Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Hello Missy! It's so good to "see" you! Had no idea who the new person was for a minute!
    I think of you a lot...and your garden and birds and each time I see a picture of a lovely wooded trail.

    Haven't done any challenges in awhile as there are just the 3 of us regulars, each with physical trials going on...that hasn't changed.

    How are YOU and what's new in your world, sweet girl? I've missed you and your pictures and input. You remain in my prayers as well as our ladies here.f2kdm6vsanh7.jpg
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Missy, we don't have a challenge going, but I can easily begin one! Okay - Summer is less than one month away, so lets do a one month challenge and see if we can't get a bit closer to being summer fit!

    1. Set a weekly goal, not necessarily weight, but healthy eating and exercise.
    2. Check in here at least twice a week to give an accounting for how you are doing.
    3. Find a verse in Scripture to memorize or keep in view as an encouragement.

    For me:
    I will not eat treats during the week and have only one over the weekend. (That is a hard one for me to follow).
    [I am having to rest for awhile, so I'm not sure when I can get back to exercising. The more I do the more pain I have, so I am trying to get rest in as much as possible. ]
    My Scripture is Ps 139:14  I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul knows it very well.

    I was 136 this morning.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    How nice a challenge for a month - love it.

    1. Set a weekly goal, not necessarily weight, but healthy eating and exercise.
    ---I have 2 goals for this week (May 29 - June 4) one is to see if I can lose 1 - 2 pounds and the other is to journal all my food for the week

    2. Check in here at least twice a week to give an accounting for how you are doing.
    --Think this is a great part of the challenge - it helps with accountability - so I am going to do it

    3. Find a verse in Scripture to memorize or keep in view as an encouragement.
    -- My Scripture verse is
    Micah 6:8
    He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That's beautiful, Ladies...Thank you Kim.

    My weekly goal:
    1~Get my calories down to 1500 for the day

    2~Checking in...got it!

    3~My verse: Proverbs 16:3 gcuychgffsct.jpg

    Weight: 239
    BP: 140/81 72
    FBS: 196

    For 3 nights now, I've had crippling pain in my back, worst I've ever had. It's eased up some during the day which is a blessing...I need to see Dr. Google and maybe the Boyz. I did some moves in the kitchen on Saturday and it went south that night. God knows what's up for sure.

    Love and prayers for us all in the days ahead.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Great goals, ladies! We can get ourselves back on track and heading in the right direction.

    It was hard not to get my jelly bean fix yesterday! Wade has been getting a few jelly beans and night when he comes to bed, so I had two (small ones) last night when he offered. He asked if I wanted more but I said, NO! The side effects of my medicine for diverticulitis (two strong antibiotics) have me not wanting to eat and the bouts of watery stool just sap my energy - so, in a way, it has helped! Praise be to the Lord, the pain has almost disappeared, it's just sporadic now. God is good! I read up about diverticulitis and my symptoms match theirs, so I'm about 95% sure that's what it is. Without a CAT scan, we can't be 100% sure, but that would just cost too much right now. We'd do it if we really needed to, but it seems pretty obvious right now. Of the other option, having to do with my IBS, that would be an even better scenario. Not being able to eat seeds or nuts has taken away two of my snack options - Aussie Bites and a peanut butter protein bar I like to eat. With all of my other food allergies, I can't find another snack!

    I was 237.5 this morning. Still resting to keep the pain under control, but keeping to my goals.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited May 2023
    Kim, that is a good report...other than the side effects....and so thankful the pain is lessening. Do the jelly beans "hurt" you? In my spot....if I had to lay aside 2 more items that do....I'd maybe see a handful as a replacement. So many things are off limits to you.

    I am so happy to have had a great night's rest with less back pain. That 3 nights of severe pain was kind of scary. I've never had a kidney stone or gall bladder issues that I know of and pray I never do. This morning, it's back to it's normal level of irritation.

    I had a good day yesterday....had my 1500 calories, no snacks. Had my last 3 Tyson chicken strips and a nice salad for lunch and dinner was a scavenger hunt: remainder of the ranch style beans and kale with a cup of Jasmine rice and last slice of pepper jack cheese.

    I managed to get trash out, picked up meds at Walgreen's and my grocery order at HEB. I was disappointed in the catfish "filets" but will enjoy them anyway. They are maybe 2 points ahead of "nuggets"....but like a lot of things in life, it seems....expectations and realities...don't exactly align. LOL... Expected VS what I got...

    Today's stats:
    126/75 69

    May your day have sparks of joy and much love...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Well, one good thing, Bren, it's hard to mess up cooking a nugget - if it falls apart whose to know???

    I had a taco salad for my mid-afternoon meal yesterday and then I had my smoothie and veggie chips for dinner. I needed to get the nutrition from the smoothie in since I am having so much diarrhea. It's mostly water, so I am needing to drink more than I am used to - don't want another problem to crop up from getting dehydrated!

    Wade brought me jelly beans again last night and encouraged me to take four - so I did. Three were clumped together and none of them were orange, which is my favorite, so I took an orange one! blush.
    Jelly beans don't bother me - phew! He got me some lemon cherrios too - so good. It means using regular milk, but with everything else going on it's hard to see if it's bothering me, but I don't think it is, so I am going to still eat my cheerios with regular milk (1% is what he likes).

    Energy levels are very low and I am still resting until this thing is done. I don't want any kind of relapse. The pain is gone - hallelujah! Just the med side effects and I am only on those for five more days, we can handle that!

    Keep up the good work ladies!

    236.7 this morning.

  • kzrkzr
    kzrkzr Posts: 83 Member
    I'm in on the challenge!
    Thanks for the welcome back!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I love the picture...love the water...been a long time since I was near any other than our pool. Have a blessed day, all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm baffled. I can't believe that my scale keeps going up despite not being able to keep much in me! LOL! I need to get all of my compression stuff on when I get done here. My hands are hurting, my back is hurting, and my thigh muscle keeps going out (from the back trouble)! I also need to get my leg compression on, maybe I'm just retaining fluid from the lymphedema. Who knows, I never have gone in the right direction!

    I did have a small treat last night, the last dregs of the ice cream in the container, about five bites. So yummy. I'm going to limit my snacks today to two. I get so hungry and grab my veggie chips or some jelly beans or a regular bag of chips (little bags) just to curb it. I need to have one in the mid-afternoon and one before I go to bed (to have in my tummy when I take the antibiotic I am having my evening snack a wee bit later, around 8 instead of 7.

    Hope you ladies are doing well. God bless.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That is true! Habits are formed that way.

    I forgot to weigh this morning! Duh! It seems I'm gaining weight even though nothing stayed in for very long for about five days! LOL! Otherwise I'm doing fine.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Those fluctuations can be really frustrating...and our bodies have special ways to trip us up it seems. Hopefully things will level off soon, Kim.

    I'm up at 2 AM...after going to bed at 6:30...really weak and feeling off...last night while prepping dinner, my right leg went numb. It's not the first time but was concerning as I was standing at the time. I'm glad I have things to hold onto...while getting settled. I have my alert thing on....checked to make sure batteries are good. I bought it after my last fall on the ice, where I lay, praying and yelling for help as I couldn't get up. Falls do scare me, badly.

    Dinner was so delicious. 15 grain thin sliced toast w/avocado and sausage patties. Yum! I had popcorn as a snack for the first time in 6 months or so....and lunch was roasted veggies: zucchini, gold taters and onion with some canned beef. I may use the last of the canned beef as a BB sandwich or on a couple of LC tortillas. I got 2 cans (on sale) from Wal-Mart, along with chicken breast, soup and 2 cans of roast beef hash...for easy meals. Not all my soups are available for home shipping so I only got 4 cans. I don't like driving across town to WM now that I'm retired, but some things aren't available at HEB....so I mosey on over there about once or twice a quarter.

    Have a blessed day at your spots. Love and prayers...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, I get numbness in my leg when standing. In my research, I found that SI joint arthritis can cause that. I asked several different doctors and they had no idea what it was but told me I would need to see a neurologist because it sounded like a nerve thing. It can also cause weakness in the groin muscles, which I also struggle with. Mostly it was in my right leg, but now the numbness is a wee bit in my left leg as well since I have arthritis on both sides. Hopefully, that's all it is. I try not to stand up for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. Sitting down for about five minutes will give me another 10-15 minutes standing. Just call me Kim-in-the-box!

    I'm having a wee bit of pain again today. Not the hot poker kind, but more like I've been hurt and it's sore kind. Took my last antibiotic this morning so hopefully, the bathroom situation will calm down now and things will get back to normal again. Please pray the pain doesn't come back, because the PA told me to just go to the emergency room if it does!

    Good job on your eating, Bren. Now to go this whole week without eating a treat! I was at 237 this morning.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I need to be more like that...Kin-in-a-Box. The past few months I've been down, more than up and the back pain has increased. I am so thankful the knee issue resolved itself. I take the Tylenol twice a day, most days but sure long for something that will really knock the pain.

    Oh yes! Praying your pain stays away and you don't have an ER run. Do you need round 2 on the antibiotics? I haven't had any of those since my elbow issue back about 6 years ago?

    Thanks! I got sick again Sunday night...but not as bad as the last episode. I seem to be having some GERD cropping up. Not sure why....just know I don't like it!

    I will aim to get some chores done today and take good care of myself. In my mind...I can still do all I need/want to....my body doesn't comply much at all.
    However...I am blessed and have much joy with each day I'm given. Love you all...and am glad you're here!

    Today's stats:
    125/77 65
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Your numbers look great! I started taking the OTC Nexium again because I was having more trouble with GERD too. I take my famotidine at night and Nexium in the morning. I'm probably not making much acid at all - LOL! I will stop the famotidine before I stop the Nexium. I didn't have any problems yesterday, but three times today (by 11 AM) I've had three bouts. It seems to be calming down, so hopefully our run to town will turn out all right. My glasses are ready so we need to go and pick those up.

    Here's a picture of my garden: 6h53nwnl5pf3.jpg

    Everything is growing so well. Wade watched a lot of YouTube videos and has amended the soil so that we can get this result! The fish stuff is pretty stinky but the plants like it. He is also looking at nitrogen and phosphorus content because one works on leaves and the other the flowers! We're trimming leaves off the bottom of the tomatoes and away from the flowers on the zucchini so that the bees can find them! It's fun!

    My weight is going up, I was at 238 this morning. I have my compression wraps on my legs today, so we will see if that helps any at all. I did track my food yesterday and was around 1300 calories. I need to make sure that I am getting enough fiber, although my body doesn't like it it helps to stave off diverticulitis attacks. I also read yesterday that what you eat doesn't cause attacks, like seeds and nuts, that no longer is true after studies were done. Yippee. I can eat my favorite snack - Aussie Bites! No pain after that wee bit yesterday. Praise the Lord! Now to just get the antibiotics out of my system, I'll be doing so much better!

    Love you bunches!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    It seems we are a bunch of ladies with many medical problems - nice to have others that understand. Anyway last week after blood work I was told that my potassium levels were so high they were concerned so was put on a powder for 2 days - it was horrible - tasted like sand. And had to take a prescribed laxative but am now to use restoralax daily to make sure all is emptying daily as that is how the potassium leaves the body. I had more blood work done and have now found that the potassium levels have gone to normal. Was told they should be around 3.5 and mind were 6.5 but now are at 4 so the changes I have made along with the meds has helped. What changes did I have to make? No more fruit juices at all - ever - as juice is loaded with potassium - and when it gets to high it can cause you to have a stroke or heart attack. Also was told to eliminate a lot of potassium foods such as potatoes (any root vegetables) and no bananas or oranges or tomatoes or tomato sauces. Means a major change in my food intake but need to make it in order to help my dear kidneys.

    3 months ago my kidney function was at 16 (should be at 60) and it is now 13 so it is steadly going down and that is not good. Just talked to the kidney doctor again today and we are going to work slowly on elimination of different things that can make it hard of them. They had me up to 3 L of water but due to the function going down again they have lowered the water intake to 1 - 2 liters so help with water retention because when you have kidney troubles water pills make the kidney sicker.

    As of yesterday I have to record my weight daily along with recording my blood pressure and pulse 4x a day and in 2 weeks have to give them a copy of how that is going. He also wants me to have my eyes examined as they say the kidneys can cause problems there too.

    At this time my back condition that I was born with decided to act up - back is feeling better but it has settled into the left leg right in the joint making it very difficult to walk - lots of pain and I am on limited tynelol as again that is a med that affects the kidneys.

    But I have the Lord, and the Lord is telling me to make all changes according to what the doctors say - no salt at all, no processed food at all which means nothing that has a label, fresh vegetables but not root vegetables, no red meat, no fish, very small amount of chicken, So it is getting difficult to make a healthy meal but am managing - and the temptation to have food off the list is great but I want to avoide diaylsis as long as possible but the way it is going I could be on the machine by the end of the year and that breaks my heart as it will really change up my life as far as going anywhere. So I need to remember 2 things (1) the Lord is in control and (2) as He is in control and is telling me what to eat then I had better do it or suffer the consequences. My God is an awesome God and only gives me what I can handle though lately I feel like I am at the end of what I can handle, but turning to Him more at those times has really helped. Have never talked so much with the Lord as I do now. I wake up in the middle of the night at the same time, and have learned to say immediately 'Thank you Lord for waking me up, and if it is your will please allow me to go back to sleep quickly in order to get some strength for the coming day' = when I pray that I have a good day, when I don't well it isn't as good

    Well it is now time to stretch out to help with the back/leg thing and while stretched out will be praying again - have a long list of people who really need the prayers and of course some of them are for me.

    Be blessed ladies -know that I care for you and that you are greatly loved
