Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    edited October 2023
    I've been MIA...repeat of weeks prior. Kim, I am so sorry you are having these new symptoms/pain/issues! You remain in my prayers.

    Missy, I didn't know about the accident! That's terrifying! Am so thankful God had her covered and does each day. Wow.

    I think of you all daily and you are in my prayers. God bless, heal, strengthen and be our comfort and hope each day.

    Beautiful pictures...I have a palm type tree outside my door where roses used to be for so many years. They trim it back each winter and it's really beautiful right now. As is the pool...I haven't been in it for the past 5 years I think. Getting out was so difficult with my hip issues and those have increased wildly....

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    What gorgeous lilies! They are my favorite flower! The colors are amazing! Praying for your daughter. Rejoicing that it isn't cancer, what a huge blessing! I hope you have as much fun at the beach as we had.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Oh yippee! In this 3 week period, chart-wise, I've lost 4 pounds...praise God... and am just 3 pounds away from my 1st goal of 230. I am so happy and blessed! I am down a total of 9 since I started my 21 day charts. (started at 242)

    I got up at 2:15 this morning and puttered about a bit, lay back down, thinking to nap until about 6:00...couldn't go back to sleep so got back up to putter some more.

    The bug man cometh today so I need to spiff up a bit. LOL...My manager saw my messiness yesterday since she brought my insulin in. Delivery just set it outside in the heat. Mary is such a blessing! Oh well...perhaps I judge more harshly than others might but I still wish my inner maid would return home, ready to work regularly.

    I'm having coffee for the first time in 4 days and it's good! I put food out for the cats and hope they are the ones to actually get it, as I saw a hound on property when I took the trash out. I miss them and love them and feel bad for missing their feeding for the past 4 days.

    I got round one of trash out and will do round 2 shortly. It's mostly my shipping boxes. Those are a pain, tho I do appreciate the things I get...except the insulin in the box with heavy freezer packs and the Styrofoam cooler thing nobody wants. I now have 2 of those to dispose of.

    My BP has been better this week...today's is 119/71 and my FBS is 108....and weight is 233 this morning. God is so good! I feel better today other than being a bit weak and puny from no activity...I want to do better than that!
    Be blessed today, Ladies. I think of you all often and thank God for you! Love and prayers in this new day...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Oh, Bren, that is so awesome. You are moving in the right direction! I knew you could do it! Now I have to get those numbers moving downward! I was at 236.6 this morning. I've wrapped my legs and hope that will shed a couple pounds of water weight. I just don't lose weight unless I eat less than 1000 calories a day. I wish I could do that, but I'm tired all the time as it is, without the energy from the calories I'd just sleep all day! Keep up the good work, my friend!

    Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Thanks for the kudos, Kim! I am blessed! It's been a long and winding road and you know I went ditch diving quite often for a long time, especially since retirement.

    I had a good day yesterday, got some home chores done in spite of the pain and was weak from 4 days down....am up at my normal time this morning and hope to make some more progress...and get some veggie prep done...

    Have a blessed and beautiful day, Ladies!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    You too. It is so good to hear the chipper in your post! Keep it simple though. When I feel good I go gung-ho and end up down again, I think we are alike in that! LOL!

    Doing well. Praise the Lord I haven't had a bad headache this week. A couple of mild ones that were gone with a couple of Tylenol, but God has been so very good! The pain I had at the beginning of the week has lessened as well. The right SI is painful, but not as acutely as it had been. I'm so blessed as well. What a great and kind and loving God we serve!

    Praying for Israel and Jesus' children there. That first day I was waiting for my feet to leave my shoes as I shot to heaven. God is patient and gives the unsaved time to be saved. (I don't believe that He picks and chooses who will be saved and who will be damned and you have no choice in either - believe it or not there are a lot of preachers out there claiming that. No, we have the choice to believe in Jesus or to not believe. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved! For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not as a result of works, that anyone should boast! God offers, I accept (or reject) and then I live for Him and walk His narrow way!

    So blessed. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    So very true, Kim.

    The evils' of this world have been so since the beginning...it's just so much more in our faces these days due to media and 5 "journalists" on every corner. I pray for the multitudes lost in depravity and sin and seemingly content to be so with no idea of morality or mortality and the dangers of eternity in hell. My heart is sick at what our own nation has become but am so very thankful to be in my last years and not in my youth at this time and so very thankful I am one of God's own.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Amen! Praying for God's children in Israel as well as in Gaza. It's amazing the depravity that man can fall into when he gives satan even an inch. These terrorists' hearts are just black with sin and evil - how can you, even with all the rhetoric that is shoved down your throat, behead a tiny baby?!? And it's scary that they are on our soil because Biden opened the border to anyone, including terrorists, who want to come in. It's a good thing we believe in a very big and powerful God.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    edited October 2023
    Israel sadly has been taken over many many years ago by Khazarian Fake Jews. They are not even real jews. The babies being beheaded has been proven to be false/fake news. The CNN lady who reported came out on twitter saying it was false/and apologizing.
    If people only knew what Israel has done to babies/via trafficing and organ harvesting. As well as many others..including America!

    The Khazarians were behind the following.
    Irgun Bombing



    Las Vegas Attacks

    Hamas (Ariel on Twitter)
    These Khazarians had plans going all the way back to the 40s on how they would take over Palestine. This is why Hamas was hired. Use them (Hamas) to attack Israeli citizens then blame Palestine.

    Good job on the weight loss Bren! I have a palm tree...I will have to post a pic of it...I bought it a few years back.

    Kim, I love lilies too! I have over 20 different colors.

    I officially started on my fasting 18/22 hours...and having one healthy meal. Oct9th
    Tomorrow will be 1 week...I lost so far 5.2 pounds! Thank God!

    hugs and prayers
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    I'm surprised that you listen to CNN. They have an agenda that follows the far left and rarely do they give truth unless it follows that agenda. They won't even call Hamas terrorists, they call them militants or fighters, giving them legitimacy. I listen to independent news or CBN and FOX and almost never listen to the "fake" news media. Do I trust everything that comes out of Israel? No, but I do believe that terrorists like Hamas are very capable of doing the things that they are said to have done. The terrorists took their victims' cameras, took pictures of what they'd done and sent them to the victims' families - those pictures are out there! The Islamic nations' creed from the Koran is to destroy Israel and every Jew on the face of the earth - including babies. They think of the Jews like Hitler did, just vermin to destroy. It's been happening to Israel since the days of the Exodus! I believe what happened because the Bible says that it would. I believe it because of the hateful evil rhetoric coming from Islamic Imams as they stir up their followers to destroy by any means. CBN, FOX, and other independent news media all agree with each other and they say they've seen the pictures. I'll believe them before I believe the propaganda news (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC). Israel has a special place in God's plan and satan wants to destroy that plan. What's happening is following what the Bible said would happen. We can disagree and still love each other, and for that I am grateful!

    I was down two more pounds to 232.2 now. That was a shocker, but one that I praise the Lord for.

    Keep up the good work ladies. Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 874 Member
    Good morning all...

    We're having another touch of summer here this week but fall brought mornings of 58 already and I love it. Tho I am homebound by choice and cozy no matter what the weather is doing...I love the fall. I did have heat on already! Not for long but it was nice. I'd been running the AC since about mid March....

    I read an article in my box yesterday about exercise helping one to "tolerate" pain so thought I'd give that a test run since I am out of commission 3-4 days a week because of it. If I have a more active day, I am down for 2 for recovery! That's not a fun way to spend my last years!

    The differences of opinion on world events bring to mind the song Whose report shall you believe...With conflicting stories, headline grabbers, many mouths with many words....I'd pray for discernment, wisdom, protection and spiritual healing. These are difficult, dangerous days of rage we are living in, more so as time passes and we have to stay diligent and ever close to God. I am so thankful HE is ours and we are HIS!

    I did another little crockpot meal yesterday and again ...it was delicious...and fun...taking little time to put together. My pot was full but the lid fit so I went with it... Pork CS rib pieces, onion, carrots, celery, baby carrots and 1/2 packet of onion soup mix...served with green beans. Yum.g4221uj9qhu5.jpg

    Have a blessed and beautiful day at your spots, ladies. Love and prayers for us all in this new day!839s0ylmbe6a.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    OOO, that is comfort food, Bren! Yummers! We've had a couple of quiches (thank You, Jesus, and spell checker for helping me get that spelling! LOL!) Wade's made them and they are soooo good. Lots of protein with the meat and eggs and cheese, and then we add some broccoli and onions to it. Oops, a touch of drool to mop up! ;)

    I've had my legs wrapped since yesterday, so am hoping for another wee bit of weight loss. Y'all are doing excellent in your weight loss journey!

    We've been cool here too. In the 50's and low 60's today. Haven't needed the heat yet though.

    Stay strong, be faithful to Jesus. Love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    You ladies are amazing - you keep pushing forward even though you have challenges. It is such an encouragement to read your messages. Praying for you

    The fisquala on my right arm plus the 2nd operation to get the vessels to open - it has failed. It brought a lot of feeling down with regards to my health. The surgeon this coming Monday is going to operate on the other arm - he said it is not at a level that works the best but it should work. Then we need time for it to heal. He said if it doesn't work the worst case would be to have an incision in my neck until they can find a more permant place for the fisquala. The one in the next they dont like doing unless it is an emergency as it has a good change of becoming infected. I had been praying that the surgery part of my journey was over - but God sees differently.

    God is in control and it is my faith that is getting me through this. As I told Norm (my husband) it is not so much of going home to the Lord but leaving him to take care of our daughter that lives with us. I believe I have shared with you that she has Down Syndrome, is 34, and is the joy of our life. But things will change so much for him - but we have set up a lot of help so he should be ok - but just leaving everything to him to handle on his own (when we get older it is a concern as we both can help each other now that we are older (these Golden years are not what we were told they would be)

    I was at my weekly TOPS meeting today - down 1 pound in 2 weeks - so am now at 238.2 = I was looking back in my records and in January 2023 I was at 235 - so I need to lose about 3 pounds just to be even for the year - I am praying that I can do this by November as I really would like to have a lose for the year.

    Looking over my food - kidney doctor has said no sugar, no salt and 2 L of water, no red meat, no processed foods. Some days are better then most but pretty much the salt is out of my diet but it is in everything so there are many things I would like to add to my meals but cant because it has salt in it. So we have started doing like we did over 50 years ago - everything from scratch so we can control what is in the food.

    The big problem - think may 2 of them - is getting in the water as I am usually a little low on getting it all in = and the lack of movement. Cant keep on using excuses - just need to do it - as Yoda from Star Wars said Don't try just do it = so that is what I am going to be working on. I have read a few articles that say if you are feeling tired quite often it could be because you are dehydrated - also that headaches can be caused from dehydration. Thought that was interesting. Also talked to the doctor sharing that really I am not eating huge quantities but am not really losing - he said that is because over the years I have tried so many 'diets' that my metabolism has shut down - and the only way to get it back up it to move whether I like it or not. He said to start with 5 minutes walking and work in increasing it to 10 minutes and when I can get 10 minutes continually moving then to slowly increase it. He said right now with my metabolism he beleive that 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night on the treadmill will get it moving and will help burn off some stored fat. So that is what I am going to work on. I see the Kidney doctor beginng of December so I really would like to be able to tell him that I have lost 10 pounds (more if possible) and just as important that I am walking more than 10 minutes a day.

    Weather = today it was 61F which was nice - we opened a few windows shut off the furnace as we have had to have it on at night as it has gotten cold - but we now have shut the windows and turned it back on as the house was getting chilly -we don't need to get a cold.

    Psalm 16:7-8 says
    I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken

    Psalm 16:11 says
    You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore

    Psalm 17:6-7
    I call upon you, for you will anser me, O God; incline your ear to me; hear my words. Wondrously show your steadfast love, O Savior of those who seek refuge fromtheir adversaries at your right hand.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,554 Member
    Marilyn, I'm so sorry that the second surgery didn't work. You are in my prayers. You have had steady losses, and that is very good! I'm at 234-235 this morning, but I have been allowing treats during the week. Next week that will stop! I also need to set my alarm so I can get in steps every 1.5-2 hours. I want to get at least 800-1000 steps extra a day. I still have to stop between 2500-3000 since my back can't take more than that. We were out yesterday looking at paint colors for the kitchen walls. We had been moving about but when we were looking at the pain chips my right leg went numb. I ended up sitting in the car while Wade went into Walmart. He got me some "treats". Actually, we'd purchased some hot chocolate packets and I thought one of them was white chocolate but it turns out it was French Vanilla flavored chocolate. So he bought some white chocolate chips so I could use my milk and the chips to make hot chocolate! Oh my, sweet but so good. He did put some marshmallows in it last night, but I will leave those out from now on, and add a little bit less white chocolate chips since it was so sweet. I won't have it but maybe one time a week since I am working on drinking my Candy Cane Lane peppermint tea with honey. That is helping to calm my gastritis.

    Wade brought my Doctor Heater into my office this morning. I had it on for a little bit but ended up getting too hot! This past year I've had trouble with being hot/cold when I shouldn't have been. My thyroid numbers were spot on, so I don't know what is causing the problem other than my estrogen and progesterone are way off again. Oh, dehydration is something I have to be very careful with. I can't drink a lot of water because of the lymphedema soaking it in and causing swelling. I take two diuretics to help level that out, but have to make sure I get enough to not get dehydrated. I thought the headaches might be from that, but since we've been using an air purifier in the bedroom at night I've had less headaches and they are less intense. The night that we didn't turn it on I woke with a stronger headache, so I'm pretty sure that is it!

    Well, I was a chatty-Kathy this morning!

    Love you ladies. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.