Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, that menu does sound really good, especially in the heat of summer! Praying for you!

    My tummy has been hurting for a couple of days so am going to have to be watchful of what I eat too.

    Have a blessed day as you draw close to Jesus. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Howdy Do, Ladies....
    I managed to get a good, full night's rest last night minus about 7 trips to the loo. I'm so glad it's dry and functional again. We had 3 more days of flooding issues....so am hoping I can clean things and get my rugs down today. Things could always be so much worse than bathroom flooding.

    I have coffee on, Junior fed, yesterday's mail in and my To Do list at the ready. Praying for relief from the back pain and ability to walk upright....prayer for you ladies as well.....God knows our names, our hearts and every need we have. He is with us, wherever we might be.

    I got the two appointments rescheduled for September. I normally see them 4 times a year....or quarterly but now I won't go if weather is bad (like icy in winter) or I am out of commission as I have been since my fall in June. If I could just do a phone call or better yet...e-mail visit...I'd keep them up to date! I guess they need to lay eyes on me on occasion?

    I'm going to have coffee, play with my budget and get my day started. Blessings to you all at your spots today. Love you all!o54n659fc44u.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA..
    I was sick with the flu...I'm still congested but my energy is starting to come back.
    I was in the bed for 2 days! I so thankful that the junk didn't move into my chest!!
    hugs and prayers
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh Missy, I'm so sorry you were feeling so badly. So glad you are on the mend! We missed you!

    Bren, glad you are back too and feeling a bit better.

    Marilyn, thanks for those memes! The word tells us to be thankful in all things - even when bad things happen. We aren't rejoicing that something bad happened, but that, like your meme and Bren said, God has a purpose and a plan to do good through it, we just have to remain faithful to Him in the midst of it. I wrote a song eons ago called SUNSHINE IN THE RAIN and it talks about sunny days and rainy days and that God has something to teach us or to grow in us through all of them. I call the rainy days, teaching days!

    Doing better today myself. Yesterday my allergies were on overdrive and my leg was hurting all day. I took some pain meds this morning and will try to get some steps and weights in while it's working.

    Love you ladies!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    That's sweet...and I need some of those hugs. Years ago, I read an article that said we need 8 a day for good, emotional health. I don't get 8 in a year...guess I need to give myself some?

    Yesterday, I was down all day, resting, napping...after another restless night on Sunday. Last night was better so I was up at 4:30 and have my to do list ready. Haven't started on it yet but it's ready...I found some green beans this morning after looking 3 times for some, to go with my one pan toaster oven meal...they were in a bag, in the kitchen floor and I don't know how I missed tripping over the bag in my search!pwefd02bx47s.jpg I really wanted some greenery with this...

    I have scheduled laundry pick up for tomorrow so I will get it sorted and bagged as my first chore to knock off the list.

    Oh Missy....I am so sorry to hear you have had the flu and am praying for a speedy recovery. Be gentle and loving with yourself....I reckon we can all do some of that! Our assorted needs/pain etc. are covered and God misses nothing. Prayers for healing, comfort, rest and strength....for all of us today.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Marilyn, your meme made me think of a YouTube video where two parrot brothers talk to each other - it is so cute. They do these smacking kissing noises and bump their heads together, and then they just say something garbled and then do the kissy thing again. It's just adorable. You are right, sometimes a hug is all that's needed. Oh, Bren, you need to hug a stuffed toy! I used to do that all the time, hug my dogs (that's what most of my stuffed toys were). Oh my, when I was young I used to have a stuffed poodle and I would have to go to bed so I would pretend I was a rich old lady who was bed-bound and I would talk to my dog! That's better than when I used to sit in my willow tree and pretend the branch in front of me was my boyfriend! Yes, I was a weird kid!

    Went shopping and my leg is hurting right now. I did take my pain meds before going, but my leg still didn't like the extra steps. At around 2500 my leg starts hurting beyond normal. Last week I got to 3,000 before that happened, but today I was around 2,000 when it happened. I'm at 2503 right now so I am walking as little as I have to.

    We went out for lunch and we saw that they had Egg salad sandwiches, fries, and soup on their specials list. I got that and the potato soup - oh my. I couldn't eat it all so made sure to bring the 1/2 of my soup that I couldn't eat, home. So yummy. I ate the whole sandwich and couldn't get the rest of the soup in. I ate about half the fries, but left the rest! I'll eat the rest of my soup for supper tonight, along with my smash burger that Wade made for me last night but I couldn't eat it!

    Well, I've been verbose enough. Love y'all. God bless!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    How true! I don't trust myself, but I do trust God and what He's done in my heart! By the power of the Holy Spirit, I can be who God wants me to be.

    Painful day today. I had close to 4,000 steps yesterday so am hurting today. I'm using my TENS unit. Have a bit of a headache this afternoon. Allergy stuff seems to be under control though, praise the Lord!

    Wade just about has my sink in and I will be able to start using it soon! Woohoo. I ordered a metal grid to sit on the bottom of the sink to lessen scratches, but also so when I am doing the dishes the water will drain out rather than pool because something is over the drain! Can't wait to give it a try. I have a dish pan full of dirty dishes at the laundry room sink that need to be done! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    I got a plastic grid thing several years back when my old sink was replaced with stainless steel...and it rusted under my dish pan! I love it for the same reasons you mentioned, Kim! I got it from Target. You will love your new set up.

    I got sick yesterday ...headache, feverish, chills, diarrhea, extreme back/hip and some neck pain. I took Tylenol, some Imodium and hunkered down for hours. I felt better around 11 PM....then round 2 hit at 3 AM....I just got up for real and do feel better, praise God! That was rough.

    Today's stats:
    134/73 65

    Prayers for all of us today.....for comfort, healing, strength and stability. Love you all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my, Bren. I'm so sorry! Prayers for you sweetie-greens! Your glucose looks great and your BP isn't too far off the normal mark!

    I've been good this week, no treats, and I've gained two or three pounds! Ugh. I'm at 236. I haven't been able to wear my compression garments, it's just too hot. I put them on and a couple of hours later tear them off! I've been having overheating problems. Wade will be fine, the air conditioning running, and I'm sweating! Ick! Put a fan on me and a couple of minutes later I'm fine! So weird. When we go shopping I'm just sweating like crazy in the Walmart - and Wade is fine. Normally it's the other way around. We keep the air at 80 - yeah, I know - but keep fans going. I know it's a problem when Wade is comfortable and I'm not! LOL! I'll mention it to my doctor and see what she thinks. My thyroid was in the normal range with my last blood work, so I don't think it's that. Boy, when this thing tries to tell me my grammar is wrong or my punctuation is wrong and I know it's right - finger shake at the corrector! They want me to put a capital T before air conditioning in the third line - say what? It's in the middle of the sentence! LOL! They were right four out of the five corrections they gave me, so I won't complain!

    Well, y'all have a good day, especially you, Miss Brennie! Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    You know, I don't think that cats have any problem seeing themselves as sharks! LOL! We had a cat growing up but couldn't play with her. She was a garage and outside cat, but not very friendly. Three of her kittens had to be put down they were so mean! I roomed with a gal who had a cat and he was friendly, we used to play Kitty PI. He liked to hide behind the furniture and jump out at me, or I would hide and he would come and find me. Now, that kind of cat I like.

    Hope you are doing better today, Bren. You too Missy and Marilyn. Stick to that diet, Marilyn, the longer we can keep you off of dialysis the better!

    Y'all are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Still having congestion, headache, and dry mouth. I'm having a metal like taste...a big yuck!
    Suppose to be 99 here tomorrow! I'm ready for Fall NOW!
    A few pics of my sweet birdies!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    So beautiful, Missy! Makes my heart smile as big as my face!

    Thanks Kim! I was down for two full days and then tonight....wide awake...no sleep yet and it's 4:20 AM...I know a nap will happen!

    I've been doing battle with the bugs and wondering why such things were ever created. Where do such things get their start and what purpose do they serve but to torment? LOL....I've gone thru several rolls of tape but have a new stock, so deal with them daily. I keep the spray on hand as well.

    Being sick for 2 days helped me stay out of the kitchen. I had canned soup and snacky things for the most part....I found a new favorite....split pea. It was so yummy. Too much sodium of course but it was quick/easy/tasty so checked 3 of my boxes.
    Today I had a chicken sandwich, pepperoni with cheese, and broccoli w/cheese sauce/rice and extra broccoli. There are never enough veggies in those frozen meal things to make me happy. This did...4ncn6rbgn79m.jpg

    I'll see my cardiologist Tuesday...will get gas in the car for the first time this year while I am out. LOL...I last filled up in November of last year. No Travel "bug" ever bit me for sure! I said when I got this car, back in 2017, it might be my last one and I think that will be true as I drive 30 miles a month or less. I've only driven once to the store since my fall and resulting 2 months of vertigo...and around to the dumpster because that had to be done.

    Hope you al have a good weekend....Love and prayers for all of us.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, making split pea yourself is as easy as opening the can! I use the bag of split peas, add broth and water, boil, eat! Oh, I do put some left over ham in it, but turkey bacon would be good too! A low-sodium broth would work in it! Just a thought.

    Missy, how does your stomach feel? Sometimes when my acid is high I get that metallic taste in my mouth. I was just Googling metallic taste in the mouth and it can happen when you have a cold, when you are taking anti-histamines or metallic vitamins (zinc, copper, iron, etc...) or antibiotics, or you just need to brush your teeth! LOL! Hope that gives you some ideas! I'm so sorry it is hanging on for so long. My last "cold" lasted three weeks! I rarely get them so I was surprised it lasted so long.

    My kitchen is nearly done, just some touch up stuff. It's pretty. I did my dishes in the sink last night - how fun, I could stand up straight so I was able to do them all! We had found a piece of butcher block and it is now the top of the island. Wade wants to get a cutting board to just keep on the island so we won't mistakenly cut something on top of it. The one that was on the island was stainless steel, so we cut on it all the time! When it's all done and looking spiffy, I'll take a picture. We want to paint the cabinets a light grey and put on new pulls too. With all the other new stuff they look pretty old and tired - well, they are probably 80 years old!

    Well, I need to get some stuff done, so I will talk to you tomorrow. Love and prayers.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member