Downsizers Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2021



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »

    Username: Bluetail6
    Weigh-In Day: Thursday
    SW(9/1/20): 194
    PW: 140
    CW: 139

    A new decade! Awesome loss!

    rwood566 wrote: »
    Good evening everybody. Another friday is here.

    Check in for 11/4:
    Steps - 4482 minor shopping trips.
    Calories - 1732 or so. Forgot after 2 minutes. Dam.
    Exercise - gym in the morning. 9 machines and stopped. I was feeling 'weird' after the last couple. Didn't want to push my luck.

    I am hoping to do a walk in the morning before the heat. It should be its worst tomorrow.

    Pretty good day. 9 machines is good.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    CW 184.5
    PW 183
    11/1 7731, 11/2 5767, 11/3 8902 11/3 7037

    I think my meals during the power outage last week and Halloween pushed this up this week.

    Still no workouts thought my neck was better but turned and felt it start all over again. Not happy!!!
    I hope your neck feels better!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Thursday check in

    Steps ❌
    Calories ❌
    Track ✅
    334/500 zone minutes

    PW 198.2
    CW 202.2

    Not surprised that I am up. I always gain weight when I am not feeling great and I had a small carb binge last night. I have so much bloat this morning. For the last two months I have been basically maintaining my weight. I am bouncing 2 pounds on either side of 200. I need to shake things up and give myself a major kick in the butt.

    Happy Friday!

    Steps 6,863

    Pool workout
    41 minutes = 4,100 steps

    10,963 converted steps
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    weigh in day: FRIDAY
    PW: 261.6
    CW: 259.2. -1.6 LB
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Weigh-In Day- Friday
    PW: 235.2
    CW: 230.0 (loss 5.2 lbs)
    LTD 17 lbs

    While I am happy with this loss ... I blame it on the flu or whatever I have ... I am not eating much at all
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Weigh-In Day- Friday
    PW: 235.2
    CW: 230.0 (loss 5.2 lbs)
    LTD 17 lbs

    While I am happy with this loss ... I blame it on the flu or whatever I have ... I am not eating much at all

    Fantastic loss! 👏👏👏 I am the opposite as I gain weight when I am sick even if I am throwing up and not eating. I even gained weight when I had Covid. 🤷‍♀️
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    rwood566 wrote: »
    weigh in day: FRIDAY
    PW: 261.6
    CW: 259.2. -1.6 LB

    Nice loss! 🎉🎉🎉
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    Weigh-In Day- Friday
    PW: 235.2
    CW: 230.0 (loss 5.2 lbs)
    LTD 17 lbs

    While I am happy with this loss ... I blame it on the flu or whatever I have ... I am not eating much at all

    Fantastic loss! 👏👏👏 I am the opposite as I gain weight when I am sick even if I am throwing up and not eating. I even gained weight when I had Covid. 🤷‍♀️

    Thanks Linda.... I always lose when I am sick ...
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 11/4: 15,733
  • MJ_Keto
    MJ_Keto Posts: 60 Member
    weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 138.6
    CW: 138.4

    So after allowing myself Halloween candy on Sunday night, and successfully ignoring it on Monday night, I ended up having candy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Grrrr! If it's in the house, I'm weak! So I got it out of the house yesterday and stayed on track last night. I ran both Tuesday and Thursday nights, and I plan to run tomorrow. I'm really struggling to stay motivated to lose these final pounds. The good news is still that I'm not continuing to gain, so that's a win. But I'd like to contribute more to this team's weekly success, I'll do my best to take things up a notch next week!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Afternoon Strangers... (yeah yeah, I'm the Stranger.. I know). 😆

    It's official, I am 100% doing better this week then last. I could have finished the whole day at work today if I really wanted to... But I decided I would rather go home and have an hour power nap. And it was another one of those completely lost in a Deep Extra Cozy happy place kind of nap. Until, Lynn opened the door and said "Come On, it's time to go!!" lol Damn it! 🤤

    I still got all sorts of issues with my butt cheek, and calf... But it's not howling at me as often. And I'm 100% going to try and go shopping for the first time in almost 5 weeks tomorrow morning. So, we shall see how it goes.

    LEG DAY!!!

    Still can't say I love Leg day... But it's done. 75 Pound Goblet squats as I try and push a little harder each week. Nothing else major to mention, other than the fact Jason (my brother) is right on my heals when it comes to the leg extensions. He's made for them I guess, and he's aiming to beat me soon. Bugger! lol

    Lynn also made a Oopsie and accidently loaded an extra 10 pounds more then she wanted on Leg Extensions and didn't realize it till after her first set. Then when she realized, she was ecstatic that she was able to them pretty decently. 😎🤗

    Oh, Someone mentioned in the "Downsizers" Team chat, that maybe I have a IT band issues like 4 weeks ago. I'm now of the mind that whoever told me that is right. Lynn went to the doctor for similar types of pain in her butt cheek/hip area, and that's what the Doctor thinks it is. And when I looked it up, it appears to make all the sense in the world as it goes from the outer hip to the glute, down the outside of the hamstring through the knee and twists to the side front area of the calf to your ankle. That's all the places I can feel the aches and pains. Usually in on my right side, but sometimes in my Left. Which is also known to be the case when people have these issues.

    What bothers me, Is I have a sports Therapist, and I explained all of this quite plainly. How did she not figure this out, or the Chiropractor.... I can get the first Doctor I saw, went the strained muscle route cause but I did explain before the incident I was having issues for 2 months? All sounding exactly like a IT band.

    So yeah.. Kind of miffed it took this long and no professional has picked it up. I can't help but think, no one really wants to cure me and it's better for them that I come back every week and pay them 100 bucks an hour. (Am I being cynical?) 😜

    Anyway, turns out some of the stretching I have been doing was sort of helpful.. But now I Know how to do it better and some other variations... So, I'll work on it. 😃

    Alright... Peace, Love and all of that *kitten*! Sleep tight! 💗🥰🤗

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    MJ_Keto wrote: »
    weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 138.6
    CW: 138.4

    So after allowing myself Halloween candy on Sunday night, and successfully ignoring it on Monday night, I ended up having candy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Grrrr! If it's in the house, I'm weak! So I got it out of the house yesterday and stayed on track last night. I ran both Tuesday and Thursday nights, and I plan to run tomorrow. I'm really struggling to stay motivated to lose these final pounds. The good news is still that I'm not continuing to gain, so that's a win. But I'd like to contribute more to this team's weekly success, I'll do my best to take things up a notch next week!

    It’s a loss so that is positive. Great job on getting rid of the candy. How close are you to goal?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    That is great news that things are improving. I don’t think your being cynical. Sometimes I think physio is a total cash grab. Keep the stretching up. That’s an awesome burn! Is your heart rate coming down with the pain decreasing?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Friday check in

    Steps ❌
    Calories ✅
    Track ✅

    I am really happy this morning. I have a beautiful healthy granddaughter. She was born around 3 am. They haven’t decided on a name yet. I can’t wait to go to Scotland to give her lots of snuggles.

    I got my Apple Watch yesterday. It’s going to take awhile to get used to it. I don’t think you see intensity minutes but instead it monitors move calories, exercise minutes and stand time. I need to figure out what to set each goal after I play with it more.

    Off to swim soon and then grocery shop.

    Have an awesome day!

    Steps 5,249
  • Melaniebl2000
    Melaniebl2000 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! When I signed up weigh ins were for sundays. I didn’t weigh in Sunday, October 31st as it was still October and not November. Apologies as I was a bit confused but was I supposed to weigh in that day?
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 ....Congrats on your beautiful Granddaughter :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Hi! When I signed up weigh ins were for sundays. I didn’t weigh in Sunday, October 31st as it was still October and not November. Apologies as I was a bit confused but was I supposed to weigh in that day?

    The November challenge started on October 31st and will finish on December 4th. Each week goes from Sunday to Saturday. If you have a weight from Sunday I can enter that in the spreadsheet if not you can weigh tomorrow. Let me know what you want to do.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 ....Congrats on your beautiful Granddaughter :)

    Thanks Megan!
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Username piqueaboo
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): 209.7
    CW (Current Weight): 210.5

    Hello 👋 weigh in day! Clearly I gained some while it n holidays but it was absolutely worth it! Now back on the horse 🐎
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    edited November 2021

    Questions 1 and 2.
    Hi everybody! I’m Rachel. I’m 36. I’m a science teacher, and I’ve been trying lose weight most of my life. I reached a nice comfortable goal weight several years ago, but then my anxiety took over, had to get on medication, and gained 37 lbs in a year. While that’s no excuse, I’ve now changed meds, started with a therapist, and am trying to watch what I eat. While I’ve been somewhat successful overall, I do still have a long way to go.

    This group is amazing at supporting at supporting each other and providing advice, encouragement, and inspiration.

    I started at my highest at 179.6, and now down to 164.2…so there’s definitely progress, but I’m definitely my own obstacle.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?

    My triggers are definitely wine and bread! I can eat my weight in bread, especially a warm baguette. I also love a good glass of red wine. I don’t drink everyday, and during the workweek I keep it to 1-2 glasses when I do, but if it’s a celebration (like last night for my dad’s birthday) I had 4 glasses.

    6. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb

    I do not have a favorite diet - I just try to watch what I eat, and record it in MFP.

    8. What is your favourite way to workout?

    I love to walk: I walk during my planning periods, I’ll walk at the park, take the dog on a walk, or if I’m feeling like I need a really long walk I will hop on my treadmill. I think slow and steady is best for me. I don’t like high-intensity stuff.

    10. What are some of your goals this month? I want to make sure to get my steps in at least 5 days/week. My step goal is 6K/day.

    My other goal is to get back down to 161 this month. I’m at 164.2 right now. My overall goal is 150 (where my doctor wants me). I’m trying to be very realistic, take it slow, and not overdo it or make too many changes that aren’t sustainable.

    12. What do you expect to gain from the team? Like I said previously, this team is so encouraging and inspirational. A good cheer section is always a good motivator to keep going. I know that I definitely need that. I have the intrinsic desire, but I get so hard on myself, that it’s nice to have a reminder that I am in fact human, mistakes and setbacks happen. This team is wonderful for all the encouragement and community they provide!

    PW: 162.2
    CW: 164.2

    10/30: 3,795
    10/31: 4,119
    11/1: 7,407
    11/2: 11,321
    11/3: 8,381
    11/4: 8,983
    11/5: 2,846
    11/6: 8,524
  • MariEverAfter
    MariEverAfter Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Weight in day: Saturday
    PW:352.2 lbs
    CW: 350 lbs
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    red1185 wrote: »

    Questions 1 and 2.
    Hi everybody! I’m Rachel. I’m 36. I’m a science teacher, and I’ve been trying lose weight most of my life. I reached a nice comfortable goal weight several years ago, but then my anxiety took over, had to get on medication, and gained 37 lbs in a year. While that’s no excuse, I’ve now changed meds, started with a therapist, and am trying to watch what I eat. While I’ve been somewhat successful overall, I do still have a long way to go.

    This group is amazing at supporting at supporting each other and providing advice, encouragement, and inspiration.

    I started at my highest at 179.6, and now down to 164.2…so there’s definitely progress, but I’m definitely my own obstacle.

    3. What are your triggers and how can you avoid them?

    My triggers are definitely wine and bread! I can eat my weight in bread, especially a warm baguette. I also love a good glass of red wine. I don’t drink everyday, and during the workweek I keep it to 1-2 glasses when I do, but if it’s a celebration (like last night for my dad’s birthday) I had 4 glasses.

    6. Do you have a favourite diet you go by? ie keto, low carb

    I do not have a favorite diet - I just try to watch what I eat, and record it in MFP.

    8. What is your favourite way to workout?

    I love to walk: I walk during my planning periods, I’ll walk at the park, take the dog on a walk, or if I’m feeling like I need a really long walk I will hop on my treadmill. I think slow and steady is best for me. I don’t like high-intensity stuff.

    10. What are some of your goals this month? I want to make sure to get my steps in at least 5 days/week. My step goal is 6K/day.

    My other goal is to get back down to 161 this month. I’m at 164.2 right now. My overall goal is 150 (where my doctor wants me). I’m trying to be very realistic, take it slow, and not overdo it or make too many changes that aren’t sustainable.

    12. What do you expect to gain from the team? Like I said previously, this team is so encouraging and inspirational. A good cheer section is always a good motivator to keep going. I know that I definitely need that. I have the intrinsic desire, but I get so hard on myself, that it’s nice to have a reminder that I am in fact human, mistakes and setbacks happen. This team is wonderful for all the encouragement and community they provide!

    PW: 162.2
    CW: 164.2

    10/30: 3,795
    10/31: 4,119
    11/1: 7,407
    11/2: 11,321
    11/3: 8,381
    11/4: 8,983
    11/5: 2,846
    11/6: 8,524

    Do you happen to have your steps from 10/24- 10/29? It will count towards the end of the month of the grand finale
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 11/5: 19,581
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,804 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Hi all. I'm coming in to say goodbye. The past 15 months in this group have been invaluable to me. Thank you to everyone for all the encouragement, laughs, recipes, pick me ups, and everything else. I wouldn't have made it this far without everyone here. I'm not stopping or anything, it's just time for a change. Goodbye, and good luck to everyone here.

    Sorry to see you go. Good luck with the rest of your journey.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,885 Member
    edited November 2021
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Hi all. I'm coming in to say goodbye. The past 15 months in this group have been invaluable to me. Thank you to everyone for all the encouragement, laughs, recipes, pick me ups, and everything else. I wouldn't have made it this far without everyone here. I'm not stopping or anything, it's just time for a change. Goodbye, and good luck to everyone here.

    I hate to see you go ....Wishing you the very best ...If you ever want to come back just let me know since I am in charge of recruiting .... Take Care :)
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good afternoon. Sorry this is so late. Busy day.

    Check in for 11/5:
    Steps - 4225
    Calories - 1435. Had to guesstimate dinner and my weight says I either had a lot of salt, which I did, or I undercounted since I gained 2 lbs.
    Exercise - walked around some shops and exhibit booths in old town for their 50th anniversary. Had dinner at a mexican restaurant.
  • Pippin20206
    Pippin20206 Posts: 194 Member
    PW 200.8
    CW 201.9

    ugh so my mini break is over and not surprisingly I gained weight. Back on the wagon today.
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    Good evening. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
    Check in for 11/6:
    Steps - 17921.
    Calories - 1560 or so. Got interrupted and lost the amount.
    Exercise - 6.6 mile walk followed by 2 1/2 hours touring the USS MIDWAY museum. Only saw about 1/3 before my back started up.
This discussion has been closed.