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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a busy crazy wet chilly day. Took Mom to an appointment ended up at the wrong office. Had to walk to the other one. Had dinner planned only to find out some of it was no good. Made myself a veggie and hummus plate and a slice of cheese garlic bread.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    We're quite a ways from Billings and west of the Continental Divide.

    No snow here.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was chilly windy cloudy day. Was productive around the apartment. Discovered that I can't raise my heart rest high as it causes tooth pain. Slept through the night with out pain meds last night.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    It was a beautiful day today, in the low 70s and 42 when I walked this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be a repeat of today.

    I know the bear are out but it's been several weeks since I've seen one. They actually avoid people. For the most part, they are out and about during the night. I do walk in the dark now, because I like early morning best. I'll probably continue at that time for another month. Maybe less.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Chilly but some sun and wind. Added some of my strength workouts back in. Hoping this helps me get back on track and feel more in control.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    It's been another nice day here. In the 40s in the morning and in the 70s in the afternoon. I'm still enjoying my morning walk. I go up and down our one hill 3 times... According to Fitbit, It's equal to 15 to 21 flights of stairs. I get my heart rate pumping.

    My appointment at the Bone and Joint is on November 1. We'll see what my plans are after that. I'm able to walk once I get moving. The first few steps hurt quite a bit, more so when a storm is moving in.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    It's been another nice day here. In the 40s in the morning and in the 70s in the afternoon. I'm still enjoying my morning walk. I go up and down our one hill 3 times... According to Fitbit, It's equal to 15 to 21 flights of stairs. I get my heart rate pumping.

    My appointment at the Bone and Joint is on November 1. We'll see what my plans are after that. I'm able to walk once I get moving. The first few steps hurt quite a bit, more so when a storm is moving in.

    You're doing great with your walks! Have you tried warming up your joints before you start your walks? Sometimes some heat and small movements can help get them moving for me.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!
    Today was chilly but beautiful. Very busy and productive day. All planned workouts done. Cleaned both closets in the bedroom. Also did dishes and laundry. Starting to feel more normal again. Tomorrow I am doing the program at TOPS. Trying not to think about it as it is the first time doing program in this group and have never liked being in front of people. Learning to step out of my comfort zone.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    We're having nice weather. It'll be a little cooler this week. In the 60s rather than the 70s. Nights are around freezing.

    I'm don't use much heat on my hip. But when I first get up from bed or chair, the first few steps are slow. It helps to get moving that way.

    You know that Robert has back issues. We try to walk a mile a day together. It's a way to get him up and moving. Sometimes, he can manage only half a mile. It's funny how I have most problems with the first few steps. With him, he can be pain free but after 3 blocks, he can tell if his pain level will allow him to walk the full mile or not.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    It's another nice Fall day. It was 42 degrees when I walked this morning. I slept in a little this morning, so I had 2 shorter walks. Most of the time my walk s before most of the school traffic, so traffic is low. Later there was a lot of traffic. I'll probably continue my early morning walks until Thanksgiving, then move to mid morning walks. Unless I have a hip replacement before that. I don't like this waiting to find out what my plans are.

    On November 1 is my appointment for the Bone and Joint. Same morning, I see the eye doctor. I'm hoping that I can get my cataracts removed. I'm not sure how that will work with the hip replacement. I have so much "I don't know" that is riding on November 1. It'll all work out!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea - I am glad Robert is willing to go for a walk with you. My man only walks when he absolutely has to otherwise he stays home. I hope all works out November 1. I hate the unknown as well but I guess it's a part of life.

    Today started out chilly but turned out sunny and beautiful. Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Down 1.25 lbs! Everyone was very happy with my program I presented at TOPS. It felt great succeeding at something I have always hated and look forward to doing more.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a great day! Very productive in my exercise. Did all my planned sets for all my workouts. Feeling more on track. Suppose to rain on and off all week. Will change my walks to walk video as needed.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening!

    I walked a little shorter thi morning because I knew I would walk before TOPS. I always get more steps on Wednesday. I lost a pound at TOPS this morning.

    On Friday, Robert is getting his hearing tested. I will get a mammogram.

    A few years ago, Robert had surgery done on one ear. 2 weeks later, he had a really bad gall bladder attack. He was in hospital for a week. He was sent home for a couple days to get stronger. Then went back to hospital to get it out. After he recovered from the 2 surgeries, he had no strength. Walking from our car into Walmart left him winded. I chewed him out for being a couch potato. If he wanted to get stronger, he would have to do something about it. Use it or lose it! I suggested a mile. It took him a few weeks to get strong enough to walk that far.

    That's why he will walk. He has more back issues now. That sometimes prevents him from walking a full mile. Walking is good for his back, so it's good he at least tries.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    Good evening!

    I walked a little shorter thi morning because I knew I would walk before TOPS. I always get more steps on Wednesday. I lost a pound at TOPS this morning.

    On Friday, Robert is getting his hearing tested. I will get a mammogram.

    A few years ago, Robert had surgery done on one ear. 2 weeks later, he had a really bad gall bladder attack. He was in hospital for a week. He was sent home for a couple days to get stronger. Then went back to hospital to get it out. After he recovered from the 2 surgeries, he had no strength. Walking from our car into Walmart left him winded. I chewed him out for being a couch potato. If he wanted to get stronger, he would have to do something about it. Use it or lose it! I suggested a mile. It took him a few weeks to get strong enough to walk that far.

    That's why he will walk. He has more back issues now. That sometimes prevents him from walking a full mile. Walking is good for his back, so it's good he at least tries.

    Congrats on your weight loss! Robert is very lucky to have someone who cares about him enough to tell him how it is. He is also wise to listen and do his best. I wish my family members would listen instead of answering with excuses and outdated Dr recommendations. Maybe he could try for a second walk when he has rough days with pain. He might find it easier.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Raining on and off all day. Also chilly and windy at times. Got all my workouts done by 10 am and all my steps by about 1 pm. Really enjoyed doing my walk video. I feel so light on my feet than when I started it. Calling for am rain again tomorrow so video tomorrow is a high possibility. Spent the afternoon watching movies and writing out recipes and some information from MFP blogs.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening

    Today is our last nice day for awhile. It is the end of October and it's usually cold and rainy from now through November.

    I doubt that I could get Robert out on a second walk. It was pride that got him out walking. A man thing. lol Because of that same pride, he refused to have a handicap license plate, even though he qualified because of his back.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Bea - I get the male pride thing. Lots of that in my family.

    Chilly here. Need to learn to start dressing warmer for walks or continue freezing 😄. All workouts done before lunch and all steps completed shortly after lunch. Had a relaxing afternoon playing cards with Hubby.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Checking in early again today as I have learned I enjoy just chilling after dinner doing a craft. This is my new plan unless appointments get in the way. Made cabbage soup. It's so versatile.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Good evening.

    It's cold and wet here. I have a really nice warm jacket that I wear when I walk. I check the temperature before I walk to see what I wear under it, a long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirt. Even then, most of the time it's too warm.

    I'm upset with Mary's granddaughter. No matter how mature she thinks she is, she's NOT. She had some cold-like symptoms and went to see Mary and left her 8 year old son with Mary for a week. Then the next day got a covid test, which turned out positive. I called Mary's son last night to let him know what is going on. Someone has to watch out for Mary! Mary is 80 years old and does NOT need covid!

    My hips was hurting most of last night. I got up at the usual time, fixed breakfast, took a couple Tylenol,and took off walking. Most of the time, I can walk off the pain within half a block or less. It didn't work this morning. It's probably the cold damp weather. So cut my walk short. When I got home I took a hot shower and put on some Salonpas with Litocaine. That helped some.

    I'm writing this on my cellphone. When I do this, I can have a long message typed out, and if I turn it sideways, it goes back to the community menu, I lose the message, and I have to type the message all over again. Has that happened to you? It's really annoying!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    Good evening.

    It's cold and wet here. I have a really nice warm jacket that I wear when I walk. I check the temperature before I walk to see what I wear under it, a long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirt. Even then, most of the time it's too warm.

    I'm upset with Mary's granddaughter. No matter how mature she thinks she is, she's NOT. She had some cold-like symptoms and went to see Mary and left her 8 year old son with Mary for a week. Then the next day got a covid test, which turned out positive. I called Mary's son last night to let him know what is going on. Someone has to watch out for Mary! Mary is 80 years old and does NOT need covid!

    My hips was hurting most of last night. I got up at the usual time, fixed breakfast, took a couple Tylenol,and took off walking. Most of the time, I can walk off the pain within half a block or less. It didn't work this morning. It's probably the cold damp weather. So cut my walk short. When I got home I took a hot shower and put on some Salonpas with Litocaine. That helped some.

    I'm writing this on my cellphone. When I do this, I can have a long message typed out, and if I turn it sideways, it goes back to the community menu, I lose the message, and I have to type the message all over again. Has that happened to you? It's really annoying!

    I never check the temperature in the morning as when I have it still feels colder. Probably because I walk along the river.

    Mary's granddaughter sounds like some of my family members when it comes to COVID. I am glad that Mary had you to help look out for her.

    As I use my phone all the time I have never ran into that issue but then again I don't have the rotation set up on my phone.