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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Last night didn't get much sleep. Was able to walk with minimal pain this morning but it just kept getting worse. Didn't go to TOPS which also means no weigh-in. Will try to weigh on Saturday but will have to see if I can stand on the scale. Was in emerge for 6 hrs to find out the good and bad news. Good broken bones. Bad news.....bad sprain. Not sure I should use crutches with whatever the shoulder issue is. Referred to physio for my ankle but can't get in till May 12. Also physio won't do more than one body part at a time so have to chose between shoulder and ankle. I think I will be choosing my ankle first and just do the exercises the doctor gave me for now. Can't do all of them as I can't put full weight on my right foot. Talk about making it complicated. If anyone has done physio for there ankle and can suggest some exercises I might be able to do please share. I don't want to wait to be moving it until then. Dentist appointment was cancelled until further notice and getting my ultrasound and x-rays on my shoulder tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thank you all for your support and advice. I did some research as I remembered reading something in a book about an ankle sprain. What I found cam from a respectable health site. Starting rehab within the first 72 hrs is important. It also had some exercises to do. I did some before bed as well as followed doctors instructions for icing and elevation. This morning it felt much better. Lucky since I had to do a bit of walking with crutches today. Waiting for results for my shoulder and got my taxes sorted out and done. Also completed my Son's taxes for him. Tonight my toes feel stiff so working on wiggling them on and off.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening!

    You sure are having a rough time! I hope you're feeling better soon. All I can suggest is to Google exercises for sprained ankle. Now if it was your knee, I know what I'd tell you.

    I has a gain this morning at TOPS. But I'm still the Loser of the Month. So it was good and bad. Our chapter also had a No-Gaim Month, which a challenge that Montana is having this year.

    I took Mary to dentist appointment this afternoon. She got bad news. 2 teeth can't be repaired, so she has to go to an oral surgeon to have them pulled.

    Yes, Mary is doing a lot better. She is pretty much back to normal.

    Tomorrow, Robert has an appointment with a dermatologist for a spot on his nose. I have PT on Friday and a doctor appointment. This is almost overwhelming!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a good day. Decided to sleep in and rest my foot more. But it's feeling better for the most part. Also managed to get 2 loads of dishes done. Also doing movement with my foot and shoulder on and off but not enough to count as actual exercise.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Even the combined exercise yesterday didn't equal 10 minutes. But that's ok. I do what I can. Today I got some walking with crutches running errands. Also did a little movement with shoulder and foot.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    It's been a busy week! PT on Tuesday, Mary to dentist on Wednesday, Robert had doctor appointment on Thursday, and I had PT and doctor appointment on Friday. In the middle of all that, our church was having a woman's retreat. I made appearances to that a couple of times.

    Needless to say, I'm totally exhausted.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Beginning of another week! Today at home. Tomorrow I take Mary to animal shelter for a certicate to get her cat neutered. Wednesday, TOPS, PT and a doctor appointment. Thursday, Robert has PT. Friday, I take Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping. At least all the appointments are within 15 miles!

    The weather sure has warmed up. It's in the 80s and was that yesterday also.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    I took Mary this morning to get the certificate for her cat.

    This afternoon, I took Robert to the doctor. He's been having swollen ankles. He's now take a water pill until he gets an echo cardiagram.

    Tomorrow TOPS, PT, and doctor appointment . Then we're free of appointments for a few weeks. Yaya!

    I finally got a date for my knee replacement. June 27. Later than I wanted, but it'll allow me to go to SRD.

  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I lost a pound today at TOPS. It would have been a little more, but I forgot and drank a glass of water when I first got up. Oh, well! It'll show next week. I was Loser of the Week and was Loser of the month for April. I'm on the right track now.

    Robert has PT tomorrow. After today, that's simple.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Great job with the weight loss!

    I have been MIA for days. Sunday went out for dinner with family for my brother and brother-in-law's birthday. Not sure why we have started doing this but ok. Monday ran a couple errands and had lunch out. Tuesday went to TOPS and weighed in. Gained 3.25 lbs in 2 weeks. Not as bad as it could have been. My ankle is sore every day unless I am laying down. My shoulder hurts when I move it certain ways. Did get 2 loads of dishes washed. Tomorrow is the dentist for a filling I had to cancel last week and Friday is a phone consultation with my doctor about my shoulder results.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    For those that didn't catch it, last Monday night I sprained my ankle just before getting off the bus. Not sure how I hurt my shoulder but will find out tomorrow if anything major is wrong. My ankle is better today but will see tomorrow how it feels. I spent most of the morning resting my foot in bed. This afternoon had two fillings done, and went grocery shopping. Tomorrow going to my friends to celebrate Cinco de Mayo so probably won't be checking in.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening.

    Today is Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you.

    We got a new member at TOPS this week... her membership has lapsed. She's from a different chapter.

    Robert had PT this morning. I washed clothes this afternoon and hung them up outside. They're probably dry by now. It's been in the 80s this week. It's supposed to rain tomorrow.

    I hope you're feeling better soon!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I took Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping today. Now I'm tired. I did well with calories today. Mary didn't buy any goodies to snack on on the way home.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I love hanging laundry up outside.

    Yesterday was great even though I couldn't dance. Got to see lots of great friends. Had lots of great food as always.

    Today I rested my ankle. Then got up and mowed the front lawn. I don't normally wrap my foot as it makes it painful. But did wrap it to do the lawn and stepped carefully. My ankle is not happy now but things need to get done. Will do some ankle exercises before bed then ice it.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Malia, our granddaughter, was here most of the day. We had an enjoyable visit. Her and her boyfriend don't want us to mow the lawn. It sure would be nice to have someone mow it. It's hard to find good help. The one that did it the last 2 years is not dependable. We tried working with him, but alcoholism wins out. He was a year free from ir and he fell off the wagon and started drinking again. We decided not again.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Glad you had a great visit. To bad we don't live close to eachother or I would do your lawn.

    Today has been a relaxing day. Church followed by fellowship. Also did a little light work in the flower bed and played cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a good day. Got dishes and laundry done. Also played cards with Hubby. Ankle is a little sore tonight so am glad I have rested it today. Tomorrow is TOPS and the dentist for another filling.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I'd pay you too mow the lawn! But that isn't an option. lol

    I worked on TOPS things today. Just catching up on things. I also mailed the membership of our newest member.

    Pobert had PT this afternoon and I tagged along. I did a 19 minute workout on one of their machines.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sounds like a productive day!

    Today was a good day. Went to TOPS and had a small gain. With all that has been going on I think I did ok. Walked to and from the dentist. The farthest I have walked let alone with out crutches. Feeling it now but rest, movement and ice will help it feel better and continue to heal. Got my physio reminder for Friday. Yesterday got my exam back. Completely forgot all about it lol. I got perfect on it. Haven't been studying as it's just not comfortable to sit at my desk and can't study lying down. Oh well.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been another beautiful day. Got the back lawn mower just have to finish the weed whacking tomorrow. Also have to walk to the bank tomorrow. I will get all water in today. Also got some laundry done as well.