Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    Marilyn - I hope Priscilla is feeling better and does not have covid. We are praying for a quick recovery.

    Judith - our prayers continue for you. We lift up your arms in faith that you will continue to fight for your peace in the very frustrating situtation. If the covid hospital cases start to be less, is there a possibility that the surgery could be scheduled sooner?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone 🌃

    Marilyn, my prayers are with Priscilla, hope she is doing better and does not have Covid.

    Linda, you asked about if numbers continue to come down with Covid patients in hospital could my surgery be scheduled sooner? The way I understand it from my Surgeon, there has to be more hospital beds and operating rooms freed up and hospital personnel to be able to accommodate surgical patients due to the added stress of having Covid patients in hospital

    It’s hard to know as by the middle of March our Health care system has told Nurses Doctors and any Health Care Worker that if they are not vaccinated against Covid they can’t work, not sure if the rule has changed but hopefully we don’t see many of our health care workers gone as it would put another stress on the healthcare system; all we can do is keep looking to Jesus!

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement and many prayers, I feel each one, the prayers have helped me come out of deep discouragement; Praise God! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member

    Well my daughter Priscilla tested positive for Covid - and it has been not a nice time dealing with it. She lost her voice completely and is just starting to try to talk though you can tell it is still sore and she would prefer to whisper. But she has no fever just the throat issue. And the mucous from the nose is something else - 3 - 4x a day we have to work with her to clear it and she doesnt like that and cant seem to do it herself - no concept to cough and expell anything - she coughs and swallows so we just need to get her to blow and blow and blow some more till nothing comes out - and she fights it every time. But the ointment I put on her chest and around her nose really helps with getting it loose so that helps. She is a good patient but I just find it so hard to watch my 'baby' being so sick. Thankfully we have had our 2 vaccinations which has prevented her from being in the hospital. Now to get 2 weeks free from covid in order to get the booster. And am praying that neither my hubby or I will get it but our changes are great but will see.

    Take care everyone
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    Today was a busy day with church, 3 hour meeting, getting to play with my 1 year old granddaughter then taking my oldest granddaughter out to eat for her birthday. She picked a restaurant called "Bad Daddy's Burger Bar". Some of the burgers had more than 1000 calories then if you add frenchfries, the calorie count is more than my daily alotment. I did find a chopped Greek salad that was healthy so I ate half of it and saved the other half for tomorrow lunch.

    The weather was wonderful today. It was in the 60's with a light wind. Starting Tuesday we have a severe cold front coming in with the high temperatures not getting above the high 20's for several days and the lows below zero. At least we have a variety in our weather here. :D
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,767 Member
    Marilyn, I am so sorry your daughter has Covid and is experiencing great difficulty with it. I hope she starts to feel better soon. My daughter and her family contracted it while we were visiting them, and neither Colin nor I got it. There's still hope that you and your husband won't get it. I'll pray about that for you. I hope it is the less serious strain, Omicron. Bill Gates says Omicron is a natural vaccine.

    Judith, we have a similar medical situation going on in Australia. We have lost staff and have had full beds due to Covid cases. They are noticing a drop in Hospital admissions this past week, and I saying on the news that elective surgery might be able to get started again. I know yours is not elective so maybe you will be prioritised very soon for surgery. Praying!

    Linda, it sounds like you have had a nice time with your family and with helping at the church. I'm glad the polyps are not things you have to worry about. Take care.

    I'm sorry I have not checked in and a couple of days. MFP is still giving me problems and then I forgot to login as well! We're doing alright. There's not much news here.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Marilyn, so sorry to hear that your daughter has Covid and is so sick, praying the congestion will clear and she feels better soon and recovers soon! Praying protection for you and your husband that you won’t contract Covid.

    Linda, sounds like a great and blessed day at Church and your time with family. Great to hear your weather was warmer on Sunday and hope you don’t get the colder weather back on Tuesday the forecast is telling you. So glad you had your colonoscopy and the polyps that were removed are not anything to worry about. That is such a great report to have.

    Susan, not too worry about the issues you had with not being able to get signed in to our group. I have heard that others were having same trouble with signing in to MFP. Here’s hoping things improve and you soon get signed in with no further issues.

    Thank you for sharing about the issues you are having in Australia due to the Covid cases. It is too bad and so frustrating to see our healthcare so compromised due to Covid. Hope you don’t lose too many healthcare workers due to not being vaccinated. We will know by mid March when the orders come into effect regarding all healthcare works must be vaccinated by mid March! Will pray for you and thank you for yours.

    It’s Family Day here in BC Canada so with keeping with the Theme: Happy Family Day, may your day be blessed! 😊❤️

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    Today is a holiday in the states but it is President's Day. I think Family Day sounds much better to me to celebrate. My doctor told me today that since the polyps were precancerous, I need to come in for another colonoscopy in three years instead of 5 years as before. I hope that as time goes on, I will not need to have them every year by the time I am 90. LOL

    Marilyn - I hope Priscilla is feeling better. It is hard to be sick and not understand the process. It is hard on a monther's heart also to watch them be sick.

    Susan I hope that you get MFP worked out better. It is frustrating when it is not working well. Both you and Judith please do not feel bad if you can not post very often. I love to hear from you but understand not everyone can do it daily. I just happen to have time to do it now but when I had my surgeries, I also took off time to rest and recooperate.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,534 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,767 Member
    I got into MyFitnessPal today, so that was a good thing full stop sometimes the program loses my post several times so I get a little discouraged, and other times it won't let me type into the program, but I shall keep posting whenever I can.

    Linda, thank you for being so understanding. I'm sorry you have to have more frequent checkups. They have done that to me as well. I would rather have the polyps removed as they pop-up though, so they do not become problems in the future sounds like we think the same way. Happy President's Day.

    Marilyn, that's so true about doing a little every day leading to big progress.

    Judith, happy Family Day. That sounds like a good holiday. Thank you for your prayers. I will continue praying for you and for all of us here.

    It was another quiet day here. We have some rain this evening. We're going to get some shade and where the screens installed on her patio. A man came around today to do a quote for us about that. That was about as exciting as it got here today. Lol!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    I am getting my husband ready for his trip today. Lots of clothes to wash and fold for a week's worth. I also will cut up vegetables and am boiling eggs for him to take with him. It will be much warmer where he is going! The temperature went from 51 yesterday to 1 degree this morning. It will be cold for the next three days but no snow today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Sorry, big day today, will share tomorrow, trying to get house warm and me with turning up heat and having hot milk: heading back to bed:

    Here in BC: A period of unusually cold temperatures and strong outflow winds will continue.

    Location: Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, and Howe Sound.

    Overnight minimum temperatures: Near minus 5 to minus 10.

    Time Span: Now through Thursday morning.

    Remarks: An Arctic air mass is in place over the B.C. coast, with below freezing temperatures across the region. Overnight temperatures will fall to near minus 5 to minus 10 tonight and Wednesday night.

    Brrr it’s freezing here! 🥶
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,767 Member
    That sounds so cold, Judith! Glad you know some ways to stay warm.

    Just dropping by to say goodnight. It's after midnight and I am about to doze off. Rain is heavy here. There will be more tomorrow. We're getting local flooding. I am fine though.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    It was -2 when I got up and it will get to a warmer temperature of 9 later in the day. We are not as cold as your area Judith but I can sympathize with you about needing to turn up the heat.

    My husband left this morning for his trip to LA. The roads were snowy so my daughter said she would drive him to the airport. She has a big truck and has no fear about snowy roads. I used to drive on them to work at night and was OK but as I have gotten older, snowy/icy roads are not my friend. I have a big project to do for the school while he is gone so I will be kept busy for sure.

    Marilyn - I hope Priscilla is doing better and all of you will have negative results the next time you test.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Good Morning,

    Linda, will keep your hubby in prayer for safe travels, trust he has a good trip. Yes, it was minus 6 over night and this morning its minus 2-3 degrees, yes, very chilly, the forecast says the arctic air that has rolled in will be with us until Thursday. The bright side this morning is even though its freezing we have beautiful sunny skies, sunny but no warmth from the sun rays today!

    Susan, so glad you are safe from the flood waters in the parts of Austrailia...trusting you will continue to be safe from it and your weather improves, so sorry about the heavy rainfall, please take care, be safe...

    Blessings all on your day! ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,767 Member
    Marilyn, thinking of you and your husband and daughter. I hope there has been no bad news.

    Linda, yikes about the icy roads. I would not like to drive on them, especially at night. Hope your husband will be just fine. It's good you have projects to keep you busy and your mind focused on the work while he is driving.

    Judith, what a cold snap! We get Antarctic blasts sometimes but the temps never go down that far, though they sometimes hover around the freeze point.

    The rains continue here in waves. Many local creeks have risen and many dams are spilling. I don't need to go anywhere today till 4pm. There's a meeting we have to go to at our Village but it's within walking distance. We have umbrellas! ☔

    May the Lord bless your days.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    My husband had several delays getting to California due to mechanical problems with several planes. He was supposed to leave Denver at 1:45PM but was delayed until 9PM. He missed a dinner appointment but they rescheduled until this afternoon. He speaks tomorrow as a breakout session on the Hebrew word "Yada" which is the term for relationship or knowing. To have a relationship with God or people it needs to be bi-directional. We need to know Him and He needs to know us. He is stating that the principle of the whole Bible is built on relationships. God wanting to know us as a people and we wanting to know him. I proofread his paper and powerpoints before he left and I am praying that the people listening will be drawn to God through what he presents. It is very powerful.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,705 Member
    Evening Hello

    Susan, hope your meeting went well and you kept safe while out with all that rain; trusting the floods are subsiding, be safe my friend.

    Marilyn, continue to keep you your husband and daughter in prayer, take care my friend stay safe.

    Linda, sorry about all the delays but happy you arrived safely. Sounds like the teaching will be powerful, praying the people listening will be touched and drawn to the Lord!

    Blessings on your evening and day ahead. 😊🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,767 Member
    Linda, your husband's teaching sounds very interesting and very applicable to everyone's life. I'm glad you are able to get to where he needs to be. Be careful coming home.

    Judith, the rains continue and the floods keep rising. Our Village is situated on a river which is in flood. We are higher than the river floods though. Our common areas and Community Gardens are inundated. The rain is set to continue for another few days. We are supposed to have a friend over for lunch tomorrow but I think the roads will be closed so he won't be able to come. I am not worried about the rain. We are safe. However, many areas are not safe and a few lives have been lost because of the swift water rising.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,919 Member
    Susan - I pray for the safety of all the people impacted by the flooding. I am glad you are safe.

    Marilyn - I hope your family is doing better. We have not heard from you for a while. Prayers continue for you and your family.

    Judith - it is good to see you posting as you can. I am praying that the covid cases will decreased so the beds are opened up in the hospital for you.

    I made some artisan bread yesterday to take to my daughter's when I stayed with the grandkids yesterday. I intedted to make it in to garlic bread but the kids ate 1/3 of it before I could get the garlic butter on it. I am glad they like my bread!

    No snow forcast until next week so I hope to get out to the grocery store and to get some exercise today. It is still snowy on the lesser traveled roads but the main roads as good.