Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank you, Marilyn! I'm so glad you are feeling better!

    I haven't been able to do my hourly walking, but today I am going to do 6 hours of 200 steps each and see how my back feels. I found yesterday, that if I lay down for an hour or so it really helps to ease that pain and I don't have the leg troubles. I had around 4,000 steps after doing some shopping walking yesterday, usually too much. I did have back pain that got me out of bed at 6 this morning, so I am going to try and start back slowly. Wade and I are also working on getting more real foods into our diet and doing much less processed foods. That means I am going to have to eat some veggies - :'( I will still use my liquid multi-vitamins and minerals made from fruits and veggies, and my green powder made from fruits and veggies and not chemicals, but I will add fruits and veggies, of which I now eat very little!

    Love you ladies.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited September 2023

    I sure understand about walking and having a sore back - I can do 2 minutes on the treadmill and need to sit for 2 minutes and then do another 2 minute walk till I get between 5 - 10 minutes in. The first couple of minutes it hurts terrible in the hips but once I have walked at least 2 minutes seems things get somewhat lubricated and don't hurt so bad but after 5 minutes I am finished for at least 45 as my back needs time out. But am taking it slowly so that eventually I will be able to push past and get further along before needing to stop.

    Got weighed at TOPS today. Last time I was there was beginning of August and was down today with them 0.8 pounds. That is because in that time frame I had put on 7 pounds - since Friday September 1 I have lost 6 pounds so am on the right course. It has helped having the talk with the doctor who said it like it was - actually he said 'don't know whether you believe in God or a high creator, but you have been given a 2nd change this past year - you are still alive and have not had to have dialysis - stop playing around, listen to the higher power and do something about your health which was given to you as a gift.' He then went on to say that when I drink soda pop which kills the kidneys I am asking to die or when I eat processed foods the same thing. I then responded by saying 'It is not fair that those that don't have a weight problem can eat and drink those things with no problem' and his answer was 'yes there is a problem it is affecting they health also they just are not listening to their body either - so if you really want the next year or so to be good years re health, meaning less pain, more strength, then stop what you are doing, do not have any processed food at all, do not add salt to any of your food, do not drink soda pop or fruit juices and if you do buying something with a label read it - and if the sodium level is higher than 5% don't have it. Decide right now - live or die = how do you want to live the next year of your life - sickly because of the bad stuff you putting into your body or healthy by eating food that will help heal your body.' He said it like it is and I have made the change. Hard? Could be but that is a word I no longer will use with regard to my weight problem - rather I will ask 'live or die which am I deciding on today will govern what I put in my mouth today.

    Here are a few verses that spoke to me this morning
    James 1:17
    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change
    Psalm 103:3
    who forgives all you iniquity , who heals all your diseases
    Isaiah 38:16
    O Lord by these things men live, and in all these is the life of my spirit. Oh restore me to health and make me live!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Awesome post, Marilyn! Great job on getting 6 pounds back off quickly! That's great too, what the Dr. said....that's encouraging for sure!

    I have a bit of scoliosis in my back and since my fall in June, the pain kicks in quicker and now my legs go numb at about the 5 minute mark and I am near tears and hunched over at that point. Now, for two days/nights, I've had itchy feet! Especially the bottom of my left that greatly disturbs my rest....I know, however that no matter what....God is aware of all that troubles us! He knows each name, heart and need!

    Kim, I am praying you feel better soon as well...I remember the agony you had with your back and we can empathize for sure! Missy...praying you feel better each day....and our Connie....prayers for strength and stability each day.

    I am still plugging away at my home chores....and as soon as I get the kitchen dealt with to my liking, I will turn in the leaking dishwasher! Maybe by Friday? It's worse now and gets my runner rug rather sloppy wet for about 2/3 of the way....dangerous for me, barefooted and slipping a bit so I am staying alert.

    I got my hospital bag sorted and repacked yesterday. I pray I never need it again...but just in case...I will have it. Last time, Sharon came by here and picked it up for me when they determined it was a heart issue and I needed to stay. They had taken me in from the office. I think I will put it in the car. The grab bag thing will be for my insulin/pen needles, phone, Kindle, wallet, keys and shaded....and my hearing aid with an extra battery. I'll do a zip lock bag with a list for that.

    I have my microwave omelet on in there...so will have breakfast and get to work....Love and prayers for us all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank you, Marilyn. Definitely good stuff to think about, pray about, and implement as the Lord leads!

    I did two different 200 step walks yesterday, just simply forgot to do the others, but I did end up with just over 2300 steps yesterday, so one more walk would have taken me to the 2500 mark.

    My back is feeling better, a lot less pain. Thank y'all so much for your prayers!

    Bren, if you need to do things in shorter bursts, don't feel bad about it! I hate to picture you hunched over in pain and crying - makes me sad! Y'all continue in my prayers.

    Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Praying for all of you ladies. It can be difficult when life throws us those curves, but remember that they are coming from the Lord and even though we feel then and struggle, we have them for some reason - and I personally believe some of it is to help us draw closer to our Lord and Savior.

    I go see the kidney doctor this afternoon. It was one year ago that I was taken by ambulance to the hospital due to kidney failure and spend 10 days in there. My doctor last Thursday reminded me that I was in very bad shape and watched very closely as things did not look good. And they told me then that I would be on dialysis by Christmas 2022. Well a year has pasted, I have had 3 times had my kidney crash but I pulled through. I have had my arm operated on putting in a fisqula so that I am ready for dialysis but so far all is ok. My doctor said 'you do realize someone is looking after you giving you all the information needed to stay out of the hospital but you continue to eat and drink what has been advised not to. So you are chosing to die rather then live. Should you want the last part of your life to be as healthy as possible quite killing yourself - eat no processed foods, absolutely no salt, absolutely no soda pop or juice and drink enough water and lastly make sure you are up and moving working at getting it up to 1 - 2 hours of walking per day.

    So that is what I have started to do as of September 1 - and on September 1 I weighed in at 246 and today less than 1 week I am down to 240 - so it is working. But along with all of this is my time with the Lord - taking the time daily to be still and listen, read Scripture, study Scripture and then put it into practice. To have the knowledge of Scripture and do nothing with it is useless - we need to live it. I think of the verse that says, if you love me take up the cross and follow me. And I can't take up the cross to follow Him if I am turning to food for anything but nutrition. First comes Christ (Matthew 6:33) then all else.

    I have said enough - think you see where I am coming from. I have turned over all my eating problems to the Lord along with my lack of movement and all the excuses that go along with it. He has said, that is now in the past, today follow me, don't put anything in your mouth that is processed but only healthy food that is going to help heal my body. There are many scriptures that talk about this.

    Be blessed ladies
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Marilyn, that was great! Thank you for sharing. You are so right. First comes Christ, then all else. And I too believe that the Lord doesn't make the bad things happen, but He allows them to grow us in an area we are weak, or to draw us into a deeper relationship with Him. Our pastor says that God will either draw us (gently) or drive us (harder) to bring us to a right place with Him. He will always try to draw us before He drives us - but we can always choose our own way. I'm with you - Jesus first and foremost! Thanks again, that was a blessing.

    Doing alright. I've been super tired the last two days, not sure why, but I'm still doing what I do normally. I did get two walks in yesterday, 400 or so extra steps. I had around 2,000 steps in total, which is an improvement. I have 1467 so far today without the extra walking, so I will work on getting two or three walks in this afternoon. I set my watch for 1.5 hours and then when it goes off I get up and walk! Thanks for that push, Marilyn.

    How are you my sweetie-greens? I hope that you were able to get some good sleep and have less pain. Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Thanks Kim....I'm laying low a lot....but am so thankful for each new day. Thank you for prayers in my behalf. God hears them!
    Love you all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Laying low isn't a bad thing! I'm glad you are taking care of yourself!

    Staying inside a lot because the heat is oppressive. Today it will be just 85 for a high - woohoo! We Zoomed Wednesday night because of the heat.

    Not much going on with me. Wade is painting the kitchen and the living room, gonna be so pretty!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I think I pulled a muscle in my right leg...hoping it's not something torn...I have been limping for several days now...ugh!!! Praying it's not my knee!!! Boy oh Boy does it hurt!! Pushing through with God's help! Starting fresh with the diet tomorrow!!! Am I the only one unable to sleep here lately? Not being able to sleep will drive a person nuts!!!!!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So true, Marilyn!

    Missy, I had a fairly sleepless night last night. I got a headache just before going to bed and it stayed with me all night. I also ended up getting up four times to use the restroom! I don't know if the caffeine I took exacerbated that, but it wasn't normal for me. I'm wiped out from broken sleep and then the headache and the meds make me woozy. Just taking it easy as much as I can today. Keep praying for each other, we sure do need the Lord's strength and touch!

    Love you gals!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Missy, I've had sleep issues for 1.5 years now. Makes one feel awful and disoriented for sure. I do however, nap when needed so I do get some rest. Oh no....so sorry you are having such pain and torment with the knee, now.

    I managed to get my kale and bean soup made today before I had to dispose of my bag of kale. It took 7 stages to do....due to the back pain but I was so happy to have it done! It's so delicious and I have really missed my greens! Tomorrow, I will see if I can salvage a salad or two. My produce needs to last 6 weeks instead of 4 days. As I have said...I have great intentions when I buy it!
    I hope you all rest better tonight...I am up poking about at 1:15 but will go back down shortly. Love and prayers....for us all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I like how SP encouraged people to begin with small steps, one or two changes at a time until they became a new habit in your life, then move to something new. It's not so overwhelming that way.

    Had a great time with the Church body yesterday, such a blessing! So grateful for my spiritual family!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I think that it was a pulled muscle. I'm finally able to put weight back on my leg!
    My hubby surprised me with roses tonight. Tomorrow the 12th, will be our 31 yr. Anniversary!
    Pics below
    hugs and prayerskz7c2nbnp8v1.png
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    How beautiful! Congratulations on 31 years. In three days it will be our 39th Anniversary! We'll be going to the Outer Banks next week to celebrate. It's been 9 years since we've gone anywhere, so our Anniversary seemed like a good excuse to take a vacation! LOL! September is a good month to get married! Pray those hurricanes out in the Atlantic stay away next week! LOL!

    Love y'all
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member