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    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    I've had a busy lady few days but good. We dog sat our son's 2 dogs. Then yesterday, as usual, I got up early, grabbed my breakfast and took off walking. While walking, my brother called. He was in Missoula and wanted to meet at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Ugh! We went down there. Breakfast is the worst meal at most restaurants. I got pancakes off the kids menu. It was the lightest I could go.

    I still managed to stay within my calorie range. But I had a very light lunch (protein drink and banana). Peppers and carrots for snacks. Chicken Vegetable Soup for dinner and a salad. Our son came back to get his dogs and do a little repair work on our house.

    You definitely were a busy lady. You did great with your choices!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was a very stressful day. Hubby had his Angiogram today. Due to Covid I was not able to stay with him. He called often to keep me updated. Not sure if that helped or not. Glad to report he has no blockages. Stayed with in calories as I did not eat much after breakfast. When I am stressed I want to eat junk even when I am not hungry and don't really want to eat. So I choose carefully what I was going to eat even if it wasn't really healthy. Tomorrow is rest, weigh and TOPS day.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Today was a very stressful day. Hubby had his Angiogram today. Due to Covid I was not able to stay with him. He called often to keep me updated. Not sure if that helped or not. Glad to report he has no blockages. Stayed with in calories as I did not eat much after breakfast. When I am stressed I want to eat junk even when I am not hungry and don't really want to eat. So I choose carefully what I was going to eat even if it wasn't really healthy. Tomorrow is rest, weigh and TOPS day.

    I'm glad that all is well with your husband.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    I walked early this morning as usual. Then I puttered around the house. This afternoon did not go as I thought.

    First, Malia called to say she was due for work and her battery was dead. So we dropped everything and went to help her. She was a little late for work, but she had called ahead to let them know.

    On the way to help her, we discovered that our pickup had a bad shimmy. When we got home, Robert called to make an appointment for a wheel alignment. He was told the there was an opening NOW. So off we went. It turned out, it didn't need an alignment. One of the tires had separated. The tires would have needed replaced within a couple months, before winter anyway. So we decided to get new tires. That was expensive! But it's done!

    Afterwards, Robert took me out to eat. I had a shrimp garden salad, with raspberry vinaigrette. Pretty good and low calorie!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    I walked early this morning as usual. Then I puttered around the house. This afternoon did not go as I thought.

    First, Malia called to say she was due for work and her battery was dead. So we dropped everything and went to help her. She was a little late for work, but she had called ahead to let them know.

    On the way to help her, we discovered that our pickup had a bad shimmy. When we got home, Robert called to make an appointment for a wheel alignment. He was told the there was an opening NOW. So off we went. It turned out, it didn't need an alignment. One of the tires had separated. The tires would have needed replaced within a couple months, before winter anyway. So we decided to get new tires. That was expensive! But it's done!

    Afterwards, Robert took me out to eat. I had a shrimp garden salad, with raspberry vinaigrette. Pretty good and low calorie!

    That definitely turned out to be a busy day. Glad you were available to help Malia. Also glad you were able to get the truck tires fixed before they gave up completely.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was a great day! Rest, weigh and TOPS day! Down 1.25 lbs! Our whole group of members that were at the meeting today were in the black. Visited with friends today.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    Here I am at the end of the day again. As usual, I got up early and walked. I miss seeing the sunrise now, because it's after I'm done walking. I get my calorie burned amount from Fitbit. It calculates it by pulse and oxygen levels (how hard I push myself), as well as distance. I don't do a leisurely walk.

    The rest of the day, I puttered around the house. I did walk to the store which is really close. I wanted to pick up a few item. Today is the last day this week to get sale items for the sale price.

    Tomorrow morning, I go to TOPS. I was just looking at the new TOPS News for a program. I think we'll do the article on what to do with old clothes that don't fit anymore (page 82-83).
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Today was a great day! Rest, weigh and TOPS day! Down 1.25 lbs! Our whole group of members that were at the meeting today were in the black. Visited with friends today.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    Here I am at the end of the day again. As usual, I got up early and walked. I miss seeing the sunrise now, because it's after I'm done walking. I get my calorie burned amount from Fitbit. It calculates it by pulse and oxygen levels (how hard I push myself), as well as distance. I don't do a leisurely walk.

    The rest of the day, I puttered around the house. I did walk to the store which is really close. I wanted to pick up a few item. Today is the last day this week to get sale items for the sale price.

    Tomorrow morning, I go to TOPS. I was just looking at the new TOPS News for a program. I think we'll do the article on what to do with old clothes that don't fit anymore (page 82-83).

    You're doing awesome! I don't always get to see the sun rise on my walks either. I just got mine today some really great articles.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was a great day! Struggled a little to get my workout done. Come to find out I did the wrong one lol. Oh well no big deal. Really enjoying the new TOPS News.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was a very productive day! Got caught up on multiple things even though still have lots to do. Completed all my workouts too. Last night had a bigger before bed and messed up my calories. Oh well.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    We did do the article What to do with Old Clothes and the New You. It was humorous, yet good information and full of encouragement. I told everyone what I did with my big clothes. I had a yard sale and I told customers that I wore all the big clothes and I belonged to TOPS. We didn't get any new members with it but I tried.

    Our TOPS meeting wasn't the best. We called it a Red Letter Day. In other words, we all gained a small amount. I told everyone that we all have something to work on this week. I also told everyone that I plan to be the Loser of the Week next week.

    I read the following on Facebook the other day:
    I want to lose weight.
    I know how to lose weight.
    I don't want to to what I need to do to lose weight.
    I want to lose weight.

    The 3rd statement is the biggest reason why people can't seem to lose weight. Getting beyond that is the hardest part to losing weight and maintaining it. Sometimes, I feel like it's me.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    I got an email from Sparkguy today. It was all about Spark360. He claimed it was a lot like the old Sparkpeople. There was more to it. I'd have to read it again. One thing it said was it has the points. I'm not sure that is a good thing.

    For me, the Sparkpoints became too big of a focus. So much so, that the whole Spark People site became more about points than anything and became a time sucker. I don't want to go back to that.

    Just some random thoughts.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    We did do the article What to do with Old Clothes and the New You. It was humorous, yet good information and full of encouragement. I told everyone what I did with my big clothes. I had a yard sale and I told customers that I wore all the big clothes and I belonged to TOPS. We didn't get any new members with it but I tried.

    Our TOPS meeting wasn't the best. We called it a Red Letter Day. In other words, we all gained a small amount. I told everyone that we all have something to work on this week. I also told everyone that I plan to be the Loser of the Week next week.

    I read the following on Facebook the other day:
    I want to lose weight.
    I know how to lose weight.
    I don't want to to what I need to do to lose weight.
    I want to lose weight.

    The 3rd statement is the biggest reason why people can't seem to lose weight. Getting beyond that is the hardest part to losing weight and maintaining it. Sometimes, I feel like it's me.

    I am sure you will all work hard this week to better yourselves. Our group is having a clothing swap at the end of October. Anything that doesn't get taken will be donated. I struggled with the third statement a lot for years. Now it happens occasionally.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    I got an email from Sparkguy today. It was all about Spark360. He claimed it was a lot like the old Sparkpeople. There was more to it. I'd have to read it again. One thing it said was it has the points. I'm not sure that is a good thing.

    For me, the Sparkpoints became too big of a focus. So much so, that the whole Spark People site became more about points than anything and became a time sucker. I don't want to go back to that.

    Just some random thoughts.

    I agree about the points. It would have been great if they would have been more useful.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was a great day! Productive but not as productive as planned. Got all my workouts done early. Hubby wanted to play cards so we did instead of cleaning.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    I didn't get everything done that I wanted to get done. The weather is changing and it's cold or at least it's feels cold. It was in the mid 60s F. I don't like the cold.

    I got 24,000 steps today. At least that was productive! lol We had cauliflower pizza for dinner tonight. I added Canadian Bacon and Pineapple.
  • stiggymt
    stiggymt Posts: 1,105 Member
    CSEGUIN2 wrote: »
    Today was a great day! Productive but not as productive as planned. Got all my workouts done early. Hubby wanted to play cards so we did instead of cleaning.

    At least playing cards is fun!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    stiggymt wrote: »
    I didn't get everything done that I wanted to get done. The weather is changing and it's cold or at least it's feels cold. It was in the mid 60s F. I don't like the cold.

    I got 24,000 steps today. At least that was productive! lol We had cauliflower pizza for dinner tonight. I added Canadian Bacon and Pineapple.

    I have noticed that even with the sun out the shade is cool. Fall is coming! Great job on your steps! Dinner sounds great!
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Today was a slightly off day but productive! Chose to go for my morning walk when I got home from taking Mom to the farmers market. This threw my day off. So did not do my main workout. Hoping to get it done tomorrow with my other workout.