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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good afternoon,

    It's been awhile since I've popped in here. It's very cold here also. February always brings a nasty surprise in the weather.

    Mary's son is bringing her home this afternoon. I made some chicken noodle soup a couple weeks ago for her. I froze it. I dropped it off at her house this morning. It is still frozen. All that needs to be done is finish thawing it, heat it up, add noodles, cook 10 minutes or so. Noodles don't freeze well, so I didn't add them.

    We're on our way to our son's home for the weekend. It's between the kids birthdays. This is the time to catch up with me. lol
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    So glad to hear Mary is heading home. Today I decided to skip the Wii sports and marching to give my body a slight break so not as many steps as usual but over my daily goal. Enjoy your time with the family.

    Today has been a good day. The sun has been out most of the day but still cold. Completed workouts even though I struggled a bit. Also did dishes, laundry and studying. Also decluttered a bit and played cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was snowy when I got up. But the switched to cloudy and was partly cloudy by noon. Got about half inch of snow so shoveled it before it had a chance to melt. It's gone now. Have had a productive day doing my usual exercise, studying and chores. Also got dinner ready to go in the oven. I had left over chilli so I made a macaroni and chilli cheese bake with a side of garlic bread.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    We're enjoying our visit. We went to the Museum of the Rockies. Over half of the Museum is on dinosaurs. All very interesting.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hugs, prayers and well wishes to those who need them.

    Glad you're having a great time. I have gone to some dinosaur museums when I was a kid. Always loved learning about history.

    Today has been a sunny, chilly day. Went to church. We celebrated the Minister's birthday that was last Tuesday. We were supposed to celebrate last Sunday but he was on vacation. Of course for Lent and as a tiny habit I gave up sweets. Well I had a piece of birthday cake. When I mentioned to the Minister that I gave up sweets he said that it was a good thing it was Sunday as things we give up for Lent we can have on Sundays. Lol don't know if it's true. Completed workouts, did dishes, laundry, studying, and some decluttering. Also played Wii sports with Hubby.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Giving up thing for Lent is not mentioned in the Bible. It's man's (probably Catholics) idea that Christ gave up his life for us. What can we give up for Christ? It's something to think about. Today, many people from many different Christian church's, besides Catholics, practice Lent. The only ones, as far as I know, is the Catholics. I don't think it's a bad thing to do. It might be a good thing. As I said, something to ponder.

    We're home. We had a great time, but I sure am tired. Mary is home too!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Glad you're all home safe and had a great time! Hope Mary is still feeling more herself. You're right it's mainly a Catholic thing as that's where I was mainly introduced to it. But Anglicans follow it too at least when I was younger. I am using it as a 2 birds one stone thing. As the sweets were getting out of hand and needed to get them under control.

    Today was more of a rest day. We've had freezing rain on and off all day and rained the rest of the time. Completed my aerobics then got ready and went to a meeting. Planned to finish workouts when got home but son was here and hung with him and did chores instead. Tomorrow is rest weigh and TOPS day. Unless TOPS get's cancelled by morning due to the weather. It'll also be pay day so have errands to run tomorrow afternoon.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Tomorrow I have TOPS. I think I'll do ok with the wrigh-in.

    It snow 5 inches today. Other than going after the mail, I've been home all day. Nothing much going on, except my knee is hurting. I'm not sure I'm ready for another knee replacement. But that's what it feels like. I'm still getting steps on, but have a definite limp.

    Mary is doing OK and is really glad to be home.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Glad Mary is doing good.

    It has been crazy since Tuesday.

    Tuesday - Went to TOPS and lost 4.25 lbs! We have a place to stay when we go to our PRD(Provincial Recognition Days) and I can afford to go. When I got home Hubby got mad and punched the front door. Went to the clinic, then pharmacy, then x-rays, then bank, lunch, and then shopping. While shopping got the results that he fractured a knuckle. Didn't get home till about 6 pm and was just exhausted.

    Wednesday - Sat in emerge from 9 am - about 4:45. While at emerge I did try to get some steps in but mainly studied and tried to keep Hubby calm. He hates being in hospitals. No one knows why the clinic Dr referred him to emerge. They temporarily stabilized it and wrapped it with a tensor bandage and sent us on our way. Now just waiting for the plastic surgeon to contact us. We then went to the liquor store and then home. Went to our friends to hang out and have dinner. She misses us since we don't see eachother as much since the job loss.

    Today - Slept all morning except when had to give Hubby his meds. Gotta love it being his good hand. Did a little cleaning, boiled potatoes for potato salad for dinner at my friend's again tomorrow, and watched tv. Still waiting for the call from the fracture clinic. Hoping tomorrow I will be refreshed and ready to get back to my workouts.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    You've had quite a week! I hope your husband's hand heals nicely.

    I ook Mary to see her primary doctor this afternoon. They were happy to see her. They thanked me for keeping them updated. Mary tires easy. I keep reminding her that her body has been through a lot in the last few months.

    Yesterday at TOPS, I had a small gain. Grrr It was more, but I realized that I weighed with my cell phone in my pocket. It's surprising how much a cell phone weighs. My weight without my cellphone was accepted.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening.

    I called Bone and Joint this morning about my knee. I have an appointment on the 29th. I wish it was sooner.

    Not much else going on today.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    So Hubby was mad at someone and instead of punching them he punched the door. We're still waiting for the fracture clinic to call. But he doesn't seem to be in pain with it wrapped.

    Yesterday was a busy day. Got workouts done, walked to a neighborhood grocery store, made potato salad. I also got some other things done as well. Around 2 I headed to my friends house around the corner. We were having a BBQ. Yes in the winter storm. Didn't get a picture. We had rain, ice, snow, and thunder snow.Had a great time but was a slushy walk home.

    Today is a beautiful sunny day. Did my video, studied, dishes, laundry and shoved snow for a total of over 2 hrs. My muscles are still so sore.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Our granddaughter visited today. We had a little excitement this afternoon. She's had a nonwoking car her for awhile. She might have it sold. She wanted to get her stuff out of it. She opened the hood to check the battery. There was a nest of some kind with a dead animal of some kind on the battery. It was covered with the grasses that was part of the nest.

    She was going to remove it. Not a chore she wanted to do she made some noise and the nest moved. That dead animal wasn't as dead as we thought. It was a marmot, sometimes called a rock chuck. He was hibernating. I got my husband and he took the critter and put him in a safe place.

    I would love to see a picture with the looks on our faces when we realized that the animal was alive.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    That definitely sounds like an interesting time. Would have loved to see your faces.

    The last few days have been a bit off. Saturday night found out my sister tested positive for COVID. Today her boyfriend did as well. So far my son is not feeling well but has not tested positive yet. He was here Monday and Tuesday so hoping he didn't bring it with him. Went to church yesterday, studied, did laundry and dishes, all worked on decluttering our DVD collection. Hubby said we didn't have more than 400 lol. Turns out we do as the DVD binder I bought is almost full and only holds 400 and I still have a bunch to put in. Today I just couldn't get myself to get dressed and exercise. So instead I studied and read a book I hadn't been reading lately. I know part of the issue is I haven't been drinking my usual amount of water and am probably dehydrated. Also played cards with Hubby both yesterday and today. Tomorrow is TOPS, rest and weigh day. Not sure how I will do but I know I can only do better.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been sunny and beautiful. Woke up to a bit of snow and ice from overnight. So got a little snow removal in before TOPS. Gained 0.25 lb. I am okay with that as I expected it to be a bigger gain. If all goes well I will be back on track this week. After posting last night I received a text from my sister saying my Son has now tested positive. Praying our house stays COVID free. To be safe I wore a mask when I was out for my meeting. Don't want to infect anyone at TOPS if I can help it. But I still don't have symptoms. My energy seemed to be back today so did walking at TOPS and am doing step-ups every hour.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening,

    Tuesday already! Tomorrow is TOPS. I think I'll do good. Tomorrow morning will tell.

    I planned to stay home all day. But then a friend called and asked if I wanted to go to the pool. Hesitantly, I said yes. I didn't want to go, but glad I did. We got a good workout.

    I'm not sure I like Leigh's friends. They are almost too much for me.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hope all went well at TOPS. I am glad you went to the pool. It's such a great workout. I wish I could go. I haven't really been paying much attention to her friends. I am just trying to keep moving.

    Today has been a sunny day! Today I got up and completed all my exercises, and studied. Also went to Walmart for new shoes and a few things for tomorrow's dinner. After lunch played a couple games of cards with Hubby. Still need to do dishes and laundry.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,111 Member
    Good evening

    Pool was good and made my knee feel better. I think I overdid it at TOPS this morning. By the time we finished walking, my knee was really hurting. I don't know when to quit! It's been hurting all day.

    I gained .2 pounds. I wanted it to be a loss. I guess I have something to work on.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    We gained about the same amount. Your gain could be caused by your knee if it's swollen. You need to remember to listen to your body.

    Today has been a mostly sunny day. Got lots done. Exercise, studying, dishes, laundry, finished taking all the Christmas and winter deco down, washed windows and put up St. Patrick's day deco. Oh and I even dusted in the living room and did some more decluttering. So far we are COVID free. I think we'll be fine and got really lucky. Tomorrow will be snow and a bit of it. Looking forward to the extra exercise and money.