Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Glad to hear that you were able to get your lab work done - it is so important to keep up on that. I just had more done last tuesday (have to have it down every 2 weeks because of the kidneys) and am thankful that the kidney function has gone back up a bit - had gone down to 15 (should be 60+) but tuesday it showed at 17 so that is good but still shows I am in trouble of them crashing again. My A1C is good at 5.6 and that is without diabetic meds now for 3 months but have to watch as they don't want it to get up any higher as it is hard on the kidneys - diabetes is a killer of the kidney and liver so eating healthy and moving some every day is so important - I am just learning how important that is - it is not nice to have your body crash and lose conscious for 3 days all because of not taking proper care of the body. Lesson learned for me - and I must say it is scary to be told that I am very close to being on diaylsis for the rest of my life - that would mean 3 days a week at the hospital for 4 hours each time to be plugged into that machine and then return home to sleep the rest of the day, It would keep me alive but not the quality of life i would really want so am doing what I can now to take it serious.

    Since Sept 10 I have lost 15 pounds but am seeing now that the weight loss is slowing down so am going to have to have a better look at what I am eating and make necessary adjustments - as long as I continue to go down each month I am happy but it is showing a trend to go back up right now and that is not good with the condition of my kidneys - so more work for me to do to make sure my food lines up correctly.


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    2d6lf9id6b6f.jpg That's my dance of joy! Woohoo on bringing that AIC down and keeping those triglycerides down too! Woohoo - makes me very happy! I'm going to wait until after the first of the year to do more bloodwork.

    I am really liking my rice bread, super easy, but not as fluffy as the videos I watched show it. Well, two of the videos came out like mine, a bit dense, but the first guys was quite fluffy. I will soak the rice overnight next time (did it for four hours this time), and add more yeast (1 1/2 packs instead of just one pack, and let it rise to just under the rim of the pan rather than twice it's size. All of that should get me an airier bread! This will be a regular for me now. I've missed having bread to eat, or something to put peanut butter and jelly on! LOL! Oh man, cold meatloaf sandwich - yummers! I made ham potato bake last night and it was sooo good. Ham, potatoes and a white gravy with some sauteed mushrooms and cheese mixed in. Can't say it's healthy, but it sure is good.

    Wade's home, gotta go put up groceries. Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I was happy....and blessed with prayers answered. Tho I've been diabetic for 14 years or more and do the sticks every day, I am still a needle weenie. Tho they did not do all the test results. The Albumin/Creatinine and BMP serum or plasma whatever that is. I sent a message to the lab about that...I did my part! I may have to do it again Monday when I see my Endo guy.

    Oh the dance of Joy! I do that mentally but my achy body can't dance it's way out of a paper sack for years now. I'd be thrilled to walk upright and get 30-45 minutes activity daily. Looking at prior work from my PCP and the x-rays I had done it shows a bone spur in my back...Ack! That wasn't addressed or if it was it was something I missed due to my hearing issues. It was in 2019 according to the report.
    Oh well...God is totally aware of every cell in our bodies...no need to fret much.

    Marilyn, I'm hoping and praying you can avoid dialysis. I pray for that for myself as well. There are many of us out here...My Mom and Dad were two. My Mom actually thought she got it from Daddy and I didn't argue with her. After all, she thought wrestling was real in spite of the term "entertainment" of WWE.

    I'm up again at 3 AM...will play in the kitchen some, gather trash and run the vacuum about 7:00. It's quiet...but not hearing it...am not sure just how quiet it is.

    Have a blessed day all...I love you bunches and you remain in my prayers!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Returning your hug, Marilyn! It fit perfectly!

    Bren, I forgot to answer your question about my pastor. Please continue praying, he is still in the hospital. We had a Zoom prayer meeting yesterday and he was able to get on and say some very encouraging words to us. We so appreciate your prayers.

    Brrr, we've finally started Fall here! I've got three layers on top and two layers on the bottom and I'm still cold - I think the house is around 65 degrees! LOL! Hmmm, kind of makes me think I need to do my thyroid when I have my blood work done again!

    Too funny, our neighbor across the street has started putting up his decorations as well. We have such a beautiful little stretch on our part of this long highway! You come around a corner and there are decorations on every house! He does mostly white trees, deer, and lights. We do the colored lights. We are going to try and make our own tree using a post and strings of light. Wade is pretty ingenious, so I think he can figure it out! I'll have to put up a picture when we have it all done!

    Another funny. My CTL key has been sticking. I looked up how to unstick it and it mentioned doing the compressed air. I couldn't find a compressed air can here so I just blew really hard onto the key - voila, it came unstuck! I don't eat in here around the computer, but still got some crumbs out of it - must have been there for quite a while! LOL!

    Love y'all.

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    LOL! I noticed just today, how dirty my keyboard is. Just many years accumulation of dust and a wee paper scrap or two. I know I had a can or air spray but have no idea where it might be.

    I had my Endo appt. and boy did I feel rough! Was up at 3:30 again and was fading fast by 9:00...had further to walk, with a full lot....then inside, drastic changes were made to the entry...more walking/waiting...to check in and pay and then go up to 3rd floor. I felt like I'd been run over and dragged a couple of blocks. I was thankful I had my cane as it was a help.

    The visit was good....I mentioned my sleep and pain issues and the lean activity...he said that occurs a lot with seniors/retirees and to plan/work on a daily routine to try to get back to a more normal pattern and I will. He was OK with my skipping breakfast most days. My sleep schedule plays a part in that as well.
    My GFR is up to 50.9 but the albumin/creatinine level is still nearly 3000 where <30 is normal. (2733) Much protein spillage.
    He sent a script in for Tresiba and wants me to switch. It's cheaper now than my Levemir....I told him I just got my insulin last week but I will go ahead and start the Tresiba when I get it around the 25th. I'll see how that works for the 4 months until I see him again in March. I really do like him.
    Currently both my veggie bins are totally full of insulin and with a new order, I'll need to free up some more space!

    My friend (from Buy Nothing group) is going to bring me dinner on Thanksgiving. She was going to stop by Wednesday and I have my PCP appointment in the same time frame so wouldn't be home. That's very sweet of her.

    I'm so sorry to hear your Pastor is still in the hospital. I'm glad he was up to a Zoom meeting....So glad he's getting the care he needs during this time of great need.
    Love you ladies...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited November 2022
    Thanks, Bren. So glad that you had a good appointment! I hate your numbers are high, but he didn't see super concerned.

    Pastor is slowly getting better, hoping he will be able to come home soon. Thank you so much for your prayers for him. His wife has been with him since he went in! Please keep her in your prayers as well.

    We will be having Thanksgiving dinner together with our Church family, as many as are able to be there. This will be the first time we will be in The Net House (where our Church meets) since Spring. Wade and the guys have done a lot in getting it closed in (it's a metal building, so they had to put up drywall and put in flooring, etc... We also have heat and air now as well). I'm so excited!


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited November 2022
    Wishing you ladies a Happy Thanksgiving - as I live in Canada well we had ours in October.

    @Restfinder - you are doing so well. Just read your post about the house being 65 and you had all those layers of clothes and thought about your thyroid. Consider checking out your iron levels because if you are finding the cold bothers you and making you feel cold all the time it could be a low level of iron - I am on iron pills now because of that.

    @Bren5535 -praying for you also. You mentioned your GFR is 50.9 = that is the number re kidney function - with age it tends to go down some but please be aware of that number and take care of the kidneys - mine went to 44 and then crashed leaving me with kidney damage. Best thing (this info is from the kidney doctors I have treating me) is to make sure you are getting in enough water (I need to get in 3 L which is about 12 glasses) and absolutely NO salt. You might want to work on that to help your kidneys - and as for protein - they told me to stay away from all red meat and chicken to only have it 3 x a week and no more than 3 oz each time - they told me animal protein is very hard on the kidneys and it would be better to go plant base - lots of vegetables, beans and lentils for protein. Just giving you a few tips that could help you in the long run

    My weight has stalled so am re looking at my intake to see where I need to make improvements - noticed I was getting to much 'bread' so am deleting that for awhile to see how it goes - still have my rice or potatoes at dinner - also noticed that I had started to have noodles (macaroni) more frequently so am changing that up also only allowing myself it once every 2 weeks. So will see what the next couple of weeks will show for my weight - need to nib it in the but before it climbs up to much more.


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited November 2022
    He is concerned about the albumin/creatinine levels but it comes with the kidney damage and has been very high for several years. As I said...this is not the highest it's been. It's been awhile since my GFR was above 46 tho. I was told by my kidney Dr. to avoid red meat and have mostly chicken, eggs and fish. To limit beans due to high potassium. Sodium is so high in almost everything...even SF Jello....

    My BP has been high for many months now so will work on that as well. Back to the balance beam...That affects my kidneys as well. I started tracking meals again and that will help me check, recheck and adjust as needed to get to better levels..Yesterday was below 2000 mg sodium...maybe for the first time in 6 months or more?

    I went thru my dressings and sauces last night and all but 4 are now in the trash. I will need some lower sodium choices....and will do a clean sweep in my Kitchen as my body allows. The back pain has been fierce and the weakness and fatigue have plagued me for some time. I'm thinking dehydration is a factor at the moment so will watch that.

    I will, Kim! I now this is so hard for her as well...and for all who love him. Your Thanksgiving plans sound cheerful and "neighborly".....and will be enjoyed by all! It seems this time of year just ran up on us!

    Today's stats:
    138/81 71...hooya!

    Have a blessed day ladies...Love you!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,809 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Marilyn, thanks for the info on iron. I will try to keep that in mind when I have my bloodwork done after the first of the year. You and Bren have so much balancing you need to do! Mine is a bit easier since my eating needs to be high protein/low carb, but I will keep the red meat in check. We usually only have red meat once or twice a week, the rest of the time it is chicken or lately, turkey. Oh, and sometimes we do Kielbasa. Have you ever tried chickpea pasta? I used to eat that all the time after I found out wheat bothers me, but then chickpeas started giving me migraines. Not sure if it would be different in taking away something regular pasta gives you that isn't as good for you though - okay, just checked a site that says that there is more protein in chick pea pasta but slightly less gross carbs (take away the fiber and chickpeas have one more carb). I guess they wouldn't be better for your needs since you have to watch the protein!

    Bren, how nice that someone is bringing you Thanksgiving dinner! I'd love to have dinner with you, but alas, distance... I will be thinking about you though!

    Hi, Connie! Love your picture!

    Love y'all and hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving, Bren. I hope you have an awesome day as well, Marilyn, even though you aren't celebrating our Thanksgiving! LOL! Blessings to your family, Connie.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    Thank you Kim! I will have a good day...praising God for His mercy, grace, healing and hope. He is my provider, my peace and my strength each day.

    I had another rough time yesterday for my appointment....felt the same as on Monday but maybe a hair less extreme. I had run off without my hearing aid and that complicated things. Was very weak and fatigued. I did get a fairly close parking spot and that helped.

    She wants me to get another bone scan. The back pain has increased a lot. It's been about 5 years since my first one. My BP was 190/84 and that may have contributed to my feeling so bad? She actually said my kidneys are OK. I was surprised! My Creatinine itself is 1.10.

    I did have breakfast and had lunch after I got home then crashed at 12:30 and did not get up until 8:15 except for bathroom breaks....

    She said I need to get my appointments scheduled with my cardiologist and kidney Dr.'s....soon. She asked "is there anything I can do for you"....I said "I can't think of anything unless you want to come vacuum for me. My Inner Maid skipped out months ago and may never come home". She laughed and responded tho I am not sure what she said.

    I am up for awhile now....and am OK with that after 12 hours down. I'll see what I can get out of myself today. Prayers for us all in this new and blessed day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Bren, you are so funny! Thank you for that medicinal laugh!

    Pastor is home but still has about three weeks of recovery still. Praise the Lord he can do that at home though. God is so very good.

    We had an awesome Thanksgiving service, all together for the first time in several months. Dinner was yummy too! I've been finding some Black Friday deals and some book deals - Here's a site that is still offering Black Friday Deals on e-books: https://sale.perrykirkpatrick.com/
    Just pick the genre that you like. I got several for free and one or two for $.99. Some have gone off of the deal so when you see a higher price it won't take you there. We also found a carbon steel pan on Black Friday. This is one of those pans that should last a life time. We figured out that if we keep buying the Teflon pans at even $20 a pan and it only lasts two or three years before it becomes dangerous to use - we would pay off this pan in about four or five years and still have it for the rest of our lives! Between that and the cast iron we have pans for the rest of our lives and then whoever gets our stuff after we die will have them as well - or whoever raids our house after we are taken in the rapture! Boohoo - wish you'd gone with us!

    Have a very happy and blessed weekend, y'all.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Happy Monday! I hope y'all have a great Lord's Day yesterday. Our pastor was able to bring the message over Zoom! It was a beautiful service and so good to hear him preach the Word again. God is so very good. Please keep praying for him, he still has a couple of weeks of recovery. Thank you so much for your prayers.

    Hope you gals are doing well. Love you.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 873 Member
    edited November 2022
    My computer is acting goofy again...this is about the 5th time to log off and back on and it's working now it seems.
    I am glad to entertain, Kim! Laughter is still good medicine and I think she was glad to see I still could be humorous in spite of my pain and weakness! I'm feeling better today and am working on my home chores.

    I gave my stove a lick and a promise yesterday and did my "decorating"...LOLxe0m3l40ad4q.jpg
    I have saucers to match the Corelle cups. I have a "set" of 4 but I love the Christmas mug even more.
    That red hot pad thing is now behind the freezer! I opened the lid and it slid right off!

    I loaded my cart online at Wal-Mart...and will post the order for Friday pick up...keeping an eye on the weather. Today is supposed to hit 76, and tomorrow only 48...

    I did up my Routine chart so I can have some visual guidance. I still have to keep my standing time to a minimum due to the back pain but the knee is better again so that's a blessing!

    That's wonderful that Pastor could do the Zoom meeting with you all. I know they (and all of you) are so glad to have him back home! God bless all of you!

    Wishing you all a blessed and lovely day...Love and prayers...I don't "DO" winter but isn't this beautiful?ilq3gcm3sbt0.jpg