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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a productive day and the rain didn't start till a few minutes ago. Went for my walk, did shoulder physio, calf raises, inclined push-ups, laundry, dishes and some yard work. I am definitely feeling great about today even though I didn't get to work on my program for TOPS next week. Tomorrow is my last day of physio for my shoulder unless they think I need more. But I don't think they will. But my plan is to continue the exercises at home anyways to keep my shoulder improving more.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Congratulations on being nominated for leader and co-leader, too. We had our election before I had surgery. I knew if I waited until afterwards that I wouldn't get the paperwork done in the rime we were supposed to get it done. Even than I questioned myself Did I do it? I did. I'm glad I did.

    I had PT this morning. I haven't had anything for pain since this morning. I got up at 1:30 AN because I was hurting so bad. Than I slept like a baby. I got up at 7. Then got ready to go to TOPS.

    I was the Loser of the Month of June and the Loser of the Week today. I lost .3 pounds since my last meeting. I missed 2 meetings. It's good to be back at TOPS again.

    We went straight from TOPS to PT. We ate out for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. I wanted something lite. Their soup of the day was vegetable beef. Didn't sound good. I settled for turkey sandwich with no mayo. Even that wasn't as light as I wanted. It came with French fries. I finished the sandwich and a couple fries. We brought the rest of the fries home. Robert will probably eat Tham for lunch tomorrow.

    I had 2 naps this afternoon. I'm still so tired. Bed time is soon.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Congrats on your loss at TOPS. After missing a couple of weeks I am sure you were glad the scale went down. Also congrats on top loser for June!

    Today has been a great day even if I don't get all my steps. I had my shoulder physio this morning and no longer have to go as I graduated. I still have one direction to strengthen in my shoulder so have an exercise to add to my physio workout. I will continue to do the exercises. I have also been cleared to start my original workouts as well. Today I also did wall push-ups, bicep curls, tricep extensions, calf raises, marching and a few small walks. Did dishes and some laundry as well. Called the doctor for a follow up appointment for my shoulder. That's not until about the middle of August. So starting tomorrow I am back to my regular workouts. Just have to start at the beginning again as I don't want to over do it.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day! Lots of exercise. Although couldn't do both sets of my shoulder exercises today. The new exercise for me is very difficult and painful. But I know I will only improve. Also did dishes and laundry. Still need to work on my program for TOPS. But I know I'll get it done eventually.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Feels like Saturday. I'm not sure why. Tomorrow is our town's celebration. There is a parade at noon tomorrow. I plan to go to but I won't have the usual BBQ. It'll be a big job just to watch the parade.

    Some of the exercises that I do are also painful. But I want this leg to be as flexible and straight as the other one.

    I sure dot have much of an appetite. I eat Because it's meal time. I've never had to fight with a loss of appetite.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea - I am glad you're able to get out for some fresh air. Eating because you have to and not because you want to does suck. But maybe it's partly due to your stomach has shrunk from not really eating. Plus appetite will dwindle due to lack of movement.

    Today has been raining on and off but did get 4 smaller walks in. Helped that I went with my Son to get his blood work done. We did end up stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the way home. Didn't stick to the plan of just getting a sausage and egg McMuffin. Ended up get the whole meal with a diet coke. Balanced it out with not having lunch and just having a light snack later in the afternoon to hold me till dinner. Spent the rest of the day getting my program done for TOPS on Tuesday. No strength either as my muscles are sore and tight. But did do some random stretching throughout the day. Also did some dishes. Not completely satisfied but have to listen to my body so I don't overdo it.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a good day outside bad air quality due to the smoke. Went to Church and had a great fellowship. When I got home one of our friends was there for a short visit. I was a little surprised at how much weight he has gained in 10 years. Got my walks done. Did some laundry and played 3 games of Yahtzee and 3 games of Skipbo with Hubby. Tonight we're having breakfast for dinner.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a cooler, breezy day. The smoke is still in the air. Went for my walk this morning and had troubles getting my hip to cooperate with the plan. But did get it to. Then went with Hubby and our friend so they could go fishing. I hung out and also went for a short walk that I didn't track outside of steps as my phone was forgotten at home. After we got home I did my planned workouts and had a short visit with my friend this afternoon. Also did laundry, dishes and some reading. Tomorrow is TOPS. Not sure how the scale will react but it will be what it is.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    The parade on Saturday was a good one. Lots of floats. It's the best one since covid. We walked 1.5 blocks to where we like to watch a parade. It's in front of our church. Our minister is like a big kid at times. He had chairs set out for people to sit on along with a portable canopy for shade. Also ovet 100 bottles of water was give out to anyone that wanted some. It's refreshing to see a minister that is community oriented like him.

    Afterwards Mary came over and Robert BBQ some burgers. I also opened a van of Bush's baked beans snd heated them up. Not even close to what I usually do. Then Robert took her home. I napped the rest of the afternoon.

    Yesterday we went to church. Then a quiet afternoon at home. I went to PT this morning. I think the therapist stretched my leg too much today. I was really sore this afternoon. So sore that I could hardly walk. I rested all afternoon. It's better now. I'll tell him on Wednesday when I see him again.

    Eating! I still only eat when the clock says it's meal time. The pounds are rolling off. But it's not the healthy way to lose. We'll see what the scales says at TOPS. Maybe the ladies has some ideas. I might call the doctor about it.

    We're in a heatwave also. Temps have been in the upper 80s and 90s. I stay mostly in the house where it is cooler.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Today I got something accomplished that really bugged me not getting done. I balanced last month's bank statement. It came day after my surgery. Then I paid our bills. I got it done!

    It seams like all I want to do is sleep. I still aim to get fitbit challenge of getting at least 250 steps for 12 hours. I've managed getting all of them 2 times since my surgery. Today might be my 3rd time. I have one more hour. We're watching TV right now. If I fall asleep, I probably won't get it.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea so glad you had great weekend. I wish I could only eat when the clock said it was meal time. I struggle with not snacking during the day.

    Today has been a good day. Cooler temps and better air quality. Went to TOPS and lost 1.75 lbs! Also we had our elections and I did not get leader or co-leader. Less learned only stand for on position. I was a little disappointed but in the long run I think it'll will be better for me to not have that extra stress. I will still keep some of my duties as the leader has asked me to. I will be able to concentrate on me more. This afternoon I visited with some friends.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a great day despite not sleeping as well! As I couldn't sleep I got up about a half hour early. This led to my walk being earlier than usual. Than came home and read has Hubby was still sleeping. Got a call from a friend about Hubby going fishing and I got to go to. So had a quick breakfast and got ready to leave. I don't fish but it gives me time to get more walking, and reading done. Hubby caught 3 tiny fish, 1 friend caught one tiny one, and the other caught a tiny one and a nice big one which he took home. We had been gone for only a couple hours. When I got home did some exercises then had lunch. Hubby and I played a couple games of Skipbo. After I did my shoulder workout but only got one set done as Hubby fell asleep and he is my anchor for my exercises. I am so tired did end up taking a nap. Hoping to get a walk in tomorrow before the rain starts.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    It's good to get a rest from leader6. Enjoy it! I was once again Loser of the Week with a loss of 1.7 pounds, close to the same as you.

    After TOPS, we went to PT. Kevin, my therapist, is working hard to get my knee straight, as well as more flexible. My knee still seams awfully stiff. I know that's normal after a knee replacement. Because of all the exercises I did before surgery, I'm further along than most. But it don't feel like it.

    This afternoon, all I did was sleep. I cooked my first meal for dinner tonight.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Congrats Bea! As you I was biggest loser as well. Granted it wasn't hard as most gained this week. In September we have a rally for our area and we are in a weight loss competition with 8 other groups. It's frustrating when we end up in the red for the week. Oh well.

    A storm just moved through here. We need the rain but with how hard it came down the farmer's won't be happy. I could barely see the house across the street. Anyways today has been a very busy and productive day. The nap yesterday backfired as I knew it would. Was up early again this morning. Went for my walk and ended up walking with another lady for part of it. She gave me the best compliment I have had ever. Usually people think I am older than I am but she thought I was 37. After walk I had breakfast and did all my workouts. Then walked to the bank, and a couple of stores. When I left the grocery store I decided my stuff was to heavy to carry home and not hurt my shoulder. Should have taken the cart but didn't so opted to take a cab. Also did dishes and laundry, and played Skipbo with Hubby. We each usually win at least one game. Now for all my check-ins and relaxation.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Today, it's been hot. 90 degrees F. It's supposed to be over 100 this weekend. I didn't accomplish anything today, except sleep. It seems that all I do.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea your body is catching up on all the sleep you've need. Plus your body is going through something it's not use to and needs extra rest. You'll be back at it eventually. Enjoy the extra rest while you can. I know it can be frustrating, but just think if you're sleeping you're not eating due to being bored.

    Today has been another great and productive day. Got my walk and all exercise done this morning. Also did laundry, dishes and some cleaning of Hubby's closet. We also played cribbage and each won a game. Then did some reading. A little more of a slower day.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I had this mostly all wrote up and I fell asleep. When I woke up, poof it was all gone. So here I go again!

    When I got up this morning, I was tired. I showered, got dressed, fixed breakfast. Then I sacked out in the recliner. I ate breakfast with my coffee. I thought I would sleep, but I didn't.

    About. 10, Malia dropped in and visited for about 4 hours. Then I called the pharmacy to see if the doctor renewed my prescription for pain pill. It's an opiate so I wasn't sure if he would. Everyone is afraid of addiction. It was in, so we went to the pharmacy and also bought a few groceries .

    Right now, I take only 2 of the pain relievers a day, one at bedtime and one about 2 AM when I get up to use the bathroom. If I don't, I don't sleep well because I can't get the knee comfortable.

    I know I need all the extra sleep I'm getting is because my body needs it to heal. It's still frustrating! And I remember the extra sleep I got on my other knee replacement. I'm doing all the extra things that is supposed to help, like home exercises and extra protein. I'm still tired! lol
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea I am glad you got to have a visit with Malia.

    Today has been another beautiful day. Walk and exercise was done this morning. Got dishes, cleaning and some laundry done. Also played Skipbo and Yahtzee with Hubby and did some reading. Otherwise a very relaxing afternoon.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    It was 94 degrees here today. I finally took my shirt off, got it wet, and put it back on. That is very cooling for several hours.

    I had a 2 hour nap this morning. I managed to stay awake all afternoon. I'm hoping to stay awake this evening.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today started out as a nice day. We did end up with some rain in the afternoon but then the sun came back out. Went to Church and had great fellowship. After I got home I changed and then went for my walk. In the afternoon I had a meeting. My plan when I got home was to do my exercises and dishes. But only got the dishes done. Just didn't have the energy to get my workouts done. Tomorrow I get to go and clean paint off of vinal wood floors.
