Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, do you have a little waffle or chaffle maker? I think you would like these. A chaffle is basically 1 egg, 1/2 C cheese, 1 Tbsp almond or coconut flour (or regular wheat flour), and then whatever else you want to add (like veggies). High protein, low carb. Not sure though with kidney issues that you can do high protein! You could do it in a regular waffle maker as well. That recipe makes about three chaffles!

    Need to get back into doing my arm exercises daily. I didn't feel well yesterday so nothing then. I'm hoping that the meds I took for the headache this morning will wear off quickly and can get 'er done this afternoon.

    Hope y'all are feeling alright. Am praying for you.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I had one, Kim, when the rage was new. I didn't like it enough to use it and gave it away in a neighbor box.
    I am supposed to watch my protein, with my kidneys being compromised but I'm not as lean as I could be. I love my egg beater omelets, eggs, chicken, pork and do sneak sausage in...turkey burgers and the like. Beef is a rarity but I do like it. Have had the deli roast beef this week.

    Most of my meals are quick and easy, in the air fryer, microwave, steamer pot or toaster oven. For the 2 weeks my foot was out, fast and easy was the goal. I use low carb tortillas and Sara Lee LC bread and do use HB buns on occasion. I've had wraps with ham or roast beef this week with Swiss or pepper jack cheese. Really yummy.

    My back/hips scream at me, a lot. I have my list of moves to use per Bob and Brad...just haven't been doing them. Getting out takes more effort these days...as in taking trash out, picking up groceries etc. I still have a half a tank of gas from my fill up last November. LOL I really should get a steep discount on my insurance but instead, it went up.

    Stay safe and be at rest, Ladies...blessings in these times of uncertainty in this raging world. Love and prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I saw this the other day on YouTube. You take a tortilla and smash your ground beef thinly onto it. Put hamburger side down first for about three minutes, then flip it over and cook for another two minutes or so. Take out of pan and add whatever you like on a burger, fold and eat! You get less bread that way and the crispy tortilla has the people who make them ooing and aahing! LOL! I want to give that a try when we have some uncooked hamburger meat! LOL! I haven't found my chaffle maker yet, but want to make the blueberry ones that Cindy showed a picture of on the other team.

    Doing pretty good today. My right hip is hurting quite a bit today as is my lower back. I ordered a thigh brace that is attached to a waistband so it won't fall down - I got it from E-bay for around $15.00, so I am hoping against hope I measured right and it will fit! It helps immensely when I am able to wrap my thigh, otherwise it goes weak on me especially when I make a turn!

    We got the garden planted. We have tomatoes (not for me), peppers (also not for me), okra (some for me for smoothies), onions (cooked for me), and we are going to give potatoes a try in grow bags. I also got a few flowers for my front bed. We are going to fill three or four pots out there. Wade found some old wood that had curled a bit so I was able to put some conch shells and some other shells in them among the pots. We also have it filled with white stone. I'll take a picture when I have it all done!

    Wade found a really pretty screen door (kind of frilly and old-fashioned) to go on the back porch which we are planning to screen in. Hopefully, we will get to see some wildlife out there since that is where the turkeys and the deer come to (we have a wooded area out back). Bears have also been seen back there but I don't really want to see them! LOL!

    Love y'all. Hold tight to Jesus and never let Him go!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What an adorable picture!

    Doing alright today. I have my thigh brace on, feels good, and my TENS unit as well for my lower back. I'm more mobile today than yesterday!

    Wade smoked a Boston Butt and just took it out of the smoker - oh my! Now to wait until suppertime!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Phew, I have lots of "try agains"!

    Beautiful day today. I'm going to take some pictures of my gardens and then try and figure out how to get the on the computer so I can share them with you!

    Hope you are doing alright, Bren. I love you!

    Love y'all very much!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited May 2023
    Thank you my friend!
    I've had 3 days down, due to restless nights, awake until 4:30 and later, then sleeping most of the day away. Just feeling whipped a bit.
    I hope you can load some garden pictures! I'd love to see some. I only have dreams left of my garden days but what joy they bring! I loved the bounty God provided from my labors and His provision.

    That hamburger trick you shared sounds good. I had a chicken thigh in the AF last night with some wild rice and asparagus/stir fry veggies with a slice of pepper jack...quite good. I have round 2 in a container, just needs some veggies. I'll see how that goes. I'll do a grocery order maybe Wednesday for a Thursday pick up. I need to pare my cart down to about 40 items these days....it's exhausting and debilitating, to haul things in and tuck them away! I'm a weary woman...LOL

    Love y'all and am so glad to see you here when I wander in. Blessings to all...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    A bit quiet in here - praying for you - am ok getting ready for my surgery on Thursday so dealing with some extra anxiety. When the surgery is over I will start participating more just need to get through this week

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Prayers for you Marilyn...may God go before you, to prepare the way and may the procedure be as painless as possible, done quickly and cause you no trouble. My heart goes out to you, having reached this stage. May you find rest and comfort in Jesus in the days ahead. Gentle hugs...
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Well boo-hooey...those freaky bugs have come back for a return engagement. I've stripped my bed,sprayed my bed and will order some more of the spray....and keep it on hand.
    I truly enjoyed the weeks they were on vacation and pray it happens again very soon. I managed to find and capture on tape, those on my bed and my blanket. I do despise them!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited May 2023
    Ugh, I can't believe they came back! I hope they go away fairly easily this time.

    Marilyn, praying all went well with your surgery and you find peace as you go through this new phase in your life. I know that it will be a bit before you go through dialysis, so praise the Lord for the short reprieve!

    Here are those pictures, Bren:
    The first picture is my front yard, the second our garden out back. On the left are the blueberries. There is a blackberry bush hiding below the bottom left hand corner of the picture! It is growing in a fire ant hill! Eek! The other beds hold tomatoes, green peppers (of which we have lost two to something eating them near the roots), onions, okra, and zucchini. We have potatoes in grow bags, so hopefully those will do alright. We had some potatoes that got old and grew eyes, so we used those - hope they work. The onions were a bit old too but so far at least two of them are coming up!

    A young lady in our church has some Silky Chickens and some of her eggs hatched (at least 15). She asked if we wanted any, but we just can't take care of them. If we were 10 years younger maybe, but not now, and especially not since there isn't a lot that I can do. I feel bad. Our neighbors have some chickens though and I can enjoy theirs! Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited May 2023
    That's so lovely Kim! I don't have personal yard space but I claim it! I hope all your plants do well....can you kill the fire ants without damage to the bush? Like with the creeps I deal with, I can't see a single, positive reason for their existence!
    That was so sweet of the offer of some chicks but yes, they do take work! Perhaps they will find another person to share that bounty with! My Mom raised chickens, Guinee hens, pigs and stray babies like raccoons, deer, lamb and possum. Living in the country, we could do that.

    I only got 2 hours of sleep last night, and was up for 12 hours...managed to finally get a grocery order after 2 cancellations. That is very hard on my back for sure. I am restocked with ice and produce.
    I got down for a nap just after Noon and 30 minutes later...was awakened by a series of sirens racing by....there were 8 or more, assorted. Perhaps it will say on the news tonight what it was about. I did finally drop back off for a nice, refreshing nap.

    A 12 year old was arrested in Merkel ISD for falsely reporting a school shooting. The things kids do these days confounds me. They SHOULD be arrested!
    This was in the news line up. Does anybody proof read anymore?

    2300 block of Robertson Drive – Theft of Property
    A resident reported he let his dog go to the bathroom in his front yard and when he came back outside, the dog was gone. A neighbor down the street stated a dog picked the car up. The dog is worth $2,500.
    Yes folks...a dog picked the car up.....

    Mary, our manager came to tell me they were picking up the screen/storm doors today and hoped to have them put on this week. They are giving me mine but I'm to keep mum as they cost $250 each. Since I have been here so long and am such a good tenant! I will only have to pay the $75 for installation. My current one is over 20 years old and swinging by one weary hinge...like me some days! I am looking forward to my gift!

    Thank you! I pray this round will be of short duration as well. The nasty little buggers. They have no respect for boundaries. I'm glad they don't run super fast so I can snag the ones I see with my trusty scotch tape.

    Love and prayers for us all as we wind down another day. Take good care of yourselves and be blessed.zbqlwhhk7vvz.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited May 2023
    Oh, that picture is so cute! Yep, I get it! LOL! We are going to try and go to an air show on Saturday and I am seriously considering bringing the wheeled chair that we used for Mom. There is no food allowed in the area so we will have to go out to the car to eat lunch. That means I will have to travel the distance from the car to where we will be sitting five times! Hope it won't be a long distance. I am going to try and walk it and hope it works out, bringing the chair will just make too much to have to bring in and out. I've even considered just eating a good breakfast and skipping lunch then going out for dinner afterwards. Sounds good to me! Not sure what Wade will think yet though.

    Woke with a bad headache this morning, a bit of nausea. Thank the Lord I didn't get sick and the pain decreased quickly. Praise the Lord I did get 7 hours of sleep last night. I woke at 3:30 yesterday morning and couldn't go back to sleep, but I did take a nap in the afternoon so was able to be alert for Church!

    The fire ants haven't been affected by vinegar and baking soda or boiling water, so Wade is going to try something else that isn't supposed to affect the fruit of the plant. We'll see. So far they don't seem to be bothering the plant, and are probably keeping away any underground bugs that could hurt it! LOL. As long as they don't hurt us I guess it doesn't really matter!

    Love you!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    OH! Enjoy yourselves. My friend Laura and her hubby had intentions for ours just recently and got in two different traffic jams, finally just pulled out and went home. I went to the one at the Air Base in 1997 with my friend Travis.
    I wish I had kept Mom's fancy walker with the seat. Ten years ago I didn't need it so much tho and I only took the necessities to finish her finances and the things that meant something to me. I left the rest for my brother to deal with, use or sell. Until the goofy manager refused to let him in to finish the job, anyway. He was an oddball and liar I found out.

    I find my cane to be of immense help. I keep one in the car and have one here to use daily. I have my trusty walker too but am thankful it's not a daily need yet.

    I got my new storm door today! Oh Joy! It's beautiful. My old one was actually a bit over 25 years old! Wow...I will be at this complex for 27 years in August. Time does fly.

    I did up a Wal-Mart order for Saturday. I don't go out there often anymore...as if it's a 30 mile drive...it's about 10 maybe, one way. Just feels like 30. I still have a half tank of gas I put in my car last November. LOL I do NOT have any travel bugs. I filled up twice for the whole year...in April and November.

    I think I'll got check mail and see if any hungry kitties are lurking...then it's back to be, me thinks.
    Hoping our Marilyn is doing well after her surgery. Prayers for us all in this brand new day. Love you...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I know. I am keeping her in my prayers. Hope she will feel up to coming on soon and sharing her precious pictures and some news!

    Went to Roses this morning to check out the new tires on the car. Wade found a flat the other day and the tire had a hole in it, so, there is a guy we know who comes out to your house to work on your car and he came yesterday and put on a whole set of tires! Woohoo! Several people in the church have used him for other stuff - right handy! I was able to find a couple of T-shirts in the men's department. Oh my, I found a gorgeous white dress in my size. It would be awesome with a pair of white leggings, but it is really see-through so I'd have to wear something under it and that would end up making me hot... It was just 7:99, but I left it there. We also found this awesome tote with all the lighthouses on the coast of NC (we've visited three of the five, all of them are just a few hours from where we live) - but I couldn't think of anything that I would use it for - other than putting my laundry in it! LOL! We left that one there too. Might go back and get it though, just because I love it and it's just $7.99 as well. My T-shirts were just $2.49 each! Love that store!

    Well, I give you the whole low-down after we go to the air-show! I sure hope we don't run into those traffic problems.