Daily Chats and Encouragements
That's beautiful, Kim! What treasured memories that must bring. Oh, I would pray so on the gift that your work would be to someone in need of hope. I had Isaiah 41:10 on an open Bible, put on my headstone for the same reason....there will be those who see it and perhaps will look it up and find a promise from God in their times of trouble.
I put my stove burner covers away this morning. I think I'll put the few things I have for Christmas in a tub...in one place. Nobody sees them but me but I love them. I have 3 Christmas coffee mugs and this year, I got the table thing....Even now, after all these years...you come to mind when I am handling my coffee mugs....passing some down, buying a few new ones, deciding which are my favorites....and often wanting more...beyond my "needs". I love kitchen things! I love my mug warmers too...I use them for coffee, broth, tea....lovely! I need to get more fluids in so that will be one of 4 things I'll track this new year.
Thank you! I know that not everyone will leave a tidy home when they go to their eternal one. LOL....and no, it will never cross my mind again once I am there! Only God knows how many days we get here and we must be prepared for our journey....and not fear the leaving here part.
I am feeling much better after a good 3 days of rest and recovery. I was up, dealing with the dishwasher at 2 AM....got up for real at 3:30 and am working on sorting that fridge.
I need to curtail my spending and waste in the time ahead. I spent SO much money during this bug fiasco but praise God for full delivery at this point! I am SO blessed! I was/am so thankful I had the funds to pay for the service plus 3 extra inspections/treatments plus replace all the things I had to dispose of. I need to hunker down in the time ahead and live within my means! I got a little too happy, shopping for things and gifted myself all the way up to my next birthday I think.
I wish you all a wonderful, blessed day as we celebrate Jesus and all he is to us. I love you ladies....I'm off to sort baskets 2 and 3 of 6! This is my goal...once again.
Oh thank God! I stayed at it and finished! My veggie basket runneth over...but hope to use some up in the next few days. I have kale, mini peppers, coleslaw cabbage, broccoli, carrots and salad goods...and one serving of berries left. I have really enjoyed them!
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Wow, that is a prize winning fridge! Mine is a mess! We have the glass shelves and they get so yucky. We get in there, clean it out, scrub the shelves and feel good until we can get to it again. It's not something I can do on my own though, too much bending over.
I go to the NP tomorrow and will see what she says about finding out what this pain is, and what we are going to do instead of Tramadol! Maybe I can convince her to convince Medicare who needs to convince CVS that it's okay for me to take it! LOL!
We are spending a quiet day here at the Gregory house. We had yummy chopped steak with mashed potatoes and gravy - yummers! I'll do my yogurt, apple, blueberry, and nuts mixture for dinner. Trying to polish off the treats so we can get back on our new eating plan.
Have a happy Christmas my lovely ladies. I love you all!0 -
Thank you! Again, I had to dispose of some things I'd let linger too long in there. Like my high dollar six pack of boiled eggs. I will do a meal plan around what I have in stock....and attempt to reduce the urges, splurges and over indulgences in the time ahead.
I pray you do get some answers and help for the pain issue. If I didn't have to get dressed and drive somewhere and hike about...I'd be tempted to do the same. The numbness has increased of late as well as the severity of pain. I am hoping that once I get in the habit of using my exerciser thing and working thru some pain....that the tolerance will increase and the numbness will decrease. My right arm and both legs are involved.
I managed to get trash to the dumpster and was so thankful! It was two weeks worth again. It was misting rain and a bit chilly. As winter comes in, I'll need to plan the trash days around sunny, higher temp days.
Your dinner sounds so good! I actually had 3 meals yesterday and a ham sandwich on LC bread as a snack. Dinner was cheese toast with 4 meatballs and some pepperoni, heated in pasta sauce. Before dinner sugar check was 81.
I'm going to get coffee on and get prepared for my day. Be blessed in this new day....best where most needed. Love you!
I think I mentioned the little girl I passed my teddy bears to, but her Mom sent me a picture of her with them. I gave her the butterflies too. This is so precious! Made my heart smile for sure. They were still like new and I was glad to bring a bit of joy to someone else with them.
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I had a great Christmas with my family. I skipped on going to my mom's. I feel healthier for not going! Sad, but true.
I plan on getting healthier for the new year, and starting my nature walks back! I have to get stronger for my grandbaby! She needs me!!!
Love her with my whole heart! Jesus sent me the perfect gift!
love ya'll
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She's beautiful, Missy! Love that setting too. Praise the Lord for His precious attention to our needs. I'm also happy you didn't go to your Mom's for Christmas!
Bren, that is a beautiful picture too! I'd be sitting there a wreck trying to figure out which one I'd want to be my favorite, or even to snuggle with! LOL! That was so nice of you!
I had my x-rays done today. I hope to hear on Monday what they say. The NP is pretty sure it's arthritis in there and she even mentioned replacement (not what I want to do). I'm hoping that can just shoot something in there that will cushion that joint! She did send in another prescription for my Tramadol, but I haven't heard from CVS, so not sure they got it. I'll have to send Jennifer a note to let her know. She and her nurse were both surprised and hadn't heard of anything like that before! I have one weeks worth left so I hope and pray it all gets sorted out before then.
Well, Wade is waiting for me. Love y'all bunches.0 -
Sounds like everyone had a nice Christmas - we had a quite one taking a lot of time to reflect the meaning of the season and why Christ was born.
Am feeling better - but look forward to next blood work in January with the prays that my kidney function has gone up even a little. Being at 8 is not good as at 6 I would go on dialysis which is not what I really want - when it comes closer to the end of life then the dialysis would work for me.
Got on the scale this morning - down to 224 yesterday and this morning it said 223. But I am happy at the 224. With the Lord in control and guiding my eating the extra weight is coming off - has meant a lot of changes from eating foods that I really like to eating more healthy foods. We pretty much not having any processed foods now (nothing with labels) and am eating smaller portions. Having a fruit at breakfast and lunch and sometimes after dinner.
My kidneys are liking the changes I have made and am not having stomach trouble like I usually have due to taking my baking soda and water and eating properly has made my days so much better. Doctors even took me off one of the meds I have been on as the levels needed to be healthy re the med has improved. Said all my blood work shows that the few meds that I need to take are finally working and have the proper levels
Praying for all of you that your meal plans will be clean and healthy and that you will not follow into temptation to eat fatty, salty, sugary things. Sure makes a difference. Am sleeping better with eliminating this. As the New Year is just 1 week away would be a good time to go to the Lord, talk with Him about what you should be eating and taking the time to actually listen to His advise as to the changes you might need to make. I know when I did that the the belly handover (think they refer to it as apron) has shrunk and friends are starting to notice it. But you know what you need to do and the Lord will help you - just remember you only have this one body and Jesus wants us to take care of it - feeding it only what is nutritious - just as we feed our spiritual part of the body we need to feed the body what is best. We have fought through the battle of the cost of healthy food and have found when we left the processed foods out we had a lot more money for veggys and fruit.
Here are some Scripture
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he willmake straight your paths
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination tohim; haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart the devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers
Praying for you - stay healthy1 -
I got a call from my cardiologist's office regarding my stats I'd sent in. I am to increase my amlodipine to 10mg over the weekend and send new stats on Tuesday. If that works, he will do a new scrip for the 10mg. I was told I should do a follow up with my kidney Dr. as that's a concern of mine. I haven't been back in 4 years I suppose....time does slip away. She said if need be, he can order labs. I told her I have orders from my endo Doc. and will do it in March....unless I run into trouble.
That baby is beautiful, Missy. What joy she's brought to you all. I saw Kayla's FB Christmas post.
Praying with and for you Marilyn! You are doing all you can and are staying on top of things. May your heart's desire be realized.
Kim, I hear you! I've been "considering" talking to my PVP again about my pain and this troublesome numbness that's increased....but I'm not willing to go to any extremes! I want all my help in prayer and pill form, thank ya very much. I hope you hear the verdict soon.
I'm going to put coffee on and play in the kitchen awhile. I didn't get anything done yesterday so it's catch up time.
We are supposed to see 79 on Monday! What joy that brings this old girl....Hooya. Perhaps I can clear the way this weekend for Natasha to swoop in this next week and deal with the bed. I look forward to that being done.
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Marilyn, thanks for the exhortation! We are the temple of the Lord and Wade and I have talked quite a bit about how we are going to change our eating habits in the New Year. I was doing well until the holidays, but don't think it will be hard to get back to eating like I should. We are going to be doing a diet that will lower our simple carb intake and get more protein, a partial keto-diet! It's been working for me until this month! LOL! And I will work it harder in the new year too. I'm hoping to get this hip and knee pain under control so I can get more steps though. I have been working on getting up and walking because that helps the pain for about two indoor laps, but then the pain starts to come back and get worse, so I sit back down. I am going to set the timer on my phone for one hour, and each hour get up and walk, as well as doing some arm exercises. I will be happy when it becomes a habit! I've gained back two of the four pounds I lost, which actually makes me happy because I usually gain back what I lost and more - so the Lord has been merciful this year.
Bren, I know it's hard for you to get out, but it's not a bad thing to see the docs you need to. If nothing else they can make you more comfortable. You don't have to do anything heroic, just what needs to be done to keep you healthy or healthier. I don't want you on this earth a minute more than Jesus planned, but I sure would like for you to stay for awhile longer - or if Jesus returns and we can go together in the rapture!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and that your day of worship is blessed! Thanks for the verses Marilyn!0 -
Thanks Kim...I am in agreement with you and I'll linger as long as God allows! My life is super simple but I do enjoy it. I would love to be able to do more, get out as needed and take care of myself the rest of my days.
I also agree on the Doctor's visits and upkeep. I have my two follow ups in March and will need to get back on track with the kidney Dr. and PCP. I will make more of an effort to do such things in the time ahead.
I sent a message to Natasha. She will get back to me with a time and date. Until then, I'll do what I can each day....in my little 5-10 minute surges. I got my headboard in Saturday and managed to drag it into my apartment and it's resting in the living room. I'll leave it in the box until time to deal with it. If Natasha can't some in the next week to 10 days....I'll issue another plea for help. There's always someone needing to make some fast cash.
I am enjoying the lovely warmer, sunny days. I check the forecast a few times a month to see what's expected before I venture out. We have 79 expected today. Lovely!
This year has zipped by and for every spot of trouble there have been many blessings as well. I remain hopeful, thankful and save at my spot on the map. Prayers for all of you...at your spots.
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PS: I got a call from Walgreens to pick up my insulin. They don't deliver that. So I'll do my pick up at HEB while out.
I wanted turkey thighs...saw that nothing was available but down half way was "turkey thighs"....looking back up at the top, I had entered in the search bar: "Turkey Things"....LOL...0 -
Been there done that! giggle giggle! (with the misspelling).
OOO, you'll have to give us a picture when everything is settled in the bedroom!
I called our neighborhood walk in clinic to see if he would see me about my symptoms or possible pneumonia again. I gave them the symptoms so am hoping he'll just call in a prescription for antibiotics for me rather than needing me to come in. It's the same symptoms as other times I've had it. It's just too weird that every three months it appears and usually after I have been out. It doesn't seem as bad as the past three times though, so I'm not positive that's what it is, but then when I am trying to suck in air and my chest hurts I'm pretty sure that's what it is! We are having our New Years Eve get together tomorrow night and I will miss it again - I had pneumonia and a sinus infection over the holidays last year! That was when I was sick for two months!
Add on: I talked to my local PA and he ordered two weeks of antibiotics for me since the symptoms were the same! Thank You, Jesus.
Well my lovelies. I hope that you are able to celebrate a new year coming in, a new year to grow closer to the Lord and give Him all that we are. We need to take advantage of the respite we've been given with President Trump and share our light as much as we can. As our pastor says, it's not a recovery, it's just a respite - the Bible doesn't give any attention to the US in the last days, we are insignificant. Because the Bible says it, so it will happen and in those days of our fall Christians will be persecuted as we haven't seen before. But rejoice, for Jesus is ours and He will never leave us nor forsake us! Praise Him!
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Oh No! I'm so sorry you are having more issues with the breathing and pneumonia symptoms. You've been on this path for so long now. I'd be crying. You stay on my prayer list my friend!
Natasha sent me a message and she can come on Thursday or Friday and asked if I'd be comfortable with her bringing hubby and oldest kiddo to help. I know she's glad to have him home from his mission trip. I figure more hands will finish quicker so as long as I'm OK perched on my recliner....go...and do!
Hey, can you come hook up my new Roku and show me in no more than 2-3 steps how to use it? When they say "easy connection/use" they mean for a 12 year old and not me, apparently. I joined Paramount....free with my Wal-Mart membership but couldn't use without a streaming device....oops. Now that busy box awaits a clear mind, patience, access to a wall outlet and perhaps a hired hand to install it? I hate being so technically challenged.
I got another call from Walgreens and 4 more scrips are ready. One showed up as $203.69...without insurance...yikes! I questioned that and she said she re-ran it with insurance. This has happened before but I didn't catch or question it and once paid...it's your loss. Now, my cost is just a bit over $4.00 for all five scrips. Wow! That's such a blessing.
Yesterday and today, I have slept away my days, due to restless nights and pain. I'll try to stay up until at least 10-11 to maybe keep me asleep for the night.
I'm off to scrounge for dinner and catch some TV and maybe look over those "simple" instructions once again. Love and prayers....0 -
Part Two:
I am finally feeling a bit better and working around the pain somewhat today. I got up at 4 AM...and have actually stayed up! I have a Wal-Mart order coming between 3 and 5 so will need to be alert for that. If I nap prior to that, I'll do it in my recliner.
I finally managed 3 give aways today. The lady who took the vacuum, also took out my empty boxes at my request. LOL...I did a box of dishes and misc...and the extra kitchen stool, a couple of bath towels and 3 hand towels...all new...just were not what I expected. They all came quickly and I had about 7 ladies asking for the vacuum.
I need to play with the Roku thing I suppose... My vision is an issue...but I have a magnifying glass or few somewhere. Maybe tomorrow when nothing else is going on.
Wal-Mart has my favorite frozen meatballs again...Rosina's! Oh Joy! I got 2 bags of them last week and have been having a handful, heated, in sauce with some cheese toast. Delicious, fast and so easy. On another day, I may add some green beans. This was lunch.
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Yummers! That cheese toast looks delicious! I knew that it was around this time period that I'd gotten pneumonia previously (three months), and I am wondering if I hadn't gone out if I would have been alright. It seems like every time I got it I had been out in public! The first two times I had a virus before or after the pneumonia. I'm not positive that's what this is, but we are treating it like it is! Same symptoms, but not as bad as the other times. Maybe that means that I won't get it again! Yeehaw! God is so patient with me and no matter what He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. I can leave Him and choose to go the way of sin and satan - but who in their right mind would do that??? We do have the free will to leave Jesus which many today do not believe. We don't lose our salvation, we choose to leave it by choosing sin instead of righteousness, by choosing our way rather than Jesus' way.
The Church family is having a meal and fellowship together tonight, but I won't be going. If I caught something then it's likely someone else can catch it as well and we have too many people with breathing issues - so we are encouraged to separate ourselves when we get something. I like that because I'm one of those with a breathing issue!
I love y'all so much and am so happy that we have a fresh year coming up to encourage and fellowship together!
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Thank you! It was delicious. It does up so pretty in the air fryer. It's the Wal-Mart brand and cheapest. I've been known to make cheese toast with a leftover hot dog bun...and those are fine too! I like it with a salad, soup, pasta or just the meatballs and sauce. Quite yummy!
Oh yes! I have said before that I know God never rolls his eyes at me or walks away when I stumble...but lifts me up and restores me. I love and praise Him for His awesome mercy, grace, provision, protection and daily care. We are in good hands. the best...of hands!
That's a shame to miss the gathering but very wise to do so when others are compromised as you are. Take good care of yourself.
Today is a fresh start for us all in need of a reset...and I am one! As I mentioned before, I plan to track 4 things daily....and will start today. I will aim for consistency, in spite of my pain issues. I may not hit all the marks I plan each day but "having a plan" is step one!
I will track: Calories (aim for 1200-1500 daily), Water (48-64 oz. daily), Activity (30-45 minutes daily) and my budget! That's not exactly a health goal but it affects my health/mental well being and stability.
I'm using my exerciser thing more often and love it. I'm still at 15 minutes and the preset modes 1-3 are 30 minutes and awesome! I've used the mode 1 the last 2 days. It starts in reverse, increases speed automatically, switches to forward and really gets things going. LOL....My hope is, with continued use, my circulation, strength and stability will increase so I can actually walk more on purpose and take care of myself better. All my walking will be done inside for now, other than doing trash hauls and mail checks, due to the numbness. I am praying that will improve as well.
Yesterday, I made some progress, got a lot more done, stayed up and alert for over 12 hours, got a nap of just one hour at 4:30 PM... That was great, after sleeping most of 2 days away!
I need to get trash out today, do my kitchen inventory/meal plan and pack up a food box for give away as I sort things.
We have a icy cold front due in between the 6th-12th with our first wintery mix expected so I got my last WM delivery of the year yesterday....now to do up that meal plan and put it to use, and avoid impulse shopping a week at a time with God's help and input. I love this picture...
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I feel like that happens every time I meet with Jesus in my heart's study! Here's a verse that I keep in mind when I am seeking what Jesus wants me to do: NAS77 Rom 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." God's will will be good, acceptable (by His Word) and perfect. Does what I want to do meet that criteria? Obviously it doesn't mean which socks to choose! LOL! But, when we were wanting to know His will about going to Hickory to care for Mom, as well as moving to the coast with Mom - did it meet those criteria? Yep, they did!
Here are my goals for the New Year:
1 - cut back on carbs (I will probably try to make the effort to track for awhile at least to see how that is going). I know that it's already helped the short time I was doing that.
2 - house walk at least three to four times (three laps each) a day. I want to get 1200+ steps a day.
3 - I want to limit treats to one on Saturday and one on Sunday, nothing during the week. I'd been eating whatever I wanted from Friday to Sunday, so this will be a cut back for me.
4 - Do my lymphedema massage at least four times a week and wear my wraps (two days at a time) at least twice a week.
5 - Don't just read my Bible and do my studies, but take time to listen and to meditate on what God is showing me. When I pray I have to remind myself to stop and listen, I want this to be a habit!
I pray we will have an even better year of encouraging one another, staying close, and drawing even closer to God to be all that He wants us to be. I love y'all very much!0 -
Well we are off to the races as they say. We managed to stay up to midnight but were in bed 5 minutes later.
I have a few goals I want to work on and they are
(1) make sure I get in my water = my poor kidneys crave water and as the kidney doctor keeps telling me they love to be wet with water. Aim is to get in 8 glasses every day
(2) walk the treadmill for 6 minutes every day in January (each month will increase the time)
(3) make better choices for lunch meals - have had a few days where I have had bread and the weight loss has slowed and stomach is not liking it - rather than sandwiches we will work on have wraps using lettuce as the cover for the filling such as tuna
(4) Daily Bible reading with time to think through what I have read - we have started already and are about 1/2 way through Matthew
(5) Some protein at each meal even if it is just a hard boiled egg.
(6) Increase amount of veggys
(7) Record my weigh once per week
Bren I love the picture of Jesus with us having coffee - I start my day off with Him and I had to smile when I read it as I do hear Him say 'Well what are we going to work on today'
Norm has gone out for his morning coffee with a buddy and when he returns I will start my walk on the treadmill - want him to be here when I do in case I run into a problem.
Didn't have the best of sleep so am somewhat weary this morning - and my meds for IBS are working full force this morning - a couple of hours and it should calm down
Here is my menu for today
Breakfast (eaten already)
small bowl of cheerios with a little milk and an orange
Hard boiled egg with caesar salad and a fruit
chicken cut up into small pieces and spiced generously then cooked with onions and peppers
Potato - boiled and I will have 5 chunks
Veggy will be frozen peas
Genesis 1:29
And God said, Behold I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.
January 1 2025 weight 2250 -
Marilyn, I'm glad you mentioned the water. I am also going to up what I am getting by doing my 24oz super water every day rather than hit and miss. The water has my magnesium threonate for memory, my potassium, super greens, and cranberry powder. I do it more in the summer, but because I don't get thirsty very often I just don't think about getting water. Some days the only liquid I get is my 17 oz of coffee with creamer which I drink throughout the day. I know, I'm rolling my eyes as well!
I thought I would share with you a couple of blogs I ran across while finishing out the year. They are a helpful encouragement as we begin a new year!
The greatest thing in all my life is knowing You, loving You, serving You.
I want to know You more, I want to love You more, I want to serve You more.
Happy New Year.
I have been thinking about the importance of guarding the GATES to our inner man. (Remember the gates in Bunyan's "Holy War.")
I hope to come back to this as we begin 2025, but in the meantime, let me just mention two of these gates today: Ear-Gate and Mouth-Gate.
We need to guard our hearing. Sometimes it is a matter of filtering what we hear.
We need to guard our speaking.
Suffice it to say, we need to put a guard concerning the things we hear and the things we say. Guard yourself from the thoughts that come through the ear and the thoughts that are expressed through the mouth.
We must speak truth and we must speak it in love. We shouldn't speak something just because we think it. We should not lie, we should not gossip, we should not speak perverse things, we should not utter curses, we should not cause division with our words. There are many things we should keep our mouths from speaking.
On the other hand, there are a great number of things we can and we should do with our speaking. We should encourage, we should inform, we should evangelize, we should comfort, we should build up, we should praise, we should confess, we should worship.
Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Ps 141:3-4 3 Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.
4 Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties.0 -
It is a new year and I was just looking at the membership of this group - we are a great group but think only 4 of the total actually post anything.
I would like to encourage all those that havent been posting to start now as it is a new year. I know a few groups that every January look over their members and if some have not posted in over a year then they are deleted from the group - nice to have a true number of actually how many are here and participating.
Just a random thought
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Hello Ladies! Y'all were busy yesterday! Great plans and goals to set minds and hearts to and inspiring to me.
Marilyn, that makes me smile as well...and we need His input and wise guidance in our days. Hey, your menu gives me ideas. Sounds so good.
I couldn't get back to sleep so got up, got dressed and turned some heat on. I am really chilled at the moment and my hands are icy! I checked the forecast and while it's 34 with a feel of 23 at the moment...we are expecting 70 for a high today. Yippee!
I got my new chart done up for my tracking ease. Did very well yesterday, except for the water. Tho I keep my Yeti type thing filled and refill twice a day at least, what with the ice, I only get about 12 oz. water at a time....but I do get the ice as it melts down and that counts. Yesterday ended up being a rest day after the business of Tuesday....but that's OK. Did my 1200 calories fairly easily. I even allowed myself some half and half in my 2 mugs of coffee. That was "breakfast".
I got my Kitchen Inventory updated and will work on a simple meal plan, based on the great supply in my kitchen. I'll use what I have and be thankful I have it.
My BP is doing so much better now that I'm doing the 10 mg of amlodipine with the Benicar and Metoprolol twice daily. I am thankful!
Starting weight is 245.6.
I think I'll lay back down for a bit but will take my check to the office for my electric. My rent is on auto pay. My lease expires this month so I will most likely get an increase on my rent...she has let me slide for 3 years now without one and I have been blessed.
Have a good day at your spots, stay cozy and comfy. That's the plan here. Love and prayers...0 -
What a blessing to be able to go three years without an increase in a time when everything was getting more expensive!
Good job with tracking. Wade and I are going to start our new eating habits on Monday! We have a "December/January" birthday celebration this Sunday, so just easier to start on Monday! I have been cutting back on sweets and carbs though to get myself ready! Today breakfast was an Aussie bite and coffee; lunch was a salad with carrots, chicken and Gouda cheese topped with Thousand Island Dressing. I'll cut that dressing out and use my Raspberry Vinegrette starting Monday. Dinner will be Greek yogurt, a small apple, blueberries, cherries chopped up and some nuts. Soooo good! Good Keto meal too, all of the carbs are complex. My starting weight is 237.8. That was from two days ago, I haven't weighed since then. I'll get an on-time weight in the morning (if I remember).
I took a tumble yesterday afternoon. Wade was cutting trees next door and I was watching, but then remembered I was possibly going to get a call from my NP so I was heading to the living room and tripped over a small heater against the wall right outside of his office. I never saw it even though I make a habit of looking at the ground to make sure I don't trip over something - ugh! I landed on my knees and hands! My left knee is quite sore and a little bit swollen, but no bruising. My right hurts quite a bit less. I wrenched my left wrist, but the right side is fine. God was very merciful to me! I was able to scoot over to a chair (wood floor) and stand up from there. I hurt all over for just a couple of hours, but felt fine by evening with my knee hurting only when I walked. It hurts to touch it, but it's fine otherwise today! God is so very good!
I've called my NP's office twice now about my X-ray results. The gal I talked to is going to get a note to her assistant as well as to Jennifer, so we'll see if we can get those results! I'm pretty sure it will say arthritis, but what we are going to do about it is the real question. The way things go with me, they'll say that the X-rays don't show anything and all of the pain is in your head! LOL! Well, it used to happen, but not recently, so that is good!
I hope y'all have a great day. Marilyn, I know that other teams do that, but I would hate to take our team off of their list of teams, at least if we are there they can find us easily again if they want to. A lot of people just pick a ton of teams when they first begin and then just go to the ones that most interest them after a week or so. Hopefully some of our team will want to join in.0 -
Another day will soon be coming to an end - we got a skiff of snow but hopefully it will melt but am sure we will get a dump soon.
Am doing well with my food plan - no so well with the walking. So I really have to push myself to start with walking as it seems the big thing for me now.
Yesterday weighed in aaat 225 and this morning it was 224. But wont count that - on Tuesday I am praying I will be able to go back to TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly) so that I can have someone else record my weight. I know they have a new scale and it weighs 4 pounds heavier so will still be under 230 which is nice. Goal is to get to 220 as soon as possible and I think the walking will help with that
Every 2nd year I read the Bible through in a year - this should be the year but I haven't started so will see. Except that we are reading through the New Testament so that will help
Verse for today
Matthew 18:3-4
and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.