haven't been sick that way in about 4-5 years! I am very isolated (and love it) since retirement and not exposed to a lot like I was in my working years. So gad the breathing is better and you will remain in my prayers, for sure.

    One of the neighbors has spoken for the yellow kitten and is in the process of getting it tamed up, Mary said. It runs into the office too!
    We met at my door while enjoying the sunshine...and had a long conversation on the cats! Not a word of my "feeding program", praise God! She's the one who fixed up their sleeping quarters on top of the heating unit!
    She has a feral Mama in her apartment that has 5 babies, plus the 4 office cats she has rescued and had fixed. Another true Cat Lady like me! She's had others caught and fixed as well...and told the neighbor wanting Little Bit that he would need to be fixed. You should have seen the cats roaming about! One of her black ones from the office, the two babies, Mama Sister and Homer, the orange Tom....It was adorable! She said the other baby is spoken for as well and already named Sage. So sweet! Did my heart good.

    I felt much better today and may go grab my meds in a bit, take trash out and bring my cart in out of the car.. I did a delivery order from Wal-Mart...for tomorrow as well. I need to get the fridge sorted and ready.

    I had a nice turkey burger for lunch. Cooked on my little GF grill. I've enjoyed the turkey burgers. These are the HEB brand and better than I expected and I have a box of the Butterball ones in the freezer. I love beef but don't have it as often as I'd like.

    I'm going to get my running done so I can hunker down with a hot TV and some kind of dinner. Have a good, restful and peaceful evening, all. Love and prayers~
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    How fun is that? No wonder you didn't get any flack for leaving out some food!

    My breathing is better today, although the heaviness is still on my chest. I was coughing a little bit this morning. Seems like I start coughing whenever I move after sitting still for a bit. I'm hoping the heaviness is just muscle soreness from taking so many deep breaths.

    Wade made a corn hole game! We had it in the hallway which is about 13 feet long and I did pretty good - unfortunately, the game is played with the holes 27 feet apart! Eek! Not sure if I could even reach it twice as far away! LOL! He made it for us, but also for the church folks for when we get together.

    I hope that y'all have a very blessed Lord's Day tomorrow. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    Wow, so true. As I get older and we lose more people, I see how quickly life goes by. When I was young we couldn't conceive of 2023 and now, here we are. Sci-fi movies were set in a time already past! LOL! We were watching Hogan's Heroes this morning, and Wade saw that it was made 50 years ago! Eek! "Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last." C T Studd had a poem with this phrase in it. I just read the poem and it's really good, a bit long, but very good:

    Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past
    by C.T. Studd
    Two little lines I heard one day,
    Traveling along life’s busy way;
    Bringing conviction to my heart,
    And from my mind would not depart;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    Only one life, yes only one,
    Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
    Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet,
    And stand before His Judgement seat;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    Only one life, the still small voice,
    Gently pleads for a better choice
    Bidding me selfish aims to leave,
    And to God’s holy will to cleave;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    Only one life, a few brief years,
    Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
    Each with its clays I must fulfill.
    living for self or in His will;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    When this bright world would tempt me sore,
    When Satan would a victory score;
    When self would seek to have its way,
    Then help me Lord with joy to say;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.
    Give me Father, a purpose deep,
    In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
    Faithful and true what e’er the strife,
    Pleasing Thee in my daily life;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    Oh let my love with fervor burn,
    And from the world now let me turn;
    Living for Thee, and Thee alone,
    Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.

    Only one life, yes only one,
    Now let me say, “Thy will be done”;
    And when at last I’ll hear the call,
    I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.
    __ extra stanza __

    Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
    Only what’s done for Christ will last.
    And when I am dying, how happy I’ll be,
    If the lamp of my life has been burned out for Thee.
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 92 Member
    Kim, cut up an onion put half in a plastic bag and the other half in a plastic bag. Put your feet in those plastic bags and put a sock on over them. That will help you so much!!!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    Hope you ladies are doing well. Praying for you. Love you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 988 Member
    Ditto, Kim.
    The back pain has had me hobbled the past 4-5 days so I've not accomplished much at all. Hoping for more today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    Hate that for you, Bren. You are in my prayers!

    Doing pretty good today. I am isolating until my antibiotics are done, so will miss our first Wednesday of the month supper with the Church family. This will be just our second one! I miss not being with the body, but I don't want to get anyone sick if what I do have can be caught! Better safe than sorry, especially when there are people in the body who can't afford to add to the lung issues they already have.

    love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member

    Have a very blessed day, ladies.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 988 Member
    That's beautiful.
    I hope you are feeling much better as the days go by and soon back with the others for fellowship. We are headed to the end of another year in short order.

    I just got up so am not perky yet....I had another of my restless nights and once I got back to sleep, it was deep.

    Be blessed and at rest, ladies. Love and prayers...for us all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    I slept like a log last night. I didn't even get up to use the bathroom! Wow! For an old lady that is an accomplishment!

    Marilyn, that is my prayer for you, that you will be faithful in your new diet and that you will find your numbers improving and never need that new port that they put in! You too, Bren! You do so much better when you are eating well.

    Oh my, we made a beef stew yesterday that was sooooo good! Can't wait to have some more for dinner!

    Not good today. I just checked when all of this started and it was Oct 13th. By the time I see the NP on the 11th it will have been two months! I'm going to ask for a Covid test. I did a home one that was negative about a month ago, so will have to see if it was accurate. If I'm not better by the 11th she will refer me to a pulmonologist. Please continue to keep me in your prayers because I really don't want to have to go that route! Thank you for your prayers already.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member

    Doing a bit better today than yesterday. Coughed quite a bit this morning, but that's quieted down and my throat feels fine this morning. I'm able to catch my breath more easily this morning than yesterday. God is very good!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 988 Member
    edited December 2023
    LOL...that's me, Marilyn. My Mama used to warn me off knives and putting them in the sink with other things. I got a bad cut that way when working at Winn Dixie, in the deli...

    Kim I thought of you today when looking at what passes for news on the internet and saw an article on 100 day cough. I didn't read it...but remember my round years back when I was sick for 47 days, thinking it's just allergies! Continued prayers for healing...Glad you got some good rest! I'm still on repeat...up at 11 PM until 4 AM...then back down until 9-10 AM...no balance or stability. I can only juggle 2 of 5 things it seems...h7cqiwioi0hs.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    Oh, what great medicine you ladies are this morning. Marilyn, that meme reminded me of when I would go to Mom's house. She used to keep her knives really sharp, and she wouldn't let me use the really sharp ones because I seemed to cut myself often when I did! LOL! I bought Wade a nice knife several years ago, but he won't use it because it's too sharp and he's afraid he will cut himself. He does the cutting and chopping and most of the cooking!

    Bren, what a cute meme. Boy, unless I am taking my magnesium threonate, I can hardly juggle two things at once. It can break the brain barrier and strengthen memory, and it works. When I take it regulary I lose fewer words than I do when I miss taking it.

    Today is my last day of antibiotics but the symptoms persist. I'll see the NP on Monday and we will go from there. I'll check out that 100-day cough, Bren, and see if I have the same symptoms. I had quite a bit of coughing this morning, but it's quieted since I seem to have cleared out whatever had collected in my throat and chest overnight! We are using a humidifier near my chair in the living room and an air purifier in the bedroom at night. We'll probably move the humidifier in there at night as well. I'm hoping since I will have finished two rounds of antibiotics that I will be able to go to Church tomorrow, but as the symptoms are still there, we may decide it is safer for everyone if I stay isolated until we know for sure what is going on.

    Love y'all. You are in my prayers!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 988 Member
    Kim, have you seen Bob and Brad lately? I checked in yesterday because my back pain was crippling and I was almost crying.
    I barely get 5 minutes standing now before I am hunched over in pain and going numb....anyway....Bob has had to leave his roll due to a condition that affects mobility, speech and balance. (Ataxia) It breaks my heart! The replacement, Mike...has the personality of a rock....meanie, aren't I?
    I love those guys and am so appreciative of your tip to go see them years back...

    Today's stats: 233.8, 122/67 62 and my FBS is 137...and I had a 97 after lunch yesterday for the first time in over 3 weeks. Hooya. With the pain levels of yesterday, I barely cobbled together 2 Bistro bowls (salads) with added cucumber, onion and grape tomato and an egg with the one for dinner. and breakfast was a ham sandwich with onion and baby romaine.
    I did have my birthday cake early tho....I got one piece of carrot cake in my WM order. The girl who delivered my order was well prepared, with a rolling cart and 2 cold/hot bags! I set my cart outside the door for them to load up then pull it in. I could not have handled a pick up at all yesterday....I am so thankful for the delivery option and that too, was a great tip, from you and our Connie. It's been such a blessing. It is well worth my tip for the service.

    Continued prayers for us all and our assorted needs, in this new day...God is aware of us and with us all in any struggles we face.
    This girl needs coffee and an infusion of strength for my chores today. I got maybe 5 things done yesterday...trash out, unload/reload dishwasher (biggies) and put away some laundry...semi sorting of the fridge and tucking away my order when it came.
    I got a new bag of avocados and a bag of kale to play with...hooya...and the fresh salad goods. I am a happy camper.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    Thank you, friend Marilyn. That brought a smile!

    Bren, I'm so sorry the pain is so bad. Can you tolerate your back brace until the pain recedes a bit? It will help you and do the work that your spine just can't do right now!

    Going to the NP this afternoon. I'm doing about 75% better, so hoping she won't want me to go to a specialist and we can just ride the rest of this out. As long as the pneumonia is gone I can handle the occasional trouble catching my breath. I'm hoping that is from the inflammation in my lymph nodes, which can take time to dissipate.

    Praying for y'all. Love you bunches.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    edited December 2023
    Good morning everyone! Hope you are doing better today, Bren. You continue in my prayers, as do all of you.

    Here is a little bit from the e-mail I got about the book Jake is going to be in:

    Meet JAKE, one of my readers' beloved doggies, who makes an appearance in SHADE GROWN!

    My reader Kim told me about her family's dog Jake, who was with them for 11.5 years. She said, "He was about five months old and a terror, literally, I was scared of him - but then I figured out his training method and was able to work with him and he ended up the sweetest dog. Give him a 'Good Boy Treat' and he would do just about anything you asked of him." Jake was a Chinook, or Chinook/husky mix. You can meet him in SHADE GROWN!

    I left out the excerpt from the story. I'm so excited! He may just have a mention on a page or two, but he's still in there! I started the book last night and am not very far in so I haven't run across him yet. There are cats in these stories too, Bren! LOL!

    Love y'all.

    Oh my, I forgot to mention. The pneumonia is resolved, but she referred me to a pulmonologist because I continue to have trouble catching my breath. Some days it's better and then the next day it could be bad again - I have no idea and hope that he can give me some information that will be helpful. Thanks for your prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,912 Member
    Woohoo, I get to go to Bible Study tonight. Praise the Lord! Hope you ladies are doing alright. I miss you, Bren! and Missy! Hope you are feeling alright.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member