Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    Thanks Kim! You'd think I'd not be so needle leery after being diabetic for 12 years and on insulin for 11...and doing finger pricks 2-3 times a day. When asked which arm for bloodwork...I still say "yours" and nobody listens.

    Today's lunch was a quesadilla with LC tortillas/cheese and spicy ranchero sauce, some Lil' Smokies and an apple. Autumn Glory....I did the quesadilla on my GF grill but will fold them next time to make it easier to handle....2 halves instead of the whole....

    I've been up since 3:30 so will go down for a nap. I finally got trash to the dumpster, the DW unloaded/reloaded and running and have started clearing the table. I only put 4 things on my to do list today so I don't feel overwhelmed. I still feel wobbly and weak after 2 full days down. It was cold and windy outside...Brrr I need to get my 2024 sticker put on my car. I have it IN the car, on the visor....but was too chilled to fool with it this morning. Next time I am out there...I'll take care of it.

    I'm going to read a bit and take a nap....I had an order coming at 3-4 PM....Hope they have my collards today.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    That last one had a bad word, Marilyn! Cringe! I've been there though (without the cuss word). I finally quit having those conversations - they never worked out!

    Bren, wow, girl, you are getting a lot done. I like to do quesadillas with my sweet potato tortillas. I do fold it in half and then cut it in four pieces with my pizza cutter. I usually just do lunch meat and cheese! It also makes a great PB and J! I just have to fold the ends in or I end up with a lap full of jelly! Ick!

    Other than allergies and arthritis pain I am doing pretty good! God is so very good!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    Kim, I am getting more done in my head than in reality....I still "think" I can accomplish so much but my body doesn't agree at all. I feel so overwhelmed. The pain is a major deterrent to my plans. Even my shorter lists aren't being finished. Perhaps i need to do two things instead of four-seven?

    I got my collards this round. They were unavailable the last 2 orders. I got two bags of stir fry veggies to play with as well so hope to actually eat them. I am in the process of cleaning the kitchen again. To be ONE woman, in her senior years, who doesn't want to cook....I make such a mess in there. Oh well...

    Be blessed all...best where needed most.

    Here's the lovely veggie blend...it might make a nice salad as well...wxeqwyxir38h.png

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Wow, that bag looks like there is a lot of "green" stuff in it! LOL! I think there are four things in there I would eat: carrots, broccoli, snow peas, and red cabbage. :D Today was rather painful after doing just a little bit of shopping. Until I can figure out exactly what is wrong with my right hip and thigh I don't think I can really do anything like that. Praise the Lord the headaches are much diminished.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    Very nice green stuff, Kim... but I found myself missing onion and peppers! I had a bag last night with a microwave cup of jalapeno rice. It was very good...with some General Tso's sauce and the garlic chili oil.
    I want to cook my collards tonight....or in the morning. What little energy I muster is in the morning...evenings are much harder to get anything done.

    My pain started in my right hip as well. Now, both sides are involved and the numbness goes from hips to feet...including my right arm....No likey! I'm glad to hear the headaches have subsided some...but am sorry to hear of the other pain that makes trouble for you.

    Here's my yummy veggie meal....and lunch was a grilled bologna/cheese sandwich on LC bread....yummy.nrzkxfjbixyb.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Oh, I like that second one, Bren! LOL! I had a ham and Colby Jack quesadilla for lunch (on a sweet potato tortilla). I need to learn how to make sweet potato flour (using dehydrated sweet potatos)! A friend of mine made some squash flour and made a cake with it! She's very handy that way!

    My burn is starting to heal, woohoo. Tomorrow will be one week. I keep it covered at night and let the air get to it during the day, hopefully drying it out! I put antibiotic cream on it today because it was bleeding a little bit, but the majority of the pain is gone - yeehaw!

    Have an awesome evening y'all. We are having our fellowship meal tonight and having cake and icecream for a teen's birthday! Woohoo! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Good morning my beautiful lovelies! I hope you had a good day yesterday.

    I ate some cake and ice cream last night for one of the teen's birthdays - I didn't pay attention to the flavor of the ice cream! Strawberry! I did get a mild migraine. Praise the Lord Tylenol and caffeine kept it at bay and it was, maybe, half an hour and it was gone! God is so very good!

    Hope you ladies have a really good day!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Can't say I fight with anyone anymore, but when I am trying to defend a point - yep, I always think of things I should have and could have said - but it's too late! LOL!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    Oh, me too, Kim...no fighting....but am quite OK with that.

    The quesadilla sounds good! I do wraps like that using the LC tortillas, ham or roast beef and cheese, in the microwave or my GF grill. Yummy stuff and quick and easy so box checkers for me. I would never ever attempt making a flour at all! LOL...

    This week has been a return to the night waking issues....where I am awake all night and sleep away the day. Makes for a very unproductive day but....I am up at 5:30 this morning after a 2 hour nap and hope to get some things done that have gone undone.

    I need to put coffee on, fill my water mug and get the mail from yesterday...am hoping my Amlodipine came. I've been out for 6 days and the BP has been up again. It's a bit better today at 143/75 58 I see my cardiologist April 2nd. I'm hoping he won't push more tests tho it's been awhile since I had them. His nurse that I saw last time "suggested " them.

    That sounds very enjoyable...the food/fellowship and Birthday celebration. Glad the headache was brief and manageable...

    Have a blessed day, Ladies....as we move towards spring! We are having some summery temps here already....86 yesterday and we had 93 about 10 days back before the last cold front.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Maybe they will be the easy tests, like an echocardiogram! or having them just do a EKG.

    Feeling off today. I got very tired while on the computer this morning (I get on in the AM and then after lunch), could hardly keep my eyes open. I think I am stuffy from my ears up! Tons of pollen out there too, so it's no wonder!

    Hope you will be able to get that sleep back where it should be, sister! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
    Home from the hospital this morning - surgery was yesterday afternoon. All went well but am stiff and sore from having to sleep in the hospital bed.

    Havent eaten since Wednesday and truthfully not hungry but know that I need to put something in my belly

    Need to get in lots of water too. Had my monthly blood work done - kidney function is still at 8 which is what they call end stage renal failure. Just need to make sure I get in enough water, eat properly and hopefully will be able to stay off diaylsis a little longer

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    I'm glad that you are home safe and sound. I didn't realize you were going to have surgery! I'm so glad all went well! Keep doing the good things you are doing! I do get cranberry, blueberry, and raspberry. The cranberry is probably six out of seven days, the others once in awhile when I put the frozen fruit in a smoothie. I am going to do more of those starting Monday though. Onions, garlic and strawberries and no no's for me. I can eat onions cooked, but not the others. Oh, bell peppers are out too unless they've been cooked to death! LOL!

    Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    Owww....glad you are back home Marilyn. Prayers for continued improvement and comfort in the days ahead.
    I like the list...except for raspberries. I'd be putting my greens on any list! I like the onions, garlic, berries...but blackberries are a fave...the only issue with produce for me, is the waste that goes on. I have good intentions when I get it....

    After another restless night...I didn't get up until 1 PM yesterday. Yikes! Needless to say...nothing was accomplished. I was glad I had cooked my collards on Friday. I did clear my desk while sitting here but lie my DR table...it's a temporary fix as any flat service collects clutter it seems.

    Kim...I had an EKG when at the cardiologist office last year...because I was having trouble. She asked about the echocardiogram, that I haven't had in about 6 years or more and the angiogram that I would not voluntarily do...last was with the heart attack in 2017. She mentioned a stress test as well which is totally not gonna happen! So....I will perhaps show up, to stay on the "active patient" list....but it's all against my will!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
    Bren am praying for you. Can I ask why you won't have those tests - I have had them and they put my mind at rest when all came up ok.

    Stress test = I had one done a number of years ago - had to be on the treadmill for 5 minutes at 8% incline. The tech stood beside me and said at any time I coud stop. I did the test and recovered quickly = told the tech the only problem was not my heart but my hips were hurting. He left and had and doctor come in = he read the test results , looked at me and reread them again. Said if he didn't see me sitting there he would have thought I was a person at a healthy weight = so that was good news


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    Oh goody! There's some green stuff and things I love! Thanks...

    Tests: Had a stress test done way back yonder....was a horrid experience. Now, I am in even worse condition after 2 heart attacks and so much back/hip pain and numbness that I can't stand 5-7 minutes without being hunched over and had a really bad episode of the numbness... waist to foot the other day and almost fell, getting to my chair.
    I have such a struggle driving to appointments, hiking in and about and know that if certain things were done...like another MRI, neurological testing, bone density test etc. I am unwilling and unable to comply with upkeep and my Dr. mentioned back surgery...uhh. no. Different strokes for different folks. Just not my cup of tea.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    I have a cousin-in-law who has had back surgery and it didn't do her any good. I've heard good and bad back surgery stories. You never know which kind you will have. I did a stress test years ago and had to stop it because I couldn't catch my breath. It took about five to ten minutes for me to start breathing normally again. I did the angiogram, the echo, the stress test, and the EKG - all good. I had one area that had a little bit of plaque in it, but nothing they were concerned about - thus, they called what was happening, inappropriate sinus tachycardia, something no other doctor I've seen has heard of - it's just for me! LOL! I was having such a time with it yesterday. I remember taking my med for it, but was still having my heart rate go up to 132 just getting dressed. I took an extra half a pill (since that was my last dosage a few years ago) and that helped quite a bit. Today it's back to normal.

    Well, your list has three things on it that I eat! LOL! I do use oats in my muffins, which I will be making sometime this week. I do use water in my smoothie, but don't drink it by itself very often. I do eat blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries in my smoothies and have cranberry juice and cranberry powder in them too. I also have a green powder that I put in there as well as magnesium threonate and potassium. I add my fruit and veggie protein powder when I want to have just the smoothie. Everything was good except my cholesterol last time I had bloodwork, so my kidneys are doing well, even while taking two diuretics!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
    Doing well.

    Just took my blood pressure it was 116/67 pulse 64 so all good there
    Am losing weight this month - so far 2.8 down for the month and still time to lose a bit more so am happy with that.

    Have a new water bottel that holds 32 oz and it is marked on the side of the bottle so when I drink water i can actually see how much I am getting.

    Big thing I am finding is finding the right amount of carbs - keeping them as low as possible and filling up with lots of vegetables, fruits and a little animal protein. Am working on keeping bread out of my food as it is a trigger and once I have 1 slice I tend to want to eat 4 or 5. Also found the same with soda crackers so I am working on making sure those items don't enter my mouth very often.

    I am not a big veggy eater (think I mentioned that once before) but am working on it. Part of the problem is I don't like the texture of most vegetables and also I have IBS which gets triggered if I eat a lot of things like cauliflower, and broccoli. So I do try to eat some of those once a week but on a small amount cutting them very small and then stir frying them with spices, a little bit of crushed tomato (I crush my own) and onions. Other then that I am working at 'trying' different vegetables even just a couple of mouthfulls and cooking them differently. I know when growing up ( my mom was a good cook) but she boiled the dickens out of the vegetables and I think that might be the reason I don't enjoy them. I love cooking them in the airfryer with losts of spices on them and a drizzle of oil. Also like the salads I have been having - they are harty (lettuce, tomotoes, celery, zucchini, maybe some cabbage and often a boiled egg is sliced up into it. I have a fairly large bowl of it and enjoy it. As for dressing I watch the labels to make sure I get ones that have the lowest salt level - and then I make sure I read what the serving is for one - and use just that amount.

    Now that the nice weather is starting am going to start going outside and try walking around our mobile home park. I use a walker as I can't walk far before having to sit but if it takes me 45 minutes to do the park so be it - gives me fresh air, movement, and a lot of times neighbors are out so can have a short visit. On bad days I work on the treadmilll.

    Anyway for March I have pretty much reached all goals set already. These goals included just losing 1 pound each time I got weighed (which is on Tuesday) and that is happening as some times it is only 0.4 of a pound but that is ok. Another goal is to be up and moving working on pushing past the pain - and that is hard for me - but I now I need to do it otherwise I will become immoble with having to sit on my walker or a wheel chair and that is not what I want. I have enough going wrong I want to retain some independance with walking if only for short spirts.

    Anyway this has been long winded but wanted to give you an update.

    Praying for all of you

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Have you ever tried making a raspberry vinagrette? I have had it from a purchased bottle, but never tried to make my own, but it seems like oil, vinegar and raspberries should be all you would need! That would be good on a salad! A couple of the recipes I read also add some dijon mustard. MMMM! Can you do vinegar?

    Never long-winded - I enjoy hearing how you are doing. I'm trying to do the same thing, short spurts and getting up to get something done rather than sitting all day! Woohoo for you on the weight loss and eating well. You're heading in the right direction!

    We go in tomorrow and get the results from Wade's biopsy, so please be praying that God will be glorified no matter the results! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    edited March 2024
    Me too, Kim...on the back surgery thing. My Dr. said "you don't have to be afraid"....uhh...yes, indeedy I do! So no thanks. After me saying no to each suggestion for setting up appointments for MRI, neurologist, bone density test....she said..."well, you know where I am if you need me"....

    That's a good report, Marilyn! Discipline is key and mine is lax up in here. I have only myself to be accountable for and don't do such a bang up job of it most times.

    Prayers for Wade and his results, Kim....and for you...in the days ahead. Love you lots, Sister.

    We have had a cold spell for several days, some rain and not a lot of sunshine but I'm happy, hanging out inside and I do have good heat and AC. Today is a heat needed day but warmer temps are expected back in the 70's for the rest of the week.

    I'm off to have some lunch...maybe a sandwich today with tomato, lettuce and onion. I use the Sara Lee 45 calorie bread. Yum. I was disappointed that Wal-Mart didn't have my ice yesterday so reckon I need to fill my trays again! Waah...lyq0lgaocfuf.png
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,585 Member
    Love coming here and reading how you ladies are doing.

    Today is my official weigh in day - 232.8 which is down 1.8 since last week. That makes 5 weeks in a row that I have lost - and I am so proud of that. Am not thinking re the big number. I look at todays weigh in, then go to prayer thanking Christ for his help to losing this week and asking for His guidance to lose another 1 for next week - just 1 pound. And each week I have lost. In those 5 weeks I have lost 7 pounds Praise the Lord as I thought 5 pounds would be a lot.

    Blood pressure this morning was 116/65 pulse 64

    So here is what I will work on doing this next 7 days in order to lose just 1 more pound.
    a) drink my water - this week making sure I get in 64 ounces
    b) continue to make sure I have no salt
    c) keep animal protein to the low side
    d) keep watching carbs keeping them lower then they are as I tend to eat more carbs then necessary
    e) 3-4 fruits every day
    f) 3 cups of veggs every day

    I am overjoyed with the last 5 weeks - I see I can do it and am going to give it another 5 weeks to see what happens.

    I see the kidney doctor today. My plan of action there is that when I see him again in 3 months to be down 10-15 pounds so will see what happens. As it will be 12 weeks and I am working on 1 pound a week, sometimes getting just about 2 pounds and some just under 1 pound I can see that I should be able to lose 12 pouns but will be happy with anywhere from 10 - 15

    Take care ladies

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 971 Member
    edited March 2024
    Wow! That's great Marilyn! Your diligence and faith are paying off greatly. Love your weekly plan. I honestly need to have one myself. I slid off the rails yesterday in a bad way and it's pay the Piper his dues today. I am so grateful for good rest and the gift of this new day. Thankful for God's mercy, love, provision and peace....for us all. Love you all and you stay in my prayers.

  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 92 Member
    "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" Romans 1:20 (KJV)
    Prayers and hugs
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,856 Member
    Amen, Missy!

    Marilyn, you are doing so well. Keep going sister!

    Bren, meet you at the noodle shed - I had a eat out day yesterday. I did have a Belgian Waffle for breakfast - well, half of it for breakfast and finished it for dinner. I did do a Orange Cream Wendy's shake thingy (ugh, I can't remember what it's called - gotta get my threonate today!) for lunch with a couple of fries, two chicken nuggets and a bite of Wade's hamburger. Wade ate about a 1/3 of the Frosty! Woohoo - thank you Lord for the brain boost! I know you hate all the tests, but getting more information on exactly what is wrong may be helpful for you! My NP said that she would like an MRI on my back - me, I'd like one on my whole body! LOL! I would love to know if the arthritis has moved to my hip, without the MRI we can only guess.

    Praise the Lord also for the negative results on Wade's biopsy. He'll go again for a blood test in 6 months and if there are no major changes he won't have to see this doctor for another year. The visit with my Dr was just a follow-up on my new med for my headaches. It's working, by God's grace, wonderfully. I haven't had a bad headache for a month. I have mild ones that are easily taken care of by Tylenol, so I am very happy! I asked about my left hand and she said it sounded like a pinched nerve in my elbow or wrist. I need to quit sleeping with my hands all bunched up around my face! :( I go in May for a blood test to see how my cholesterol meds are working and then have my normal appointment in Sept. I told her that I should be on Medicare by then and she said that she would set it up as a WELCOME TO MEDICARE appointment which gives me several extra things that they look into: EKG, blood work I won't get in May; stuff like that. Oh, my BP was 116/70, Marilyn! Woohoo. My pulse was 96, but it's not been cooperating for about three or four days! Normally it's in the 60's or 70's; sometimes it gets as low as 43! But not this past week! Will work on getting a couple of things done around the house and hope my hand and leg hold up!

    Love you ladies!