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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I had an incident with a dog on my morning walk. I carry a good walking stick that I can use as a weapon against dogs. Two dogs came toward me barking and growing and the hair on the back of their neck was standing up. I held my stick u as a warning. About that time their owner called them and they went into the house. A neighbor across the street saw it happen. She let me know that one of them was known for biting. I said that's why I carry a big stick. She called the police, so I've been talking to the police off and on today. I'm glad nothing really happened. The owner of the dog was given a warning.

    I live in a town where everyone knows everyone and where they live.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    It was a good day. As usual, I walked early this. Then to church. Afterwards, we ate out with friends, 8 of us total. Then we came home and waited for the rain to stop. Then we took flowers to the cemetery for Robert's parents and a dear friend, Ruby. We're now at home relaxing.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sounds like an interesting walk. Definitely can be scary. I wish some dog owners would use their brains. Glad you had a great Sunday! Didn't make it in yesterday as my phone decided to update everything and it took all night.

    Yesterday was along day. We had a great car boot sale and just visiting with each other which we don't always get to do before meetings. I really got to know my fellow TOPS members better. When I got home I was sooooo tired. Just chilled all afternoon and evening.

    Today I went to Church. After I got home I got ready to go for a very long walk to my storage unit. Thursday night there had been a fire in the building and I had to go check my unit. Everything seems to be in good condition. Only one box got a little damp on the bottom. Most stuff was in bins. But will have to go back once the building doesn't smell like smoke to see what has to be thrown out. I am extremely grateful that my ac unit seems to be fine as well. But need to get it home so we can clean and use it. This afternoon I worked in the flower bed.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I am definitely going to research what and how I can salvage what's in there if smoke did damage it. I know there was no clothes but I do have fabric and yarn among other things.

    Today was a great day! Got a little cleaning done found another fan in the bedroom I didn't even know we had. Lucky me as the one in the bedroom stopped working and couldn't get it apart to try and fix it. Went for my walk along the river and then to and from the grocery store. Did my shoulder physio the best I could with out finding my ball for my new exercise. Played cards with Hubby and did a little yard work. Just to hot in the sun. Later I will water my plants before it gets to dark. Tomorrow is rest, weigh and TOPS day. Also have to take Son to orthodontist in the afternoon to get the rest of his hardware for the next phase.5qg8d3rp35go.jpg
    So happy with how well my irises are doing this year.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Your irises are beautiful! The cloth might be ok if you just wash it. Maybe add some baking soda to the wash. The yarn would be harder. Try just airing it out if you have a place to put it outside. It might take a week or 2.

    I went to a class for knee replacements this afternoon. I really didn't learn much. It was more of a review. I've been through it before.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thanks for the tip Bea. I have invited a friend from my Tops group to this group. Her name is Lisa. It'll be nice to have another member in this group.

    Today has been hot. Summer is here for many days and I still need to get the air conditioner. I lost 0.5 lbs this week. That's 3 week's in a row equalling 6.75 lbs. 3 more weeks and I get a charm! I CAN AND WILL DO IT! I am feeling more motivated even with the crazy heat. This afternoon I took my Son to the orthodontist to get his spacers to keep his teeth from over lapping. Beyond that didn't do much of anything. Just to hot. But did stop by friends this evening to say hi. When I told her the great news about my weight she said she could tell and that no she wasn't checking me out. LoL I told her she could check me out all she wants. Hope there's no homeless people coming on the property with their shopping carts in the middle of the night and wake me up.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening!

    It would be great to have another active member here.

    At TOPS this morning. I was the Loser of the Week, with an Itty bitty .1 pound loss. lol Not much better than a turtle. It's almost embarrassing.

    Robert had PT at noon today. While he did his PT, I worked out on the machines. I'm amazed at what I can do. It's all work on my legs. I walk to keep this strength up at least until surgery.

    We've been home the rest of the day.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Mary got her 2 teeth pulled that needed to come out. That was a quick trip into Missoula to get that done and a quick trip home.

    After I got home, I made a rhubarb dump cake to take to our son's home. Then a cake in a cup for Robert's birthday. He was surprised. We split it for dinner tonight. I still managed to stay within my calorie range.

    Tomorrow we go to our son's home. On the way, we'll stop in Missoula for a pre-op examination. It seams little early for that. Surgery is on the 27th.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I have been MIA again. I have just been crazy busy.

    Yes it will be great that Lisa joined us. I know she is working on the staying in range challenge. Great job on your loss! Remember it doesn't matter how big or small the loss is.

    Today my Son came over to spend the night. We had a friend give us a ride to the storage unit to take buns there and then bring the air conditioner back. So glad to finally have it back in the apartment. Don't know if I could have handled another night in a sweltering apartment. Also stopped by my friends as she let alcohol control her mouth last night and said some very not nice things. She texted me an apology but was not letting her get off the hook that easily. She need to apologize to my face. She still owes Hubby an apology but he is still to mad to even talk to her. Last night we were there to have a ribfest party. Way cheaper and better than going to the actual ribfest this weekend. The count down is on to get everything in order at home before I leave on Thursday. Don't know how well that will go but I am trying. Will be easier know with the air conditioner working.ch2krmdhxpkq.jpg
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    We're home! Graduation was good. It was nice to see our daughter in law's parents again. They are such nice people.

    Here is a picture of Noah.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    I didn't mean to end there.

    We had too many late nights and early mornings. I'll sleep good tonight.

    When I got home, I checked the mail and watered my plants.

    The countdown is started for my knee replacement. It's 3 weeks from tomorrow. I'm still exercising my knee to keep it strong.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea glad you had a great time. I have been slacking on my physio for my shoulder and do feel guilty but I am so busy I just never find the time or energy. My shoulder is feeling better though. So I know it works and plan to get back to it before they figure out how much I haven't done.

    I am so behind on everything. Yesterday was Church, then my Son and I crushed over 200 cans and cut his hair. In the afternoon we went to my brother's for my nephews 5th birthday party. Had a great time even though couldn't go swimming as my swim suit is to small at the moment. Got a wonderful comment from my sister-in-law's mother. She said I don't look like I weigh what I do. While I was there had lots of food. Some good some not so much. Today I went for a walk and worked on getting laundry and dishes completely caught up. I leave Thursday for a trip to Bellville for the weekend. When I get back on Sunday I have to turn around and Head to Harrow for our baking week. I feel like I am on overload. Not sure how often will be able to check in for the next week and a half but will do my best.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I also feel overwhelmed. I wish all the bills came at the same time so I could pay them all at the same time. I worked on my bank statement this afternoon. Then paid the only bill I have at this time. I washed clothes this morning and hung them out to dry. The we're dry by this afternoon.

    3 more weeks until my surgery. I need to clean a little more on my house. On Thursday I'm taking Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping. I don't know what she'll do next month.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea you'll be ready for your surgery. Maybe someone else can take Mary shopping since you won't be able to. Also having some meals prepared and frozen will help as well.

    Today has been a busy but great day. Down another 3.5 lbs this week and was top loser for May in my TOPS group. I am almost back to onederland! I am also back to my 100+ lbs loss. I am so proud of myself. I also had a NSV. My sports bra almost fits properly. Just a bit of over flow at the top and sides. I am honestly lost at how I lost the weight but not complaining LoL. I am mostly packed for my trips and should have it done tomorrow. Rides are all lined up. I also went to the beer store to cash in my empties I collected. Made $23.30. Then went to the bank to get my trip money out. Then went to my friends for a visit and to grab the fan she bought Hubby. Got home and did laundry, packed some more, picked strawberries, watered the plants and made dinner. I am just tired typing everything I did today LoL. Tomorrow is physio in the morning then finish packing what I can pack.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been good. Went to physio for my shoulder. Wow was I in pain today. Also finished packing everything except what needs to be packed in the morning. Did some more laundry and dishes. Visited with a couple friends and played cards with Hubby. Tonight's dinner is taco salad. So excited for tomorrow even if it is going to be a 6+ hour drive.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    As you read on fitbit, I was Loser of the Week at TOPS with 1.5 pound loss. I was also Loser of the Month for May. I shared at the meeting that I even had 2 pieces of cake this weekend on different days, but I still had it.

    For most of the day, I puttered around the house.

    You did great on your weight loss! Our church ladies will provide evening meals for a week or so.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I started this earlier and lost what I wrote. Oh well.

    I took Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping today. Nice morning! I can't satyr that about this afternoon. After I left Walmart, the heavens opened up. It was rain/hail mix. There was rivers of water in the parking lot. I stayed dry in the car. Mary said they stood in the Walmart entryway until the rain lightened up (about 10 minutes). She had asked for carry out.

    I was glad I didn't have to drive in that.

    I was able to talk to Mary's granddaughters boyfriend. I told him I'm having a knee replacement end of June and that I won't be able take her in July. He said he would see to it. Talking to her granddaughter is like talking to the wind. She won't do it.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Robert and I went to where we had PT to workout on their machines. I had a good workout. I spent the rest of the day puttering around the house. Tomorrow, I'll see about working in the yard.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Today, I did some yard work. That wore me out! I ad to stop and rest frequently. Being warm didn't help much. I still have a lot to do.

    Monday, I'll see my surgeon. Surgery is 2 weeks from Tuesday.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I'm all ready for my doctor appointment tomorrow morning. I'll do some shopping too.

    Malia was here this afternoon. That was nice. We had a thunder storm while she was here. And more rain.