Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh dear, my ladies haven't shown up for a couple of days. I don't usually get on on Sunday, so it's been two days since I've seen y'all. I hope all is going well! Praying for y'all.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I've been resting a lot today. My back pain has been rather awful and puts me down quickly.

    I had some boiled eggs I got for salads...and used 3 in a bowl of tuna salad. I'll have some for dinner. I had a can of soup for lunch. I'd love some HM broccoli cheese soup....or Church's Chicken. Their prices have really gone up, like everyone else's.

    I'm going to watch some TV, read some and lay low the rest of the day. Take care of yourselves....whatever that entails. Love and prayers.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So glad to see y'all. Sorry things are so hard right now, Bren. I'm glad that you don't have work to contend with too.

    I'm doing better! I'm going to try sleeping in my bed tonight and see how my shoulder does. Still some wee twinges of pain, but mostly I don't even notice it. God is so very good.

    We got some apples today to dehydrate and freeze for the winter, so looking forward to doing that this weekend! We have a garden shop just up the road from us (we can see it from our house) and she goes to Pennsylvania and buys up bushels of apples and sells them. I got some honey gold and some honey crisp, fujis, and granny smiths to dehydrate and freeze and some ambrosia to eat! Yummers! I think the ambrosia would do well in the dehydrator, they aren't very juicy but very sweet! It's been years since I've done any dehydrating! We did get one of those stick to the table apple peelers that peels, cores and spiralizes at the same time. That should make the job go much more quickly! Boy, my page is filled with red lines correcting my grammar! LOL!

    Love y'all. lyn6bu8njut1.jpg
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Good Thursday morning Ladies...

    Thanks, Kim! I thank God each day that I am retired and don't have to struggle with 9 hours a day plus drive time for work anymore. No matter the pain, illness or icy weather...I had to show up...and having both shoulders injured in falls on the ice with no consideration...just get there...

    I hope today brings some sparks of joy, sweet rest and the comforts God provides. I'm feeling better this morning and got up at 7:00 after 3 days of late risings due to nights of pain and restlessness.

    I got my insurance notice from WellCare, concerning insulin costs of no more than $35 a month each in 2023 and that's a huge blessing. Not only for me but for many in need of it. I am so thankful!

    Yesterday, the scam calls were on my last 3 nerves. I deleted 24 total, about 16 from one number . This has been going on since my number was changed by the cable company without notice, the end of July. Well....I asked once..."please stop calling me"....sang La la la la la la once...then 4 times...answered with the banging of a spoon on a pot lid. It may not be productive but it relieved some stress. I signed up over a month ago for the do not call list but it takes 3 months to go into effect. I'm hoping it helps some.

    I'm going to get my coffee and plan my day's events. Take good care of yourselves and be blessed best where needed most. Love and prayers....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I hate those. If I don't know the number or a name isn't given I just let it ring or ignore it (mobile phone only). If it is someone who really does want to get in touch with me, they will leave a message and I'll call them back. I get fake text messages all the time too, I just delete them. I never open anything I don't know who it's from or answer calls from someone I don't know because I don't know what is attached to that call or text that could get someone into my information! Crazy world we are living in!

    Voted yesterday. Sure hope the liberals don't mess with this election, but I wouldn't put it past them - they are a dishonest lot! God knows and He has a plan - peace for my heart!

    I too hope y'all have a wonderful and joyful day. No matter how a bad thought comes, let it go and live in the light of Jesus!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Never give in, never give up! Keep fighting. Same goes true for our relationship with Jesus. Satan wants to stop us, but we have to keep fighting and trusting God!

    I hope that y'all are doing well today. I'm having some pain in my back, but it's not stopping me - not nearly as bad as your pain, Bren. We have everything set up to do our apples this weekend. We have the dehydrator ready as well as the vacuum sealer for those apples we want to freeze instead of dehydrate. I saw a YouTube video where this lady freeze dried her greens and then pulverized them so that she could easily add them to her salads or soups. You don't taste it but you get the benefit of it! Now, that's the way I would like to take my veggies! I can add them to my smoothies and not even know it! You can pretty much do that with anything. A friend's husband just told me how his wife dehydrates squash and then makes flour out of it (basically pulverizes it and uses it like flour!) You don't need a deydrator to deydrate, just an oven on around 120 degrees for several hours, until they dry out! Can't wait to get started. The vacuum chamber that we got will also seal jars!

    Love y'all. Be joyful!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I've never tried drying or canning things and e know how much I like my veggies...in bulk! LOLI hope you guys have fun with your project and enjoy the "fruits" of your labors!

    I don't know that my pain is worse...just different? I'm sure it's increased a great deal with less activity this year. I have to do things quickly, in my 5-10 minute spurts before it starts screaming. I do recover quickly, with rest and that's a blessing. My left shoulder still causes me some grief and it will be 2 years in February since my last fall on the ice. I'd be OK if it was my last fall ever! I've come close a few times, stumbling about but avoided going all the way down.

    I need to get gas in my car and get some cash for home. I last filled up in April and I have the last $10 in my wallet that I got back in early March?
    I think I'll do an HEB order so I can do it all in one outing. I'll need to get lab work done the 16th and I have my 2 appointments the 17th and 21st. My knee is much better (praise God!) so I can't use that excuse to reschedule again. For awhile, diving was a hazard and so very painful.

    Today's stats:
    148/82 68
    I need to be more consistent and diligent with my "work" in order to make real progress. All prayers are so appreciated!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    At least you aren't going up, and it seems like you are down a pound since your last weight posted.

    I'm at 236.4 right now. That goes up and down so quickly, who knows where it will be by Monday!?

    Did not like the chicken/broccoli/sweet potato/maple syrup dump meal I made. The broccoli burned, the chicken was pretty tasteless and the sweet potatoes weren't all cooked all the way through, but they did taste good! Won't do that one again, not as a dump meal. I will do the components separately though!

    Have an awesome weekend worshiping Jesus. Love you!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That's too bad the sheet pan meal disappointed . I have eaten the "roasted" broccoli but prefer mine steamed or raw in a Bento plate. I have a lot of veggies I need to use up...again.

    My weight and FBS are jacked up this morning. Somebody was lusting for beans last night and am paying for that choice this morning. Will get back in my lane today and keep my eyes focused on the path before me. I was too tired and in a lot of pain and I get careless at such times. I did rest well last night and that always helps.

    The little apples I got on Saturday are not crisp and sweet...but mealy and tasteless. Waah! Like much in life...appearances can be deceiving! Oh well...onward we go! Be blessed in this new week! Love you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Amen, Marilyn!

    Bren, cut up those apples, put them in a pot with some cinnamon, and make some applesauce!

    We still haven't gotten to our apples yet. We need to do something with them soon! I am really enjoying the Ambrosia ones that we got, very good eating-apple, and I'm sure they would dehydrate really well too because they're not juicy apples.

    Phew, I've gotten really sleeply! I think I will go and sit in my chair and put my feet up, they've been swelling quire a bit!

    Love y'all.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I agree! It's a comfort just knowing that nothing that happens to us is a surprise to Him.

    I think my vote counted! We will have a governor who isn't woke or bent on killing babies like his opponent was. Praise the Lord for that. Not sure that anyone can be trusted to do the right thing in this day and age, but at least he won't push for wickedness! I'm just waiting for someone to say that Biden isn't mentally fit to be our commander and chief - it is so obvious he has cognitive problems - why isn't someone helping that poor man? I know that stressful situations made things much worse for Mom, he has to be under stress all the time and that can't be helping him. Our country is at stake if he does something that he isn't even aware he is doing! Too sad!

    Hurting all over after a day of putting up apples. We've frozen quite a few and they will need to go into vacuum bags; then I got three quart-sized bags of dehydrated apples, which I shared with the other ladies who helped me put them up. Just apples, no sugar, no nothing but the apple. That will be a nice snack.

    Well, it's lunchtime, so I will talk to y'all later. Love you!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, I liked both of those, Marilyn!

    Oh, Bren, where are you sweetie? I hope you are doing alright! I'm going to call you if you aren't back on here by tomorrow! I know you have trouble hearing, but if you answer I will know you are alright! Or you can just tell me if you are alright and I'll whistle really loud into the phone to let you know I heard! LOL! I just need to know you are alright.

    I'm getting a headache so I'm going to go and rest. I am almost done putting up apples and am so happy for the help I've had. I still have a few apples left to dehydrate but most of them have been frozen. I made some applesauce too, but need Wade's help to put that up.

    Love you ladies.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited November 2022
    I'm here Honey Girl! Too true on the hearing issues!

    I just had a couple of down days due to painful, restless nights, not getting to sleep until 4-5 AM and then sleeping a lot during the day. I still believe....eventually....that my sleep patterns will be worked out and the pain lessened to a degree. There are many in much worse condition than I am.

    Apples: So glad you're getting yours done...mine....well...maybe a neighbor will use them? I don't have the will or patience to make applesauce or even a microwave baked apple!

    I have a reprieve this morning from the neighbor's radio racket. I am thankful! I have an order to pick up at HEB shortly. I did my chores at home yesterday and the day before and like you...ached all over! I did rest well, once I got to sleep last night so that's a good thing.

    I had to have the cable guy out again yesterday. I got up to a blinking remote and no connection to the cable box and modem issues. The guy who came is a tenant here he said! Since it was equipment related, I wasn't charged the $60 service call.

    I got my insulin right before he came...it took 4 days to get here so the ice packs were all thawed, barely cool at all. I had 15 boxes so put it away and googled to make sure it was safe to use and it is. Hooya! I had to return an order once when it was late coming and delivery left it outside in 94 degree heat while I was at work and it was all warm by the time I got home. It was a lot less back then...no 15 boxes!

    Marilyn, it's so good to see your encouraging, uplifting reminders. I am glad such things are available when the world view is dark and damaged.

    Today's stats:
    156/85 64

    Love you ladies and you're in my prayers...have an awesome and blessed day! Here's my Holiday plate...tho I want plain green beans, no rolls...fill that spot with SF pumpkin pie please.