Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    A lot of good Bible in that list!

    Am getting back to better eating and going to try and get at least a couple rounds of walking in. I would like to work up to 3,000 steps for the day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    I've been laid low again for a few days but feeling more alert today. I got lab work done yesterday and prayers were answered except for the "close spot' one....I did have to hike a bit but it was on all flat ground, no hills so that was a plus.
    Then coming out, I saw a car, looked like mine, with a big dent in the rear bumper....it wasn't mine but then I couldn't find mine! I was looking for my car and another lady couldn't get in hers! We were a pair. My prayer request is always the same:
    a close parking spot, strength and stability, in and out quickly, "go" when I need to and that they don't hurt me! I've had some apparent "newbies" drill for oil before and end up using my hand....ack!

    I got the results of my tests but the only thing I can view is the lipid profile....all else is in code! That's a first. So the only hooya for now is my triglycerides are down from 363 to 183....lowest ever! I see my endo doc and will get my results from him tomorrow.

    I'm so glad you guys had a lovely time away and praying the sunburn causes no trouble. I've had damages done in my younger days and tho my Dr. says get 5 minutes of sunshine a day when I can....I haven't done so.

    I'm up early...having my first coffee and will pack my meds in a few. I do 2 weeks at a time so it goes fairly quickly.

    Wishing you all a blessed and lovely day at your spots. Love and prayers for us all...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear! I am assuming you finally did find your car! LOL! Praise the Lord it wasn't the one with the dent. Praise the Lord for your low triglyceride number - that deserves the dance of joy! ri1b4za76i90.jpg

    Feeling puny today after a headache this morning. Taking my migraine meds makes me feel very tired. I just found out my migraine med is much higher than I used to pay - boohoo! Still, gotta have it!

    I was at 238 this morning, no surprise! I walked about 2500 steps yesterday. No sweet treats.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    edited September 2023
    Thank you! Yes, I was mighty joyful as well!

    So sorry you're feeling puny. I am puny about 3 days a week but so thankful I don't have the headaches or I'd be crying in my coffee. 2500 steps is great! I hope I get to the point I can do some walking again...for now it's inside only except for the forced hikes to appointments and such.
    I just looked at my portal thing again and am glad I did! I thought my appointment was at 1:30 tomorrow and it's 11:30! I would have missed it!

    I did another lovely microwave omelet this morning and made a pot of soup...I googled a recipe for chicken and kale soup but of course added a can of tomatoes....all the kale, extra broth etc. It's still yummy....9vyy7zt0s0ta.jpg

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Got weighed today at TOPS - down another 1 so am now at 236.6 and jumping for joy. It is slow but steady- that makes 5 pounds for September and it is only Tuesday. Praying that October will be even better.

    Starting to enjoy my salads = have discovered that 1 teaspoon mustard, and a little olive oil spread over my salad is tasty - tangy because of the mustard but not the salt that store bought dressing have. Making a big pot of ministrone soup for supper to night. For lunch shared a club house with my husband - we were out to the restaurant called Denny's and asked for no salt at all and they did it for me. So that was nice.

    Ecclesiastes 9:7 says
    Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Woohoo, Marilyn. You are doing awesome!

    I was down 1 lb from yesterday - my vacation weight! I was at 237 this morning.

    Here's a picture of me and Wade at the beach:
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Love the picture - nice to have a picture of who we are talking to.

    Am getting ready for a great October re weight loss - not necessarily setting a goal but just to have a loss each week. But if I was to set a monthly goal I would set it between 5 - 10 pounds. One lady at our TOPS meeting - it was her 1st weighin since joining and in one week she lost 11 pounds - as she said 'I was in the bathroom the whole time getting rid of water weight.' Now the hard work will start for her but I believe she is a strong lady that when she sets out to do something she does it.

    Talked to the kidney doctor nurse yesterday. I am having trouble remembering to get in all the sodium barconite meds (12 tables spread out over the day) so the nurse said the doctor wants me to leave those off for now and instead have 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. This apparently does the same as the meds - it helps with the acid in the blood - when you have to much acid in the blood it makes your kidney function go down and also if left untreated can cause a heart attack. So last night was the first for it - was expecting it to taste REALLY bad but it was drinkable. I used the baking powder in the water I drink when I take my night time meds so it worked ok. Doc also put me on the lowest blood pressure meds as mine was starting to creep up. So not to take notice for the next week or so to see how I feel - and when I have blood work done in October it will tell whether the baking soda is working.

    I am now aaat 236.6 = so for next Tuesday I want to be the same or down - to get to 235 would mean I would be back to my starting weight for this year - which then would give me 2 months to actually lose some for the year. Taking it one meal at a time with the Lords help I see where I could be down considerably by the end of December

    Psalm 143:8 says
    Let me hearin the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Beautiful picture, Kim! And good reports from you and Marilyn.

    I saw my Endo guy today....I had such a hike to get up there, as the parking lot was totally full. I was whipped.

    My A1C is still 6.8, thyroid # is good, cholesterol, low...triglycerides down to 183 and my creatine blah blah ratio at 574. That's so much better than the 3400 it was 3 years back. He said I will always have some protein spillage but my numbers are looking good and my kidney number went up to 56.2. Other than the weight....he is pleased with my numbers and doesn't need to change anything. I think I mentioned my PCP gave me Tylenol 4 for pain? If I can just get stable....I am still really weak and wobbly and getting my daily things done is a struggle.

    I got up from my nap to a flooded bathroom again. Shane said it's the showers going on at the moment and used the shop vac. It had only soaked one rug and I got the other 2 up.

    My insulin came in so I need to tackle that...and find a spot for it in the fridge. I think I will bag up all that Levemir and take it to Walgreens for disposal. Makes me sick to do it, but it's taking up 1 1/2 of my veggie bins and I can't donate it anywhere. Wish I could.

    I need more water....and will take car of that...my sugar is 114 right now...weight was 238.6 this morning and BP was 134/77. Prayers for strength and stability....for us all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Bren, that is such good news! Praise the Lord! Praying for you!

    Marilyn, I'm so glad you are doing so well, too! Praise the Lord your doctor didn't have to scold you this time! Keep up the good work. How are you doing with your walking?

    I forgot to weigh this morning - oops. I am going to give walking every couple of hours another try. I was able to get 2200 steps in yesterday without extra walking, so I was okay with that. I want to try and get 2500-3000 steps in (total), which is what my back can handle without making walking painful.

    Wade is working on getting the vanity in the bathroom so we are without water right now. Been there before! LOL! I'll try and remember to take a picture of my kitchen and bath after all the work Wade's done to redo them. He painted the walls in the living room as well and there is a little bit to do on the woodwork yet, and we want to change the color of the walls of the kitchen to a just off-white color, then the color on the cabinets will stand out more. It's a brownish-gray that matches the countertop, which were prefab at Lowe's!

    Have a very blessed and good day, sisters. Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Wow, very bad ad at the bottom! Glad there is a way to X them out!

    Doing alright, still tired. I went out this morning for a bit and made it through two stores before my right leg hurt too much to go through the third one. We were in Ace Hardware to get some plumbing supplies for the bathroom sink (which is almost done) and I saw some flower bulbs - these very lacy tulips, oh my! Just don't really have anywhere to plant them right now. I love lilies, but they didn't have any of those, so I am going to find some and then find me a spot somewhere in the yard to plant them. Just doesn't feel right without lilies in my yard!

    I've been taking a supplement to help with my cortisol, and hopefully my sleep. I did well last night with my sleep, praise the Lord for that!

    Stay strong, lean on Jesus! Love you
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Please pray for my family...my son is very sick with the flu...and my daughter has to have a biopsy done on her lymph node. I know it is all in God's hands. I am very close to my daughter...she is my precious baby girl...please pray that it is not the C word. Pray that God will comfort her. Please pray that God will take away the body pain and very sore throat from my sweet boy too.
    Thank you so much!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Prayers for you and your family, Missy. I know your heart hurts for your kids and you'd take their ills upon yourself if you could. God bless, comfort, heal and provide for every need in this trying time.

    I had two solid days down after two "work" days and am beginning to feel better and praise God for His mercy and some recovery once again.

    Kim, those lacy tulips sound so beautiful! I hope you find a great spot for some lilies...on my way to-from work each day, I'd pass this fabulous house with the beautiful daffodils and tulips each spring and it just made my morning to see it. While I might still envy some, their home and yards...I don't envy the work involved in keeping them...tho perhaps many hire the work done? I'll just admire from afar and mosey on home.

    My FBS is 106 this morning. I had 91 on Thursday! Hooya. I will focus on getting some weight off before I see my endo guy again in February. I know my pain levels would improve as well as strength, stability and energy levels to get it down. I've gained about 20 pounds since I retired, lost 8...yoyo a lot and that needs to stop.

    I used my little crock pot again to cook some baby lima beans....they were so delicious. I did make cornbread to go with and that was yummy as well. I have a lot of fun things to play with in my kitchen but need to eat my veggies in the week ahead...starting today. I waste too much produce.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear, Bren, where is the green stuff in that soup!? LOL! I made a pot of potato soup last night - not much healthy in there though - potatoes, chicken broth, some water and lots of cheese! We thought about adding broccoli, but decided not to since it wasn't a normal add in. Just a comforting bowl on a dreary day, and that we had in aces yesterday and today! The tide was really up from the backside of Ophelia, yikes! It came as high as the road, but didn't go over - praise the Lord. Our yard stayed dry though, and even our neighbor's yards stayed fairly dry - double praise!

    Missy, keeping your family in my prayers. Never forget that God is not surprised. He knows and has a plan for your good and for His glory - no matter what the outcome of her test! Hope your son feels better quickly and the rest of you stay healthy!

    Time for lunch, a bowl of yummy soup. Love y'all bunches!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Praying for you wonderful ladies - God does hear and answer our prayers - we just need to remember to take the time to 'be still and listen'

    I am waiting to see the surgeon on Wednesday as all the work he did on my right arm to be ready for dialysis didn't work. So we are back to the beginning - oh I had prayed that I wouldn't need any more surgeries but that is not the case.

    But while waiting to see the nurse at the kidney clinic I was able to talk to a man (a trucker) who was diagnosed last year - what a blessing it was to hear from him. It has given me hope. He said one year ago he weighed 225 and his kidney function was 18 (should be 60) and the doctors talked to him about dialysis. He said he didn't want to go that route so he completely changed his life. He quite smoking, drinking, gave up all red meat, absolutely no sugar or salt and drank only water - 2 L. He is now 160 pounds after 1 year and has brought his kidney function back up to 42. So if he can do it I can do it. And my doctor was telling me of his patient that has had his number go down to 15 in 2016 and with doing as this other man has done has brought his number back up.

    So for the last week I have been strick with my food. No sugar, no salt, no red meat, 2 L of water and I have lost 5 pounds for September. Am down to 236.6

    As October is starting tomorrow I can see that with me eating this way I should be able to lose 5 - 9 pounds especially if I walk the treadmill for 10 minutes a day. It does take some planning to have no sugar and no salt. So many things that I like (cheese, peanut butter, perogies, meat sauce, tomato sauce) are all things I am giving up. In place of the tomato sauce that you buy premade I take a bunch of fresh tomatoes (usually up to 8) and put them in the blender, spice them with no salt and there is the sauce. As the fellow I meet at the kidney clinic said, 'go back to the way they cooked 50 year ago - make things from scratch eliminitating all sugar and salt. I don't use any sugar substitute either - for 'snacks' I looked up what would be best and here is a list of a few suggestions

    1) unsalted popcorn
    2) unsalted nuts especially walnuts
    3) green grapes
    4) blueberries

    I am learning to like salads - there is one that my husband buys that is really nice and crunchy - we just omit the dressing that comes with it and instead I put a little yellow mustard in a little oil, along with some spice (have a recipe for Cajun spices that is nice on the salad) and it is really tasty. So I am finding having that salad, one slice of toast with butter, and a fruit for lunch and I am satisfied. Going to start making a lot of homemade soups (have a wonderful minestrone one) and vegetable stews. If you would like any of these recipes let me know and I can post them.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Back in the 2nd to 15th centuries, salt was a commodity, like money. Only the table of the royals or the wealthy gentry had salt, those of lesser station never had it. The salt would be put in little bowls on the table and the higher up you were the closer to the salt they would seat you. Sugar was also a very expensive item to buy so honey was used mostly for sweetening. I'm glad that I don't have kidney problems! I know that you will be able to do this, Marilyn! You've done so well already - just don't lose heart or focus and pray for God to give you the desire and the strength! You are in my prayers as well.

    Hi Bren, Missy, Laura. Hope you are having an awesome day! Love you