Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Was number 2 David? I know you were able to renew a friendship toward the end of his life, that was special.

    Bren, it looked fairly easy, so hopefully you shouldn't have any problems.
    Lots of rain last night and today, hopefully, the garden is enjoying this. It had been dry for awhile, so this is really helpful in not having to do our own watering.

    Oh boy, I found these cool gloves for my thumbs. I've had a couple of different kinds but they covered too much of my hand. These just cover my thumb and the lower part of my hand, so much easier to function! namg2go48z4q.jpg

    Here's the link for this years blogs from my Pastor. If you put any other date in place of the 2023 any year from 2009 up will come up: https://pastordlgouldmusings2023.blogspot.com/

    Love y'all, have an wonderful day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited July 2023
    Yes...David. I say I ran away from number one and number two ran away from me. I was so thankful His heart was right with God in his last years. That reconciliation was the most important one.

    I'll play with the Wal-Mart thing soon...unless I can cancel what I did? OK....just went over there, poking around and see what's up and you're right. It's easy...or will be. I shows my free time left and after that, I'll do the yearly thing. I have it set for delivery for my next order.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm so glad that it worked out so easily for you! We wouldn't be available for delivery since we live "in the boonies" as Mom like to say. She loved it near the end because my Church family surrounded her with Jesus' love. Her own grandkids were ignoring her while our church's young people were devoted to her! But we are in the boonies. It's called Down East where there are a lot of little towns. My dental hygienist lives on a road called Possum Trot! I love that!

    I hope y'all have an awesome day. Love you.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited July 2023
    That's cute...Possum Trot...I've lived in the boonies as well...grew up 17 miles from our little home town, and living in Alabama. I've said about Abilene....it's all the city I'll ever need...after 12 years in the Dallas area.
    Marilyn....now that I rarely wear my hearing aid....I would love to dance in the rain!

    I got my delivery but they set everything down outside, knocked once and took off. Mary came over and brought things inside for me. I was so wobbly and unstable, I could have fallen again trying to pick up all those bags tho I had ordered "light" for that reason. Mary asked them to set them inside and was told "we can't do that"....tho HEB did for me and I wasn't this dizzy then. Next time, I will set my cart out with the note to load it up so I can pull it inside at least.

    Last night, I bit my tongue again, badly. Now I have like 5 white spots, redness and pain. I'm in the process of finding my Ambesol. Do you know where I put it? OH thank You Jesus! I knw He knew where it was...in my little desk basket with stamps and batteries! Yay!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    How cute! Even in the little things, sometimes we need a hand from the Lord - especially as we get older. I couldn't find my TENS unit. I looked where I thought I had left it and didn't see it - but lo and behold, it was there when I looked a couple of days later - hmmm, perhaps the sock monster decided to spread his mischief farther afield!

    My new thumb gloves are working well although they are hot! It's good to keep my arthritic areas warm, but I don't like it on the rest of the areas! Sweaty wrists - ick!

    I was at 236.2 yesterday, a little bit down. I was quite swollen in the legs this morning, so will do some walking this afternoon. I have my wraps on right now. My new "bandages" came, so I can do a wrap all the way up my legs tomorrow, hopefully, that will help. When we measured my calves the other day my left one was about an inch and a half bigger than the right one! That's the one that the foot swells more on as well.

    Well, you ladies take care of yourselves. My love and prayers are with you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Hoping the new wrappings and trappings help ... I'd need a nurse to come do mine....I struggle just to get dressed most days.
    Hot...means I whine. Electricians are supposed to be back this week and my apt. is scheduled for Tuesday. Our power can be off for up to 12 hours while they work. I will aim to stay calm.

    Today's missing item is...coffee filters. I remember having them on an order recently but they must have been on one I cancelled...I do that a lot. At any rate...I have none, so had no coffee.
    I'll look once more....and see what turns up.

    I have 2 new kitties that have joined the fold. A lovely, short haired calico and a beautiful orange Tabby. I've named them Lilly and Chester.

    In my naptime...I dreamed my Mom and I were shopping...and Cheetos were on sale...buy 3 get 4 free...and big containers of snack mix was on sale as well. We never got to the meat and veggies before I woke up.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    LOL! That is so funny. I think my dream would have popped corn cheddar cheese flavor. I watched a youtube show that had two English chefs trying out American treats, and one of them was a huge container of cheese balls - oh my, they looked soooo good.

    Going out today so will wait until tomorrow to do my whole leg wraps. I sure hope they help. I really need to do my arms as well!

    Make sure you keep a bowl of cold water near you, Bren, when the power goes off, just keep a cold cloth on your neck, that should help keep your body temp good. Even a spray bottle of cold water to keep your face moist! I did that when we lived in TN without electricity, it helped a lot.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited July 2023
    I will, thanks Kim. I have a ton of my "bandannas" from my work days at Mom's and she bought me one with the beads inside, you dampen and chill....and I have ice for my water and things I don't have to cook... so will be OK.

    Yes...those dreams are funny. I can well imagine her last years, of pain and lessening abilities...as I am having some issues of my own that incapacitate me. However...God is fully aware of me AND my issues and will see me thru.

    It took 2 tries and much frustration to get my order yesterday...the delivery lady brought a bottle of plant spray....not mine...that was it. I haggled with a guy, very hard to understand...with my hearing and his foreign accent....to get that amount refunded!
    I told him she either dropped my order elsewhere or it was still in her car....and not here! Then I had to reorder and they missed things...like I got one potato, not 3 bakers....one can of soup...not the 4 I ordered....and also not mine...a bag of refrigerated dog food! I had no room in my fridge nor a need for that....so set it outside in case a dog owning neighbor could use it...

    BUT....the second lady was so nice....she put everything in my cart for me, offered help getting it in as I was struggling with my cane/door/cart....and she came to hold the door for me. If we could choose our delivery person....I'd choose her! I'm not sure who dropped the ball on the first round but I'm not sure it was the delivery lady's "fault" what with the packers and pickers handling things before they get it put in their car. Oh well....pixels and big picture kind of day....LOL...

    Be blessed today, Ladies...Love you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm so glad you have what you need to keep at least fairly cool, Bren! Wow, we never had that much trouble with Walmart here when we had to do the orders during Covid. We always got what we ordered. I think we had one where they have us something different, but it was a brand difference, not a food difference.

    I looked up my Equate Puffed Corn at Walmart and it was there and said it was available for pick-up, so maybe they got more in. We aren't going to town for awhile, so I will be happy with my veggie chips and my sweet potato chips.

    Hope you ladies stay well. Love you.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That's the first time for such an issue and it was made much worse by my hearing....if I'd done the online help thing the first time, a lot of the frustration could have been avoided. I had to contact them again as it showed the refund to a card number not mine....it should be straight now.

    I told Mary I had set the dog food out, hoping someone could use it and she had taken it down to # 105....the lady there has 2 dogs and a cat and no food for her dogs and they were eating cat food. That was a blessing....I gave Mary the plant spray that was dropped off as my order initially. I also got a bag of breakfast burritos and had ordered ONE enchilada dinner. Those, I was charged for. I will be checking more closely from here on out!

    Oh puffed corn! Yummy! I really like the snacky stuff but don't even try to use portion control....Check out my new toys for salad prep....I really like the little dressing cup in the lid and the goodies insert if from a store salad...and a perfect fit. I still have 3 of those, and will then do up my own. I figure 4 at a time. I'll do some boiled eggs to use and I have other things...cheese, olives, tomatoes etc. Should be fun...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh wow, those look really nice. Wade and I talk about doing up a bunch of meals on one day, but haven't gotten to that. He is trying to take it easy after his eye surgery and chomping at the bit. He's never had to rest like this, but I am so glad he is getting that chance. Our screened in porch is all screened in, but it's too hot right now to enjoy it! LOL! Well, I need to get my flowers watered. Love you
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    My blue jay enjoying a nice cool drink. It has been so hot! The heat takes a toll on a garden, that is for sure! Thankfully, we are supposed to get some rain tomorrow. I've had some stressful days lately. I have learned that just because they are blood, doesn't mean they will treat you good. I've been battered for years, and only God can fix it. Why is it so hard for people to love one another? My bible says love your neighbor like yourself. Have you ever wondered why family hurt you the most?
    love and hugs
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I sure do, Missy! You know my story, my family's choices that have kept us from having a relationship for more than 30 years, so you know I really do understand! I hope that you are able to not let what your mom and sister say to you poison what is very good in your life! Especially your view of yourself. You are a child of God! Even before you were born the Holy Spirit was there. You are "beautifully and wonderfully made"! You are also loved, by God firstly and by your sisters here!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Those closest to us can hurt us the most because our hearts are invested in them. Finding true, Godly love is a rich, rewarding blessing in life. God's love is unconditional and eternal....and our pain is always known to Him.

    I have a lovely Jay who comes for the cat food, once my cats are done with breakfast. I love your pictures, Missy! You have such a gift for photography.

    I am very thankful that the vertigo is easing up some and I pray I'll be able to drive again soon. I got my appointments for my PCP and Endocrinologist reset for August 17th and 21st and my cardiologist for the 29th. I should be fully recovered by then. It's been a wild ride.

    Missy...trail pictures always bring you to mind....and brought memories of one of my favorite spots in Irving to mind on MacArthur Blvd...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I love those pictures too! Wade is the picture-taker in our family; more times than not I don't even think about it. We were going through some pictures and videos from Mom's last few months. It's amazing how quickly she failed. We deleted quite a few, just don't want those memories. We'd taken them to be able to have proof of what we'd done for her if there were any problems. We wouldn't even show them to family, they didn't need to have that memory of her - but those times with her were very precious. When I see the pictures I am constantly touching her, running my hand over her hair or brushing her cheek with my fingers, holding her hand. I wanted to let her know that I was there and that I loved her. Last night I got to thinking about our dogs and if the Father had allowed them to be in heaven they would probably be sitting at Mom's feet begging food off of her plate! LOL! Silly, I know, but somehow comforting - brought a smile.

    I have my compression bandages on. It's really too hot to do this in the summer, but it has to be done. I put on three pounds after not wearing them for about a week! My left foot is swelling quite a bit more than the right, so I have it wrapped too. I've been doing the massage a couple times a day (morning and bed time) to help move that fluid around. Hope this works to take off some of that swelling and weight.

    Well ladies, have an awesome weekend. Can't wait to Worship my Lord tomorrow with other believers, it's been such a blessing!