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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    I'm doing OK. This surgery is NOT for whimps. I'm supposed to get up once an hour. Sometimes i sleep through that hour. Everything o do is in slow motion.

    I came home yesterday. I was in a lot pain. It's better today. I do feel better when I'm up and moving around. Getting up on my feet is painful.

    It'll all get better.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea I am glad you're home and on the mend. I did hear that the surgery is not for whimps but that if you do the work you'll have less issues after being healed. Do you set an alarm to get you up every hour?

    Today has been a busy and rough day. Didn't sleep very well last night due to Hubby constantly moving and also waking up in a puddle of sweat. Still feeling off due to being under the weather and my shoulder is still tender from physio yesterday. Today was payday. Ran errands with Hubby and then had to do the grocery shopping all by myself. Lifting all the groceries including a 14 kg bag of dog food was not helpful. Hoping tonight I get better sleep and feel well enough to go to the Canada Day parade and my friends for our Canada Day BBQ. It will suck if I have to stay home this year. I am so tired of these walls.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I've mostly sleep today. I think that's because of Flexeral and hydrocodin. I'm not sure if I spelled them right. Both said the can make me drowsy.

    Your day of celebration is tomorrow?? Ours is July 4. We probably won't do anything this year

    Food this week tastes really good. But high caloric. My appetite isn't the best so I think I'm under goal. Part of the time. I don't finish what I dished up.

    I'm rambling. All for now.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea glad you checked in. Multiple meds that can make you sleepy definitely explains lots of sleeping. Don't stress about food right now. Eating what tastes good is better than not eating.

    Yesterday was a great day. Went for a walk, watched the Canada Day parade with some friends.bbmgb6vtfon1.jpg
    In the afternoon I headed over to my other friends house to hang for the Canada Day BBQ. Found out that they were also celebrating a friend's 45th birthday who passed away a few weeks ago. Lots of food and over ate a bit. But had a great time. Did leave earlier than I normally would as I was tired.

    Today went to Church and then came home. No official walk due to rain and storms. Did my shoulder physio, and marching. Rest of the day was spent doing chores and binge watching Bones.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Another day if mostly sleeping! Sometimes I've been up and around more today.

    I stayed home for chuch..I told Robert feel good the first part, then want to go home. It was better I stay home. So I slept most of the morning.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea I can just imagine how frustrating it is for you to sleep so much and miss out on doing things you're used to doing. You're usually going nonstop.

    Today has been a nice day with no rain but definitely muggy. Got my walk, shoulder physio, and some calf raises done. Also did some dishes and laundry. Hubby went fishing for a bit. Doubtful they will be gone long as it's pretty hot out. Tomorrow is TOPS day. Hoping that I did well enough this week that there's at least a small loss on the scale.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    A small losd is still a loss! I don't think I'll go to TOPS this week. If I did it would be weigh-in only. Robert would have to drive me, which he's willing to do. My weight is a little higher this morning. I'm guessing it's water weight. The knee is still swollen, which is normal.

    It's a good thing my appetite hasn't returned to normal. The food that is brought to us is good, but some of it is high caloric, tonight is lasagna. It's good but not something we usually have because of the calories. The ladies of our church are sweet to do this so I won't complain. With no appetite, small portions will still work.

    I do as much as I can. I want to be back where I'm self-sufficient. Getting in and out of the tub is one of the things I can do by myself. It's difficult, but I can do it. That said, I want Robert there to help if I need it. There are other things I can do by myself and many other things I can't do. One of the things I can't do is put on socks. Robert is really good at doing the things I can't and letting me do the things I can do. I think at times he wants to help more with the i can do, but he lets me do it. He knows I want to be self-sufficient and he likes that.

    I have a lot of time doing nothing! I tried reading a book. With meds I'm taking, i cant concentrate enough to do it. I still have to find rides for Mary for her doctor appointments. She has an ear infection and still has an awful cough and still is expected to do everything. It's nice people don't expect me to all this.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea I am glad you're able to do something's for yourself and you have others that are willing to help when needed. If it was me I would want to go to TOPS just for the accountability. But I also understand not wanting to go just to weigh in and leave. The swelling definitely won't help the scale go down but eventually it will show a loss as you become more mobile expecially if you continue to keep your calories in range.

    Today has been hot and also very humid. Doing my best to stay cool and hydrated. Today was also rest, weigh, and TOPS day. Down another 1.5 lbs! So proud of how well and on track I have been. Still need to get more exercise though.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another HOT and HUMID day! But beautiful otherwise. Got in 3 walks and yes took my water with me. Did some laundry, played cards with Hubby and visited with friends. Tomorrow is physio in the morning then house work I think as there's lots of that to do.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening.

    I didn't go to TOPS this morning. I will next week. Hopefully, my knee will be less swollen. Lee's food being brought too!

    I really appreciate the food being brought, but a lot of is higher in calories than I would like. We're going to have leftovers for a few days after the church ladies quit. Friday is the last day. Then leftovers! That be for a few more days. The ladies are very generous for the 2 of us.

    I'm still doing a lot of sleeping. I have my first PT tomorrow.

    Mary has a torn rotater cuff (spelling??), So they are looking for a time surgery. She has a consultation on July 19. We see what goes on after that.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea - Mary's rotator cuff issues must be worse than mine if she is requiring surgery. Hope all goes well for her. Hope your PT goes well.

    Today started out not to bad temp wise. But now is pretty hot again. We had a few sprinkles this morning as well. Went to physio for my shoulder and they are really impressed with how I am doing. Next week will most likely be my last week. Also did dishes, cleaned some of my kitchen, played cards with Hubby and went grocery shopping. Walked to the grocery store but ended up with a ride home from a friend who didn't want me walking home in the heat. I was greatful even though it cut into my step goal.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I went to PT this morning. Kevin, my therapist, did some gentle stretching on my knee. He was amazed at how limber my knee is. It's still very stiff but more limber than most. He knows how much I've been exercising with getting the knee as strong as possible. I've also been doing home exercising that was given to me at the hospital.

    We have so much food in our refrigerator! We've had food brought to us every night. Most brought enough to feed a big family. For example, tonight, a lady brought us a whole chicken. There was also a bunch of apples. 2 cans of diet coke and a salad. Tomorrow is our last day for food to be brought. I told Robert, that day after tomorrow we can eat more on that chicken, then put what's left over in the freezer with the other chicken we got this week. Later I can make some soup.

    This afternoon I slept again.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea I am glad your knee is in a better place than most. That means that you did what you needed to do to get better quicker. A lot of people don't do the work and then complain that the replacement didn't work. There's definitely nothing wrong with lots of leftovers for the freezer. They come in handy on days you just don't feel like making dinner.

    Today was another sunny day but cooler with less humidity. We were actually at our average for this time of year. Tomorrow we are supposed to get more rain which is fine as we need it. I should be able to get my walk in before it comes. Today got my walk in and then cut the lawn. Also did dishes, laundry and visited with my friend.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been warm with rain and some sun. We really needed the rain. Got my walk in this morning before the rain. Also did my shoulder physio, calf raises and wall push-ups. I also did laundry, dishes and made apple crisp. Other than that did a little reading and watched some TV.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    It's been in the high 80s here for the last couple weeks. We had 91 one day. I can't even get out to enjoy it. All I do is sleep.

    Sounds like I'm whining.

    Before my surgery, I visited with a woman that didn't do well with her knee replacement. They had to do another surgery to fix something. I told her I was sorry that happened. But what I was thinking was totally different. She was heavy enough that her flab hung over the chair on both sides of the chair. That's why her knee replacement didn't go well. She should have lost at least 100 pounds or more before the replacement. Some doctors won't do a replacement on knees or hips until they lose weight.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea - it's ok to whine you're not use to being so inactive. You'll be back to normal in no time.

    Today has been a good day. Went to Church and had a wonderful time at coffee hour after. When I got home I made breakfast for Hubby and I. Then had a meeting @ 11 am for planning a rally day for TOPS. After the meeting we had a free lunch at the Legion for the 1 year of the Bunker being open. This of course I chose to make some healthy choices but for the day in total will put me over calories with dinner. Got my walk in the afternoon, did some step-ups, and jumping jacks as well. Also watching the movies Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1 & 2. Had a little rain this morning but now it's sunny and warm.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been hot and sunny. Took my Son to the orthodontist this morning for 8:20. Stopped at Tim Hortons for breakfast. When I got home I went for my walk. This afternoon did laundry, dishes and step-ups. Tomorrow they're calling for rain and I have TOPS. I have been helping a fellow TOPS member to try and figure out how to get her losing weight. She is really discouraged when the scale goes up. I found out that she has hypothyroidism. So have been doing some research to try and figure out how to help her best. If anyone has any experience in this and has suggestions I would greatly appreciate the help.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    All I know about thyroid, is if that's your problem losing weight is harde, but not impossible. I would suggest keeping a detailed honest diary of everything she eats for a couple weeks, then see a Registered Dietitian. If she sees one without that food diary, the Registered Dietitian, she'll be told to go home and do a food diary and come back. So she'd be one step ahead. Add in any activity or exercise. She can also add her emotions.
    That would give the dietitian something to work with.

    Yesterday, I went to church. That was my first outing (other than PT), since surgery. It felt good but it sure wore me out. The church sang Happy Birthday to me. Many flocked around me to say it was good to see me. That's what is good about a small church.

    Today, I had PT. He does the hints I'm afraid to do because I might do something wrong. He stretches the knee to get it straight. He also works my knee to get more flexibility. He told me to go home and "ice" the knee.

    I have this machine that makes "icing" my knee easy. It has a tank that you fill with mostly ice and some water. It pumps ice water up to a pad that is wrapped around my knee. The ice last about 4-5 hours. Refilling it, among other things. Is Robert's job now.

    The last of the meals brought by church ladies was Friday. So we've been eating leftovers since then. I think we have enough for 2 more days. I forgot about the chicken. There is enough chicken for at least 2 meals plus chicken soup that I'll make afterwards. I might put that in the freezer for later on.

    Tomorrow morning, I have an appointment with the doctor that did the surgery. Tomorrow is 2 weeks since surgery. I'll try to update that tomorrow afternoon or evening.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Doctor says my knee looks good. He, too, was impressed with my flexibility and how straight my leg is. I still need work done to get the knee straight and able to bend more with no pain to straighten and bend the knee.

    Tomorrow, I plan to go to TOPS. I think my weight will be good. After I came home from hospital, my first weight was over 5 pounds up than before surgery. My first thought was how can that be? Then I thought it might be water weight, which I think was more accurate assessment. I've watched my weight go down every time I weighted. It's now lower than my last TOPS weigh-in. I know I don't have much appetite. I eat because I'm supposed to eat. I imagine that'll change over the next few weeks.

    Today wore me out. When I got home I took a nap.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea your doing great! I am glad the recovery is going so well even if you're tired and appetite is not back to normal. I am glad you're able to go to TOPS as it will definitely help to feel the connection.

    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Up 2 lbs. I believe I know what the reasons are. Back on track starting today. My goal for next week is to be down at least 2.5 lbs. This will make up for the gain plus a half pound. Time to step up the exercise! I truly need to get my workouts back on track. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain so we will see if I can use that time wisely to get my TOPS program ready and work on my strength workouts. Also today was our TOPS nominations. I was nominated for leader and co-leader. It will be interesting to see what happens.