Change 1 Letter in 4 to Make a Word



  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    While we wait for the burgers, and while the bait dangles off the hook for some unsuspecting fish, I will ask my friend to play her tuba for our entertainment!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    A tuba etertainment?? My brother played a tuba in high school and I hated to listen to him practice. Maybe the noise will keep the "bats" away as we wait for the food.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Oh my the tuba noise and now Bats to be concerned about! 😳

    We will have to do something about these Bats, How bout a Tuba player and a Singer a Base Singer to scare the bats away?

  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    Oh my goodness, I laughed out loud when you said your brother played the tuba! Sounds like a memory you prefer to forget even if it might keep the bats away. :D I actually like some base about a bear with a loud growl?

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We will have an orchestra soon. Maybe we need some drums to keep the "beat" going so we are all on the same rhythm.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Oh my, drums tuba singers bats and bear and now beat the drum. We have a great TEAM, Go Team Go

  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    edited June 2023
    Every great Team needs a strong leader, someone who doesn’t beat us into submission! I would like to treat our leaders to an ice cold malt or milkshake on our next hot weather day.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    A malt for all of our team leader sounds delicious. If I had a choice I would ask for a strawberry malt for myself but since I am so far away, I would love to just "talk" on the phone with all of you.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Sounds like a good plan, let’s all have a Malt together, but first I will TAKE you for a nice walk along the seashore then we can have our Malt…

  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    Finding an Uber to deliver you a strawberry malt is on my ‘to do’ list! Maybe you can talk to us while in the Uber since we have already given him the task to take you to the seashore!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    You take such good care of me! I will be very glad to have the Uber take me to the seashore with you as I walk along the beach drinking my strawberry malt. I love to find treasures (pretty rocks, shells, etc) on the sand. I wonder if we might find a prehistoric "tusk" of some extinct animal?

  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    Finding a prehistoric tusk would certainly be the highlight of my day! I will tuck some containers into my pack to hold our treasures, a task I am happy to fulfill!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We could become famous for finding the tusk. Maybe they would name the find after us!! We could "tack" the honors we have on our resume when we need a job and easily get any job we want. Of course, I would rather be walking on the beach with my malt than going back to work.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Yes I’d like to tack the honours to a resume but I lack some computer paper.. 😳

  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    Yes! If we tack it onto our resume, it will surely draw some attention! :D It would be fun to discover something like a tusk to leave as part of our family heritage. Oh my goodness, no worries about the lack of computer paper! I have a ream of quality paper with only a few pieces missing! Keep calm and walk on....

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I will walk for as long as I can but if I get weak, can we stop to rest for a few minutes?
  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    We can wave a taxi if you feel weak during our walk or we could just sit and have some cake! Your choice!

    WAVE or CAKE (pick one)
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I need to loose weight for our anniversary party so I will just wave the cake in from of my nose and enjoy the smell. If it were a pie I would not say that. Pie is my "fave" desert.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Ok while Pie is your FAVE dessert I will WAVE it away as I love Chocolate anything yum yum

  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,352 Member
    I heard someone rave about that cake! Hope you enjoy the chocolate since it is your fave!
