Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Yes you were and that's great Kim...Chatty! I call mine waxing eloquent....

    I had an episode of acid reflux a few nights back that had me gasping and feeling horrid for 4 hours. I had to sit up that long to be able to breathe right and swallow again...it had been quite a long time since that happened since I've been on the pantoprazole for several years.

    I had a low last night of 65...lowest has been 63 and I have blurry vision and mobility issues so have to treat pretty quick. I had a half bottle of orange juice and a cup of yogurt at 11:30...so this morning my FBS was 132. Big difference from the over 250's I had for years...I am thankful!

    Marilyn, I too, am so sorry the surgery was a failed attempt. My heart hurts for you....you've been very disciplined and follow your plan well. I admit, I have not done so until just the past few months!

    I have a split chicken breast in the fridge to play with for dinner. I need to do up some salad to go with it. It's too big for my little slow cooker so need to cut it in half or hack it down to fit in my toaster oven maybe...or the air fryer...I'll see what trips my trigger and checks my boxes.

    Have a blessed day at your spots....
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Kim, I do NOT listen to CNN...I also do not watch CBN or FOX...I find information through other sources ...I stay away from the MSM DEMONS lol
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    My eyes are open...some may say I go way down the rabbit hole...lol...
    Pres. Trump knows Bibi N. is behind 9/11
    He knows Bibi is behind the Hamas Terrorist group
    He also knows that BIBI N. has U.S. Journalists on the Israeli payroll
    the Israeli government is corrupt
    The Lord is in control...and I trust him completely!
    5.2 pounds gone my first week
    Gonna go do some pressure washing!

    hugs and prayers to all
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Woohoo on the weight loss, Missy! You ladies are doing great!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    I had another wild and wooly night...couldn't sleep, been awake since 11:30 PM decided to get up at 4. I'll work in the kitchen some and see what i can get done...before I crash for a long nap. I'm glad I can do that but I'd really like my patterns returned to normal...Oh well.

    I got my bed stripped, need to put away laundry, vacuum/dust and find a few items as I declutter. I will enjoy my day and pray for us all here, for God's tender mercy and loving care and sparks of joy in each day. He is our provider and peace in each day we are given. Love you all...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Heavenly Father I bring to you now the situation of what is happening in Israel = I know You are in control but for us though we believe we look at the loss of these lives and all the fighting - my prayer is that the fighting and killing of your chosen people will stop and stop before it become a world war. Please Lored look on your people, given them the insight to see that this killing is wrong and the knowledge that we don't need a world war. In your precious name I pray. Amen

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Amen. I also ask the Lord to protect those who believe in the Lord Jesus in both Palestine and Israel. Help them to be a mighty voice for Messiah! In Jesus' name, I pray.

    Bren. I take a product called CORTISOL HEALTH by LES Labs. It has ashwaganda, sunflower seed extract, magnolia bark extract, and rhodiola root extract. All natural stuff. It has really helped me to get to sleep and stay asleep. I do get up to go to the bathroom around 2-2:30 each night and I wake up around 6:30-7 each morning, but I'm falling asleep around 11:30-12. There are the rare nights I have trouble falling asleep, but those are now few and far between. I'm getting around 6-7 hours of sleep per night. I do have another product that I take if I am having trouble falling asleep - Alpha-Theta Ultra PM. It too has all natural ingredients. It has 5-HTP which somewhere I read a warning about that, but it hasn't bothered me. It also has melatonin, which I've also heard warnings about, but again, I've not had trouble with it. My functional med NP told me about that one and I get it from her dispensary. Your diet is restrictive so check with your doctor to see if they would be safe for you - but sleep is so very important to your health!

    Love you ladies. Going for a drive. Love you!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Kim, I actually get enough sleep....it's just not at night which is my normal. Ever since I was bed ridden for a full week when both feet went south at the same time in March of last year...my patterns have been reversed to the point where I get 7-9 hours sleep...during the day and am up/awake all night. It's stressful because I can't do my normal chores and the like (making noise) during those hours. What would be most helpful would be pain relief! I am limited to Tylenol. I am due another refill on the T-4 but only get a weeks worth at a time which requires a drive to go get it. I am most often not up tp that...but if I could keep going when I take my trash out, that would work. LOL...
    I'm glad you have something that helps you without troubles.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Well, at least you are getting enough sleep. I was up early this morning with one of those vicious headaches. I had some nausea, but the Lord delivered me from that! I'm so grateful. This is the first bad headache in a couple of weeks, and again, I am so thankful to the Lord for sparing me.

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh my, I would never make it to the top of that staircase - even going one step at a time! When we were at the beach, we had to go up about four steps to get to the wash station and then another five or six steps to the doorway. The first time that we went this way I nearly fell down the steps, my legs, after walking in the soft sand, just wouldn't hold me up. We found another way down to the beach that didn't have any steps and took that from there on out!

    Having some trouble with my breathing. We bought some Premarin Mist yesterday and that seems to have helped me to be able to catch my breath more quickly, and I'm not having to try and catch my breath as often today. Praise the Lord! I haven't had this much trouble in at least 10 years. Oh, I've had short bouts, but this one has been about two weeks long. Lord willing it will be better by tomorrow and I won't have to go in and have a doctor listen to my lungs. Every time this happened in the past everything was clear, even the asthma tests I went through. My allergy doctor diagnosed it as Allergy-induced Asthma. So I am hoping that it is just that my allergies are out of whack right now!

    Other than that I'm doing alright and hoping that y'all are doing better as well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    About to go to the hospital in a couple of hours for my surgery. I know what they will be doing as I have been through it before but still feeling anxious. Should be home by bed time tonight as I do not plan to spend the night there.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Prayers for you ladies in your journey...with all the things I DO deal with, I am so thankful for the ones I don't have to, in my own journey! God be with you, each step of the way, in each new day. May He comfort, heal, strengthen and heal you as only He can. Rest in Him at every opportunity and be at peace.

    I'm getting my home chores done in my 5-7 minute increments today. I didn't rest well last night at all...so am in quite a bit of pain. As I've said before...I am glad to be an apartment dweller as I couldn't care for a house and yards on my own. Some days this one bedroom apartment is more than I can handle.

    I had a 3 day run in with my old friend...Debbie...as in Little. What a troublemaker she is...How far one can fall in a couple of days...oh well...she's gone now and needs to be barred from entry...
    I need to get into a bag of greens and the like!

    Yesterday, I cooked up some ground chicken and made tacos. I was thinking about chicken chili but was out of commission rather quickly. I'll keep it in mind for the next round.

    I got the bed stripped and remade...my laundry from the 5th put away at last and I'm going to bag my laundry for the next round... vacuum, clean the kitchen and do some veggie prep today. My list is longer than that....but I'm not sure it will be completed today! I will do what I can and thank God for His strength to do it!

    Be blessed today...best where most needed....love you all!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Bren, when you get a hankering for something like a Little Debbie, just buy one donut or one of those slices of cake. You get the satisfaction, but when it's gone, it's gone! Oh, boy, I sure miss my Swiss Cake Rolls. I loved eating the chocolate off the outside and then eating the cakey middle! Can't have those anymore! Or, if you buy the Little Debbies, make a rule that you can only eat one a week! Yeah, right! LOL!

    Marilyn, how did your surgery go? You've been in my prayers. Hopefully, you will be like those people whose numbers went up and didn't need the dialysis! That would be a huge dance of joy and praise the Lord!

    Breathing is doing pretty good. I only struggle when I think about struggling! LOL! The Primatine Mist is working well. I haven't used it at all today and haven't had but a couple of times where I had to take a deep breath, but was able to catch it right away. I'm glad, the muscles in my throat and chest hurt when I take a deep breath! Eek! I guess I gave them a good workout!

    Love you my beautiful lovelies! ;)
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    beach trip went lovely...i will try to post some pics later
    please pray for my daughter things are not going well...i will post more later...just please pray!!!
    thank you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Had my surgery yesterday - got home about 10 pm and ready to be home after a long day at the hospital. Best care ever this time around. Doc said that the surgery part went well, now just to see if this fisquala will work - the one on the other arm shut down after 4 months and the repair job on it did not help at all. God is good, God is in control, God give me strength to press on, God gave me a plan when I was in the hospital - will share it at another time as to what He wants me to do re our temple. Now is the time to pray that this fisquala will get stronger and work should I need dialysis and that the number for my kidney function will be up next blood work which would mean that I can be off diaylsis for a bit more. Please pray continously that this will happen - I am ready for whatever God decides but I also want to be with my husband for a couple more years at least to help him through some financial problems and with how to look after our special needs daughter.

    I went to my TOPS meeting this morning so I could be held accountable with my weight - was down 1.8 so am now back down to 236.4 God for October 31 has been to be at 235 so that gives me 1.4 pounds to lose this coming week - and I was talking with the Lord last night and committed to 7 days of nutrious eating and walking 10 minutes straight rather than 5 minutes - that is 2 minutes, sit for 1 than 2 more and so on until 10 minutes are completed = and I firmly believe should I honor the Lord with eating no processed foods, no salt, more vegetables, 2 L of water and walk for 10 minutes on the treadmill that I should be down 1.4 by next Tuesday. As I said God is in control - He has given me (and I believe He has given each of us) what we should be doing - we just need to honor Him and show Him how much re really love Him by obey Him by cleaning out our Temple

    Thanks for the p rayers ladies - I appreciate everyone of you and you are in my prayers daily


  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    My daughter just got out of ER...thank God it was not as serious as her physical therapist had suggested...she still needs answers as to what is going on though...she has a ENT doc referral ...just remember her in your prayers...thanks so much...it is making me nervous...because they can't seem to find out what is goin on ...ugh
    God has it though...I trust him with my whole heart