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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    It is important our audience is calm so they can listen closely to the bird chorus. Maybe we should "steep" some Chamomile tea for everyone - including us.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Yes, we don't want any pleas for them to stop singing!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Yes Susan we will draw a curious crowd as we watch both Mr Crow and Mrs Duck having singing lessons, guaranteed no one Slept through the performance! Yes Linda glad you will Sleep better knowing Mr Crow and Mrs Duck will be receiving singing lessons! The concert will Speed on by as both our friends sing right in unison with each other. It will be music sweet to our ears!


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    I just realized that we did not ask our talented steed, "Mr Ed" if he wanted to join the vocals with Mr Crow and Mrs Duck. I have heard his voice and it is lovely. He would not need any training.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Yes, Mr Ed would be a wo derful vocal addition to the group snd he could also keep time by tapping his hoof. No one could say he just stood there.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    I like your suggestion Linda, we will invite Mr. Ed to join Mr. Crow and Mrs. Duck. That’s right Susan no one will be able to say Mr Ed just Stood there; he will be Tapping his Hoof as he joins in song! I can see Mr Ed sitting on the Stool tapping his hoof with the beat of the music!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    Me Ed is quite a showhorse. He loves to enterain the crowd with his antics. He looks very cute when he "stoop"(s) to the ground in a bow at the end of his show.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    I remember what a show horse Mr Ed is, Linda and Judith! We have quite the professional showing our crows and Ducks how it's done. They will have a steep learning curve to perform with him.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Yes Linda so cute when Mr Ed Stoops to the ground with his final Bow and yes Susan so true Mr Crow and Mrs Duck will have a Steep learning curve to learn from Mr Ed, and Mr Crow and Mrs Duck will not Sleep during the performance.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    If we have dancing and singing how about some animal to "speel" (climb) a wall? Do you have any ideas of what we can get that would be unusual - like a snake of something?

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Oh my, that would be a sight to see, snakes speeling a wall! Their speed would be about right for spectators too, not too slow and not too fast.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Dear me, if I saw a “Snake” speel a wall I would be faster than lightening that’s for sure, nothing too slow Susan but VERY FAST getting far away from the (snake) as a matter of fact I’d get on my Bike and (Pedal) “e” as fast as I could. 😆


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    In your hurry to pedel very fast to get away from the snake, be sure you do not run over the beautiful flowering rose bushes. The petal(s) fall off easily when shaken.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Maybe we could choose non venomous snakes to run the race and speel the wall. Would that help Judith, not to have to pedal away and shake the rose petals? 🤔 We could also put up a metal and glass barrier for the snakes if you like.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Not too worry Linda I will be careful so the Rose Petal is protected. And Susan a Metal barrier is a great idea, and of course non venomous snakes 🐍 would help but in reality I really don’t like any kind of snakes so a metal barrier is welcomes, “big time” 😆 or we can just have a Tamed Snake that won’t bite!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    Maybe we could borrow a tamed snake from the circus in town. They have a "mated" pair that would be just what we need to entertain everyone.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    How good is that, Linda. Tame circus snakes! Judith, no doubt they will send their handler with them so you will be quite safe. You won't have to be ready with bated breath for when you would have to run.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Awesome idea Linda, having a Mated Pair of Snakes to entertain us. And Susan that’s great to have the Tamed Snakes with their Handler so I won’t have to be ready with Bated Breath when having to Run away from the Snakes. Hope the people won’t have a list of Rated performances on how the Snakes perform! 😳

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    Snakes are not very scary. I once "dated" a gentleman who had tatoos of snakes all over his arms and he raised snakes to sell to pet stores. He had a favorite one he called slinky that he wore around his neck when he took walks. It was 16 foot long and yellow with green spots. (Just to clarify, this is a fictional story we are doing and I only dated Glenn who does not have any tatoos or snakes around his neck!!!)

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Lol, Linda! I was fascinated with that story! I guess you and Glenn were fated to be! (I don't believe in fate, only in God's providence and plan!)

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    Susan you are so right. We have been together almost twice the time we were not married so we are meant for each other. I was the one who was pushing him to get married. He said he was not ready but I said I was getting older and most of my friends were married and had babies. I did not want to be an "old maid". (I was 22 years old at the time. He did want to get married just not a soon as I wanted to.) He did agree to get married and it has worked out fine but I would have "hated" for him to have rejected me because he felt I was too pushy. I look back and think how immature I was to push him but at the time I did feel "desperate". That is no excuse for doing what I did though. I have apologized to him multiple times over the years.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Lol Linda, I was thinking I am sure this can’t be true knowing who you are. Yay I was right but it was good! 😆 and me too Susan we all believe the same but we need the words for storyline so here goes, what will I say for Fated, well how bout have a pair of talented Penguins 🐧 a Mated pair should do!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    We'll need a gated pen for all these animals! Lol! Linda, we all take the time we need to mature. I bet you look back in wonder about how you felt 'old' at 22. Glenn probably thanks the Lord for you. ❤️

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    Yes we need "gates" to keep all of our animals organized. They are all tame so they love to get together to see each other. We need to keep them focused on their performances and not on their friendships right now.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Yes, they have to remember they will be on stage soon!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Yes indeed I can hardly wait to see all our Mated Animals that are Tamed but need Gates to keep them separated. We want to them to be happy on Stage with each other so they will perform well for all our Guests who come to see them Perform! We don’t want the Performance to turn “Stale”

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Yes, we want the performance to be fresh and fun and to steal everyone's attention!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,391 Member
    Having an entertaining show is what the audience came to see. It is the very "least" we can do. We will try even harder to impress them with some surprise guests. Have you heard who is coming?

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,630 Member
    Well I know Mr Green Jeans and his wife and 12 children, and the 12 kids friends and then there is you me and Susan, several of the community so we should have a large group. Guess we should do some cooking as we are going to have a Feast if we are feeding mega people!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,220 Member
    Wow, that's quite a crowd. Yes, let's have some food available. And we should also feed every beast in the show.