Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Knowing the love and compassion you sowed inter her life are worthy memories. I feel that way about my Mom. I am thankful for the time I had with her the last years of her life.

    I'm so sorry you're having the trouble with swelling and yes it is so hot to have to wrap up as you do. That takes a lot of discipline and strength!

    I did up some salads yesterday and had to take 3 breaks for my back. Next time, I'll sit at the table for prep work. That was hard on me.cgpfcdjnmqdx.jpg
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    For several days, this song has been on my heart and mind, tho I did not remember who sang it or the title. Aren't we glad for google? This is the type of music I love so deeply and so relate to. Not so much the mind janglers of today's choices....
    My choice for my Mom's funeral was I Won't Have to Cross Jordan Alone...as she had told me of her solos in church as a teen...singing that beautiful song. This could be an awesome response...

    I Firmly Promise You (Wendy Bagwell and the Sunliters)

    Someday our last good-bye's on earth will all be over
    And the journey of life will be through
    But before we say good-by and the chain of life is broken
    Will you make me this promise too

    I firmly promise you that I'll meet you by the river
    On the banks of that evergreen shore
    Where hearts will never break and our lips will never quiver
    for the friends that have gone on before
    One by one we watch them cross the silent river
    They are leaving every moment or two
    So won't you firmly promise me that you'll meet me by the river
    And I'll make you this promise too

    Now we know that death is sure and life is so uncertain
    And we know not when the moment will end
    Er' the silent reaper comes to drap the final curtain
    Let me make you this promise too

    I firmly promise you that I'll meet you by the river
    On the banks of that evergreen shore
    Where hearts will never break and our lips will never quiver
    for the friends that have gone on before
    One by one we watch them cross the silent river
    They are leaving every moment or two
    So won't you firmly promise me that you'll meet me by the river
    And I'll make you this promise too
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my, I wouldn't have a smile of joy on my face if I were the one in front - you would see pure terror! LOL!

    Bren, lovely song. We believe that crossing the Jordan is moving into the life of sanctification. If it were heaven then they wouldn't have had to conquer the land and fight all those battles to make it their's once again. But the life of sanctification is battles and conquering sin and satan and self in our lives. But - it is so true that as I get older more and more of my friends and family are going home. We lost three of the matriarchs of our family the same year mom passed, that was so shocking. The family members I know and enjoyed spending time with are going home! I wouldn't call them back for anything (unless they didn't make it home) - and they wouldn't want to come back. Can't wait to see Jesus and fall at His feet - I will be beyond grateful to have made it home.

    Had a dental appointment today, she replaced an old filling and got some new decay out and refilled it. It wasn't bad at all. She told me at one point I would feel quite a bit of pressure - wasn't that bad at all. The only thing that hurt was my jaw when I had to keep it open for awhile! She also shaved off some of the enamel from my two bottom front teeth. The jut in and make a sharp point and my tongue rests against that and just feels sore all the time, so she shaved it down and my tongue isn't pushing against it nearly as much! Woohoo! I go back on Monday for another filling between two teeth - ugh! I was using one of those little brushes between my teeth rather than flossing for the past six months. After my 6 month appointment I've been flossing nearly every day! I'll use the brush when something gets stuck! LOL! I hadn't had a cavity for years before this visit - boohoo! Praise the Lord it's not too bad having it filled.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hope y'all are doing well. Looks like you are taking a crazy ride, Marilyn! LOL!

    Having headaches again. I wish I could figure out where they are coming from. I thought it was my new glasses and when I stopped wearing them except at the computer the headaches stopped for about a week, but now they are back, about every other day! Bummer!

    Wade's second cataract surgery went well and he is seeing great. Needs readers, but that's it. God is very good!

    Love y'all. Hope you have a good day.

    At around 238.5
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh no. So sorry the headaches are back, Kim. Praying for relief and release. My heart goes out to you and others who suffer with them. My Mom did a lot and I am thankful it's a rarity for me.

    On that note about Crossing Jordan...I'd never heard any of that before. The song is beautiful and until I heard it at Mom's funeral and was given the CD after, had never heard that either. Made me wish I had asked her to sing it for me. She did love to sing. Me...I make a joyful noise!

    I Have been having nights of wakefulness again...like from midnight-5 AM...I do rest plenty during the day but I really need to be getting some work done. More than I am at any rate.

    I went to do an order for my son from commissary and found he had been transferred to another prison. To Bibb CF in Brent, AL. At this time, I can only do clothes and personal items but he may need new sizes, what with gaining some weight since he went in. Last he said, he was at 160. Going from homeless to jail-prison and the carb loading they do...will do that. I got the new address online and have a letter ready to go out tomorrow. I continue to pray for his safety and his heart and mind in there.

    I did not get my salad prep done today so am aiming for tomorrow. I need to clear my table so I have a spot to sit and do some hacking, dicing, chopping and slicing.

    I love you Ladies and thank God for your presence here, your friendship, prayers and love. You are treasures in my book. Be blessed best where needed most. Night night....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh wow, they just move those guys around without letting family know - strange! It's nice that you are able to do some things for him. You probably don't know at this new prison, but most prisons have a prison ministry, either pastor's who come in and hold services or Bible Studies, or a prison chaplain - not sure how he stays true to the Word of God with all the guys he has responsibility for and probably very few of them are from Churches that preach the truth! Being a part of the "State" system which hates God, I'd think that wouldn't be easy either! I will be praying that he finds someone who will share the Gospel with him!

    Stay cool and know you are being prayed for, thought of and loved!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thank you Kim...for prayers for him. They do, it seems...this is his third prison since leaving jail, 2 years ago. Kilby, Limestone and now Bibb. I do look at the websites, read some, check the things available and it did say on intake, they are evaluated for their interests and needs and programs, classes and spiritual help are available. Only God knows the hearts and minds of all those in these places and His arm is not shortened that he can't reach them, protect them and provide for them.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What a beautiful picture, Marilyn. I love flowers!

    Bren, you are so right, God's arm is not short and He can reach us wherever we are - and it's amazing to me that He is reaching out to us at all - because He loves us so very much!

    Not much going on with me. Got up early this morning - no headache, although I did have two yesterday! I wish I could figure out what is causing these. The one in the evening was a migraine and we did have a front go through, so I think that was the cause of that one! My migraines are fairly mild and if I sit still I barely feel them - so praise the Lord for that mercy!

    Hope y'all have a great day! Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope that you are able to stay cool and dry where you are. Phew, we've had quite a few thunder storms lately. We haven't had to think about watering the garden for close to a week now, which doesn't bother me one bit. I need to get out there some time today and get the ripe okra off the vine. We thought the zucchini was a bust because of a bug but Wade got two nice ones off of one of the plants just the other day - woohoo! There isn't really anything in the garden I eat, but it's fun to watch it grow! Now, I will eat the watermelon when that ripens, and we are going to put in some pumpkins and see if we can finally grow one! I've been trying for years but haven't gotten one big enough to bother with! LOL!

    Be all Jesus created you to be. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you, Kim and Bren, for your kind words. I just finished working in my garden. It is so hot outside. 62 days until Fall.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Wow...how vibrant and beautiful, Missy! Thanks for sharing here. I can "see" the gardens...and the triggers for lovely memories of mine. Such a lovely return for our labors.

    I was down pretty much all day yesterday, after a string of nights with little true rest so I didn't fret over it at all. I am up at a normal time for me today at 5:30. I have cats fed, coffee on and will get my Daily Do list ready shortly.

    I noticed Friday that my microwave was making a grinding noise...and the turn table is slower...guess something is going out on it. This one is only a year old so I am rather disappointed. Oh well...I can get another as needed...too bad the delivery person won't bring it in and set it up for me. At least delivery is an option. I have carried several in here and the old ones out over the past 27 years. (Will be Aug. 2nd)

    Other than my back I am feeling much better...the vertigo ran it's course over 6 weeks and I am so thankful. I pray that never happens again...the falling OR the vertigo.

    My weight has been bouncing day to day and I need to see a downward trend....that stays...I know I need to increase my activity. God will help me do so. Today's stats:
    142/77 65 (up a bit)

    Wishing you all a blessed day in Jesus. Stay safe and comfy. Love and prayers for us all.lvoimbeqqawi.jpg

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What kind of flowers are those, Missy? How beautiful.

    Bren, I'm so glad the vertigo has let up. I think I have a touch of it from allergies!

    Here's a blog post I wanted to share:


    Just so you know, in spite of what your translation says or seems to say and in spite of what your preacher/teacher may be telling you:

    Jesus did not fear the cross,
    He did not seek to escape death on the cross,
    He did not become actual sin,
    He did not forfeit or lose His Deity or cease to be the Son of God,
    He did not suffer the indignities and suffering that was handed out by Satan and demons in torment,
    He was not born again through the resurrection,
    And you are not little gods, you never were little gods and you will never be little gods.

    Don't swallow the lies, lies, lies.

    If you are being taught that these things are Biblical, you need a different teacher, preacher. These kinds of lies are diminishing the nature, dignity, immutability, glory and salvific work of Jesus, and each error opens up a new can of corruption and deception.

    Do not choose spiritual leaders based on a few particular doctrines. You need to know that your pastor is consistent with all essential beliefs of the Bible.

    Don't settle for "good enough," especially if you have new or younger believers in your family. To play this game is playing Russian Roulette (with a fully loaded gun) with eternal souls at stake.

    And of course, if you are interested in my understanding of these issues, please get in touch with me. But be aware, I don't argue for argument sake.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member