Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Missy - woohoo. That deserves the dance of joy! 9o2wigz9ee9l.jpg Your garden is so lovely. I need to take some pictures of my flower bed, it's growing like crazy too! I can't wait until my veggies get as big as yours. I did read some on diverticulosis (diverticulitis when it swells and is painful), and it basically said that you can eat whatever you want, but make sure to get plenty of fiber (easy bowel movements) and plenty of water. When an attack comes on, cut out the seeds and nuts and hard-to-digest foods and rest! I do take a good probiotic and sporbiotic - I shift between the two so that my body doesn't become acclimated to one or the other. The same with my allergy meds. My grandmother had stomach surgery before she died and ended up with an infection they didn't catch. I think it had to do with her diverticulitis - but I wasn't in her life at that time or my family's so I never got the particulars.

    Bren, you're breaking my heart! Okay, here comes the finger-pointing - not wearing your emergency button doesn't help you when you have an emergency! You have to have it on you at all times because, as we all know, when you need it is the time you don't have it. I praise the Lord you were able to get up and you weren't hurt worse than you were - praise God for His goodness. Will continue to keep y'all in my prayers! Much love
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Point away Kim! That was my first thought on my way down...no alert/phone nearby. I slept a lot today, since I didn't rest well the night before. I'm really weak and wobbly...so used the walker this evening. I praise God for helping me get up. I was on my knees and using the table to help and it was very hard for sure. Hefting oneself up from the floor is quite more difficult than hauling oneself about during the day.

    Thinking of all Missy's prior troubles, pain, surgeries etc. and what you deal with and our Marilyn....makes me extremely thankful for the things I don't have to deal with currently...diabetes, heart disease, CKD....Meniere's, hearing loss...severe back pain and general imbalance.....could certainly be a tougher row to hoe for sure.

    Thank you for prayers in my behalf, as I recover from this incident and move on...Love y'all!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, Bren, my row is much easier! I get headaches, but I have meds that make the short term, I have arthritis pain in a lot of places, but I'm only occasionally wobbly and God nudges me back straight quickly. Praise God I haven't had falls - I'd never get back up if I went down until someone came to help! Other than that, I'm healthy! Thank the Lord! You and our other sisters remain in my prayers!

    We have our first zucchini - woohoo. Our garden is behind yours, Missy. I'll try to remember to take a picture of my flower garden out front. I love the color of your lilies. They are my favorite flower and I have yet to get any planted in my yard here! But I am hoping that I will be able to get some bulbs in the ground this Fall so I will be able to see flowers in the Spring!

    Have a very blessed day, ladies. Love you
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Kim, I will post more pics of my lilies...I have many of them...they are one of my favorites too...
    I look forward to seeing your flower garden pics!
    As far as eating what you want with the diverticulosis, that can be a problem. All it takes is one little seed to get in the hole in your intestine and bam....the bacteria starts! I would be careful on food choices. I had part of my intestines removed in 2011 and If I hadn't had the surgery ... a very good chance I would not be here today.
    Thanks for the happy dance, that made my day!
    hugs and prayers
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited June 2023

    My little garden plot!

    Thanks for that heads up, Missy. My mom, aunt, and Nana all had diverticulitis and they even stayed away from bananas and those itty bitty seeds! I will be very careful! So glad you ended up all right!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited June 2023
    That's lovely, Kim! Thanks for sharing a bit of your spot on the map.

    Well....I know my emergency button works. LOL
    I was filling my water cup and accidently pressed up against the sink, calling 9 1 1. I couldn't "hang up"...so had to tell the person I set it off accidently and there was no emergency at the moment. Glad to know it will function as required when needed.

    Dinner was all veggies: roasted asparagus w/4 baby red taters and half an onion. My protein for the day was deli ham and swiss cheese...had a LC wrap ...then a sandwich on my 15 grain bread w/tomato and avocado.

    After dinner check is 142. I'm going to go to bed early and read...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I used to love to do that as a kid, and jump in the puddles - barefoot!

    Doing well. My knee what aching when I got up this morning but has calmed down. I have my back brace on though. My hands are doing alright so far today, but they have been hurting quite a bit and getting weaker. I ordered a new pair of compression sleeves for my calves. I need to keep something on my legs all the time to squeeze out this fluid. I need to make doing my lymphedema massage one of my daily goals as well - why, I will just add that here! Keep me accountable, please!

    It's a beautiful day so I think I will go outside for a bit and try and get a few more steps wandering around the yard!

    Love you ladies!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Beautiful Sunset
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    So lovely!

    I've been up since 3 AM...but I was down most of the day again yesterday. I'll try to be up and alert for longer today.

    I hope to get my bed stripped and treated again, trash out, kitchen cleaned and user friendly...and vacuum today. I'm on my last cup of coffee and will get started shortly. I still have laundry to put up from uhm...April? I live in my pajamas, gowns and shorts unless I have a Dr.'s appointment. Works well for me. I gave away tons of clothes when I retired and have many more that need to go.

    I've had a lot of inflammation since my fall and my weight shot up higher than ever. That was an ugly thing to see. Even my hands have been puffy. I'll be OK tho...the bruising will take it's time healing. I had bruising for 2 full months from just getting lab work done.

    I set my alarm thing off again, making coffee the other morning so am watching myself now that I know it's on the touchy side. LOL
    Today's stats:
    136/74 65
    Wishing you all a blessed day...and new week. Take good care of yourselves. I'll do the same here at my spot...ciyveepsjjom.png

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That weight should come off quickly once the swelling goes down - water retention! My feet are starting their summer swelling too!

    I was at 238 this morning. I am hoping to find the energy to get some walking in. I know I have a bunch of dishes to get done from over the weekend!

    Oh, Missy, one thing I read about diverticulosis is that constipation is very bad for it. I found a natural stool softener for constipation and IBS which works great, it's called Digestic. I've started taking one pill a day and it's working well. My stools are soft and I am so glad! Other laxatives cause pain and bloating, but this one is very gentle on my system! Not a fun topic, but if it helps then I'm glad!

    The garden is looking good. I don't think the bees are doing a very good job with the zucchini since I pulled several that started but then turned yellow - not pollinated (according to the "experts" on YouTube). The soil was amended so it has the right nutrients, but if the bees aren't around to do their job, well we have to do it! I did see a healthy zucchini on there so went ahead and tried to get it pollinated. Boy, when they close up their flowers they mean business! I guess it needs to be done very early in the morning!

    I hope you ladies are doing well. Drink lots of fluids, Bren, to help with that swelling! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    Kim, I believe constipation and poor diet is the major cause.
    I take ivermectin horse paste and it has helped me stay alive through 2 rounds of the flu which went into lung issues...I was very bad off...and God and ivermectin brought me through
    Are you on telegram? I have a site I can send you to.....that have thousands of testimonies of how ivermectin horse paste saved them from horrible diseases....
    Bad Pharma will soon be gone!!! They just push poison on us.
    still eating healthy...and pushing toward my goal

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm eating healthy, so it's the IBS-C that is the problem. The Digestic is working really well at keeping me regular and soft. I'm so glad that you made it through those very dangerous times - praise the Lord! I had something this past Spring, it lasted three weeks. It was worse than how I felt when I had Covid, but the Lord saw me through. I agree about bad-pharma. It's amazing what the doctors don't tell you as well. I've had this numbness in my leg for years and while I was looking up arthritis in the SI joint, the numbness in my leg and the weakness in my inner thigh (groin) were both attributed to the SI joint. Not a single doctor in 20 years told me that! They all said I would need to see a neurologist. I declined. I take quite a few supplements, natural and organic whenever possible to help with my various problems and am doing pretty good. Pain in my back and hands are my greatest problem that I am struggling to find relief for, but we will give this new natural pain reliever time to accumulate in my system. God has been very merciful and kind. What an awesome God we worship!

    Marilyn, we often hear that God won't give us more than we can handle - but then, if that were true, what would we need God for. No, He will often give us more than we can handle so we will look to and lean on Him! I think that pretty much sums up your picture.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    My big achievement yesterday was getting a load of trash out and picking up my Wal-Mart order. I need one of those kids to follow me home and bring things in for me and put them up. That task requires 2 breaks for my back pain to ease up. I am just so thankful it DOES! After a 3 minute break, I can go for another 5-7 minutes before it's screaming again.

    I got my Tylenol I'd ordered and a bottle of Ibuprofen. I didn't order the Ibuprofen. LOL That was an error, I checked my receipt! Another was the 1 lonely tomato when I ordered the ones on the vine...but at least I was just charged for the one. I'm leery of the Ibuprofen but want to see if I can get some relief. I do the Tylenol 1-2 times a day. I'd love something that would knock the pain for 3 hour stretches for a marathon cleaning spree. Or a maid....

    I hadn't slept much the night before so it was down for the count after lunch for a long nap....which has me up now at 12:30 AM. I am quite OK with it...as I have nowhere to be or pressing things to deal with. I can putter at some chores, catch up my charts etc.

    I've used my dishwasher 3 times since the bad leaking and it's lighter now. Still damp and needs attention but can wait a bit longer for attention, until I have things more in order. I need to be mindful of my "work list" of 5-20 minute tasks and work on them in earnest. I get overwhelmed most days.

    I googled the horse ivermectin you mentioned, Missy, out of curiosity. Oh my. I'm just so glad you got major help during more critical times. You've been thru enough fiery trials for 7 people. I'm so thankful for God's intervention and loving care thru them all!

    I'm going to go play now...and find my chores list. I'll see how many I can knock off today. Love you all and you remain in my prayers.l4rryd9nq9i7.jpg

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So true! When I pray I ask for a miracle or the grace to go through it and glorify and honor Him as I do.
    Not all things that happen to us are good, but He works them for our good if we walk with Him through it.

    Finally got some rain! Woohoo. It's still cloudy but no more rain today. Will stay inside until the bugs back off a bit, or Wade gets the screening up on the porch! LOL!

    We ordered a new coffee maker and the very next day the old one broke! Hmmm??? The new one has a milk frother on the side. I tried it with my creamer this morning and boy, that is all that I could taste! I will need to use a wee bit of flavored creamer and more of my oat milk! A few years ago Wade got gift cards from his work so we were able to use those to get the unit - praise the Lord!

    I'm taking a product called Zyflamend for my pain and it seems like it is starting to work, at least I'm not noticing my hand pain as much. It has Rosemary; Turmeric; Ginger; Holy Basil; Organic Green Tea; Hu Zhang; Chinese Goldthread; Barberry; Organic Oregano; and Chinese Skullcap. I have to take so much acetaminophen for my headaches that I don't want to take more for other pain. Praise the Lord I haven't had too many headaches. Wearing my new glasses for regular wear caused the four I had in a row in the morning. I had a couple of mild ones last week, but that's all - a huge improvement over what I had been having. Praise the Lord!

    Well, you ladies be good. Hope you have a blessed day and if you are able to go to Worship service tonight that it too will be a blessing!