Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Love that picture! I love the water...tho I would be terrified of it, if I lived in hurricane prone spots. I like being safe in the middle of my state...th we have had some flooding a few times in my 25 years back here.

    My right foot went south yesterday, along with the knee. I pushed a bit much on Thursday and had a set back. I'm feeling better now, after some good rest.

    I was at 232 this morning. Hooya....FBS was 120 and before lunch was 86. I am so thankful for lower, more normal numbers more consistently.

    I haven't scheduled my cardiologist's appt. yet...but need to do that. I have my PCP and endo appt. next month and may try to get in then. I'll need to have lab work done as well.

    We got a bit of much needed rain here as well. I missed it tho...didn't hear it and I enjoy that. Just noticed when I went out to get mail that the area was wet. I enjoy a good storm....as long as I'm not out in it!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    So glad your set back didn't last very long.

    I'm doing a bit better this morning. Not coughing or as short of breath as I had been. My shoulder still hurts but I'm able to function a bit better this morning anyway. I'm getting ready to water the mums and check the garden! We have a beautiful day here, hope you are having one too. Love y'all.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thank you. Me too. It took 3 days of rest to recover but I'm doing better. I did go out for my HEB order yesterday. That's always a real strain on my back but it's done now. They subbed the chunky pork I ordered with thin pork chops...and I got a hefty 18 oz. pack of big blueberries. Lovely! I'm thinking to put some in a salad with Feta and cucumbers.

    Glad you're feeling a bit better as well. I consider myself greatly blessed to have not had major illnesses the past few years. I didn't know there were new strains still being an issue. After all the illustrious POTUS has said the pandemic is over...among other things. His reign of terror needs to be over!

    We had a nice cold front and more rain move thru but a beautiful, sunny day at 68 yesterday. I loved it! Glad your day was glorious as well. I always think of Mama and how she enjoyed sitting outside her apartment, watching traffic and neighborly activity on such days. While I would enjoy being outside...interaction with others is less fun.

    Have a lovely Tuesday at your spots on the map....Love and prayers.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Blueberries are so good for you. You salad sounds yummy.

    I made my chicken chili yesterday but used milk and a wee bit of corn starch in it instead of the cream cheese. Wade doesn't like that. It was very good, and Wade really liked it too. Super easy: 2 cans of chicken (not drained); one can of black beans (drained and rinsed); I can of corn (not drained); I can of Rotel tomatoes and chilis. You should have enough fluid from the undrained cans, so I don't add more liquids. The recipe calls for an 8 oz. block of cream cheese, but I did about 1/2 C milk with 1/2 Tbsp corn starch. I added some chili powder, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, and some pink salt. Then I added some Casso (not sure about the spelling - Mexican white cheese) in it to thicken it up a little bit. It was still rather than, but oh my, the flavor was good and it was quite spicy! You can change out the can of corn (carbs and sugar in them) for another veggie of your choice (or another kind of bean), but if you use fresh you'll need to add a bit of water or milk to make up for the juice from the can.

    Feeling more like myself today, much more energy and not feeling like I need to cough or get out of breath! I think I did have this new strain of Covid, but I was already well into it before I thought of it and it lasted just a couple more days. Then again, the symptoms I had, although like the new strain of Covid, are ones that I frequently have when my allergies go out of whack! Not usually for this long, but... God knows and He saw me though whatever it was! Praise His name!

    Another beautiful day here. I'm in coulottes and a short sleeve shirt. Great for our energy bill, we've been able to keep both heat and air off! God is good!

    This president has been terrifying! Not sure he's running the show, but they are trying to take this country down the drain and make us nothing! The Bible doesn't say anything about the US in the last days and we've always believed it will be because we won't have the power we had always enjoyed at that time, and we are seeing that very thing happening now. God knows the beginning from the ending and He saw all of this when He created the earth. We just have to be faithful to Him as we go through it, knowing there is heaven at the end! My heart does break for those who are caught in the deception. We need to try and pull as many out as we can before Jesus returns!

    Love y'all so very much!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Whew... Phone guy came today. Apparently, the end of July when they changed the cable equipment, my phone number was changed and nobody thought I needed to know that??
    He rattled off the number he'd just dialed and said "that's your number, right"? Uhh, duhh...no. I'd had the same number for 25 years and he said...well...not anymore... So now I need to make sure my contacts have the new number. Hopefully it will stick in my head soon. He said not many have a land line anymore. I told him I do...because I can't HEAR on my cell!

    The only calls coming thru were spam/scam type. Sharon was the one to let me know there was a problem when she called and got a "no longer in service" message. Then yesterday, my calls out were met with "all circuits are busy"...so I had to do the internet contact thing and finally got someone who scheduled the tech help.

    Oh that's good news! This is like round three for you. So glad you feel better. I love chicken chili. I've not been so creative with my cooking in a good while. My soups have taken all the effort I've had to offer. LOL

    I felt awful this morning when I got up from a nap before the phone man came. I was so weak and exhausted and felt rougher than normal. I prayed for God's healing and strength. It's been awhile since I was full of energy and such.

    So true. This current administration is ushering in the end times. Swarming our borders with illegals when our own nation is is in such dire need. Drug cartels, traffickers, daily evil hearts and hands at work. This is no longer "one nation...under God"...but a nation distracted, divided and being destroyed from within. There are no allies who will come to our rescue as we have to so many others. I am so very thankful that WE are God's and HE is ours and we know how the story ends.

    Love and prayers for us all....
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Ugh, it isn't easy getting old, is it? Oh, we wouldn't know about being old, would we??? We're three spring chickens! heeheehee!

    I can't believe how my joints and muscles are hurting. I can't get rid of this shoulder pain. It's better than it was, but still there! I've been taking beef bone broth collagen which is supposed to help with that kind of thing, but I guess I'm just not taking enough. I know it's helping my nails, they and my hair grow like crazy! LOL! Didn't sleep well last night so I am dragging a bit today - :o (That's not surprise, that's a yawn!)

    Love you gals! Rest in Him.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Happy Friday, my beautiful lovelies! (I've watched this gal do a cooking show and she always calls her audience this - I liked being called a beautiful lovely! so I thought I would try it!)

    I hope you are having a very good day. Please take good care of yourself and if you have to rest - rest!

    I'm feeling overall good but still have quite a few aches and pains. Not sure where it is all coming from though. Praise the Lord, no headaches for a couple days now. God is good. I'm not taking that med any more (way too expensive) but God has been so good to me and kept them from me or made them very mild. The other meds I have take care of them quickly too, so I'm very happy.

    OOO, Wade and I were watching recipes on YouTube and found one that is a single cookie sheet meal. Chicken tenders, sweet potato, and broccoli. Roasted with your favorite oil and sprinkled with water and maple syrup. We're going to try that one, looked so yummy, and we have lots of chicken tenders (Sam's Club case of them!)

    Brr howdy. Got some of my winter clothes out of the laundry basket (I'd avoided them all summer - and no, they weren't ready to walk on their own :D) so I now have some warm clothes to wear. I usually keep out a few things, but I've worn all of those and praise the Lord I had these hanging around - now we need to find my box of winter clothes so I can get my thermal shirts out! Just a sweatshirt isn't quite warm enough for me. I have my little Dr. Heaters going too. We are trying not to turn on the big heat and hopefully same some money that way. We have a gas fireplace we will be using too. God has provided so well for us.

    Well, I'll let you get back to your lives. Love you in Christ!

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    That greeting made my heart smile...as well as my face! I like that as well. Brings to mind our maintenance guy, Gaylon....(before Chris) who would say to Sharon and I..."Hello gorgeous!". Made us feel special. He became an egomaniac, as time went on...wanting to be in charge of operations at all 4 spots, trying to tell us how to do our jobs. I still liked him but he was exhausting! I found a plaque at the Dollar Tree that had that "Hello Gorgeous" ...and took it to the office for us girls and any who came in the office.

    Oh I love the idea of your case of tenders! I have a bag of them in the freezer and do those one pan meals, scaled down as I use my toaster oven. I have a bag of cubed sweet potatoes on my order for today. They are lovely, roasted with garlic and olive oil...and the broccoli is a very nice add on. Hope you enjoy the recipe. I haven't watched a cooking show in a very long time because I am...uhm...not inclined to cook much?

    I have done a noodle bowl twice in the past 2 days...with SF veggie blend, spaghetti, popcorn chicken and sauce. Makes a lovely meal but had to go looking for a sauce with less sugar! I'm glad there are some available. Wal-Mart's selection is better than HEB's...but I rarely go there anymore.

    I just went out to feed a couple of my cats and get yesterday's mail and it is really windy. I need to go out when Wal-Greens opens, for my Amlodopine, and to HEB for my pick up order.

    Clothes: That's good....you had some handy and ready to roll for colder weather! I've lived in shorts and T-shirts, jammies and tank tops and gowns...all year. My apartment is fairly tight, tho cold wind does come in around the door and windows but I wear my fuzzy socks and use a blanket while watching TV and stay quite cozy. I will have to dress better next month for my appointments.

    Diet soda: I use the Coke mostly but reckon I will have to just stop! $7.77 for the 8 pack of 12 oz. drinks. Insane. I got the store brand Dr. Pepper for $2.56, had half of one with my pork rinds and they are nasty. The remainder will go in the neighbor's bag, like the Diet root beer I tried not so long ago. Perhaps someone else found them acceptable? Oh well....not everything we try will be wonderful!

    Have a blessed weekend ladies! Love and prayers for us in our journey...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I've been drinking the Zevia, a no calorie drink. It has a bunch of flavors in the case I get from Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/Zevia-Calorie-Variety-Fluid-Ounce/dp/B0B3JSCG44 They end up being $1.42 each, and you do need to get used to the flavors, but I really like them now. Pretty much just carbonated water and flavoring! The other one that I drank had calories, this one is 0 everything.

    Here's the URL for the dinner I mentioned before. There are five different ones on the video: https://youtube.com/watch? v=QjdQgtMLgJ0 A couple of them looked really good!

    Down a little bit to 235.8 this morning - phew!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited October 2022
    Wow! That does look wonderful! I like the one with the carrots and peppers too but missing for me is onion! I would have onion in my mixes. All those lovely veggies are right up my alley. Thanks for sharing the link. That was my entertainment so far. I have a pan planned for today. I have a bag of broccoli, carrots and cauliflower ...to which I will add sliced onion and maybe Tilapia for protein.

    I had a sleepless night, after 3 AM before I got to sleep and I got up for real at 9:00. I have strained my thigh muscles on my right leg somehow so walking is difficult again. I do hope to get a few chores done in spite of it.
    Yesterday I got my meds at Wal-Greens and changed my phone number, picked up my HEB order, darted into Cash Savers for salad goods...so today is an inside day.

    Today's stats:
    140/84 74

    I think the sodium load has a lot to do with the P...I need to track again. I haven't done that in awhile. I'll start again...today!
    OK...tracking/planning is done and printed as a reminder to stay the course. I have tilapia with the veggies for dinner, my salad bowl w/HB patty for lunch and my egg beater omelet for breakfast...running late and may skip...it's headed towards lunch already. It took a minute to find my food log since I had been using a different app for that.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    There is also no forgiveness for us if we don't forgive others, that's scary!

    ooo, so glad you liked those, Bren. I have my left arm in a sling and my shoulder brace on. If the pain isn't gone by Thursday I'll call someone! Ugh, amazing how slow we get from that thigh pain. I've had mine for months, off and on.

    Well, I'm done with this right hand only typing. I hope y'all have a blessed day.
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    I had a bit of cramping, like charley horse starts in both thighs some...was so glad the main pain was only a 24 hour thing as that was rough! I'll be more careful with heavy lifting and the like. I do hope your shoulder pain eases up soon! I still have mine but not as bad as it was for the first year. Those falls I took kind of wrecked me.

    I had a rough day Monday....no nap for the first time since I retired and insomnia that night that had me awake until 3:30 AM! So this girl did nap today and got some good rest...and did sleep well last night so was much better today.

    Time is slip sliding away! November is knocking at the door....and has me wanting pumpkiny things! I've had turkey dreams already.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Love pumpkiny things! Love turkey things too! Yummers! I got a pumpkin pie coffee creamer. I went for the dairy one since it is so much cheaper than the non-dairy. I don't use a whole lot so hope it won't bother me - although I have eaten bread yesterday and today - gotta stop that!

    Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Php 4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 
    7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
    8  Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. 
    9  The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you. 

    That last verse is so important too - he had to be living a godly life to be able to say, "practice these things", what you have heard from me and seen in me - he had to make sure he was teaching it and living it right!

    There is a lot of teaching out there that we cannot live godly lives, that we cannot be or do good. I can give hundreds of verses that say otherwise, but for some reason too many today twist things to say the opposite. If words mean anything, they mean what they say. If a verse says, "Therefore you are to be perfect (in love according to the context) as your heavenly Father is perfect.", then that is what God means. Ach, welcome to the last days, welcome to the Laodicean Church (Revelation).

    Woke with a bad headache and a bit of nausea this morning, but God is gracious and it didn't last long, He allowed the meds to work. I slept on the couch again last night and my shoulder and arm are pain-free this morning. I will have to figure out how to be able to sleep on my bed and get the same result - LOL!

    I hope y'all are doing well. You continue in my prayers!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    OOO, thank you, Marilyn! Gave me the warm fuzzies!

    Oh dear, Zulily has an ad right under my posting box! Made me look. I have purchased quite a lot through Zulily and have really liked the stuff I've gotten from them. Right now though, getting new stuff isn't on the board! LOL!

    Hope y'all have an awesome weekend and a blessed time with the Lord tomorrow. Love y'all.