Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    You gals always make me feel so welcome and loved! I love you both, and I am very thankful God brought us all together! I keep track of my weight via my fitindex app from my digital scale. I have lost 8.4lbs 1.4% BMI and 1.9% b.fat
    I don't even bother to tell my mom and aunt my weight loss anymore...They tell me...oh you lose 10 and then gain 20 over and over.... throughout the years...wow...how encouraging...ugh
    With God all things are possible!
    hugs and prayers
    pics of my lovely hummingbirds

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Wow! How beautiful! Thanks for sharing your pics, Missy. My Mom didn't say those things to me, but she said them to others....about me. After talking to my ex, David about it, he told her..."She won't ever lose weight...she likes food too much" and she had to repeat that to me. There are boundaries and there is respect....we all deserve respect and courtesy.

    Kim....oh no...no...no..not nasty! That's why they are such a stumbling block for me! Yummy little twisted , crunchy bites of insanity!

    Somehow I got these two pages sharable...don't know how or what I did so the other 4 pages are still "documents"...I had fun playing, cleared a lot of files off my desktop and have some visual ideas for possible meals...osoy76dbq81a.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That's it, one at a time! I like one of the recommendations from SP - don't try to change everything all at once, that's overwhelming. Make one or two changes at a time, for two weeks do those things, then add something else.

    We had a lovely electric storm off in the distance last night. We called them that when I was young - basically a lightning storm. The flashes of lightning were constant, but there was no thunder. Often these stay in the clouds. We could only see the clouds, not where the bolts hit. It was strange, the sky over us was clear and full of stars, but the storm, over the ocean somewhere, was just one flash after another! Awe-inspiring and beautiful.

    Phew, hot again. We had a lovely storm yesterday, but that added to the humidity! I love the rain though. I haven't had to water anything for awhile, we keep getting rain just when the plants need it. Although my flowers are at the point of looking rather sad and shabby. I think I will put some mums in the pots for the Fall - although when I mentioned that to Wade he didn't look too thrilled - he may have other ideas! Not sure! LOL!

    We are working on the kitchen. The countertop and sink are out. I'll be doing dishes in the laundry room sink for a couple of weeks. We went to Lowes to look for the countertops but will have to take what they have in the premade ones because ordering them means having to have them installed and that is boo-koo bucks! That's okay, I'm not picky! We have part of a butcher block countertop that we got on sale from there, so we thought about getting an 8' length of butcherblock and using that for the countertops, we would just need to make the water and grease-proof! We pretty much know which sink we want too. I want stainless steel rather than porcelain. My last two sinks were white porcelain and getting them to look clean is impossible! I'd rather have scratches than stains! I want one large sink too, not two separate sections. We already have the faucet, got that in the clearance department! Yippee.

    Well, enough of that. Hope y'all are doing well. You are daily in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That is something I discovered when someone is grieving. They know all the pat advice people give, they just need a shoulder to cry on and lean on - they also need to know that Jesus cares!

    Not much going on with me. I finally found a pair of compression arm sleeve that fit well and I don't want to rip off after an hour! LOL! I'm contemplating getting a second set, but then if my arms grow they may not fit as well, so I will wait and just wash these by hand.

    Time for lunch. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    True. You never know what someone is going through in their life, so be kind!

    Where are you, Miss Bren!? I miss you. If you aren't on here by tomorrow, just to even say you are still with us - I'm going to text you!
    Missy, I'm missing you too sweetie!

    We bought our kitchen counters today. When we talked to the lady in that dept at Lowes, she gave us a quote of over 1000 for them to install the same kind of countertop we bought today. To cut out the sink hole they were going to charge $375. We bought the countertops for just over $400. The sink will be between $200-300, a stainless steel single bowl. We already have the faucet which we bought on clearance. We should be able to get the whole thing done for less than $1,000! Woohoo! Now I will be able to move my faucet around! The bathroom is next. I think we will be able to find a sink for there at the thrift store - how awesome is that??? We already have the faucet for that, again, bought on clearance. It will be nice to be able to do my dishes and work in my kitchen with things working like they should! Praise the Lord.

    Hope y'all are doing well.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Hello Ladies...I've been laying low the past 2-3 days but thought I'd check in so nobody worries about me...
    I got a lot done on Thursday and was in extreme pain that night and the next day...my body rebels at forced action it seems.

    It's been over a year since I was able to do my own laundry, with the required hikes to and from the laundry room...but I am so thankful for the service I have with Wash This Way....It's worth the cost to me.
    It does mean I still have too many clothes, even after giving away tubs and bags of them after I retired! I need very little now days since I only have to get "dressed" for my appointments and when I have to be out and about. Living in shorts and pajamas....yep...I love it!

    I'm still getting irritating scam/spam calls on my home phone and hate it....I get between 3 and 7 a day most days.

    I have another order coming between 2-3...so will rest a bit prior to that time. I order less at a time....as the bigger orders are still hard for me to manage, with my back pain.

    Enjoy your day...and be blessed. Love and prayers~
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So glad you popped in, Bren! I was ready to pick up my phone and text you! No "if" we would worry! But how long will I be concerned before I get in touch with you!? LOL! Never feel bad for having to stop and rest. I don't have the pain that you do and I still have to stop and rest often! I'm so grateful for the added Tramadol each day. I take a couple before I go out now so I don't have that pain after I reach the 2500 steps mark. It worked well the other day when we went out. We need to go into town today, so I'll take one, we aren't planning on doing a lot of walking.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hope you are doing alright, Missy. We miss you.

    Oh, did I tell you we are going to be going to the Outer Banks in Sept for our 39th anniversary? Can't wait! It's been 9 years since we've had a vacation!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    I'm glad you have a routine to help and know how far you can go before taking something, Kim. I only do the Tylenol, 1-2 times a day...and rest a lot.
    WOW....9 years since you guys had a vacation? Where did that time go and what did I do with mine?? That's a lovely thing to look forward to, as is another anniversary with your precious hubby.

    I had planned to get lab work done today but am still not very stable...I am rescheduling two appointments again. Tomorrow's and Monday's. They were both set for after 1PM when the heat will be at 110, too.... so that helped my decision. I remember my awful experience with the cardiologist back in April, and feeling like I was fading fast!

    I had a flooded bathroom again yesterday. I got up from my nap to a sloppy, wet floor and rugs. Maintenance came and then I had to call him back about 7:00 as it flooded again. It's currently dry but I'll wait until after the plumber has come, to put rugs back down. I keep two sets for that reason!
    I got the dish washer loaded and run before they cut the hot water off and got my sink bath/hair washing done at 11:00 last night. The hardest part is the hair...due to the back pain.

    Today's stats...
    141/71 74

    I need to light a fire beneath me and get some recovery going on. I do think my fall, back in June, made my back pain a bit worse and Walking/standing straight up is difficult. I'm hoping my appointments are reset for maybe October....at least. It does stress me, just the "work" required to go!

    Have a blessed day, Ladies. I love you all and am so glad you are here....fbwzfr1596x0.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oooo, I need to go ahead and make me a cup of coffee. The meds make me really sleepy!

    Ugh, hate that you are having plumbing problems! And stability problems as well. Praying you will be able to get a morning appointment because you really do need to keep those. Your BP looks a little high - go and relax and find your happy place! That's what I tell the nurse at the doctor's office, I breathe deeply and tell her I am going to go to my happy place - then she takes my BP! I need to be in a happy place because that cuff is usually very painful for me, but for some reason this last time it wasn't bad!

    Have a blessed day. Love you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Yep! That is something I struggle with, letting go - but here's one of my favorite passages: Mat 6:31f  "Do not be anxious then, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'With what shall we clothe ourselves?' 
    32  "For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 
    33  "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. 
    34  "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
    The same holds true for the past. I can't change yesterday and tomorrow may never come, so I need to live for Jesus with all I've got today!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Update on how I am doing

    Am still here, not on diaylsis yet and I thank God for that. Needing to get my fisquala repaired though and hopefully it will be in the next 3 weeks or so. But so far I have been holding my own with the kidney number being steady so am ok without diaylsis so far - but am ready for it when it happens.

    Food wise has been difficult. The swelling of my feet and lower legs has been terrible the last month especially my left foot. Due to being stage 4 kidney failure I cannot take any water pills to help with this problem because if I do my kidneys shut down completely and that is not good.

    I have made an appointment with my doctor to discuss a few issues - once being the water retention, another terrible headaches and some swelling which I think is lympodema on one leg - if that is what is happening need to do something about it now before it gets bad.

    So I have gotten out my info re what to eat re kidney failure and diabetes and IBS - and am putting together a plan of action re what to eat. Have to be careful as so many of the vegetables bring on an IBS attack or extreme gas pains so really needing to think it through carefully.

    As I mentioned I am seeing the doctor on August 31 so as of today I am staying true to my plan of action to see if it is possible to lose 7 pounds by then. What is my plan of action?
    1) no flour at all - meaning no bread
    2) no sugar at all
    3) no salt - meaning no processed foods
    4) should a food have a label the sodium level has to be 5% or less and this is hard to find as most processed foods are at the level of 12% and higher
    5) no red meat - can have chicken but only 2 oz at a time as animal protein is very hard for kidneys to process
    6) 72 oz of water or more each day
    7) walk on treadmill daily for at least 5 minutes - thinking right now of 5 minutes in the morning, 5 minutes mid afternoon and 5 minutes around 8 pm. Am hoping over 1 or 2 months I can get that number up to 10 minutes and higher
    8) track my sodium, potassiuim and protein levels each day

    So here is what I will be eating today
    Breakfast was
    1 cup oatmeal with 3/4 cup frozen blueberries (no milk)
    1 hard boiled egg

    Lunch will be
    Cabbage salad consisting of cabbage, shredded carrots and an apple with a little mayo
    Fruit consisting of fresh strawberries and blueberries - about 1 1/2cups

    Dinner will be
    Protein will be 2 oz chicken cooked in the wok
    1 cup rice
    Veggys will consist of onion, green pepper, zucchini with lots of spices on them

    And 72 oz of water min. for the day - a little more would be better

    And then the walk on my treadmill.

    And my prayer is that in 13 days I will see a loss of 7 pounds with an improvment in the water retention.

    Here is my verse of Scripture for you today

    Acts 17:24-25
    The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, asthough he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member