Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Bren, I'm so sorry that you are having so much trouble. Have you looked into the TENS units I mentioned? While it is on and zapping me, I don't notice the pain! I got mine from Amazon - https://amazon.com/gp/product/B071YTVGYB This is the last one that I got, although I've gotten others. This one has quite a few different pulses, you just have to find one that works with your pain. It's fairly easy to figure out. Just a thought!

    Went out to breakfast this morning - two eggs, scrambled; bacon, and home fries, and coffee. Yum. I couldn't eat all the home fries so brought those home with me. I brought my biscuit home for Wade! We went to Big Lots afterwards and I found a recliner that feels really good. The seat is just the right depth, it's wide enough to fit my hips (heehee), and it also rocks - oh my! We joined the Big Lots Club thingy and should get a 15% off coupon in a day or two so we can get it for much cheaper. The chair I am in now is a recliner, but I rarely recline; and the headrest on it pushes my head forward! Not comfortable, but more comfortable than other chairs we have. Can't wait to see how this new one does. Most all of the chairs we have right now came from Thrift stores, this is the first new one that we've tried!

    Okay, tell me if you remember seeing head rests for rockers that you could tie on - just a short pillow. They don't make those any more! I found one, but I had to buy the cushions for the seats as well! I would love one for my rocker on the porch. With the cushions on it I can't put my head back! boohoo! They have head rests, but they don't look comfortable, and I don't really want to spend $15-30 for a little pillow so I can be comfortable! LOL!

    Well, you ladies have an awesome weekend. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing. Love you

    Oh, that picture was taken just down the road from us!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I love that little character, he is sooo cute! I'm with him - I can't reach the top shelf either! We have these high up cabinets in my laundry room, and I can't even reach them to open the door! LOL! Wade loves me calling him from whatever he is doing to get something down for me - after one time doing that the kleenex boxes were down in a lower cabinet! LOL!

    Another rainy day, another headachy day! Sigh. The Lord knows and He has a purpose in this. I will continue to trust Him through it. I do appreciate your prayers and want you to know you are in mine!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Me too...I am height challenged.

    I found out today, that my friend Cecelia passed away on Christmas day! I saw a mention on her grand daughter's page. Nobody let me know. So sad. I found her obit online...apparently that's a thing now?...by going to the funeral home's FB page. We'd catch up a couple times a year by phone but due to Covid, illness and pain issues...neither of us got out and about to visit.

    That will be me when I'm gone most likely....not many will know or be contacted. The time comes for us all...we'd best be ready.cen0d7b7sabv.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Awww, thanks for the hug. They always feel so good!

    Bren, so sorry about your friend. That's why I get concerned when I don't see you for a few days - I just keep praying you're alright - but then again, going home isn't a bad thing! I wish there was a way that I could be notified - oh boy, it will hurt my heart to lose you, but I will rejoice that you will be whole and free with Jesus! But, I hope that it won't be for awhile yet - sure would be nice to go in the rapture together! Yeehaw!

    I think we are officially in Spring here. Chilly and cloudy again today. Usually Spring is a little bit warmer here, but I suspect it will warm up soon and then we'll be running for the A/C!

    Love you ladies!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thank you both, sweet friends! For the hug...I'm many years past due....and your post made me smile, Kim...rejoicing when I am home with Jesus, whole and free! That's how I see it as well!

    I went on a bug hunt and found things that horrified me! In the folds of the bed skirt were 100's of the nasty little freaks waiting for feeding time. I sprayed the Raid BB stuff heavily, and am in the process of cutting the bed skirt free now. My mattress is very heavy and thick...over 200 pounds so I can't budge it.

    I read in my lease the addendum on BB's....I was to report as soon as I saw them! I will be held liable for treatment and can be evicted if I don't comply with all rules etc....like getting rid of all my things that could be infested, at an off site location etc. It takes me 7-8 stages just to change sheets on my bed, there is NO way I could do ANY of the required things and if I was evicted for having them...no other place would have me!

    Please pray for deliverance from this evil influx! I am NOT telling! I will continue to do what I can....and God knows all about the stress of this situation. I couldn't even get pest control in here without management knowing....I truly hate to be dishonest but fear it's my only recourse. It terrifies me to consider the alternative.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh Bren, I feel for you, sister. The only problem I see with not telling is if others get the bugs in their apartments... Even with all you've done, they are still there. Do you still have the bag with the pillowcases that had the bugs in them? You could try to deal with Wal-mart if you could show that they came from them - then they would be responsible for getting rid of them! I know it's a lot to do and physically you aren't able, but it sure would be nice if Wal-mart did the right thing! What a bummer this is - but, Jesus knows and you just have to do what is right so that He is glorified and honored and He will take care of you! I will be praying for you! Oh my, you pray and then you do what Jesus tells you to do! I love you and am here for you! Hugs and kisses!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Until now, I had not done much because I didn't know where they were. The paperwork says to notify within 24 hours and I didn't know for sure what they were until after 2 weeks and they started biting. No...no packaging and even if I did, I have no way to "prove" where they came from tho I and God knows!
    There's nobody in the apartment next to me on the bedroom side. Nobody comes in here but me nd Jesus....and maintenance when needed for bathroom or light issues. The Raid BB stuff is supposed to kill and continue killing for 8 weeks so I will use it and keep an eye on the situation.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I hate this for you, but will keep you in my prayers.

    Oh me, I bought a new kind of knee brace, did the measuring, got the right size and when it came it was way too small - wah! I will see if I can find a similar one. It wraps around the knee, but isn't bulky like the one I have. I can't do the sleeve kind because it rolls up and strangles my upper leg. Sigh. I'll use my bulky one until I can find one that will work.

    Went out today and got my new recliner from Big Lots. So comfortable! Hopefully it will work for me. In the one I had been using I would slide down and my posture was horrible. This one glides as well, so as soon as I sit in it I start that rocking motion and relax! I ended up with around 3600 steps and have 3990 right now - and praise the Lord I can still walk!

    Have a blessed day my lovelies!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Giving thanks in all things, even the hard things.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I had a restless night and felt ragged so rescheduled my appts. for Monday. Perhaps my lab results will be in by then. The hiking about for that task wore me out. But...prayers were answered in getting a decent parking spot, not a horrid wait time tho I went in late...and the girl didn't hurt me. Whew! My Last A1C was 7.6, my lowest ever so am going that's down a bit more with my better numbers on Tresiba. The triglycerides stay too high and I'd sure like some improvement there!

    Our days are rolling on by...and I'm so thankful for each one. Love and prayers for us all in the time ahead.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited March 2023
    Bren, do you take fish oil pills?

    Lying is also a sin that we are accountable to God for! God loves truth, satan loves lies!

    Woke up this morning and the bottom part of my left leg was red and swollen. It's better this afternoon, not as red, but still a wee bit swollen. Very strange, never had that happen before. Both of my legs are hurting today. I did walk around some when we were out for breakfast. I had eggs, ham, and home fries. No lunch, although I did get a Sprite from Cook Out - so thirsty! Dinner will probably happen around 3! heeheehee.

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good Saturday morning, ladies...

    I haven't peeped out yet but do see we have sunshine and an expected high today of 73 and 81 for tomorrow. We did have a few days with some light, much needed rain.

    Oh that's a hair scary, Kim. New symptoms with the leg and all. Oh...Sprite! I got the Sprite Zero for awhile, 2-3 years back when I was having so much nausea and tummy trouble. Both that and the SF 7-UP helped comfort me. Haven't thought about it in quite some time. I do hope you are much better today.

    I have my rather long to do list at the ready and am pecking away at it, minutes at a time. I have a new vacuum coming today. It's a corded stick. I love the cordless one I have but it's not behaving well at all. What it sucks up, it spits back out and I have no idea what to do with it. I'm hoping the new one goes together really easily and does a great job.
    This is my 5-20 minute chore list...some things I do aren't on it but it's a good guideline....to help me get up and Do Something...I've been waiting on this guy...he's a No Show...wgmiwwr0pp8y.jpg


    Wishing you a blessed weekend at your spots. I'm having one here at mine.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member