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  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    It's been a few days since I've been in. It seems like time gets away from me. Right now, Mary, my elderly friend, is having 2 doctor appointments last week, this week and next week. They are trying a new treatment on her to help with her shoulder pain. Then evaluate to see if it's helping. Tomorrow is her appointment.

    My husband and I went to Missoula today. I had gathered up a few things to drop off at Goodwill. The donation center was closed when we got there. So we tried another thrift store. It's one that supports the Catholic Schools. It was closed. Frustration! So now some local places. The closest place is closed also. So tomorrow morning we'll try another place. Mary's appointment is in the afternoon.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Hello @ cseguin2 , thanks for the tips. I can hopefully be more active in discussions and challenges.

    I've had beautiful weather as well. Sitting weather breeze as the sun sets right now.

    Have a happy day. JP

    You're very welcome! Take it one day at a time. I recommend starting with the food plan challenge if you want to do any easy challenge to start with. But it is up to you as you're welcome to participate as much as you can/want. We are here for you. Also if you know of people who are part of TOPS and on MFP feel free to let them know about the group as we continue to try and build it up bigger and better.

    Glad you had a beautiful day yesterday!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    It's been a few days since I've been in. It seems like time gets away from me. Right now, Mary, my elderly friend, is having 2 doctor appointments last week, this week and next week. They are trying a new treatment on her to help with her shoulder pain. Then evaluate to see if it's helping. Tomorrow is her appointment.

    My husband and I went to Missoula today. I had gathered up a few things to drop off at Goodwill. The donation center was closed when we got there. So we tried another thrift store. It's one that supports the Catholic Schools. It was closed. Frustration! So now some local places. The closest place is closed also. So tomorrow morning we'll try another place. Mary's appointment is in the afternoon.

    I am glad that you find time to check in when you can. I know you are a very busy woman. Mary is so lucky to have such a wonderful friend to take her places. I wish Mom had friends like that as well. Would definitely give me a break once in a while.

    I am sure you will find someplace to donate your items. Maybe even a homeless shelter if there is one near you.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone! So glad to see some action in the room. Today was my rest, weigh and TOPS day! Had a great meeting. The program was about grocery stores and their tactics to get us to buy unhealthy foods. I am down 2 lbs! That's exactly what I gained last week. Not much of a rest day as did lots of walking taking Mom shopping and she took me out for lunch at Taco Bell. Love that it always fits into my calories.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    We had rain all day. I walked early this morning before it started to rain. There is fresh snow in the mountains. It's still in the 50s here in the valley.

    I took Mary to her Dr appointment this afternoon.

    Off for now to figure out a TOPS program for tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    We had rain all day. I walked early this morning before it started to rain. There is fresh snow in the mountains. It's still in the 50s here in the valley.

    I took Mary to her Dr appointment this afternoon.

    Off for now to figure out a TOPS program for tomorrow.

    So glad you got your walk in before the rain. I am sure the snow on the mountains is looking beautiful. I am personally looking forward to the snow but not the bitter cold that will come with it at times.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Last night was crazy. There was a fire across the street. Lucky the fire department got there fast or it could have been really bad. Today was busy with end of month errands. Also had to deal with homeless drug users hanging in our parking area. Called cops but the people finally left after 3 hrs and before the cops never showed up. Had to go for a walk to calm down and clear my head. Hoping tonight is uneventful.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today was a beautiful and productive day! All planned workouts done. Also got some yard work done that I have been neglecting. Have lots more to do as well for neighbor. But have almost walked through my shoes and can't replace them till Saturday. Hoping when I go I can get 2 pairs so I don't have this issue again.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    I lost a pound at TOPS yesterday. About time!

    Update on a tablespoon of olive oil each morning. I quit taking it this morning. I wasn't seeing any improvements. So for 2 weeks I'm not taking it. Then re-evaluate. I understand that it doesn't work for everyone.

    I had a dentist appointment this afternoon. He used a new technology on me. I'm impressed! I got a crown. He scanned my took after the tooth was ready for the crown. It showed up on the computer screen. Then it was sent to another machine that created the crown. It took about 45 minutes. No impressions made or temporary crown. No waiting 2 weeks for the permanent crown.

    I walked yesterday morning, them more before the TOPS meeting. I also walked this morning in the cold. 35 degrees F. Good thing I covered my tomatoes last night! I'll cover them again tonight. I think I'll pick the tomatoes tomorrow.

    I'm ready for Spring!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    I lost a pound at TOPS yesterday. About time!

    Update on a tablespoon of olive oil each morning. I quit taking it this morning. I wasn't seeing any improvements. So for 2 weeks I'm not taking it. Then re-evaluate. I understand that it doesn't work for everyone.

    I had a dentist appointment this afternoon. He used a new technology on me. I'm impressed! I got a crown. He scanned my took after the tooth was ready for the crown. It showed up on the computer screen. Then it was sent to another machine that created the crown. It took about 45 minutes. No impressions made or temporary crown. No waiting 2 weeks for the permanent crown.

    I walked yesterday morning, them more before the TOPS meeting. I also walked this morning in the cold. 35 degrees F. Good thing I covered my tomatoes last night! I'll cover them again tonight. I think I'll pick the tomatoes tomorrow.

    I'm ready for Spring!

    Congrats on your 1 lb loss! I knew it was coming. That sounds like a better way to get crowns done. That sounds chilly. I think you're going to have a while to wait for spring LoL.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!
    It was such a beautiful day! Got my workouts done early, walked to the grocery store and even dusted all by noonish. Spent the afternoon visiting with various friends in the neighborhood. Tomorrow will be a busy day with Mom.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been crazy busy. On the go since I got up at 6 am till about 7pm. Lots of shopping with Mom.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    It's Sunday evening already! I slept in until 7 this morning. I had about 15 minutes before it was time to get ready for church. So I skipped my walk this morning. We went to church, then to a church potluck dinner. It was the first since covid. It was nice. We got home at 2 PM. I didn't feel like walking. Robert and I did walk half a mile. It's usually a slow walk with him. So it really wasn't real exercise. So today was an unplanned rest day.

    This last week was really busy. I had something going every day! Tomorrow, I take Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping. Then Tuesday and Wednesday Mary has doctor appointments. Each one takes most of the afternoon by the time I pick her up and take her home. Sometimes I get overwhelmed. I knew I would have to take Mary to Missoula this week so I chose Monday to get it over with. I do enjoy the time with her.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    It's Sunday evening already! I slept in until 7 this morning. I had about 15 minutes before it was time to get ready for church. So I skipped my walk this morning. We went to church, then to a church potluck dinner. It was the first since covid. It was nice. We got home at 2 PM. I didn't feel like walking. Robert and I did walk half a mile. It's usually a slow walk with him. So it really wasn't real exercise. So today was an unplanned rest day.

    This last week was really busy. I had something going every day! Tomorrow, I take Mary to Missoula for her monthly shopping. Then Tuesday and Wednesday Mary has doctor appointments. Each one takes most of the afternoon by the time I pick her up and take her home. Sometimes I get overwhelmed. I knew I would have to take Mary to Missoula this week so I chose Monday to get it over with. I do enjoy the time with her.

    It's very rare that you sleep in and miss a walk. You must have really needed the extra sleep. Glad you had a great time at your Church potluck.

    You're a very busy woman! Sounds similar to some of my weeks when Mom has appointments. The good thing is while Mary is doing her thing you can fit in little bouts of exercise.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today has been a very off day. I also ended up with more of an unscheduled rest day. Haven't slept well the last couple nights. Rained on and off all day. Got my walk in during the off time for the rain. Ended up sleeping on and off all afternoon. When I wasn't sleeping I was eating and it wasn't healthy. Blew my calories out of the water. Oops. Try again tomorrow.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    I do wish We had more conversation in here. Oh well. I do like hearing myself talk. LoL 🤣.

    Anyways... Today has been a much better day. Completely on track. But still feeling a little tired. Tomorrow is rest weigh and TOPS day. Not sure how the scale will read after yesterday's off day. But will accept the gain if need be.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was rest, weigh and TOPS day. Down 1/4 lb. Nice surprise as I was expecting to gain. Cleaned Mom's apartment and ate out for lunch and dinner.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Hope everyone had a great day!

    Today was a busy day. Went shopping for Mom and took her the groceries. Also helped a neighbor hook up her printer and install a word program. Having issues with her email so going back to to try and figure it out. Tomorrow have to also Take Mom for blood work in the morning.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Having a rough time with my teeth on the left side. Causing throbbing and pain through my whole left side of my face. Only thing working so far is ice. But I can't walk around all day with ice attached to my head. Dentist won't proscribe anything stronger than regular Tylenol so going to clinic tomorrow. Also took Mom for blood work and breakfast.

    Has anyone used apple cider vinegar pills for weight loss?
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    I know what you mean about conversation here. I've been guilty also about not getting in. Here it is Thursday already. I might have to change my time to come in here. It seams like evenings aren't good for me.

    I still walk most mornings. It seems to be the time I'm at my best. I feel best and nothing gets in my way to stop me. At least until winter sets in. I usually plan any surgery I need in the winter.

    That's why I called the Bone and Joint this week. My hips, especially my left hip, has been bothering me. It feels good once I'm up and moving. But Everytime I get out of sa chair, I have to be careful how I move for a few steps. At night, I slept on one side for awhile, then the other side. I have to keep switching throughout the night. At last resort, I sleep on my back with a pillow under my knees. That's what I do to relieve the pain. We'll see what the doctor says. My appointment is on November 1. I need to start some exercises to strengthen my hips, in preparation for a possible hip replacement. Better to be prepared!

    On Fitbit, it challenges you to get 250 steps per hour for 12 hours. I have mine set for 7 AM to 7 PM. It sounds easy. Fitbit even gives a reminder 10 minutes before the hour to help. It's easy to miss or get distracted. To do 250 steps, it takes less than 3 minutes, so it's not difficult to do. I'm on my longest streak. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks. It's harder than it sounds.