Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my, I have to disagree with Marie Curie. I believe we have to have confidence in God because without Him we can do nothing! There may be people who have determination within themselves to accomplish great things, but it is worthless without it being done for the Lord and with Him.

    Getting more rain and some thunder as well. I used to think that our neighbor's moving their garbage cans was thunder (when we lived in Hickory), but we don't have that here, so it must be thunder! LOL!

    Y'all take care. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    We had another storm Wednesday night with tornado activity in Hawley and another small town, killing 4. We just had the rain, hail, thunder and lightening here in Abilene. I love the rain as long as I don't have to drive in it.

    I'm still not sleeping right/normal so it throws me off in other areas. I hope to get sorted soon.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited June 2023
    Bren, I wouldn't worry about day or night, sleep when you are tired. Your cortisone is probably backward (like mine was), so just sleep whenever your body tells you it's time! I think I was able to reverse mine by taking a supplement to help my adrenal gland, but you have such a delicate system you may not be able to add anything like that, so just sleep whenever your body tells you it's time and let other things go until your body says, "wakey, wakey"! I think once you allow yourself to do that you won't feel so discombobulated!

    Weight is holding stead at 238-239. I really need to cut back and get some walking in! I feel up to it today, so am going to do some house walking since it's hot and rainy outside! More thunderstorms today. We went to town yesterday and it was fairly dry, just some black clouds off in the distance - unfortunately, that was where we needed to go. We stopped at the thrift store to drop off some
    stuff and as soon as Wade got back into the car there was a deluge, and it lasted all the way home! Eek!

    I found a sea captain and two pirate statuettes to go with my lighthouse collection. I have each of them guarding one of my lighthouses! So cute. They are wood and were $1.00 a piece at another thrift
    That broken piece of plaster is a casting of Jake's paw after we had to have him put down! Still need to get it glued back together!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I used to love poking around Goodwill. I haven't been in about 3 years or 4, now. You did good to find some things to add at a good price. I love your cabinet! From what I've heard, my Goodwill is no longer a bargain at all. A lot of my dishes came from there and misc. stuff. Now...Amazon is my go to....and of course my groceries at HEB/Wal-Mart.

    I am longing for some good, frozen meals for simplicity/speed as I often am dragging at dinner time and in a lot of pain. Yesterday, I grabbed a salad bowl (I have 1 left) and did 3 chicken tenders in the AF and they were so spicy I did not enjoy them. I had used a spicy ranch sauce and that made them worse. I may use gravy on them next time or Alfredo sauce. Today...I am longing for butternut squash ravioli. I haven't had that in a few years.
    I am having something new this morning....it's blueberry muffin creamer. I normally don't use creamer in my coffee but decided to try this. i use the creamers in my oatmeal on the rare occasion I have it.

    Thank you for the notes on my sleep patterns! I got off base last year in March, when both feet went out at once and I was bedridden for a full week until one healed enough I could hobble about better. I even put food on my tray of my walker and came back to bed. I pray that never happens again! My left one went south yesterday but seems a wee bit better this morning. I was up and about more yesterday and got my feet and hips irritated.

    Yep...with my kidney issue and diabetes...I am leery of supplements and the like. Tho I sure wish I had something for the pain! My Ibuprofen got left in the car and melted! is that a sign to not use it. I was gonna sneak some.

    I did a boo boo this week...I'd ordered some new bloomers from Amazon....Woman Within, didn't check the size on the ones I have, ordered size 14. LOL....Oh my....Mine are size 10. Their sizes are wonky on a good day. Anyway, I got them bundled back up and stuffed in my teeny mailbox for return and checked this morning to make sure they were gone. I use them with a tank top for pajamas. Very cozy.

    I've been biting my tongue again....waaah! Hurts so bad...yes it does. I need another cup of coffee. I'll have one more with creamer and another black and I'll be done.

    Be blessed best where most needed today...Love and prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I got some of that blueberry muffin creamer, Bren. I'm using the Cinnamon, honey one first. Did you like the blueberry muffin one? The frother is so strange, it really makes the milk go much farther. I put the amount of milk and add creamer that I would normally use in my coffee, and then I froth it, and I can barely taste the coffee now - which is a good thing! LOL!

    Well, I'm getting tired. Went out and found two more lighthouses. One of the lighthouses is a lighthouse I can see from one of our favorite spots - u4xfqxrdvxjd.jpg

    That's Cape Lookout Lighthouse in the background! Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Wow....so beautiful! Always reminds me of that beautiful song and the message of hope it holds.
    I do like the creamer. I normally get the salted caramel, my favorite but was intrigued by this one when I saw it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Thought I should give an update on how I am doing - so many issues

    I believe I mentioned to you that 2 weeks ago (Wednesday and Thursday) I was up to the emergency again = Wednesday for 9 hours and Thursday for 11 hours. What happened is I got a horrible pain in my back (around the waist) on the left side and it gratually moved to the front.

    While at the hospital of course they did many tests - ct scan, ultrasound to name two - as well as blood tests. Kidney funtion should be 60 to be normal, mine was at 16 or months - and on Wednesday it went down to 8 - scarry. Thursday they did blood again and it was down to 5. They wanted me to stay in the hospital but I told them I would sleep better at home and the specialist agreed as long as I came back on Friday for more blood work. It was still at 5 so the plan was that I would have blood done again on Saturday and if it didn't go up a little I would have to have emergency surgery putting a pick in my neck for dialysis as the fisquala in the arm is not ready to use yet. Friday's number was 8/ Monday I talked to the kidney doctor and she ordered weekly blood tests to be done on Wednesdays for 4 weeks. Said I was stable but not out of the woods.

    Have to much acid in the blood and have been treated for this for months - they are now concerned that the numbers aren't coming up to where it should be as quickly as they would like. So I am now on 12 tablets of sodium bicarbonate indefinitely.

    Bren = you mention you take ibuprofen for pain. Not sure if you know this but that is not good for the kidneys, it damages them each time you use it. So does motrin or those patches people use for pain. My kidney specialist gave me a list of meds to never take as it reduces the kidney function. They say that you should use tynelol instead - and then to go easy with it. Not sure of your doctor care but if possible if you have kidney problems makes sure you see a kidney specalist as a lot of doctors don't know the damage some of the meds will cause. For instance don't ever take a water pill - this last time my kidneys shut down was because of one water pill - I ended up not being able to pee for 3 days - really scarry. Also watch your water intake.

    I know all of us here seem to be dealing with pain issues but please be careful as to many of the meds for the pain are killing the kidneys.

    Due to all of what I am going through now - I just wish someone had given me the info on what the meds would do to different parts of the body - and that one way to treat a lot of the problem is our choice of food. I am not allowed any processed food at all (deli meat, ham, cheese, beef,) and told nothing with any sauces. If i feel I need a sauce of some kind I need to make it watching for things like salt and potassium in everything I eat. I love potatoes but have now had no potatoes or root vegetables (turnips, parsnips, carrorts, bananas, and even spinach are high in potassium) Now because of to much acid in the blood I need to watch for acidic foods. So you can imagine how difficult it is to cook for myself. Salads are ok but I need to check each ingredient for potassium. This means no store bought salad dressings - so am learning how to make my owne - right now am doing a balsmic vinegar for my salad - dont like it as i would rather have a creamy dressing but I prefer to live so I am making the changes.

    Sorry this has been long - but please ladies look at the food you are eating, not necessarly looking at calories but look for salt and potassiuim to name 2 that are important to avoid if you have health issues.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited June 2023
    Oh Marilyn! I am so sorry to hear of this news. I must have missed you being back in the hospital recently. Wow....what a difficult and painful journey. I can't even imagine. Continued prayers for you in the time ahead. Thanks for checking in and updating us, Love.

    No, I only take Tylenol but got a bottle of Ibuprofen a couple of weeks back....thinking to use it as Tylenol does such a sissy job. I only take it 1-2 times a day.
    It got lost in the trunk and when I brought it in the other day, thought it was with my Wal-Mart order....it wasn't...but it was all melted in the bottle so maybe that's my sign. Several years back when I WAS taking it and gabapentin, was when I ended up in hospital with internal bleeding.

    My GFR was at 50.7 back in March. I'll be doing more lab work in July. I don't avoid much but do limit some things. I do need to limit or avoid some things I know ....for sure. My potassium was just over the limit at 5.3 sodium was good at 140. The UR/Mal/CR whatever, that's been over 1400 (normal of 40) is at 620.6.

    I need to get on the stick with this weight issue. Ack. I do not ever want those size 14 bloomers to ever fit! I'd be headed for 400.

    Today's stats:
    135/82 65

    Love y'all!grun5hp99x19.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I was at 240 this morning. I think it is water or lymphedema weight. I'll be watching my calories though and working to keep them below 1200.

    I do watch potassium, but to make sure I get enough. I got a horrible cramp in my calf last night. I can usually just flex my foot to get it to ease, but I couldn't move my foot. Wade had to flex it for me! Mustard helps when I get cramps at night - oddly enough, that is the only time I do get cramps, at the end of the day! I take potassium supplements since I tend to be low. I don't use much salt, I don't want to retain fluids. Hmm, just thought about this - people and animals take salt to help with fluid retention, but when you use it on foods it draws the fluids out! Strange!

    Awesome day yesterday. Services were very good. Went out to lunch with a couple of our church families and our pastor's niece from Scotland/England is here for a visit so she joined us for lunch at a Mexican restaurant - I had the lunch-size chimichanga - oh my, so good. We did a Zoom service last night because it was just too hot in our building. We flipped a breaker in the morning with both the A/C units cycling at the same time! We'll get that figured out so it doesn't happen again!

    I hope that you ladies have a very good day. I'm so sorry that you had such a bad time, Marilyn! Wow! You continue to be in my prayers. I will pray that number stays in a range they can be comfortable with until your arm thingy is ready! Big hugs!!!

    Love y'all

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    My scale hasn't really moved ...just a tenth loss here and there...but still moving downward.
    I am losing inches though:) I just picked a big basket of cucumbers, green beans, and okra. I'm about to freeze peppers from my garden. I have close to 50 out there...and many more about ready. We supposed to have a huge storm later on today. The weather guy said hen size hail!!! I pray we don't get that!!!
    I had huge bumps pop up on my lower gum...I assumed it was an abscess tooth....I put liquid ivermectin on my gum and took ivermectin horse paste...and boom....the pain is just about gone...and I was in horrible pain. Thank God it's better!
    hugs and prayers
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Good morning all...
    So glad to "see" you here...I'm up early again but do get daily naps so know I do rest "enough".

    I looked at the chicken strips and will need to toss the rest. I didn't realize when I got them, they were the spicy ones...and they are way to hot for me! I tried again last night, managed to eat one on my last onion bun but left the other 2 and most of the fries. Makes me sad to waste an otherwise good product...but I can't eat them. I'll pay better attention next time.

    Missy, I'm so glad for relief for you! There are so many things that cause our bodies to behave in strange ways. Relief in any form is such a blessing.

    I've been weak and wobbly for awhile now but can get some things done in my short spurts of activity. I am thankful for that...and for the gift of each new day.

    I had some of my phony fish filets and coleslaw yesterday and dinner was the chicken strip sandwich and fries. I have my cart at check out and will pick up at 8:30...and get some salads in the house. I ordered a cantaloupe, wanted grapes too...but left those and the watermelon I wanted. I got a few frozen meals for those nights when I am dragging even more...and end up with Viennas for dinner.

    Today's stats:
    132/78 60

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    How cute! Awesome pictures too! Praise the Lord the Ivermectin worked so quickly, Missy!

    Went to the dentist for my regular visit and will need two more visits for a couple of small cavities. It's been years since I've had a cavity. They are also going to replace the partial metal filling I have with the newer stuff. My last metal filling, all the other ones either ended up in a tooth pull and implant or a cap because the tooth split! I'm glad it's been a couple of years since I've had to deal with that.

    I'm going to have a hard time figuring out my weight this week since I am going to be wearing my bandage wrappings on my legs. Not sure how much those babies weight! I should still get an idea if I am gaining or losing though.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I think that my leg wrappings are doing some good. I've lost two pounds, down to 238.4.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member