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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I know the massage you're talking about. I had that done when I was in grade seven.

    Today has been a chilly day. With that being said I still went for my walk and even added walking to the grocery store before going home equalling about 8 km. Did stop at Tim Hortons to use the bathroom so bought some timbits to take home. Also stopped at McDonald's for a sausage and egg McMuffin for breakfast. Normally I would have bought a combo with a diet coke. But not today just the sandwich. When I got home I spent over an hour doing the rest of my exercises. After lunch Hubby and I played Wii sports. Boy am I tired.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    I thought I'd come in earlier that usual. I'm not sure if I'll have time later.

    I discovered if I walk stiff legged, it doesn't hurt as much. But it's still slow going. And I'm careful with each step. For the most part, this afternoon. I'll have ice on my knee. It's supposed to help. But I don't see it. I guess it won't hurt.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Ice is to help keep the swelling down.

    Today has been rainy, windy and cold. Got most of my exercises done. Got some chores done and played a couple of games of cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a beautiful day full of movement. Walked to Church and had a great fellowship. The one lady close to my age that I have gotten to know well decided today we needed to exchange cell numbers. I was so honored. After leaving Church it was sunny and nice so decided to go for my walk before going home. Also completed my workouts, dishes, did some laundry and played Wii sports with Hubby. No excuses to day!!
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    We had snow over the weekend. Yesterday our church had a potluck dinner. That is one of my downfalls, but I did pretty good. I stayed within my calorie range.

    The doctor appointment I've been waiting for is day after tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yesterday was a great day. Completed exercise, and went to a friend's and played Uno flip for several hours. Had an extremely late dinner but did my best to keep it in control.

    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Gained another half pound. I believe I know what caused most of the gain. Next week should be better if I stick close to the plan. Also went for a walk.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Tomorrow, I have TOPS. I think I'll do good. It's going to be a very short meeting because of my doctor appointment. We'll have a weigh in, do the pledge, have the contests, then closing. I'll walk before the meeting if I can.

    Then I'll stop off at home and pick up hubby. And off to my doctor appointment. It's going to be a tight day. Hopefully, the doctor can do something to make the knee feel better.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hope all went well for weigh-in and at the doctor's.

    Today has been a crazy weather day. We started out cloudy and cold, then in the afternoon rainy and snowy, now we are mostly sunny. Completed all my exercises. Enjoyed my walk and even got to see my doggy friend at the river. Her name is Charlie. She decided she needed attention from me all 3 times she seen me. LoL. She even waited for Daddy to give her permission to run and meet and walk with me back to where he was. This afternoon Hubby and I played Wii sports.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    At TOPS yesterday, I started with a shorter and slower walk than usual. Normally I don't drink anything before the meeting. Normally I drink a cup of water thing when I get up. I forgot and drank a cup of water before the meeting. That's half a pound. I had half a pound gain. Grrr OH well, it'll show next week.

    Then we rushed off to Missoula for my doctor appointment. He also thinks it's a torn meniscus. I. Now waiting for insurance to approve a MRI. Then it'll be scheduled. I have another appointment with the doctor in 3 weeks. As luck would have it, after the doctor left the room. I put the knee sock and shoe back on, left the room and the doctor was there. He watched me walk and said, "Something is definitely wrong" I felt like saying Yup.

    Today I had PT. I have a few more exercises to. I have ice on my knee now. Nothing really helps or at least it feels that way.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon

    I'm sitting here o the couch with my feet up and ice on my knee. I'm feeling discouraged. Nothing I do seams to help. Nights are the worse! Maybe because I'm not moving as much. Maybe because the Tylenol and Alieve have worn off. I take them at bedtime, but they don't last the whole night.

    I'm supposed to take Mary to a doctor appointment on Tuesday. Then she'll do her monthly shopping. I'm hoping I can do it.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    It's snowing again. It's April Fools Day. I guess Mother Nature if fooling us. lol

    I am once on the couch with feet up and ice on my knee. They say it's good but it doesn't seem to help. I do get and move around each or at least try.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    It's snowed off and on all day. Nothing accumulated. I've been home all day. Part of the time with my leg up with ice.

    Tomorrow, Tuesday, I take Mary to Missoula for a doctor appointment and monthly shopping. I hope it goes well.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    I had PT this morning, then went straight to pick up Mary. My knee was feeling really good, best so far. But the more I moved around in Missoula, the sore I got. I have my feet up wit ice on my knee.

    I will get a MRI on Thursday, at last!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea you have been busy. It sucks when nothing seems to help the knee pain.

    Sorry I have been MIA. I have been struggling for a week to do anything that pertains to my healthy journey. I was in a funk unless I was with friends. I slept and laid around and ate most of the time. Thursday, Friday and Saturday was spent out with friends. 2 get togethers and 1 concert. Hubbies attitude didn't help any either. Do to this I gained again. At least not as much as I thought I would.

    Last night after talking to a friend I went to bed with a plan. It worked for most of what I planned to do. I even got a walk in that wasn't planned as the rain had stopped for a bit. Today another friend told me it was time to get some perspective and shared hers. Here is my response to her: Such a great idea! Let's see I have lost over 90 lbs since the beginning of my journey in 2018. I am down from a 3x to a large shirt. I am in a large or size 16 pants from a 28. As I was writing this I wanted to add the negatives that have happened but I am refusing to acknowledge those thoughts. I will not feel sorry for myself. I have allowed myself to hurt myself long enough it's time to buck up and geter done.

    Tomorrow I will get up when the alarm goes off. I will do something productive until it is time to go for my walk. I will go for my walk. I will have breakfast. I will complete my workouts. I will do chores that make me feel productive and help me enjoy the beautiful weather that's predicted.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Good to see you here again. I've been missing you.

    My knee is doing better. If I'm careful. I can bend it a little when I walk. I only walked stiff legged until today.

    I lost .2 pound at TOPS today. We had a no gain meeting. No turtles either.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Thank you so much for your support!
    I missed being here as well and am glad to be back. Great job on the shedding of weight!

    I am checking in early as I am going to Church tonight. This also means dinner won't be till after 8 pm. This doesn't bother me to much as it will keep me from snacking. But it will make for a later night. Anyways, today has been great! Stuck to my plan and feel productive. Dishes almost caught up, laundry hung on line and another almost finished. Also got most of dinner ready so won't take long when I get home.

    Tomorrow's commitment: I will get up when the alarm goes off. I will do some exercise before my walk. I will go for my walk. I will got to Church. I will complete my workouts after Church. I will do cleaning after that.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    I hope your plan is going well.

    I was ready for PT this morning. I got a call saying my therapist called in sick. So I didn't have PT today. Bummer!

    My knee is feeling better and I can do more. Nights and early mornings are still very painful to walk. I had a MRI yesterday. It'll be 1 to 2 weeks before I have the results. I hate the waiting.

    I might write more later this evening.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Glad your knee is feeling better. Waiting always sucks.

    Today went well. Changed a few things around to work out better. All my exercises except my walk was completed before Church. After Church I went for my walk. Got a few other things done but not much today. Just happened to check my online school account and discovered that they finally sent my books on the 5th of April. Guess they didn't learn anything about notifying people when they're not expecting them. My Son is here till Tuesday but has to work tonight and tomorrow. This is the first year that we haven't celebrated Easter with the big family on Easter. But I have a nice meal planned for dinner.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    We're home for the weekend this year. Our church is having an Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow and we'll help with that. I'm not sure if I'll come I here tomorrow or not.

    If not, have a happy Easter!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone and Happy Easter weekend!

    Today has been beautiful and cool. But productive. Studied, went for my walk, completed my workouts, ran a couple of errands, did dishes and laundry. So nice to put laundry on the line again. Also decorated 6 Easter Eggs with my Son before he left for work. Also going to Church this evening.