Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Doing alright today. My weight is at 237 right now, but I deserve it. As soon as it cools down enough I can start walking again.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited September 2022
    I did my 5X15 moves yesterday and a round with my 2 pound weights that feel like 5 pounders. Having more pain today...especially my back. I took too long to prep my lunch and it was screaming at me. The deli ham: 3 slices, smeared with cream cheese and a green onion in it, rolled up and cut in half. Yummy.

    I did make enough of the cucumber salad for 2 more servings so that's good. I'm really wanting my cabbage pot for dinner. I may see if I can get things hacked up quicker than I put lunch together. I may also find myself with one of those little pizzas in the freezer....

    I'm at 235.4 today. If I see under 230 again, you will hear me shouting at your house! My FBS was 154...after a Novolog bolus at 2 AM when it was 322. Oops.

    Love you Sister....have a good evening. I plan to at my spot.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I forgot to weigh this morning! I was up at 6:30, had about 6.5 hours of sleep which was a bit broken up. I'm very sleepy right now. I forgot to take my meds at all yesterday, although none of mine are life threatening if I don't take them, I will just swell up without the diuretics, and my heart will beat a little too fast without the metoprolol - which it didn't! Praise the Lord.

    Had a very good Wednesday Evening worship service. We are meeting through Zoom right now because we don't have AC in our building that we meet in normally. We have a call in to the A/C people (have for awhile) but they are so busy... Can't wait to all be together again!

    Getting ready to have a smoothie for lunch and probably a small bag of veggie chips. I had some tuna with mayo and my broccoli salad last night for dinner - refreshing!

    Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That broccoli salad mentioned, always makes me want some. I really like it. I've only made it a couple of times.

    I was awake from 10:15 PM until 4:30 AM...restless, painful, grubby night. So once I got to sleep...I stayed down until 11:30. Made for a short day!

    I got my cabbage pot done today. Oh Boy! I used the half a head of cabbage, mini ears of corn, gold potatoes, chopped sweet onion, 2 boneless, skinless chicken thighs and a can of NS diced tomatoes. It's yummy but tomorrow I will add a box of tomato basil soup, frozen cut okra and more spice. I really enjoyed the veggies and the nice broth. Shhh...I ate all the corn and it was wonderful!

    I got my back cranked up in the process but it was worth it. I got the dishwasher loaded and run and cleaned to top of my freezer. Clean looks "good" in there!

    I got 2 new meds packs from Amazon...easy open, and 2 great back scratchers. I love them. I had been using a big old spoon my Mom gave me as one.

    I put all my yummy pumpkin snack cakes in a nice little orange bag at 2 AM....and left it for a neighbor, on top of the mail boxes when I went out to get mail and feed a couple of cats. Those things were delicious but troublemakers for this old girl! I can and will...make better choices! Love you! Have a good night at your spot...
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Our updated Noodle Shed....I'll be moving in.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I don't know, Bren, pretty nice noodle shed - makes me want to take a trip out there! LOL!

    Good on you for getting rid of the snacks. I'm enjoying my Aussie Bites. I keep them in the freezer so they won't go bad. They are a bit hard to bite into when they are frozen, but soooo good! And good for me.

    We had a nice cool morning this morning, but I wasn't feeling well this morning, allergies on overdrive, so I wasn't able to take advantage of the cooler weather. I could barely breathe just walking around the house this morning. I got my allergy med in and that helped a lot.

    Bren, have you tried any of the pads you stick on for pain? Mom used to use those on her back. Icy Hot, Thermacare, Salon Pas (that's the brand Mom used). You could wear that when you are doing something in the kitchen to keep constant pain relief for that job. Just a thought, you've probably already been there, done that! LOL!

    Lots of love!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    The snack bag was gone so someone will enjoy those as much as I did! My only "sweet stuff" on hand is my cereal and I haven't had any of that in about 5 days.

    Yep...the Noodle Shed would go well on my vision board for those imaginary vacations I take, It's the only kind I take! What a beautiful spot that is.

    Oh my allergies are kicking up today too and I stay inside 99% of the time! Tomorrow, I need to get my trash out...and that counts as an outing in my spot.

    I got my soup pot updated and while the tomato basil soup is a wonderful addition I do NOT recommend the boxes! I got 3 assorted ones because it's a new item and with purchase, you got a can of chopped ham...hooya! (like I need that?) The boxes are a real trial to open! This old girl couldn't manage making the spout, cut into it, squirted a mess out and squirting the rest of the box of chunky soup into the pot was a gamble! LOL The soup is good....makes me sad I ate so much of the cabbage yesterday. It was so good. I certainly have some sippy soup now! I did have cheese toast with it for lunch.

    Long ago...I tried some of the Salon Pas when my pain was a third of what it is these days. Thanks for the reminder. I will add them to my next shopping list. I haven't used the back brace again...yet. It feels awkward and uncomfortable and didn't seem to help where I needed it. Oh well...In the big picture....this is a mere pixel.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member

    Somebody ate almost all the cabbage out of it before the add ins happened. Love me some cabbage ...and corn!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I like cabbage in coleslaw, and I like sauerkraut on a Reuben sandwich, that's about how I'll take my cabbage. Your cheese toast looks good! LOL!

    Walked today. It was very comfortable out there mid-morning. If I had waited a bit longer it would have gotten too hot. I was chilly in the house so I figured it was probably like that outside too. I did around 600 steps or so - I was hoping to get 500 today, so didn't do badly.

    Getting ready to have my smoothie and veggie chips for lunch.

    Hope you are doing well, Marilyn. We miss you! Love and prayers, Kim
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I love and enjoy immensely.... all my veggies. It's hack and dice, chop and slice I have issues with. Back in my younger days, it wasn't problem since I didn't have the chronic pain to deal with as well. I do tend to over buy....and waste way too much produce! Especially my salad goods. The cheese toast is Pepperidge Farm and really good. I can fit 3 pieces on my toaster oven pan so I do 3...have one left for today's lunch. I eat a good bit of coleslaw too...with my lovely fish! Love it.

    Oh yay! I'm glad you were able to get out and go. I need to do that soon. I still have bad cycles with my knee, horrid ones with my back but the knee is actually so much better than it was. That was rough and rather scary. I will start with my inside walking and my "wee walks" as needed. I am still using the cane every day.

    My sleep pattern has been awful of late. Awake from 10:30 to 4:30 AM, then sleeping in until 11:30....makes for a wonky, non-productive day. I need to get it sorted and back to normal....this morning I had a new disturbance added to the all night, every night neighbor's radio...it was like another neighbor had some bass going...a regular, monotonous boom, boom, boom.
    Now, I have NO idea who does what but as a hearing impaired person who's rest is disturbed by NOISE....well I get a hair cranky. I think my upstairs neighbor does the radio but it's hard to tell which direction sound comes from as I only have a wee bit of hearing on the left side. So if I hear it...I'd think it must be fairly loud?

    I need to get my To Do list done and see how far I get in my endeavors today. I need God's strength for each task as always!

    Love you all...be blessed today......good to "see you" Marilyn! Continued prayers for us Ladies in this new day...tho I got a late start!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Oh no....I went to take my trash to the dumpster ...I have to drive it around there due to the knee and back pain...and my car won't start.
    Got the message the immobilizer doohicky was off or something. Before calling Triple A...I googled it as it's all Greek to me and boy howdy do I hate car troubles. No matter that I my only drive 30 miles a month...she needs to be able to go when I need her to.
    I printed instructions on how to reset it...will go out and try it and pray it works. PS: Now the Traction Control off light shows as well. Will call Triple A now.....

    Praising God! It took a 3 minute jump start! My battery (4.5 years old) is oozing acid and he recommended replacement...and I need the tires checked anyway. He said let it run 30 minutes so I took a ride to Firestone but he couldn't get to me before closing most likely so I'll make an appointment and hope she cranks to get me out there.
    I am SO relieved! I have some tea on...was feeling really shaky (Parkinson's type shaking) and overheated. My AC wasn't cooling on the way to FS but it did on the way home! Oh boy! I made an appointment for 9:00 in the morning and pray she is raring to go for me. God is so good to this old girl!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh my! So glad you have that service so they can come to you! My knee was out yesterday but doing much better today. I have no idea what I did while I slept to make it swollen and painful! Hmmm! LOL! Do you buy the chopped-up veggies when you order. I got so much more broccoli salad when I bought the chopped-up bag (only about $1.00 more than the heads of broccoli) rather than the heads. I get the carrots julienned already and of course they do the chopped-up cabbage. You probably do that, just a thought!

    Staying busy with editing my pastor's blogs and yesterday worked on being able to transfer voice to text. Wade had to help me get it all figured out - what a smarty he is!

    Marilyn, it is so good to see you. I hope you are starting to feel much better. Y'all are in my prayers!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!
    I've had service with Triple A for 15 years now. This was my first call with this car and I've had it more than 4.5 years. It's well worth the annual cost for that peace of mind for me, as I have no back up for such things. My card is auto charged each September.

    That appointment fell thru. I made it online, got a message to reschedule and the guy said he couldn't fit me in until Friday! I called another store, closer to me, downtown...and he had me bring it in at 8:00 yesterday morning. He did some eye rolling when I told him about the guy at the Pioneer store and his...maybe Friday schedule.. I got a ride home since they had to pick up my tires across town, then he picked me up when it was done. She has a new battery and shoes...and needs a bath, really bad. The sappy stuff from the trees out front have her covered in goo.

    I do...buy the chopped veggie (salad), Kale, cabbage. I normally get the broccoli crowns, got heads this last time. I buy the baby carrots, peppers and cucumbers. I like easy for sure.
    I had a rough night last night and was in too much pain to go out and play today so I just did an HEB order for pick up in the morning. I do use the high dollar car wash and am not sure she can wait until December so may swing down there before my grocery pick up and spiffy her up. Just another thing beyond me these days...doing it myself!

    Oh no! Your knee went south too! Ouch! These body parts can throw us out of sync without warning some days. I am so very thankful mine is still doing better....and am thankful for the cane and walker when I need a bit more stability.

    I had a long nap after lunch...hoping I rest much better tonight and am ready to roll out tomorrow.

    Be blessed all....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Knee ended up with very little pain the next day. Headaches are bothering me yesterday and today. I think that it's from Ian wreaking havoc with the weather systems. When a system goes through I often get a migraine. They've been mild, praise the Lord! My allergies have been wonky too. I take my med but I still have a runny nose and sneezing. Phew, can't wait 'til Ian figures out what he is going to do - I hope it follows the path we saw this morning and it heads west of us! Praise the Lord, we've been here nearly two years and haven't faced a hurricane! They've all gone into the gulf or out to sea. This one looks like a nasty monster!

    Hope you ladies take good care of yourselves. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    So glad to hear that! Less pain=More joy!
    I did get my car wash done this morning. I only do it once a year normally and the price has gone up since December last year. She looks much better and all the goo is gone.

    I got my order from HEB and whined when I saw there was no ice. In all my deletions (3X), I failed to get it back on number 4...But...I have my ice trays filled and am OK...I checked my receipt to make sure it was my error and not the store's.

    My printer needs black ink...I KNEW I had a cartridge and totally overlooked it and hooya...just found it, hiding with my boxes of test strips. I ordered a new set from Amazon. I was getting some charts updated this morning and need to load my ink to print them properly.

    Prayers for all in the path of these storms. Not everyone can evacuate. The sick, elderly, poor, those in nursing homes and hospitals. The need is huge and so many are in danger.

    While I am still dressed...I want to run to Cash Savers for a few items they have on sale. I look forward to my salad bowl and fruit for dinner today. I haven't had a salad in 2 weeks!

    Be blessed, Ladies! Love and prayers for us all today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Woohoo on finding the printer ink! That stuff is expensive!

    Went to the nursery this morning and we picked up some Fall veggies: broccoli, spinach, cabbage, collards. We want to get these in the ground and if we have more room, we will get some Brussel sprouts. We also got a bale of hay, a big orange pumpkin and two small white ones, and I got three mum, white, yellow and purple! They will stay in the yard until Ian passes by. We are on the outer edge but will see wind and lots of rain. It's already started raining and it's still in Florida! We are also having some nice wind gusts! Oh dear! We're getting ready though and will batten down the hatches. We have a generator just in case we lose power. We have a gas stove, so we will be able to cook, just have to manually light it rather than the little electric one on the stove.

    Was at 236 yesterday, sigh!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


    Got weighed on Tuesday = 237.2 = am very pleased with that = loss of 8 pounds in 3 weeks so getting off all meds is helping = leaning on the Lord for strength as am still rather weak but was told it was going to be a slow go at getting everything back and up. Though I would not want anyone to have their kidneys shut down like mine did, it has been a blessing in some way as I was on 12 meds a day and now am on 4 - so goes to show you how all those meds affect your weight and our health. Beginning of November I get a lot of other tests down - again - to make sure all is going well and to see if I can possibly get off the 4 meds I am now on. Though I am a type 2 diabetic I am no longer on meds but they are monitoring it re food and exercise - and it is working. My A1C is down to 5.3 and morning readings are 5.2 - 5.4 so am doing well - watching everything I eat, absolutely no red meat, chicken and fish is very limited to only 2 oz in one day and working on getting in the vegetables. With my body crashing it really has affected my eating - breakfast is ok and I eat a hearty one of 1 cup of oatmeal (no milk) with cinnamon and applesauce and either blueberries or a banana. Then for lunch I have a bowl of homemade soup (this is so I can make sure there is no salt) along with a caesar salad and a fruit. Dinner is my problem as by that time the smell of food cooking makes my tummy feel sick so I am at this time eating more fruit at dinner and working at getting in some starch and at least one mouthful of veggs. Doc says it will all come back just need to take it slow.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Wow, praise the Lord, Marilyn, that is so awesome! Stay strong and keep up the good work! You've lost quite a bit since we met you, praise God for His goodness!

    We are in the midst of Ian, the outer bands. Our neighbor's yard is completely flooded from the rain, we've never seen it so bad. We have quite a bit of standing water in our yard, but it's in the low lying areas. The sump pump has been coming on and off all day! The rain has slowed quite a bit and I think it will stay light from here on out. Praise the Lord, not much wind, but we are supposed to get a 2-4 foot surge in the ocean, so those near the coast will feel that. We do get water in our ditches when the tide is high and I can see the water in there from the front porch when we usually can't. God blessed us greatly!