Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    That list is a great idea! Do you just pick and choose what you are able to do, or do you do certain things on certain days? Wade and I have been talking about fixing a day for cleaning the house, doing the laundry, etc... So when Monday rolls around we know that at some point we need to do whatever is set for that day. Right now I look in the sink and say, yep, time to do some dishes! LOL! My laundry is piling up. I do need to get that done so I can put away all those sweatshirts.

    We did figure out my chair. The removal of a small slab of foam set the memory foam pad free to do it's job. It was really hard and too high with that little piece of foam in it. It's still a little bit higher than the demo chair, but I think that's because the memory foam seat has had more use with the demo, so over time my chair should end up just right! Right now it is way more comfortable than it was, and not a back breaker.

    Ugh, I can't get my TENS unit to work. It will come on, but it just blinks several times and then goes out. boohoo!

    Y'all have an awesome time with the Lord tomorrow. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I have considered more than once the scheduled days...great idea...but for now...it's pick and choose, depending on my stability and pain levels. It was an idea from several years back, to motivate me, when I felt like I was fumbling about and getting nothing done. Just last week, I thought to laminate it so I could use my dry erase markers to mark off tasks. I had to find them first! That's me, too. Dish pile=kitchen day.

    Great! On the chair thing! Glad you got a good recliner too. I need another one but would have to have the old one hauled off. It's big and comfy but my legs are too short to push down the foot rest if I use it and it takes prayer and the muscles of a Sailor to get out of it...I usually end up sliding down until I'm sitting on my neck bones so my posture...and my back...suffer a lot.

    TENS...Ack! That's not good...a blinky, malfunctioning unit! I'm a big weenie on "shocking" myself so don't think I'd want to play with one of those. I hope you can get it working...or get a back up.

    I had lots of things come in this week, from Amazon. I got my vacuum together and ready to play with tomorrow. I got a long handled pad thing for lotion on my back and legs...a long handled, angled mirror for checking my feet and other things I couldn't remember without checking my order...or opening the box.

    Will you all get to meet up tomorrow or are you doing the Zoom meetings for a bit? Enjoy your day...and be blessed. Love and prayers...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Praise the Lord we have been able to meet together for Worship. He also does zoom meetings for those in our Church that live out of town. We have a couple in Virginia, and also two in Raleigh! Sometimes if folks are ill they can still be a part of the service as well. I was having some issues yesterday but not bad enough to stay home and I'm glad I didn't, our services were so good! I learn so much.

    We've been getting quite a bit of rain lately too. Phew!

    I am going to post another blog soon on why Jesus wasn't asking God to deliver Him from the cross when He was praying in the Garden. It's quite obvious when you have all of the information in the Scriptures rather than just that passage on its own.

    Well, time to drain the collards and then saute them in some bacon grease. We didn't cut them as small as some of the recipes called for so hopefully it will work. They sure are stinky while they are boiling though! LOL!

    Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Lol! Like one man's trash being another's treasure....the stink of collards to you is aroma therapy to me. haha

    I am feeling totally beat up and still have my endo appt. to get to. My PCP had my lab results and my A1C that was down to 7.6 last time is now 6.3....hooya! If that just reflected on my overall feeling of wellness, I'd be so happy. I didn't get to sleep until 4 AM and was up at 5:30, got a short nap when I got home but feel rough....and in need of comfort.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Am not liking my new little vacuum much. Short cord, doesn't stand up, no hanging hole, have to empty cup really often....ordered a different one with good reviews by seniors like me...from Wal-Mart, on sale. One day delivery.

    I'm getting chores done little by little. After my endo appt and dinner yesterday, I crashed in extreme pain and fatigue....rested well, slept hard, no disturbances. Got up at 3 AM....I want to restore order to my apartment...and take good care of me. That requires some effort and discipline.

    Oh, my kidney function is up to 50.7 so that's good. Potassium a wee bit high, sodium good....TSH good. I need to work on this weight and the triglycerides in the next 4 months. I see my kidney Dr. April 6th...then I'll be done until July...except for the eye appointment I need to schedule. Weight was horrid....and 3 pounds heavier from one office to the other! BP is much better tho....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Crazy how the scales are so different. My scale at home is 2 lbs higher than at my doctor's office, so I take off those two pounds and then a little bit more for the clothes I'm wearing! My last weight this weekend was 237. I think some of that is from edema. I need to wrap my legs.

    I woke with an awful headache this morning. If I had done something for it when I got up at 4:30 to use the restroom I might have avoided the very worst of it, but alas, I just wanted to go back to sleep. It was one of the worst I've had in a very long time. I've never had to take my migraine med two hours after the first dose, but I did take a fourth extra-strength Tylenol and another migraine tablet at that two hour mark. God was so good to me and kept me from getting sick. Praise the Lord I am just having the side effects of the meds but the headache is gone. Thank You, Jesus!

    Praise the Lord your numbers were better in so many areas! I am sorry that you aren't feeling well. You continue to be in my prayers. Love y'all.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh no! I hope you're feeling much better...very soon. As I've said before....I am very thankful that such headaches aren't a part of my list of issues. I have a mild one occasionally....my Mama had the migraines really bad.

    I noticed for a couple of weeks, I had some swelling going on. My right foot is bruised, after dropping a couple of things on it.

    I rested a lot yesterday but did get some chores done. Will do a repeat today. Wishing you all a blessed Wednesday. Love and prayers~
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear - don't go doing that with your foot there! (a Gomerism!) Wade and I say that often to each other when we hurt ourselves - don't go doing that with your ..., it makes us laugh! We get quite a few ...ism's from the Andy Griffith Show!

    Had a wee bit of a headache last night and I went ahead and took the meds before bed. Then woke up with a mild headache on that same side. The one yesterday took over my entire forehead and both temples, this one was just in my left temple and it was fairy mild. I took two X-strength Tylenol and my migraine med and within an hour it was gone - God is so very good! I'm back in a sweatshirt today, got chilly on me. :'( Have I ever told you I don't like to be cold??!! I see you rolling your eyes, Bren!

    You ladies have an awesome day. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    LOL! Laughter is good medicine...still...even if it's at ourselves. I like the Gomerism's Kim. My idea of a good movie is the Shrek, Ice Age, Madagascar type....I had them...and gave them away a few years back...thinking other "Kids" might enjoy them as well.

    I used my "work list" today and completed 2 full hours of activity in my 5-20 minute chores! Whew. I got a lot of work done and accumulated 5 major back attacks, but got a very nice nap after lunch.

    My store had the split chicken breasts on sale for .97 cents a pound. Those things are massive! 4 halves in the pack and 5.2 pounds! Wow...those chickens were on steroids, maybe? I cooked one in the air fryer for lunch/dinner....barely fit. I will make soup with the other half of it...fast and easy. I'll bag the other 3 pieces and pop in the freezer.

    I got my new vacuum, have it together and on the charging dock. I like it! I hope it serves me well and often. It was boxed 3 times! Original, secondary then stuffed in a big ol' Wal-Mart box....more for me to cut down and haul out.

    Have a good evening, ladies....I'm off to watch some news, drink some water, have some soup....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I'm sorry Marilyn, but I did delete your picture, it was obscene and inappropriate for a Christian thread. If she had been covered...

    Bren, I hope that you won't have any more of a set back from being able to accomplish so much. Praise the Lord you got so many thing ticked off your list.

    I mentioned putting up a blog post about why Jesus' Prayer in the Garden was a prayer of deliverance from the cross, but for deliverance from death in the Garden so He could make it to the cross.

    (notes from my video)
    Not the same message I recently posted about Jesus Was Heard, though it deals with the same subject and there is overlap, but it is a totally different approach and message.

    Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane, the prayer that Jesus asked the Father to let This Cup Pass From Me.
    A lot of people say that the cup was His death on the cross.
    Jesus was asking to be delivered from death, but not death on the cross, but rather, He was asking to be delivered from death in the Garden, which would have kept Him from death on the cross.

    We know that He got His prayer answered, therefore the Father granted His request, whatever it was. If His request was to NOT die on the cross, then Jesus did not get His request.

    You may respond by saying that Jesus got His OTHER request, which was, "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done." But the Bible says that the Father always heard Jesus' prayers.

    The NEVERTHELESS prayer was a secondary prayer, based on what Jesus did not know, whereas His LET THIS CUP prayer was based on what He did know. He knew it was the Father's will for Him to die on the cross.
    Jn 8:29; Jn 11:41-42

    Jesus, and later John said, that God will hear, grant our requests
    Mt 21:22; Lk 11:9-13; Jn 14:12-14; Jn 15:7-10; 1 Jn 3:21-24 ; 1 Jn 5:14-15

    We may say that we don't always get our prayer requests granted. Maybe we are not meeting the conditions.

    There are conditions to having our prayers answered.
    BUT JESUS MET ALL CONDITIONS. He always obeyed the Father.

    Jesus and the Father were always of one mind; They always agreed. They never disagreed, EVER.

    Jesus had preached throughout His ministry that He would go to Jerusalem , suffer, be crucified dead and be raised from the dead [Mt. 20:17-19, 26:2, 12, 18, 23-24, 26-29, 31-32; Mk 10:32-34, 14:21, 27; Lk 9:51; 18:31-33; Jn 12:7 (these aren't all the places that tell us Jesus knew and was ready for His death on the cross)]. He had said this just before He went to the Garden to pray.

    So, why did Jesus go to the Garden? What was He wanting to do in the Garden?

    Notice, JUST PRIOR TO His arrest, His trial, His crucifixion, Jesus went to the Garden. He took His disciples with Him and took three of them with Him into the Garden.

    You may be thinking, "He went to the Garden to pray that He might escape the cross." NO, NO, there is nothing in the entire passage that says He went to the Garden in order to ask that He should not die on the cross. Not one thing even implies such a thing.

    We can get an idea of why He went to the Garden from Heb 4 and 5, since that gives us more information about His praying in the Garden than any other passage.
    Heb 4:14-16 14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
    15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
    16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

    The High Priest of Israel would make blood sacrifice for the sins of the people, but first he would make sacrifice for his own sins.

    Jesus made sacrifice for us, as the High Priest, and also as the Sacrifice and also as the Altar. Jesus did not make sacrifice for His own sins because Jesus did not have sin. He was a man, He was human, but He was without sin. This is fundamental to the Christian faith.

    IN Heb 5 (there is no chapter 15), in 5:1-3 we are told that the high priest made sacrifice for himself and for the people of Israel.

    Heb 5:5-7 tells us that Jesus was chosen to be High Priest. Jesus was not part of the Levitical priesthood, He was not part of the Aaronic priesthood. Jesus was chosen aside from natural lineage.

    In verse 6 we see that Jesus was likened to Melchizedek, who predated the Aaronic priesthood. There is no record of the father or mother or the origin or the destiny of Melchizedek. Likewise, Jesus had not beginning, no ending.

    In verse 7 we are told that Jesus, during His earthly ministry, offered prayers and supplication with strong crying and tears to Him Who was able to save Him.
    Heb 5:7 (NKJV) who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear,

    This passage aligns this prayer with His High Priestly office. Jesus is High Priest, without beginning and without end.

    Jesus was heard when He prayed to be saved from death. BUT WHAT DEATH?

    People say that He was in the Garden praying because of the burden of carrying the sins of the world or the fear of dying on the cross. IT DOES NOT SAY THIS.

    This passage does say He was praying;
    it does put Him in His High Priestly office;
    it does say that His prayer was heard.

    If His prayer was to escape the cross, then His prayer was not heard, because He did not escape the cross. This contradicts the passage.

    People say He went to the Garden because He was burdened with the prospect of being the sin-bearer, the prospect of death on the cross.

    I believe He was burdened, as the sin-bearer, as the High Priest, with the spiritual needs of the disciples, of the Church. He went to the Garden to pray for His followers. He could have also been praying for Himself to fulfill all that the Father wanted Him to in His death, but He did not go to the Garden to pray for deliverance from the cross, and He did not turn from the cross while praying in the Garden. IT DOES NOT SAY THAT.

    You may ask where I get this.
    Well, that is what High Priests do. They pray for the people.
    That is what loving parents and family members do. They pray for loved ones.

    Jesus did not go to the Garden to pray for escape from the cross. Where does it say such a thing? It is not said before the Garden. Everything before the Garden was commitment to go to the cross, to do the Father's will, to fulfill His mission. EVERYTHING.
    Jesus did not change His mind about His mission while He was praying in the Garden. If He did, then where and when did such a monumental shift take place?

    Jesus was at the Garden praying. He had talked to the disciples often, concerning their faith and relationship with Him and His plan to die on the cross and be raised again. They had shown their weakness and failure by backing out from time to time and they had boasted that they would not back out, only to back out.

    Jesus was praying for His disciples. He actually told them to pray. He went to pray, and at some point He came to them and found the sleeping. He told them to pray, because He was so wrung out in His prayer battle that He was in great sorrow and on the verge of dying. HE WAS ABOUT TO DIE IN THE GARDEN. They went back to sleep and He went back to prayer.

    Jesus returned again to the disciples and was bleeding through the pores of His skin. He was about to die as He battled in the Garden. Again He told the disciples to pray; pray that they would not enter into temptation. His concern was for them, though He was about to die.

    As a parent, you know what it is to pray for your child if they are in a drastic situation. You pray more energetically, more vigorously, more emotionally, more determinedly, more sorrowfully for your child than you ever prayed for yourself.

    Jesus went to the Garden to pray for His disciples, the Church and for His own ability to finish His sacrificial death. He did not go there to escape the cross.

    Jesus did not change His mind, before the Garden, about dying on the cross. He did not change His mind, while in the Garden, about dying on the cross. That would have been disobedience to the Father. That would have been breaking unity with the Father. He and the Father had always been of one mind, one purpose, they always agreed.

    If Jesus backed away from the cross, WHERE AND WHEN DID IT HAPPEN?
    If Jesus came back to His plan to die on the cross, WHERE AND WHEN DID IT HAPPEN?

    Some folks blame His falling away from the eternal plan of God because He was human. NO, it was not just a human frailty to reject the cross, it was a rebellion against the will of the Father, and against His own commitment.

    Jesus, as a man, did have weaknesses, infirmities, but He never sinned.

    Jesus did not turn from the cross. He did not ask the Father to change His mind, His plan, His only way of salvation. IT DID NOT HAPPEN.

    Jesus was in the Garden praying for His disciples, the world, the Church. He did not go to the Garden to get out of going to the cross.
    Jesus was not praying in the Garden, and then suddenly decide that He did not want to go to the cross.

    However, in His praying He was so spent in supplication, spent in spiritual battle with darkness that He was about to die. It was becoming evident that He might not make it out of the Garden and therefore He would not be able to make the sacrifice for sins.

    This is where we see the humanity of Jesus. Not in trying to escape the cross, but in His weakened physical condition it looked like He would not make it to the cross. Though He held on to the cross as long as He could, His life was slipping away.

    Jesus was under attack. Satan had always wanted to kill Jesus before the cross, beginning with Herod's decree to kill the infants. Satan wanted to kill Jesus on various occasions and this might be his last opportunity before the cross.

    Jesus said He was sorrowful unto death. It was not hyperbole or a cute colloquialism, IT WAS AN APPARENT FACT. He was about to die.

    This spiritual battle in the Garden was so violent that angels were sent to strengthen and minister to Jesus. This is why Jesus prayed, Let this cup pass from me, let this hour pass from me.
    Mk 14:33-36 33 And he taketh with him Peter and James and John, and began to be sore amazed, and to be very heavy;
    34 And saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch.
    35 And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.
    36 And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

    If Jesus sought to escape the cross, because of His humanness, He needs to apologize to Peter because when Peter spoke against His death on the cross, Jesus called Peter Satan and reproved Peter for savoring the things of the world rather than the things of God.

    If Jesus was turning from the cross in the Garden, He was doing the same thing that Peter did.
    Jesus never showed remorse for His "human lapse." Jesus never apologized for calling Peter, "Satan."


    "His prayer was heard, in that He feared."
    The Father did not hear Jesus because He feared the cross.
    The Father did not save Jesus from death on the cross, because Jesus did not ask to be saved from death on the cross.
    The Father saved Him from death in the Garden.

    NO. He did not learn to obey the Father about going to the cross because that was never the issue. The passage does not say He learned to be obedient by surrendering to the cross, while in the Garden.

    The passage says that He learned obedience.
    The Divine nature of the Son of God did not have to learn obedience.
    The Divine nature of Jesus always existed, the human nature of Jesus had not always existed.
    There is only One Son of God, but the Son of God has two natures. He is Divine and He is human.

    The Human nature of the Jesus had to learn obedience.
    It is not that the human nature of Jesus had ever been disobedient. He had to learn obedience, even when it would be costly.
    Jesus, being on the verge of death, continued to fight against death and tried to reach the cross. But it was becoming more evident that He probably would not make it out of the Garden alive.
    Jesus prayed, to the end, that He would survive the Garden, BUT, He realized He was about to die. In His human weakness, in His human infirmity He did not know what was about to happen, and in desperation He cried out one more time, asking that the Father save Him from death in the Garden, NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE BE DONE.

    This is where He learned complete trust. He wanted the Father's will, even if it conflicted with everything He knew and understood concerning His mission. This surrender to the Father concerning the unknown is what perfected Him as the Author of eternal salvation.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    @Restfinder - I am sorry that the picture I posted offended you. I understand how it could be inappropriate as I do not partake in places where people are inappropriately dressed but this one just gave me a laugh. Please forgive me for offending you or any others here as that was not what I was thinking - just thinking of times we do things (such as when I was a young teenager and wearing a mini skirt) that as I look back I can see how that could be taken wrong - not my intentions at all.

    Have a blessed day
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Bless you Marilyn. I see things in my daily feed thing on FB that are not appropriate in my opinion and I occasionally "hide" a post so I don't see it but like foul words in a supposed Christian book....you can't "un-see" them...but deletion is good.
    I find my attitude offensive some days and Jesus has to check me! I get snarky, seeing the foolishness that passes as "news" and find much in the current administration offensive as God knows the hearts of all in office and all that goes on there. Prayer would be more constructive than any snarkiness....I confess.

    Kim...I totally needed a recovery day yesterday! I am so blessed I could get it. One of many perks of retirement are sweet rest as needed! I feel refreshed and ready to roll again today. I truly wish I had something for the back pain so I could push past 7 minutes of activity at a time. I am so thankful that it recovers quickly but some things are definitely more difficult.

    My "bug" issue is much better....I've treated about 5 times and have a new bottle to start today. I'd stripped the bed a few days back, cut off the second bed skirt and have been capturing 0-5 on the tape this week. I will treat again today before I put sheets and new bedspread on. I have a new mattress cover as well. That will be a 5 step, 20 minute chore!

    I love my new vacuum. I used it yesterday (partial only), will finish today. It does not like the deep pile of my little rug in front of the recliner tho so I will replace that. My carpet is so stained and worn and after having it cleaned twice was told there was little to be done about it. I've been in this apartment for 21 years now. So...I have rugs everywhere....

    Have a blessed day as we knock on April's door....I'm loving every day I get. Love and prayers...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank you, Marilyn, I appreciate your response! I do remember those inappropriate days of youth before I was sold out for Jesus - oh my! I look at our world today and my heart breaks for the totally messed up young people out there - they don't even have weak and shallow churches to go to that would teach them at least the right direction to head in - Churches today have as much of the filth in them as is in the world and really don't care what God says in His Word.

    Beautiful day today. So grateful for the sunshine. It was a bit chilly, but not bad. Wade and I sat out on the porch for a little bit this evening, but the wind kicked up and that was it for me! Goosebump time!

    I love you ladies and am so grateful that you are a part of my life.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Mt. 5:43-47 talks about loving our enemies and then God says this in vrs 48 "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." Perfect in love, agape love, godly love. We can't have the quantity of love that God has, but we can have the quality of love that God has! That is just such an awesome and heavy thought. This is a command, not a request or even a "Do this as much as you can." We are to love as He loves! Wow!

    Oh dear, they have a Zulily add for sweaters below my comment box - on sale $7.79. The sweaters I recently bought for $10 are there now for $7.79. I did see one that I really like, but I don't really need it, so I am going to pass. Here's the link: https://zulily.com/p/97059137/peach-white-stripe-feather-yarn-sweater?pos=rv I believe their shipping is $6.99. I have the purple and the peach one! So pretty and so comfortable! Wish I had seen them now instead of a couple of months ago. I looked on Amazon for feather yarn sweaters and they were all around that $100 mark! So I snagged these two.

    Well, I hope you ladies have an awesome weekend. Live for and love Jesus with all that you are! Love you

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member