Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yeah, the stones will get bigger and more frequent in these last days - but we have Jesus watching over us! He promised persecution - that shouldn't be a surprise, we just have to trust Him and glorify Him in the midst of it and perhaps someone will come to know Him as their Savior.

    Have an awesome week my lovelies!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Love that....my "Lovelies"....and your post Marilyn....I feel like a real slug most days and I know if I had less pain, I'd get more done...right? However...I count it all joy when I get things done in God's strength and I praise Him daily for His help with my tasks...big...small....any at all! He is the strength of my life and source of all help and hope.

    I got trash out at last....plus all the cut down boxes from my orders. Whew! Big job and I have to load it in my car and drive it around to the end of the property to the dumpster. It's been years since I was able to walk it back there.
    Today, I did a Wal-Mart order online, am working in my cabinets and fridge, sorting etc. so I can do a proper inventory and meal plan.

    I need to put my laundry away and do some sorting there as well. It's been a year since I gave away things and I have kitchen items and clothes to go thru and part with. Since I've retired, I need very little in the clothes department.
    I am hoping to start doing my laundry again, myself...now that I'm not having such horrid issues with my feet. I've been using the laundry service sine June of last year and hey....I could buy a lot of groceries with that money!
    Have a blessed and fruitful day, Ladies. Love and prayers for us all in this new day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Just stalking you guys again. :). Bill has also gone into stage 4 kidney disease and has an appointment with a specialist in May. We are also doing a lot more starch and ignoring whole grains due to potassium. At this point we aren't really limiting protein, but have eliminated most red meat, although pork doesn't bother him like beef.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Just stalking you guys again. :). Bill has also gone into stage 4 kidney disease and has an appointment with a specialist in May. We are also doing a lot more starch and ignoring whole grains due to potassium. At this point we aren't really limiting protein, but have eliminated most red meat, although pork doesn't bother him like beef.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Connie, I'm so sorry about Bill being in stage 4. You are doing so well keeping Bill and Kip on a healthy eating regimen! Many days I have trouble keeping myself on a right regimen! LOL!

    I love the baby Yoda UPS driver. I know that the UPS guys and the FedEx guys say that about us. We chat with them a bit when they come! It's rare now for them to miss an order for us and take it to the guy's house in Smyrna with the same address. They have brought his stuff to our house and asked me where he lives! About 2 miles down the road back in that direction! LOL!

    Went out wandering yesterday and met a guy fishing. He didn't want the two fish he caught so offered them to us. I told him I didn't know how to clean and prepare them and he said he'd do it for us - well, what could I say then. He gave us some other fish too when we went to where he was going to clean the fish. Wade was talking to him about Jesus and the guy turned out to be a Mormon! Love those conversations, but they don't usually go anywhere but in a circle.

    Hot here today, about 75. So pretty! Sat on the porch for a little bit, but needed to get back on here. I had to come in because the bugs were dive-bombing my face yesterday - hmmm, gonna have to figure out something for that. We have wanted to screen in the back porch, but are still waiting for the roofing materials to come in (slip Jeopardy theme in here).

    Well, I'll let you go. Hope your midweek is full of joy and praise. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Connie - sorry to hear your husband has Stage 4 Kidney Disease - I was diagnozed with this in September 2022. And just came home from a visit with the surgeon who will be doing the operation on my arm to get it ready for dialysis. Says I should be in within one month - scary but it is necessary as my kidney number is 16 and should it drop much more I will need dialysis right away so they need to get the arm ready.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my, Marilyn. I'm sorry that it's come to what you had hoped it wouldn't - but I like your meme, that you are staying hopeful. Hope in Christ and you will never be disappointed, even if you have to have dialysis from now on. I'm glad you have a doctor though who is thinking ahead!

    Went shopping at Sam's today, phew. It's a 1.5 hour drive away, so pretty much you have to plan for most of the morning and most of the afternoon. It was hot today too. I sat in the truck for a little while when my legs just couldn't go any more and am so grateful there was a wee bit of a breeze!

    My watchband broke today so I will be without it until Tuesday when the new ones should come. I got a two pack so I wouldn't have to go that long without it. It's my calendar, my clock, my pulse keeper, my temperature keeper... All on the face. Of course I have Wade's face on there too! Awww.

    Well, y'all have an awesome evening and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Marilyn, I am so sorry this new thing is coming to you. I know you won't face it alone and you will have a good care team working with you. God bless you....each step of your journey.

    Kim, I'd be crying if I had to drive 1.5 hours anywhere! Especially if I had to hike about once there, haul things home and put them away. Getting back home would be the best part!

    I had a horrid nightmare before waking this time. I had been to visit a friend, who gave me some things and I was walking home, pulling a fishing boat, in my nightgown. I was so lost and about 12 miles from home. I was ready to leave it all on a porch I'd made my way to and just call a cab to get home. Ugh....I was in so much pain! I was very glad to get awake and get up for the day. I have coffee on, fed some cats, got some love from them...and will check the mail in a bit...and get the rest of my things out of the car from my run on Wednesday....

    Connie, I was glad to see you drop by! Prayers for all of us in this new day. God is so good and loving....and walks with us always. Love Y'all!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That is a very weird dream, Bren! I had one the other night where I was in pain and woke myself up to find out I really was in pain. I got up and took care of it and was able to go back to sleep! I hate the ones where I have to use the restroom but can't find anywhere to go and then wake up to find out I really do have to use the restroom! LOL! I love my cranberry juice and powder - I'm able to sleep through the night when I take it every day. I missed a few days and started getting up in the middle of the night again - started back with it the next day and slept through the night! Ahhh!

    I don't think today is supposed to be as hot as yesterday so I am hoping to spend some time on the deck! I am loving our new deck! Praise the Lord we were able to put them on the house. Can't wait for the back door one to be done - it will, Lord willing, be screened in and I can spend more time out there without getting dive bombed!

    Love y'all. Remember the great sacrifice that Jesus paid for our sins and our sin nature - to set us free from it. He saved us to be free from sin, not to be "free" in our sin. You aren't free if you are still caught in the cage!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I found that if I'm feeling off, I smile! Always makes me feel better!

    Wow, did our weather change on me! I was ready to put up my winter clothes, washing all of that heavy stuff for storage - will have to wait on that! It isn't supposed to warm up for at least the next four or five days. At least they won't all be rainy like today! :)

    Have an awesome weekend! We are going to be having our morning Bible Class and Worship service and then have a meal together with the body. We hang out throughout the day and then will have an informal worship time in the late afternoon. So excited to worship the One who died to set me free from my sin and who conquered death by His resurrection! What an awesome God!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I hope you ladies had a very good Resurrection Sunday. I ended up getting sick on Friday night and watched our services on Zoom. Wow, I haven't been this sick in a long time. My voice is in the basement from the sore throat and coughing. It feels like I'm going to cough up my lung it's so painful at times. I think this is what has been going around and our trip to Jacksonville the other day is where I caught it. Now to stay away from everyone until it passes. I do feel a wee bit better today than I did yesterday and am thanking the Lord for that.

    Bren, you get a text tomorrow it I don't see you on here today or tomorrow morning! Love you, sisters!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Howdy do all! I'm here, Kim so you can call the troops in. I did up my outside flower pot Sunday. It's a big guy and I hurt my back, hefting that 30 pound bag of potting soil...so have been laying low since and whimpering a bit.

    Oh no! I am so sorry you picked up a nasty bug! Praying for a speedy recovery. You know the drill...rest, fluids, chicken soup. Even canned soup is soothing tho not as nutritious as home made. Gentle, long distance hugs....I'll send honey, lemon and a couple of cats.aatcmk0tqtwx.jpg

    I have had 2 nearly normal nights, other than the back thing, not getting up at 1 AM. I managed to stay down until 6:30 today, yesterday it was 4:30...so I have hope of getting my sleep patterns back on an even keel after a full year of being off track and out of sorts.

    I finally got a letter from my son. He's really struggling with the population of black inmates....and we can understand why. They steal commissary, beat and knife others and they pretty much run the asylum. He is in a cell, which is a good thing, rather than being out on the floor with the hordes. There have been 4 murders there is less than a year. I know these things happen in all prisons...but my son is in this one.
    I love him and pray for him....but hope he settles in his heart and spirit and remains separated from those who would harm him.

    I love my new travel mug...the rest of the verse is on the back. Doesn't make me want to travel tho. LOL I am still "driving" on the gas I put in my car back in November. I have no problem with isolation...yet.

    Have a blessed day, Ladies....take good care of yourselves and rest in our precious Savior....who has us in His care.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Phew, it would take me a week to drink everything in that cup! LOL!

    I think that this sickness is one of the week-long kind - ugh! I haven't had anything like this in eons! We went to Jacksonville a couple of days before this struck, so I have a feeling I got it there. Thanks for being out and about person-who-left-their-germs-behind! LOL! I was able to sit outside in the sun for a little bit yesterday, felt soooo good. I'm bundled up in the house and because the sun is out I should be able to sit on the porch again today, but I don't want my allergies to go nuts on top of this other stuff, so may just stay in today!

    Bren, I'm so happy you are getting better sleep, that should make a big difference in how you feel overall.

    Well, I'm getting tired. I took some Niquil to calm my cough but it's making me very fatigued, plus the sickness does that too, so I'm not thinking as well as I normally do (which isn't very well anyway (big smile)). Love y'all very much.