Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
    Wow! I have missed a lot. Marilyn, Bill's kidney doctor recommended that he should take Tumeric w/black pepper for pain and inflammation. The said to get on a regular regime and it helps a lot of people and wouldn't damage his kidneys. He's not a candidate for dialysis, so we are really being careful as well...not quite as much as to eliminate "labels", but basically eating clean and not eating what we can't pronounce...and eliminating most sodium (no salt in cooking, but still use limited sea salt on the table). Luckily he rarely retains water and his blood pressure remains about 125/75.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, you are in my prayers! I'm glad they were able to get your potassium under control. Mine is 4.5, but that is right in the middle of the range that they give on the results. I take just over 1000mg a day. If I don't I get leg and foot cramps at night. I tend to be low, but lately, my tests have been right in the middle! Cholesterol was the only thing that was off in my last blood work and I am praising the Lord for that.

    The diverticulitis stuff is pretty much over. I haven't had any symptoms from the antibiotic today and am praising the Lord for that! I found that there really aren't any food restrictions for diverticulosis, just eat a high-fiber diet and avoid constipation. I'll be taking my Digestic (a natural constipation relief pill) every day and hope that keeps me regular. When I take it when there is a problem it usually causes diarrhea, but I'm hoping if I take one every day it will just keep me from having constipation. I was so happy that nuts and seeds were back on the menu! I immediately ordered my Aussie Bites again!

    Wearing my new glasses has been a trip! My distance vision is at the very top, middle distance is the majority of the view, and reading is at the bottom. I didn't have any trouble with finding the close-up section, but have to lower my glasses to see through the top and watch the nature in my yard! I was hoping I could wear them all the time and I think that it will work - although, last night when I was looking in the mirror Harry Potter came to mind! LOL!

    Have an awesome day, ladies. You are in my prayers. Oh, my weight this morning was 237, down a pound after wearing my compression wraps!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Love your garden pics, Kim and so glad you are better after the wild ride you had. I'm the same...still feeling weak and weary and in much pain.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So sorry, Bren! Rest, get plenty of fluids, and eat on plan. I'm praying the Lord will relieve your pain!

    Went shopping today, 3313 steps so far. I couldn't get to sleep last night so I am dragging right now, but praise the Lord doing fine otherwise. I found a natural pain reliever, just a list of herbs and spices, Zyflamend by New Chapter. I take two a day in the afternoon and after just four days I can already tell a difference. I was able to do this shopping trip with less trouble than I usually have! Praise the Lord.

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Going to a graduation party this afternoon for a couple of guys in the Church. They have been homeschooled since old enough to begin lessons! Can't imagine anyone sending their kids to public schools these days, they are horribly wicked and teach the children vile things. It's like when parents used to offer their children for sacrifice to the god Molech - lay them in his arms and light the fire! :s

    On that note, I hope you have a very blessed Lord's Day tomorrow!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I agree Kim, on the school issue, and many others. This world is in worse condition than ever as the days go by.

    Your steps count is good! I think I might get 3300 in a week. LOL I just know it's dropped off a lot the past year and a half. My weight still yo-yo's and I need to get stabilized. There are a lot of things I need to be doing...in order to see improvements.

    I had some of my catfish "phony filets" Friday night. They are OK but were not worth the price paid. LOL Oh well...that's a mere pixel in the big picture, I know.

    I got another pack of those huge split chicken breasts on sale and one of the boneless country style pork ribs as well. Oh those were so very heavy! I need to separate them into freezer bags today. I got fresh salad goods and asparagus on sale this week...so need to actually cook something. What I didn't get...was the Ibuprofen I ordered. They missed that.

    Marilyn....I saw your catch up post back there! You have rolled with all the punches and done what was necessary at each turn. You remain in my prayers in this journey.

    I'm up since 2:15 so will be back down shortly. It's been awhile since I could stay up and get some work done...but I am very thankful for the opportunity to rest as needed. Love y'all....take good care of yourselves and be blessed as we enter a new week.tyhc4n20mxpy.png

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    OH no! I found the latest hiding place for those horrid bugs. I had 3 on me, here at my desk...I checked my chair and yep...that's the hiding grounds. Yikes. I trapped some with tape and sprayed my bug killer. Glad it doesn't stink like the regular Raid. Praying to cut them back greatly.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my, what a mess! Hope that you are able to get all of the critters soon. I'd check the livingroom furniture too, spraying it even if you don't see anything!

    I had another headache this morning. I'm hoping that wearing my new glasses at the computer only will help with that, but am going to eat lighter and see if I can pinpoint what might be causing the problem. The glasses and the wheat-less wraps I bought are the two newest things, so I will avoid both and see if that helps!

    Love y'all. Have a very blessed day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I walked 2 mi today and worked in my garden. The humidity zapped away my energy quick!
    Making ground chicken and lots of veggies...many that came right out of my garden ....so thankful! I have lost 2.4 pounds...have not ate fast food in 5 days!!! I am cutting it out~~ My cravings just go bye bye when I fast and eat one meal a day
    Prayers and hugs
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Hello Dolls... so glad to see you Missy! That's a great report. I admit I do still envy those of you with the space and the energy to garden. I have beautiful memories of lovely ones in my past. Reaping the rewards of your labor is the sweetest gift!

    We had 97 here today but more storms/rain. I love it as long as I'm not driving in it. I'm still running on last November's fill up so do little driving at all. I need a deep discount on my insurance!

    Thanks Kim. These buggers are a nightmare for sure! As bad as it was to find their new hideaway....I was glad to know where they were coming from! I had to rip out my bed skirt a few months back when they set up housekeeping there. I'm glad I'd got the new bottle of spray and will keep it on hand. They have no respect for boundaries at all.

    Kim, I do hope the headaches take a hike....new glasses may be the trigger. Hope you pin point the problem quickly. I've often wondered just how much more of your short list of foods you could delete! How long is your acceptable list? 20 items? You'd hear me whine at your house from Texas if I had such troubles! Especially if it was coffee, kale or catsup I had to delete. Kale: I made a pot of soup on Thursday and have one serving left. I love it...

    Well...it's 11:45 so I'll go down with my Kindle and read a bit....hope to stay down until about 6 AM...we shall see.
    Love and prayers for us all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, believe it or not, I found a wrap that has kale in it! It has several veggies and it tastes like lettuce when I use it for a sandwich! I also got sweet potato, and flax/chia seed. They are yummy, although not as pliable as the flour ones, they don't bother me (well, I hope they aren't what is causing the headaches anyway! Ugh, I should probably cut them out and see - but we got this delicious chicken salad from the grocery store and I sure would hate to not be able to have at least one more meal with it! Okay, one more!

    Missy, wow, you are doing awesome. Keep up the good work. I did well yesterday. Worked a bit in my garden as well, but it did overheat me for a bit. Still suffering some of the side effects of my diverticulitis antibiotics so I haven't been walking, but I really need to motivate myself to get going with that. Just so tired lately, just don't have the energy. I didn't weigh today but will tomorrow. So happy you are doing well.

    My garden is growing like crazy! We planted a few watermelons the other day and the sweet potato is looking good, the slips are about ready to transplant. We just used a sweet potato we bought at the grocery store and then let sit around for a bit, the potatoes were the same, we just used the ones we'd bought that started growing eyes (or slips). We have about six or seven zucchini growing and a couple
    close to being ready to pick - woohoo! We've also been enjoying the blueberries as the ripen and even a couple of blackberries.

    Marilyn, that is a so true picture! I think Jake thought that a few times, especially when he would come up to us and lay his head in our laps - hey, I have a need, figure it out!

    Well, I'll let you ladies go. You are in my prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Kim make sure you are taking a good probiotic. I was in and out of the hospital for years I suffered with that. The pain is horrible!
    Lost another pound of fat:)
    Few garden pics
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I had a bad fall just now. Bully Boy came in and in trying to scoot his butt out after he sprayed twice, I got overbalanced and took a hard tumble. I hit my chest on the corner of the cart, scraped my arm on the way down, ended up on my back, near the table. It was so very difficult to get up and I didn't have my alert thing to call for help so had to manage.

    So....today....I thank God for helping me get up and for the fact the injury wasn't as bad as it could have been and that naughty cat had gone back out. Another reason to not like him so much tho I feel sorry for him at the moment. He has lost weight and is looking rough...and is not so big and beefy as he was. He's run my Junior off and that has me feeling not so friendly towards him. The last time I saw Junior, Bully was chasing him and Junior cried out twice.

    Missy...those are awesome! Thanks for posting those...I can enjoy yours and Kim's lovely labors!
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear of your fall...thank God you were able to get up! Praying you heal quickly!
    Today makes one week mark for my journey to get healthy! I lost a total of 5.4 pounds for the week! Thank God!
    some more pics
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Wow! What a great report....and beautiful pictures! Makes my heart smile. Thank you, my friend. It was sure hard, getting up and I pray that doesn't happen again.